
further investigations on the survival of mycoplasma agalactiae var. bovis. 19744405945
isolation of mycoplasma agalactiae var bovis and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus from an outbreak of mastitis in france. 19744375340
differentiation among strains of goat mycoplasma by incident light immunofluorescence.antigenic differentiation between strains of goat mycoplasma was studied by direct fluorescent antibody reactions employing incident (vertical) ultraviolet light. agar colonies of the mycoplasma grown in petri dishes were fixed by alcohol in situ, and stained with conjugated globulin before examination with ultraviolet light. the fluorescent antibody (fa) conjugate against vom strain of mycoplasma mycoides var. capri was vom strain-specific, no cross reaction with mexico, connecticut, or marylan ...19734270812
isolation and identification of mycoplasma agalactiae from mastitic goats in the sudan. 19863594160
microbiology of the genitalia of nulliparous and postpartum savanna brown goats.a study of the bacterial flora of the genitalia of nulliparous savanna brown does was carried out both before breeding and at different intervals postpartum to investigate the type of microbial organisms that could be present in the uterus, cervix and the vagina respectively. of 29 pre-breeding vaginal swabs, staphylococcus sp. was isolated from 20 goats, streptococcus sp. from 15 goats and micrococcus sp. from four goats. mycoplasma agalactiae was isolated from five goats. the postpartum vagina ...19873590621
use of an elisa for differential diagnosis of mycoplasma agalactiae and m mycoides subspecies mycoides (lc) in naturally infected goat herds.contagious agalactia is an ovine and caprine mycoplasmosis which manifests as mastitis, arthritis and keratoconjunctivitis. mycoplasma agalactiae is recognised as a causal agent but m mycoides subspecies mycoides (lc), and m capricolum may also be responsible for this syndrome in goats. the clinical signs are not pathognomonic; diagnostic procedures are based on isolation of the organism from diseased animals or by detection of seroconversion. an elisa specific for m agalactiae and m m mycoides ...19911716774
detection of mycoplasma bovis and mycoplasma agalactiae by oligonucleotide probes complementary to 16s rrna.the partial sequences of 16s rrna from mycoplasma bovis and m. agalactiae were determined by dideoxynucleotide sequencing using reverse transcriptase. two oligonucleotides complementary to different evolutionary variable regions of 16s rrna from these two species were synthesized. the oligonucleotides were end-labelled with 32p and used as probes in filter hybridization experiments with different bovine, caprine and ovine mycoplasmas as samples. one of the probes, complementary to a sequence of ...19911708107
infertility of cattle caused by mycoplasmas.mycoplasmas have been well established as pathogens of the bovine urogenital tract, and produce pathologic lesions resulting in infertility. serologic examination of cattle with infertility problems with mycoplasma bovigenitalium and mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis show a high incidence of positive reactors suggesting that mycoplasmas play an important role in bovine infertility. the similarities of pathologic lesions in the urogenital tract of cattle and women with infertility problems and t ...19761270264
effectiveness of certain teat dips and sanitizers in vitro and on teat skin against mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. teat dip and sanitizer products were tested in vitro and in vivo for mycoplasmacidal activity against mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis (m. bovimastitidis). most, but not all products tested appeared to kill the mycoplasma at satisfactory dilutions. these mycoplasma survived longer on teat skin during humid, rainy weather than during warm, dry weather. acholeplasma laidlawii was frequently found on normal teat skin.19761261269
the immune response of rabbits to 3 strains of mycoplasma agalactiae var. bovis isolated from mastitic bovine udders.rabbits were given 3 serologically-related trains of mycoplasma isolated from mastitic bovine udders. growth inhibiting antibodies were not found. high-titered sera from each rabbit immunized with each strain developed at least 4 precipitin lines to each organism and at least one line of identity was demonstrated between the organisms. significant indirect hemagglutination titers were found in all rabbits in 1 week, with titers reaching 1.0 x 10(5) to 3.3 x 10(5) in 4 to 6 weeks but despite cont ...19761261267
[studies of the infectious and immunization processes in mycoplasmoses. v. experimental infection with mycoplasma agalactiae in lambs]. 19751217541
isolation and identification of mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis from arthritic cattle in iowa and nebraska.two strains of mycoplasma were isolated from synovial fluids of arthritic feeder cattle and were identified as mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis by growth inhibition and fluorescent antibody tests. the strains (iowa 1136 and nebraska 2) could not be distinguished from known strains (donetta and california 01) by immunoelectrophoresis or by agar gel precipitation.19751176624
