
citrus peel oil extracts as mosquito larvae insecticides.susceptibility tests were carried out in culex quinquefasciatus larvae using peel oil extracts of bitter orange (citrus aurantium), orange (citrus sinensis) and lemon (citrus limon). larvae mortalities were observed indicating that the extracts may contain potentially useful insecticides.19921644035
[further improvement in the administration of pectin as a preventive agent against absorption of radionuclides by human body].the radioprotective properties of pectin-vitamin powder (pvp) were investigated. pvp was prepared from dry citrus (lemon, orange) peels by special technology. besides unavailable carbohydrates, it contains pectin (more than 15%), vitamins b, c, p, pp, mineral components. pvp effectively protected from incorporation of radionuclides contained in food products. the blocking effect of pvp was found essentially higher than that of sodium alginate or dry pectins. the optimal daily dose was experiment ...19911817090
nucleotide sequence of citrus limon 26s rrna gene and secondary structure model of its rna.the complete nucleotide sequence of citrus limon 26s rdna has been determined. the sequence has been aligned with large ribosomal rna (l-rrna) sequences of escherichia coli, saccharomyces cerevisiae and oryza sativa. nine extensive expansion segments in dicot 26s rrna relative to e. coli 23s rrna have been identified and compared with analogous segments of monocot, yeast, amphibian and human l-rrnas. a secondary structure model for lemon 26s rrna has been derived based on the refined model of e. ...19902101688
[high homology of nucleotide sequences of 26s rrna cistron in citrus limon and saccharomyces cerevisiae]. 19863536371
[contribution to the study of population dynamics of the louse toxoptera aurantii (boyer) on the lemon tree (citrus limon burm)]. 19685666260
studies on the chemical composition and feeding values of lime (citus aurantifolia, swingle) and lemon (citrus limon, linn). 19665946436
anti-diabetic properties of the african mistletoe in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.the african mistletoe, loranthus bengwensis l. (loranthaceae), has been widely used in nigerian folk medicine to treat diabetes mellitus. the aqueous extract or infusion (1.32 g/kg per day) of the leaves of this plant parasitic on lemon, citrus limon (l.) brum f. (rutaceae), guava, psidium guajava l. (myrtaceae) and jatropha, jatropha curcas l. (euphorbiaceae), respectively, were supplied ad libitum to separate groups of both non-diabetic and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, as their only s ...19947967645
differential immunological cross-reactions with antisera against the v-atpase of kalanchoë daigremontiana reveal structural differences of v-atpase subunits of different plant species.two antisera (atp88 and atp95) raised against the v-atpase holoenzyme of kalanchoë daigremontiana were tested for their cross-reactivity with subunits of v-atpases from other plant species. v-atpases from kalanchoë blossfeldiana, mesembryanthemum crystallinum, nicotiana tabacum, lycopersicon esculentum, citrus limon, lemna gibba, hordeum vulgare and zea mays were immunoprecipitated with an antiserum against the catalytic v-atpase subunit a of m. crystallinum. as shown by silver staining and west ...19979372182
identification of coumarins from lemon fruit (citrus limon) as inhibitors of in vitro tumor promotion and superoxide and nitric oxide generation.three coumarins were isolated as siginificant inhibitors of tumor promoter 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (tpa)-induced epstein-barr virus (ebv) activation in raji cells from the peel of lemon fruit. they were identified as 8-geranyloxypsolaren (le-1), 5-geranyloxypsolaren (bergamottin, le-2), and 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin (le-3), respectively, by spectroscopic analysis. three isolates had no potential o(2)-scavenging and markedly suppressed tpa-induced superoxide (o(2)(-)) generation ...199910552623
evaluation of the efficacy of the crude extracts of capsicum frutescens, citrus limon and opuntia vulgaris against newcastle disease in domestic fowl in tanzania.prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy of a combination of capsicum frutescens (red pepper), citrus limon (lemon) and opuntia vulgaris (prickly pear) against newcastle disease (nd) in domestic fowl were evaluated. eighty-eight broiler chickens were divided into five groups. birds from three groups were inoculated with velogenic nd virus strain, whereas birds from two groups were left as controls. two groups received a mixture of the plant extract three days prior to inoculation and birds from one ...199910624862
local anaesthetic activity of the essential oil of lavandula this work we studied the local anaesthetic activity of the essential oil obtained from lavandula angustifolia mill., a medicinal plant traditionally used as an antispasmodic. we compared its activity to the essential oils obtained from two citrus fruits, citrus reticulata blanco and citrus limon (l.) burm. f., which have no medical uses. biological tests were also performed on the major pure components of l. angustifolia mill. essential oil: linalol and linalyl acetate as determined by gc and ...199910630108
snakebites and ethnobotany in the northwest region of colombia: part ii: neutralization of lethal and enzymatic effects of bothrops atrox venom.twelve of 74 ethanolic extracts of plants used by traditional healers for snakebites in the northwest region of colombia, were active against lethal effect of bothrops atrox venom when they were i.p. injected into mice (18-20 g). after preincubation of sublethal doses of every extract (0.5-4.0 mg/mouse) with 1.5 i.p. lethal dose 50% (ld50) (99.3 microg) of venom, seven of them demonstrated 100% neutralizing capacity within 48 h. these were the stem barks of brownea rosademonte (caesalpiniaceae) ...200010940590
snakebites and ethnobotany in the northwest region of colombia. part iii: neutralization of the haemorrhagic effect of bothrops atrox venom.thirty-one of 75 extracts of plants used by traditional healers for snakebites, had moderate or high neutralizing ability against the haemorrhagic effect of bothrops atrox venom from antioquia and chocó, north-western colombia. after preincubation of several doses of every extract (7.8-4000 microg/mouse) with six minimum haemorrhagic doses (10 microg) of venom, 12 of them demonstrated 100% neutralizing capacity when the mixture was i.d. injected into mice (18-20 g). these were the stem barks of ...200011025161
participation of the phosphoinositide metabolism in the hypersensitive response of citrus limon against alternaria alternata.lemon seedlings inoculated with alternaria alternata develop a hypersensitive response (hr) that includes the induction of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (pal, e. c. and the synthesis of scoparone. the signal transduction pathway involved in the development of this response is unknown. we used several inhibitors of the phosphoinositide (pi) animal system to study a possible role of inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate (ip3) in the transduction of the fungal conidia signal in citrus limon. the hr wa ...200111471522
pesticide applications of copper on perennial crops in california, 1993 to 1998.inorganic copper is used as a broad-spectrum fungicide and bacteriocide on a variety of agricultural crops. after application, the copper residue typically accumulates in the upper 15 cm of soil. data from the california pesticide use reports were used to estimate the augmentation of copper in the soil that resulted from pesticide applications for the six years from 1993 to 1998 on 12 crops that are grown without rotation. the estimated mean mg cu kg(-1) soil added to the upper 15 cm during the ...200111577894
monoterpene biosynthesis in lemon (citrus limon). cdna isolation and functional analysis of four monoterpene synthases.citrus limon possesses a high content and large variety of monoterpenoids, especially in the glands of the fruit flavedo. the genes responsible for the production of these monoterpenes have never been isolated. by applying a random sequencing approach to a cdna library from mrna isolated from the peel of young developing fruit, four monoterpene synthase cdnas were isolated that appear to be new members of the previously reported tpsb family. based on sequence homology and phylogenetic analysis, ...200212084056
anti-salmonella activity of medicinal plants from evaluate the effects of herbal extracts derived from plants commonly prescribed by traditional practitioners for the treatment of typhoid fever.200112201022
sex differences in the citrus lemon essential oil-induced increase of hippocampal acetylcholine release in rats exposed to a persistent painful stimulation.the microdialysis technique was used to study the ability of essential oil from citrus lemon to modulate hippocampal acetylcholine (ach) release in male and female rats. animals were allowed to inhale this odor while experiencing a persistent nociceptive input (50 microl formalin, 5%) or under control conditions (sham-injection). in males, exposure to the essential oil did not change the time course and magnitude of the ach increase induced by pain. in females, the pain-induced increase of ach w ...200212213626
effects of the essential oil from citrus lemon in male and female rats exposed to a persistent painful stimulation.the ability of olfaction to modulate behavior in mammalian species has repeatedly been demonstrated. here we tested the properties of the volatile components of lemon essential oil. male and female rats were allowed to inhale the aroma while experiencing a persistent nociceptive input (50 microl formalin, 5%); in the same animals the c-fos immunohistochemistry was used to test the degree of neuronal activation of areas belonging to the limbic system. in formalin-treated animals, lemon essential ...200212385797
citrus limonoids and their semisynthetic derivatives as antifeedant agents against spodoptera frugiperda larvae. a structure-activity relationship study.the antifeedant activity of citrus-derived limonoids limonin (1), nomilin (2), and obacunone (3) and their semisynthetic derivatives 4-26 was evaluated against a commercially important pest, spodoptera frugiperda. simple chemical conversions were carried out on the natural limonoids obtained from seeds of citrus limon. these conversions focused on functional groups considered to be important for the biological activity, namely the c-7 carbonyl and the furan ring. in particular, reduction at c-7 ...200212405773
tylenchida associated with different crops in sennar state (sudan).a study was done on the taxonomy and morphology of plant parasitic nematodes (tylenchida) found in sennar state (sudan). sixty samples of different crops were collected in the sugarcane area. thirty samples originated from soil around the roots of saccharum officinarum (sugarcane) from different ratoons and thirty samples were collected from other crops (mangifera indica; citrus limon; citrus aurantifolia; citrus paradisi; citrus sinensis, phoenix dactylifera, musa sapentium; cassia italica, cap ...200112425088
copper/zinc-superoxide dismutase from lemon cdna and enzyme stability.a full-length cdna clone of 744 bp encoding a putative copper/zinc-superoxide dismutase (cu/zn-sod) from lemon (citrus limon) was cloned by pcr approach. nucleotide sequence analysis of this cdna clone revealed that it comprised an open reading frame coding for 152 amino acid residues. the deduced amino acid sequences showed high identity (65-84%) with the sequences of the cu/zn-sods from other plant species. computer analysis of the residues required for coordinating copper (his-45, -47, -62, a ...200212452642
signal transduction in lemon seedlings in the hypersensitive response against alternaria alternata: participation of calmodulin, g-protein and protein kinases.the development of an effective hypersensitive response (hr) in any plant system relies, not only in their gene composition and expression, but also on an effective and rapid signal transduction system. lemon seedlings induce the phenylpropanoid pathway, which results in the de novo biosynthesis of the phytoalexin scoparone, as part of the hypersensitive response against alternaria alternata. in order to elucidate some of the signaling elements that participate in the development of hr in lemon ...200212462990
natural enemies of three mealybug species (hemiptera: pseudococcidae) found on citrus and effects of some insecticides on the mealybug parasitoid coccidoxenoides peregrinus (hymenoptera: encyrtidae) in south africa.the population density of mealybug species in some south african citrus orchards has increased to pest status in recent years. the characterization of the natural enemy complex and quantification of their contribution to the control of planococcus citri (risso), pseudococcus longispinus (targioni-tozzetti) and pseudococcus calceolariae (maskell) on citrus limon (l.) and citrus reticulata (blanco) was investigated through intensive sampling. eight primary and four secondary parasitoids, and two p ...200312762866
in vitro effect of essential oils from cinnamomum aromaticum, citrus limon and allium sativum on two intestinal flagellates of poultry, tetratrichomonas gallinarum and histomonas meleagridis.essential oils may be effective preventive or curative treatments against several flagelated poultry parasites and may become primordial either to organic farms, or as more drugs are bannished. the anti-flagellate activity of essential oils obtained from fresh leaves of cinnamomum aromaticum, citrus limon pericarps and allium sativum bulbs was investigated in vitro on tetratrichomonas gallinarum and histomonas meleagridis. on t. gallinarum, the minimal lethal concentration (mlc) at 24 hours was ...200312847923
chiral separation of diastereomeric flavanone-7-o-glycosides in citrus by capillary electrophoresis.the 2s- and 2r-diastereomers of major flavanone-7-o-glycosides found in sweet orange (citrus sinensis), mandarine (citrus deliciosa), grapefruit (citrus paradisi), lemon (citrus limon), and sour or bitter orange juice (citrus aurantium) were separated for the first time by chiral capillary electrophoresis (ce) employing various buffers with combined chiral selectors. native cyclodextrins (cds), neutral and charged cd derivatives were examined as chiral additives to the background electrolyte (bg ...200312900888
fermented grain products, production, properties and benefits to health.fermented foods such as japanese traditional food "miso (fermented soy bean paste)" have been shown to be rich source of micronutrients with the potential to prevent various human diseases. we have introduced effects of a new dietary supplement of fermented grain foods mixture containing extracts from wheat germ, soybeans, rice bran, tear grass, sesame, wheat, citrus lemon, green tea, green leaf extract and malted rice under the trade name of antioxidant biofactor (aob). chemical analysis of aob ...200314567925