naturally occurring and experimentally induced mycoplasmal arthritis of cattle.mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis strain iowa 1136 was isolated from synovial fluids of a clinical case of arthritis in cattle on pasture in iowa. when given to calves and cows by intra-articular or intravenous injection, it caused severe and persistent joint infections with fever, lameness, and swelling of the affected joints, plus synovitis, tendonitis, and fibrinous-purulent synovial fluids of high protein content. intramammary administration of the organism caused severe mastitis. calves nu ...19751176623
isolation of mycoplasma agalactiae var bovis from a calf pneumonia outbreak in the south of england. 19751154637
pathology of mycoplasma agalactiae induced granular vulvovaginitis (gvv) in goats.granular vulvovaginitis (gvv) was experimentally produced in female kids by topical application of m. agalactiae on the scarified vulvar mucosa. grossly visible gvv lesions were seen in 25 out of 30 infected kids, yet all were positive for microscopic lesions. microscope lesions that appeared by 7 days post infection (dpi) were comprised of stromal oedema, lymphocytic infiltration into the lamina propria and perivascular accumulation of a few lymphocytes. the lesions observed between 28 and 49 d ...19751139959
[studies of the infectious and immunization processes in mycoplasmoses. viii. experimental chronic infection with mycoplasma agalactiae in sheep during pregnancy, birth and lactation]. 19761007963
interaction of mycoplasma dispar and mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis with bovine alveolar macrophages and bovine lacteal polymorphonuclear leukocytes.mycoplasma dispar and mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis survived or grew in cultures of bovine lacteal polymorphonuclear leukocytes or bovine alveolar macrophages. in the presence of specific bovine antibody, macrophages and polymorphonuclear leukocytes appeared to kill both species of mycoplasma. specific rabbit antisera also promoted the killing of these mycoplasmas by bovine macrophages but had no demonstrable activity for bovine polymorphonuclear leukocytes. it is suggested that phagocytosi ...1976985802
immunoglobulin classes in genital secretions of mycoplasma-infected and normal heifers.immunoglobulin levels were studied in the genital secretions of seven heifers which had been bred to a bull infected with mycoplasma agalactiae var. bovis and three heifers bred to a noninfected bull. the median immunoglobulin g (igg)/iga ratio ratio for vaginal secretions was 0.7, for cervical secretions 21.9, and for uterine secretions 13.0. this indicated that iga was the mahor immunoglobilin class in the most superficial portion of the reproductive tract and that igg was the major class in s ...1976971941
experimentally induced bovine abortion with mycoplasma agalactiae subsp bovis.two pregnant cows aborted 11 and 18 days after mycoplasma agalactiae subsp bovis was inoculated into the amniotic fluids. the placentas were retained. the fetuses (approx 100 and 150 days of age) were decomposed; m agalactiae subsp bovis was recovered from several tissues of the fetuses, the placentas, and fetal fluids. the same organism was given by intraperitoneal injection to 2 other pregnant (130 and 180 days, respectively) cows. at necropsy of the latter 36 days later, placentitis was sever ...1976949114
pneumonia and arthritis in gnotobiotic calves following inoculation with mycoplasma agalactiae subsp bovis. 1976941376
mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis in pneumonia and arthritis of the bovine.the pneumonic lungs of 42 cattle from 26 feedlots were examined for the presence of mycoplasma, pathogenic bacteria and viruses. four animals representative of two lots failed to yield mycoplasma. one of these yielded the virus of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis and pasteurella hemolytica, the other yielded only p. p. multocida. nine animals in eight lots yielded mycoplasma sp.: five of these were m. bovirhinis, two were m. arginini and two were untypable. all of these animals yielded one or m ...1977832194
an investigation of the pathology of mycoplasma mastitis in the cow.a field case of mastitis in cows, caused by mycoplasma agalactiae var. bovis, formed the occasion to conduct an infection experiment. five lactating heifers were infected in the udder at different times. the cows were slaughtered 2, 5, 7, 9 and 12 days p.i. and the pathological changes were studied. the investigation indicated that the pathological picture differed with time: in the acute stage, the inflammation was characterized by exudation of mostly eosinophils in the alveoli; later on, the m ...1979473149
mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri and mycoplasma agalactiae isolation from goats in the united states: a review including unpublished findings. 1978377299
experimental infection of the respiratory tract of zebu cattle with mycoplasma agalactiae varias bovis. 19724666757
granular vulvovaginitis (gvv) in goats associated with mycoplasma agalactiae. 19744845731
isolation of mycoplasma agalactiae varias bovis from the respiratory tract. 19715103965
contagious agalactia of sheep and goats. the serial passage in goats of an attenuated strain of mycoplasma agalactiae aik40. 19705498928