the development of alternaria alternata is prevented by chitinases and beta-1,3-glucanases from citrus limon addition to phytoalexin synthesis, the defense response of intact citrus limon seedlings against alternaria alternata involves both constitutive and induced enzyme activities such as chitinases (ch) and beta-1,3-glucanases (glu). a alternata conidial germination was prevented by protein extracts from inoculated lemon seedlings, but also by extracts from mock-inoculated specimens. on the other hand, degradation of mycelia was accomplished only by protein extracts from inoculated seedlings. the ...200314631873
sex difference in chimpanzee handedness.chimpanzees at mahale, tanzania, show strong individual hand preferences when they use bimanual actions in processing the fruit of saba florida and citrus lemon. the direction of hand preference differs between the sexes: most males are left-handed, whereas most females are right-handed. monkeys and apes are considered to lack "handedness," in the sense of a population mode of left- or right-hand preference; they are normally ambidextrous. indeed, strong individual preferences were previously se ...200414669237
increased and altered fragrance of tobacco plants after metabolic engineering using three monoterpene synthases from lemon.wild-type tobacco (nicotiana tabacum) plants emit low levels of terpenoids, particularly from the flowers. by genetic modification of tobacco cv petit havana sr1 using three different monoterpene synthases from lemon (citrus limon l. burm. f.) and the subsequent combination of these three into one plant by crossings, we show that it is possible to increase the amount and alter the composition of the blend of monoterpenoids produced in tobacco plants. the transgenic tobacco plant line with the th ...200414718674
effect of the rootstock and interstock grafted in lemon tree (citrus limon (l.) burm.) on the flavonoid content of lemon juice.the grafting of the rootstock with the lemon tree is an agronomical technique used to improve production and/or quality of the fruit. the interstock has been used with different fruit trees to modulate the tree size, fruit production and quality, and the aging of the tree. the lemon trees grafted with interstocks increase their longevity, lemon production and quality; interstocks are also used to decrease the thickness of the trunk at the grafting point. this enlarging of the trunk provokes a de ...200414733516
accumulation of carotenoids and expression of carotenoid biosynthetic genes during maturation in citrus fruit.the relationship between carotenoid accumulation and the expression of carotenoid biosynthetic genes during fruit maturation was investigated in three citrus varieties, satsuma mandarin (citrus unshiu marc.), valencia orange (citrus sinensis osbeck), and lisbon lemon (citrus limon burm.f.). we cloned the cdnas for phytoene synthase (citpsy), phytoene desaturase (citpds), zeta-carotene (car) desaturase (citzds), carotenoid isomerase (citcrtiso), lycopene beta-cyclase (citlcyb), beta-ring hydroxyl ...200414739348
induction of apoptosis by citrus paradisi essential oil in human leukemic (hl-60) cells.limonene is a primary component of citrus essential oils (eos) and has been reported to induce apoptosis on tumor cells. little is known about induction of apoptosis by citrus eos. in this study, we examined induction of apoptosis by citrus aurantium var. dulcis (sweet orange) eo, citrus paradisi (grapefruit) eo and citrus limon (lemon) eo. these eos induced apoptosis in hl-60 cells and the apoptosis activities were related to the limonene content of the eos. moreover, sweet orange eo and grapef ...200314758720
effects of long-term exposure of lemon essential oil odor on behavioral, hormonal and neuronal parameters in male and female rats.behavioral, hormonal and neuronal responses to prolonged exposure to the volatile components of essential oil (eo) extracted from citrus lemon were investigated in male and female rats. animals were exposed to the lemon essence for 2 weeks while in their cage. anxiety was then determined with the elevated plus-maze apparatus while nociception was evaluated with a phasic thermal pain stimulus (plantar test) and with a chemical pain stimulus (formalin test). at the end of the experimental sessions ...200414972656
metabolic engineering of monoterpene biosynthesis: two-step production of (+)-trans-isopiperitenol by tobacco.monoterpenoid biosynthesis in tobacco was modified by introducing two subsequent enzymatic activities targeted to different cell compartments. a limonene-3-hydroxylase (lim3h) cdna was isolated from mentha spicata l. 'crispa'. this cdna was used to re-transform a transgenic nicotiana tabacum'petit havana' sr1 (tobacco) line expressing three citrus limon l. burm. f. (lemon) monoterpene synthases producing (+)-limonene, gamma-terpinene and (-)-beta-pinene as their main products. the targeting sequ ...200415200648
evaluation of phytochemical and antimicrobial properties of leaf extract of tapinanthus sessilifolius (p. beauv) van tiegh.leaf extracts of t. sessilifolius growing on five different host plants (psidium guajava, citrus lemon, vernonia amygdalina, persea americana and jatropa curcas) were evaluated for antimicrobial activity of the plant. powdered leaves of t. sessilifolius collected from each host plant was divided into two portions. one portion was used for aqueous infusion and the other portion was successively extracted with hexane, ethylacetate and methanol. infusion of aqueous extract of powdered leaves did no ...200415233306
neutralization of the edema-forming, defibrinating and coagulant effects of bothrops asper venom by extracts of plants used by healers in colombia.we determined the neutralizing activity of 12 ethanolic extracts of plants against the edema-forming, defibrinating and coagulant effects of bothrops asper venom in swiss webster mice. the material used consisted of the leaves and branches of bixa orellana (bixaceae), ficus nymphaeifolia (moraceae), struthanthus orbicularis (loranthaceae) and gonzalagunia panamensis (rubiaceae); the stem barks of brownea rosademonte (caesalpiniaceae) and tabebuia rosea (bignoniaceae); the whole plant of pleopelt ...200415264003
establishment of a genetically marked insect-derived symbiont in multiple host plants.alcaligenes xylosoxidans subsp. denitrificans, originally isolated from the cibarial region of the foregut of the glassy-winged sharpshooter (homalodisca coagulata), was transformed using the himar1 transposition system to express egfp. seedlings of six potential host plants were inoculated with transformed bacteria and 2 weeks later samples were taken 5 cm away and analyzed by quantitative real-time pcr using primers designed to amplify the gene insert. the largest colony of 3,591,427 cells/2 c ...200515723145
effects of nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions on leaf volatile compounds from citrus somatic diploid hybrids.three diploid citrus somatic hybrids (cybrids) were produced by fusions combining nucellar callus-derived protoplasts of willow leaf mandarin (citrus deliciosa ten.) and commune clementine (citrus clementina hort. ex tan.) with, respectively, leaf protoplasts of eureka lemon [citrus limon (l.) burm.] and marumi kumquat [fortunella japonica (thunb.) swing.] and leaf protoplasts of marumi kumquat. ploidy and origins of the nuclear, chloroplastic, and mitochondrial genomes were investigated by flow ...200515913319
the use of health foods, spices and other botanicals in the sikh community in london.attitudes and practice concerning complementary and alternative medicine (cam) are currently an area of considerable interest. however, little is known about the overall importance of such practices, for example, in immigrant communities such as the sikh (punjabi) british. the use of cam in immigrants belonging to the sikh religion in london was studied. the primary objective was to analyse the extent to which traditional medicine is used and understood by this population. traditional sikh medic ...200516161027
de novo arginine biosynthesis in leaves of phosphorus-deficient citrus and poncirus species.young, fully expanded leaves from 7-month-old p-deficient citrus rootstock seedlings had levels of nonprotein arginine that were 10- to 50-fold greater than those from p-sufficient control plants. arginine content of the protein fraction increased 2- to 4-fold in p-deficient leaves. total arginine content, which averaged 72 +/- 6 micromoles per gram dry weight of p-sufficient leaf tissue (mean +/- se, n = the four rootstocks) was 207, 308, 241, and 178 micromoles in p-deficient leaves from citru ...198416663918
the role of carotenoid cleavage dioxygenases in the regulation of carotenoid profiles during maturation in citrus investigate the relationship between a carotenoid profile and gene expression for carotenoid cleavage dioxygenases, three citrus varieties that exhibit different 9-cis-violaxanthin levels in their juice sacs, satsuma mandarin (citrus unshiu marc.; a variety accumulating a low level of 9-cis-violaxanthin), valencia orange (citrus sinensis osbeck; variety accumulating a high level of 9-cis-violaxanthin), and lisbon lemon (citrus limon burm.f.; a variety accumulating an undetectable level of 9-c ...200616714310
role of two insect growth regulators in integrated pest management of citrus scales.portions of two commercial citrus orchards were treated for two consecutive years with buprofezin or three consecutive years with pyriproxyfen in a replicated plot design to determine the long-term impact of these insect growth regulators (igrs) on the san joaquin valley california integrated pest management program. pyriproxyfen reduced the target pest, california red scale, aonidiella aurantii maskell, to nondetectable levels on leaf samples approximately 4 mo after treatment. pyriproxyfen tre ...200616813306
the effect of lemon, orange and bergamot essential oils and their components on the survival of campylobacter jejuni, escherichia coli o157, listeria monocytogenes, bacillus cereus and staphylococcus aureus in vitro and in food investigate the effectiveness of oils and vapours of lemon (citrus limon), sweet orange (citrus sinensis) and bergamot (citrus bergamia) and their components against a number of common foodborne pathogens.200617105553
anticandidial activity of some essential oils of a mega biodiversity hotspot in india.six essential oils viz. eucalyptus citriodora, cymbopogon citratus, callistemon lanceolatus, cinnamomum camphora, citrus limon, tagetes petula, as well as two standard antibiotics, miconazole and clotrimazole, were tested in vitro for their anticandidial activity. all these essential oils exhibited higher activity than the two synthetic antibiotics. highest zone of inhibition was recorded in e. citriodora (8.50 mm microl-1) followed by c. lanceolatus (5.63 mm microl-1) establishing their promisi ...200717305775
isolation of antioxidative phenolic glucosides from lemon juice and their suppressive effect on the expression of blood adhesion molecules.phenolic glucosides having radical scavenging activity were examined from the fraction eluted with 20% methanol on amberlite xad-2 resin applied to lemon (citrus limon) juice by using reversed phase chromatography. four phenolic glucosides were identified as 1-feruloyl-beta-d-glucopyranoside, 1-sinapoyl-beta-d-glucopyranoside, 6,8-di-c-glucosylapigenin and 6,8-di-c-glucosyldiosmetin by (1)h-nmr, (13)c-nmr, and ms analyses. they exhibited radical scavenging activity for 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydra ...200717690486
potential perchlorate exposure from citrus sp. irrigated with contaminated water.citrus produced in the southwestern united states is often irrigated with perchlorate-contaminated water. this irrigation water includes colorado river water which is contaminated with perchlorate from a manufacturing plant previously located near the las vegas wash, and ground water from wells in riverside and san bernardino counties of california which are affected by a perchlorate plume associated with an aerospace facility once located near redlands, california. studies were conducted to eva ...200617723376
isolation, characterization and structure-elicitor activity relationships of hibernalin and its two oxidized forms from phytophthora hibernalis carne 1925.three alpha-elicitins, named hibernalin1, hibernalin2 and hibernalin3 (hib1, hib2 and hib3, respectively), were isolated by reverse phase-low-pressure liquid chromatography from culture filtrates of phytophthora hibernalis carne 1925, the causal agent of citrus lemon brown rot. hib1 proved to be identical to syringicin previously isolated from culture filtrates of phytophthora syringae. hib2 and hib3 shared the same primary structure with hib1, but contained, at position 50, met sulphoxide or su ...200817977856
iron-shortage-induced increase in citric acid content and reduction of cytosolic aconitase activity in citrus fruit vesicles and calli.aconitase, which catalyses the conversion of citrate into isocitrate, requires fe for its activity. the yeast and animal enzyme loses its enzymatic activity under fe shortage and binds to rna of genes involved in fe homeostasis, altering their expression. thus, the enzyme provides a regulatory link between organic acid metabolism and fe cellular status. roots and leaves of fe-deficient plants show induction in organic acids, especially citrate. although no rna-binding activity has been so far de ...200718251926
genotype and harvest time influence the phytochemical quality of fino lemon juice (citrus limon (l.) burm. f.) for industrial use.two clonal selections of lemon tree (citrus limon burm. f. cv. fino), named fino-49-5 and fino-95, were studied to ascertain the influence of genetic (clone) and environmental (season) factors on the human-health bioactive compounds of lemon juice (vitamin c and flavonoids) and the possible relationship between composition and in vitro antioxidant capacity (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethyl-benzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid), and ferric reducing antioxidant power) of the juice. ...200818254590
medicinal plant treatments for fleas and ear problems of cats and dogs in british columbia, canada.research conducted in 2003/2004 documented and validated (in a non-experimental way) ethnoveterinary medicines used by small-scale, organic livestock farmers in british columbia (bc), canada. interviews were conducted with 60 participants who were organic farmers or holistic medicinal/veterinary practitioners. a workshop was held with selected participants to discuss the plant-based treatments. this paper reports on the medicinal plants used for fleas in cats and dogs. fleas and flies are treate ...200818563443
influence of mitochondria origin on fruit quality in a citrus cybrid.sugar, organic acid, and carotenoid are the most important indicators of fruit taste and nutritional and organoleptic quality. these components were studied on fruit pulp of the cybrid between willow leaf mandarin ( citrus deliciosa ten.) and eureka lemon [ citrus limon (l.) burm.] and the two parents. the cybrid possessed nuclear and chloroplast genomes of eureka lemon plus mitochondria from willow leaf mandarin. the impact of new mitochondria on fruit quality was studied during the mature peri ...200818729377
mass trapping of prays nephelomima (lepidoptera: yponomeutidae) in citrus orchards: optimizing trap design and density.the moth prays nephelomima (meirick) (lepidoptera: yponomeutidae) is a significant pest of citrus (citrus spp.), and the recent identification of the female sex pheromone has enabled new direct control tactics to be considered. six trap designs were compared for suitability in mass trapping, and pherocon iii delta traps were chosen to further evaluate mass trapping. a mass trapping field trial was carried out at five lemon, citrus limon l., orchards to determine the effect of trap density on cat ...200818767739
treatment of oral thrush in hiv/aids patients with lemon juice and lemon grass (cymbopogon citratus) and gentian violet.the purpose of the study was to investigate the safety and efficacy of lemon juice and lemon grass (cymbopogon citratus) in the treatment of oral thrush in hiv/aids patients when compared with the control group using gentian violet aqueous solution 0.5%. oral thrush is a frequent complication of hiv infection. in the moretele hospice, due to financial constraints, the treatment routinely given to patients with oral thrush is either lemon juice directly into the mouth or a lemon grass infusion ma ...200919109001
characterization of a new burrowing nematode population, radopholus citrophilus, from hawaii.karyotype, host preference, isozyzme patterns, morphometrics, and mating behavior of two burrowing nematode populations from hawaii, one infecting anthurium sp. and the second infecting musa sp., were compared with radopholus similis and r. citrophilus populations from florida. the population from anthurium sp. had five chromosomes (n = 5), and that from musa sp. had four (n = 4). neither of the hawaiian nematode populations persisted in roots of citrus limon or c. aurantium. anthurium clarineri ...198619294139
influence of metalaxyl on three nematodes of citrus.metalaxyl significantly reduced population of pratylenchus coffeae, radopholus similis, and tylenchulus semipenetrans in roots of citrus limon (rough lemon) under greenhouse conditions. postinoculation treatment of rough lemon seedlings was not as effective i n reducing nematode populations as was treatment before inoculation. fewer nematodes infected metalaxyl-treated roots than nontreated roots. however, incubation of nematodes in metalaxyl did not inhibit nematode motility or their ability to ...198319295833
citrus essential oils and four enantiomeric pinenes against culex pipiens (diptera: culicidae).the aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of pinenes (enantiomers of alpha- and beta-) and essential oils from greek plants of the rutaceae family against the mosquito larvae of culex pipiens (diptera: culicidae). essential oils were isolated by hydrodistillation from fruit peel of orange (citrus sinensis l.), lemon (citrus limon l.), and bitter orange (citrus aurantium l.). the chemical composition was determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (gc/ms) analysis. citrus essentia ...200919424721
inheritance of characters involved in fruit quality in a citrus interspecific allotetraploid somatic hybrid.the main components of citrus fruit quality (organic acids, sugars, and aromatic compounds) were studied in fruits of a somatic hybrid allotetraploid between willow leaf mandarin (citrus deliciosa ten.) + eureka lemon [citrus limon (l.) burm.] and the two diploid parents. the somatic hybrid (wlm + eur) combined both nuclear genomes of the parents, with chloroplasts and mitochondria of mandarin. variations in sugar and acid content were studied in fruit pulp during the maturing period, and the ch ...200919425535
targeting excessive free radicals with peels and juices of citrus fruits: grapefruit, lemon, lime and orange.a comparative study between the antioxidant properties of peel (flavedo and albedo) and juice of some commercially grown citrus fruit (rutaceae), grapefruit (citrus paradisi), lemon (citrus limon), lime (citrusxaurantiifolia) and sweet orange (citrus sinensis) was performed. different in vitro assays were applied to the volatile and polar fractions of peels and to crude and polar fraction of juices: 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (dpph) radical scavenging capacity, reducing power and inhibition o ...201019770018
essential oils and anxiolytic aromatherapy.a number of essential oils are currently in use as aromatherapy agents to relieve anxiety, stress, and depression. popular anxiolytic oils include lavender (lavandula angustifolia), rose (rosa damascena), orange (citrus sinensis), bergamot (citrus aurantium), lemon (citrus limon), sandalwood (santalum album), clary sage (salvia sclarea), roman chamomile (anthemis nobilis), and rose-scented geranium (pelargonium spp.). this review discusses the chemical constituents and cns effects of these aroma ...200919831048
host preference and development of leptoglossus zonatus (hemiptera: coreidae) on satsuma mandarin.leptoglossus zonatus (dallas) (hemiptera: coreidae) has recently emerged as a key pest of satsuma mandarin, citrus unshiu marcovitch, and other fruit crops in the gulf coast region of the united states. studies were conducted under laboratory conditions (25 +/- 2 degrees c, 50 +/- 10% rh, and a photoperiod of 14:10 [l:d] h) to investigate host preference and suitability of satsuma fruit as host for this pest. three separate multiple choice experiments were performed to compare attraction of l. z ...200919886456
in vitro inhibition of vancomycin-susceptible and vancomycin-resistant enterococcus faecium and e. faecalis in the presence of citrus essential oils.glycopeptide-resistant enterococcus (gre) is an important healthcare-acquired infection (hcai) which costs the healthcare service many millions of pounds worldwide. in this study, lemon (citrus limon), sweet orange (citrus sinensis) or bergamot (citrus bergamia) essential oils (eo) and their vapours, alone and in combination, are tested for their antimicrobial activity against vancomycin-resistant and vancomycin-sensitive strains of e. faecium and e. faecalis. a blend of 1:1 (v/v) orange and ber ...200920095125
responses of the asian citrus psyllid to volatiles emitted by the flushing shoots of its rutaceous host plants.diaphorina citri kuwayama (hemiptera: psyllidae) carries candidatus liberibacter spp., the putative causal agents of huanglongbing. d. citri reproduces and develops only on the flushing shoots of its rutaceous host plants. here we examined whether d. citri is attracted to host plant odors and a mixture of synthetic terpenes. tests conducted in a vertically oriented y-tube olfactometer showed that both males and females preferentially entered the y-tube arm containing the odor from the young shoo ...201020388295
activities of ten essential oils towards propionibacterium acnes and pc-3, a-549 and mcf-7 cancer cells.ten essential oils, namely, mint (mentha spicata l., lamiaceae), ginger (zingiber officinale rosc., zingiberaceae), lemon (citrus limon burm.f., rutaceae), grapefruit (citrus paradisi macf., rutaceae), jasmine (jasminum grandiflora l., oleaceae), lavender (mill., lamiaceae), chamomile (matricaria chamomilla l., compositae), thyme (thymus vulgaris l., lamiaceae), rose (rosa damascena mill., rosaceae) and cinnamon (cinnamomum zeylanicum n. lauraceae) were tested for their antibacterial activities ...201020657472
novel demonstration of rnai in citrus reveals importance of citrus callose synthase in defence against xanthomonas citri subsp. citri.citrus is an economically important fruit crop that is severely afflicted by citrus canker, a disease caused by the bacterial phytopathogen, xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (xcc). genbank houses a large collection of expressed sequence tags (ests) enriched with transcripts generated during the defence response against this pathogen; however, there are currently no strategies in citrus to assess the function of candidate genes. this has greatly limited research as defence signalling genes are ofte ...201120809929
juice components and antioxidant capacity of four tunisian citrus varieties.juices from four citrus species of tunisia were investigated mainly for quality parameters and antioxidant capacity.201120862741
gastroprotective mechanisms of citrus lemon (rutaceae) essential oil and its majority compounds limonene and β-pinene: involvement of heat-shock protein-70, vasoactive intestinal peptide, glutathione, sulfhydryl compounds, nitric oxide and prostaglandin e₂.citrus lemon (cl) belongs to rutaceae family and is popularly known in brazil as limão siciliano. the phytochemical analysis of cl fruit bark essential oil showed two majority components, limonene (lim) and β-pinene (pin). this study aimed to evaluate the gastroprotective mechanism of action from cl, lim and pin in ethanol- and indomethacin-induced gastric ulcers and its in vitro anti-helicobacter pylori activity. after ethanol-induced gastric ulcer, the ulcer area was measured and the stomachs ...201020934418
plants used by native amazonian groups from the nanay river (peru) for the treatment of order to evaluate the antimalarial potential of traditional remedies used in peru, indigenous and mestizo populations from the river nanay in loreto were interviewed about traditional medication for the treatment of malaria.201021040768
effectiveness of different solid-phase microextraction fibres for differentiation of selected madeira island fruits based on their volatile metabolite profile--identification of novel compounds.a headspace solid-phase microextraction (hs-spme) procedure based on five commercialised fibres (85 μm polyacrylate - pa, 100 μm polydimethylsiloxane - pdms, 65 μm polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene - pdms/dvb, 70 μm carbowax/divinylbenzene - cw/dvb and 85 μm carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane - car/pdms) is presented for the characterization of the volatile metabolite profile of four selected madeira island fruit species, lemon (citrus limon), kiwi (actinidia deliciosa), papaya (carica papaya l.) a ...201021147335
immunomodulatory properties of a lemon-quince preparation (gencydo®) as an indicator of anti-allergic potency.gencydo®, a combination of lemon (citrus limon) juice and aqueous quince (cydonia oblonga) extract has been used traditionally in anthroposophical medicine for treating patients with allergic rhinitis or asthma. because there are no reports about the mode of action, we investigated the anti-allergic effects of this preparation in vitro by using cell lines and primary cells in various biological and immunological endpoints.201121256726
patent literature on mosquito repellent inventions which contain plant essential oils--a review.bites bites of mosquitoes belonging to the genera anopheles meigen, aedes meigen, culex l. and haemagogus l. are a general nuisance and are responsible for the transmission of important tropical diseases such as malaria, hemorrhagic dengue and yellow fevers and filariasis (elephantiasis). plants are traditional sources of mosquito repelling essential oils (eos), glyceridic oils and repellent and synergistic chemicals. a chemical abstracts search on mosquito repellent inventions containing plant- ...201121328177
antioxidant activity of citrus limon essential oil in mouse hippocampus.context: citrus limon (l.) burms (rutaceae) has been shown in previous studies to have various biological functions (anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiviral, antimutagenic, and anticarcinogenic). however, traditional uses in folk medicine suggest that c. limon may have an effect on the central nervous system (cns). objective: this study investigated the effects of c. limon essential oil (eo) on lipid peroxidation level, nitrite content, glutathione reduced (gsh) concentration, and antioxidant ...201121639684
antioxidant and antinociceptive effects of citrus limon essential oil in mice.the antioxidant and antinociceptive activities of citrus limon essential oil (eo) were assessed in mice or in vitro tests. eo possesses a strong antioxidant potential according to the scavenging assays. moreover, it presented scavenger activity against all in vitro tests. orally, eo (50, 100, and 150ôçë mg/kg) significantly reduced the number of writhes, and, at highest doses, it reduced the number of paw licks. whereas naloxone antagonized the antinociceptive action of eo (highest doses), this ...201121660140
sedative, anxiolytic and antidepressant activities of citrus limon (burn) essential oil in mice.we examined the sedative, anxiolytic and antidepressant effects of essential oil (eo) of leaves from citrus limon, which has been used as one of the most popular compounds in brazilian traditional herbal medicine. the effects of eo were demonstrated by open-field, elevated-plus-maze, rota rod, pentobarbital-induced sleeping time, and forced swimming tests in mice. in the open-field test, eo at the doses of 50, 100 and 150 mg/kg, after oral administration, significantly decreased the number of cr ...201121901988
antioxidant and antiacetylcholinesterase activities of some commercial essential oils and their major compounds.the commercial essential oils of citrus aurantium l., cupressus sempervirens l., eucalyptus globulus labill., foeniculum vulgare mill. and thymus vulgaris l., isolated by steam distillation by a company of morocco were evaluated in terms of in vitro antioxidant activity through several methods. in vitro acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity was also determined. citrus limon (l.) burm. f. oil was also studied, but it was obtained by peel expression. the best antioxidant was t. vulgaris oil, in ...201121900869
Increasing antibiotic activity against a multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter spp by essential oils of Citrus limon and Cinnamomum zeylanicum.The genus Acinetobacter has gained importance in recent years due to involvement in serious infections and antimicrobial resistance. Many plants have been evaluated not only for direct antimicrobial activity, but also as resistance modifying agents. The Essential oil of Citrus limon (EOCL) addition at 156.25?µgmL(-1) (MIC/8) sub-inhibitory concentration in the growth medium led to MIC decrease for amikacin, imipenem and meropenem. The Essential oil of Cinnamomum zeylanicum (EOCZ) addition at 78. ...201122191514
Regulation of carotenoid accumulation and the expression of carotenoid metabolic genes in citrus juice sacs in vitro.In the present study, to investigate the mechanisms regulating carotenoid accumulation in citrus, a culture system was set up in vitro with juice sacs of three citrus varieties, Satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.), Valencia orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck), and Lisbon lemon (Citrus limon Burm.f.). The juice sacs of all the three varieties enlarged gradually with carotenoid accumulation. The changing patterns of carotenoid content and the expression of carotenoid metabolic genes in juice sacs i ...201121994171
reducing and correcting for contamination of ecosystem water stable isotopes measured by isotope ratio infrared spectroscopy.concern exists about the suitability of laser spectroscopic instruments for the measurement of the (18)o/(16)o and (2)h/(1)h values of liquid samples other than pure water. it is possible to derive erroneous isotope values due to optical interference by certain organic compounds, including some commonly present in ecosystem-derived samples such as leaf or soil waters. here we investigated the reliability of wavelength-scanned cavity ring-down spectroscopy (crds) (18)o/(16)o and (2)h/(1)h measure ...201222173802
cold treatment of ceratitis capitata (diptera: tephritidae) in oranges using a larval endpoint.south africa currently exports fresh citrus (citrus spp.) fruit to japan using an in-transit cold treatment protocol of 14 d or 12 d at temperatures <0 degrees c for treatment of ceratitis capitata (wiedemann) (diptera: tephritidae) in 'clementine' mandarins (citrus reticulata blanco) and other citrus types, respectively. to reduce the risk of chilling injury with this treatment, research was conducted with temperatures >0 degrees c. earlier south african research had shown that young (6-d-old) ...201121882680
temporal evolution of ¹³⁷cs⁺, k⁺ and na⁺ in fruits of south american tropical species.concentrations of (137)cs, k and na in fruits of lemon (citrus limon b.) and of k and na in fruits of coconut (cocos nucifera l.) trees were measured by both gamma spectrometry and neutron activation analysis, with the aim to understand the behaviour of monovalent inorganic cations in tropical plants as well as the plant ability to store these elements. similar amounts of k(+) were incorporated by lemon and coconut trees during the growth and ripening processes of its fruits. the k concentration ...201223268139
in vitro and in vivo antifungal activity of some essential oils against feline isolates of microsporum canis.the treatment of dermatophytoses due to microsporum canis is cumbersome and relapses can occur. volatile essential oils (eos) obtained from plants would seem to represent suitable tools to contrast mycoses both in human and animals. the anti-m. canis activity of some eos chemically characterized was evaluated both in vitro and in vivo. eleven feline isolates of m. canis were tested by microdilution against eos extracted from thymus serpillum, origanum vulgare, rosmarinus officinalis, illicium ve ...201223518021
in vitro antibacterial effects of five volatile oil extracts against intramacrophage brucella abortus 544.brucellaabortus is a gram-negative facultative intracellular bacterium that can cause a highly contagious disease in sheep, goats, cattle and one-humped camels. it is responsible for one of the most important zoonosis in human. the aim of this study was to evaluate the role of mentha piperita, origanum majorana, citrus lemon, cinnamomum verum and myristica fragrans essential volatile oil extracts on human macrophages infected by b. abortus 544.201223115441
study on citrus response to huanglongbing highlights a down-regulation of defense-related proteins in lemon plants upon 'ca. liberibacter asiaticus' infection.citrus huanglongbing (hlb) is a highly destructive disease of citrus presumably caused by 'candidatus liberibacterasiaticus' (las), a gram-negative, insect-transmitted, phloem-limited α-proteobacterium. although almost all citrus plants are susceptible to hlb, reports have shown reduced susceptibility to las infection in lemon (citrus limon) plants. the aim of this study is to identify intra-species specific molecular mechanisms associated with las-induced responses in lemon plants. to achieve t ...201323922636
screening of anti-dengue activity in methanolic extracts of medicinal plants.dengue fever regardless of its serotypes has been the most prevalent arthropod-borne viral diseases among the world population. the development of a dengue vaccine is complicated by the antibody-dependent enhancement effect. thus, the development of a plant-based antiviral preparation promises a more potential alternative in combating dengue disease.201222244370
involvement of an extracellular fungus laccase in the flavonoid metabolism in citrus fruits inoculated with alternaria alternata.fungi of the genus alternaria are responsible for substantial pre-harvest losses in citrus. in this study a degradative metabolism of flavonoids (flavanones, flavones and polymethoxyflavones) was observed when 'fortune' mandarin, citrus limon and citrus paradisi, fruits were inoculated with alternaria alternata, a pre-harvest pathogenic fungus. associated to this flavonic metabolism the de novo synthesis of the phytoalexin scoparone was detected. this metabolism of flavonoids is caused by an ext ...201525686700
evaluation of clausena pentaphylla (roxb.) dc oil as a fungitoxicant against storage mycoflora of pigeon pea seeds.the present study aimed to evaluate the antifungal activity of 30 essential oils against four dominant fungi aspergillus flavus link., a. niger van tieghem, a. ochraceus wilhelm and a. terreus thom of stored pigeon pea seeds at a concentration of 0.36 µl ml(-1). various fungitoxic properties, such as minimum inhibitory concentration, minimum fungicidal concentration and fungitoxic spectrum, of the most potent oil were determined. the efficacy of the most potent oil in preservation of pigeon pea ...201323192408
isolation and characterization of putative endophytic bacteria antagonistic to phoma tracheiphila and verticillium albo-atrum.a collection of 200 bacterial isolates recovered from citrus plants (citrus limon, citrus sinensis, and citrus reticulata), medicago truncatula and laurus nobilis, was established. in vitro screening indicated that 28 isolates exhibited an inhibitory activity against the vascular pathogens phoma tracheiphila and verticillium albo-atrum. isolates were screened according to their hydrolytic activities, plant growth-promoting bacteria (pgpb) abilities, as well as for the presence of nonribosomal pe ...201425074353
chemical composition of the essential oils of variegated pink-fleshed lemon (citrus x limon l. burm. f.) and their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities.the volatile secondary metabolites of essential oils from fruit peel and leaves of variegated pink-fleshed lemon (citrus x limon) were investigated using glc and glc-ms (gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy). altogether 141 compounds were identified and quantified, accounting for 99.59% and 96.33% of the total hydrodistilled peel and leaf oil, respectively. limonene occurred in higher amounts in fruit peel (52.73%) than in leaf oil (29.13%). neral (12.72%), neryl acetate (8.53%), p-menth- ...201324066512
antimicrobial potential of the ethiopian thymus schimperi essential oil in comparison with others against certain fungal and bacterial evaluate the in vitro activities of ethiopian thymus schimperi with other three hydro distilled essential oils against dermatophytes (tricophyton spp. and microsporum spp.) and other pathogenic micro organisms.201526227483
expression and functional analysis of two lycopene β-cyclases from citrus the present study, two lcyb genes (citlcyb1 and citlcyb2) were isolated from satsuma mandarin (citrus unshiu marc.), valencia orange (citrus sinensis osbeck) and lisbon lemon (citrus limon burm.f.) and their functions were analyzed by the color complementation assay in lycopene-accumulating e. coli cells. the results showed that citlcyb1 and citlcyb2 shared high identity at the amino acid level among the three citrus varieties. the n-terminal region of the two proteins encoded by citlcyb1 and ...201222729824
changes of peel essential oil composition of four tunisian citrus during fruit maturation.the present work investigates the effect of ripening stage on the chemical composition of essential oil extracted from peel of four citrus: bitter orange (citrus aurantium), lemon (citrus limon), orange maltaise (citrus sinensis), and mandarin (citrus reticulate) and on their antibacterial activity. essential oils yields varied during ripening from 0.46 to 2.70%, where mandarin was found to be the richest. forty volatile compounds were identified. limonene (67.90-90.95%) and 1,8-cineole (tr-14.7 ...201222645427
preliminary examination of herbal extracts on the inhibition of helicobacter pylori.this work aims at describing the traditional uses, to determine the antimicrobial potential of two different extracts hexane, acetone of the leaves of citrus unshiu, citrus sinensis, citrus limon, laurus nobilis, citrus paradisi on clinical strain of h. pylori in a bid to identify potential sources of cheap starting materials for the synthesis of new drugs. h. pylori strain was a culture collection of hacettepe university, turkey.201424653559
seasonal variations of antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of essential oils extracted from three citrus limon l. burm. order to investigate the seasonal variations of antimicrobial properties and chemical composition of essential oils (eos), three different cultivars of citrus limon l. burm. spp. (femminello santa teresa, monachello and femminello continella) were collected at 6-week intervals, from december 2012 to april 2013, for a total of four harvests. the eos were extracted from lemon peel by hydro-distillation. the antimicrobial activity, tested by paper disc diffusion method, was evaluated against com ...201424443967
synergistic combinations of high hydrostatic pressure and essential oils or their constituents and their use in preservation of fruit juices.this work addresses the inactivation achieved with escherichia coli o157:h7 and listeria monocytogenes egd-e by combined processes of high hydrostatic pressure (hhp) and essential oils (eos) or their chemical constituents (ccs). hhp treatments (175-400 mpa for 20 min) were combined with 200 μl/l of each eo (citrus sinensis l., citrus lemon l., citrus reticulata l., thymus algeriensis l., eucalyptus globulus l., rosmarinus officinalis l., mentha pulegium l., juniperus phoenicea l., and cyperus lo ...201323246609
traditional mediterranean plants: characterization and use of an essential oils mixture to treat malassezia otitis externa in atopic dogs.several plants extracts from mediterranean countries are traditionally employed in skin troubles both in humans and in animals. malassezia pachydermatis is a lipophylic yeast responsible for otitis externa and dermatitis in dogs and for cutaneous and systemic disease in humans. five mixtures of essential oils obtained from mediterranean plants (citrus paradisi, salvia sclarea, ocimum basilicum, rosmarinus officinalis, citrus limon, anthemis nobilis, lavandula hybrida and thymus vulgaris) provide ...201627917678
anti-mycobacteria potential and synergistic effects of combined crude extracts of selected medicinal plants used by bapedi traditional healers to treat tuberculosis related symptoms in limpopo province, south africa.tuberculosis is an infectious communicable disease and the causative agent of the disease has over the years developed resistance to streamline chemotherapeutic agents with dire consequences and there is a need for development of new and more potent alternatives.201728235402
the response of citrus limon seedlings to a symbiont, glomus etunicatus, and a pathogen, radopholus similis.the influences of a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza (glomus etunicatus) and burrowing nematode (radophohts similis), alone and in combination, on the growth of rough lemon (citrus limon) seedlings were studied in the greenhouse. growth of mycorrhizal seedlings was significantly greater than that of nonmycorrhizal seedlings or seedlings inoculated with r. sindlis. mycorrhizal stimulation of seedling growth was inhibited by nematode infection. when seedlings were inoculated with g. etunicatus arid ...197919300646
capturing of the monoterpene olefin limonene produced in saccharomyces cerevisiae.monoterpene olefins such as limonene are plant compounds with applications as flavouring and fragrance agents, as solvents and potentially also in polymer and fuel chemistry. we engineered baker's yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae to express a (-)-limonene synthase from perilla frutescens and a (+)-limonene synthase from citrus limon. both proteins were expressed either with their native plastid targeting signal or in a truncated form in which the plastidial sorting signal was removed. the yeast ho ...201525164098
ptrbam1, a β-amylase-coding gene of poncirus trifoliata, is a cbf regulon member with function in cold tolerance by modulating soluble sugar levels.β-amylase (bam) catalyses starch breakdown to generate maltose, which can be incorporated into sugar metabolism. however, the role of bam genes in cold tolerance is less characterized. in this study, we report the isolation and functional characterization of a chloroplast-localizing bam-encoding gene ptrbam1 from poncirus trifoliata. ptrbam1 was induced by cold, dehydration and salt, but repressed by maltose. overexpression of ptrbam1 in tobacco (nicotiana nudicaulis) increased bam activity, pro ...201424905016
2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl as a screening tool for recombinant monoterpene biosynthesis.monoterpenes are a class of natural c10 compounds with a range of potential applications including use as fuel additives, fragrances, and chemical feedstocks. biosynthesis of monoterpenes in heterologous systems is yet to reach commercially-viable levels, and therefore is the subject of strain engineering and fermentation optimization studies. detection of monoterpenes typically relies on gas chromatography/mass spectrometry; this represents a significant analytical bottleneck which limits the p ...201323968454
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 280