contagious agalactia of sheep and goats. a comparison of 2 turkish strains of mycoplasma agalactiae by cross protection tests in goats. 19705498929
differentiation of mycoplasma agalactiae from other mycoplasmas of sheep and goats. 19685691348
contagious agalactia of small ruminants: current knowledge concerning epidemiology, diagnosis and control.contagious agalactia of small ruminants is a syndrome which principally affects the mammary glands, joints and eyes. the main causal agents are mycoplasma agalactiae in sheep, and m. agalactiae, m. mycoides subsp. mycoides large colony type and m. capricolum subsp. capricolum in goats. in addition, m. putrefaciens can produce a similar clinical picture, particularly in goats. contagious agalactia occurs on all five continents and is often enzootic. the evolution of the infection tends to be chro ...19979567311
experimental infection of mice with mycoplasma agalactiae. 19676034498
experimental infection of castrated lambs with mycoplasma agalactiae.the course of experimental infection in groups of 6-month-old castrated lambs with field isolates of mycoplasma agalactiae from france was followed culturally and serologically for 7 months. infection with an ovine field isolate following inoculation by different routes and contact exposure was compared with that caused similarly by a caprine field isolate. the prolonged infections produced were symptomless apart from limited arthritis in one animal inoculated with the isolate from sheep and inc ...19846512250
recovery of mycoplasma agalactiae from mastitic goat organism recovered from mastitic milk of a newly freshened goat was identified as mycoplasma agalactiae. the number of mycoplasmas in the mammary secretions was 6.3 x 10(7) colony-forming units/ml, indicating active infection. this was the second recovery of m agalactiae in the united states, but in contrast to the previous isolate from the joint of a goat reported to be avirulent following experimental inoculation, the large concentration of m agalactiae from mastitic milk is evidence that i ...19836684655
emmy klieneberger-nobel award lecture: the protein fingerprints of mycoplasmas.the proteins of 91 strains of mycoplasma from 19 established species and three groups of uncertain taxonomic position were separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. considerable variations in protein patterns were found among strains from the same species or subspecies; the percentage of matching spots (% of congruence) ranged from 42%-100%, but many proteins were strongly conserved in all strains of a given species. maps of these conserved proteins could be used to identi ...19826750757
[contagious reservoir of agalactia in goats caused by mycoplasma agalactiae in senegal]. 19817313222
immunoprophylaxis of caprine contagious agalactia due to mycoplasma agalactiae with an inactivated vaccine.the aim of this study was to control endemic contagious agalactia due to mycoplasma agalactiae in a semi-extensive goat herd by means of vaccination with an inactivated vaccine. groups of 400 goats were vaccinated one month before and three months after parturition (group a), one month before and four months after parturition (group b), and two months and one month before and three months after parturition (group c). the experiment continued over six lactations and natural infections were monito ...19957502465
development of two pcr assays for the identification of mycoplasmas causing contagious agalactia.a new detection test for the mycoplasmas causing contagious agalactia, mycoplasma agalactiae, m. capricolum subsp. capricolum and m. mycoides subsp. mycoides l. c., was developed. it was based on two polymerase chain reaction assays: the ma-pcr for the detection of m. agalactiae and the myc-pcr for the 'mycoides cluster' thus including m. capricolum subsp. capricolum and m. mycoides subsp. mycoides l. c. an m. agalactiae strain was identified by a 933-bp ma-pcr product and no amplification with ...19957607407
selective acylation of plasma membrane proteins of mycoplasma agalactiae: the causal agent of agalactia.revealed by in vivo labeling with (14)c-palmitic acid, about 15 acylated proteins were identified in the plasma membrane of mycoplasma agalactiae (type strain pg2), including the major component p40. triton x-114 phase partitioning and western blotting demonstrated the amphiphilic properties of the acyl proteins and showed that they were also antigenic components. chemical analyses of fatty acids bound to proteins revealed the following selectivity order within acylation: stearic acid (18:0) > l ...200010568799
a species-specific dna probe for the detection of mycoplasma agalactiae.a 4.5 kb m. agalactiae dna fragment present in strains from different areas of sardinia was cloned and used to detect m. agalactiae dna in sheep milk samples by dot blot hybridization. the probe recognized only m. agalactiae strains and did not cross-hybridize with other mycoplasmas (m. capricolum, m. mycoides subsp. capri, m. mycoides subsp. mycoides, m. putrefaciens and m. arginini) or bacteria (e. coli, p. hemolytica, s. aureus, s. epidermis, l. casei, s. durans, s. lactis and s. thermophilus ...19947801535
mycoplasma infection in a commercial goat dairy caused by mycoplasma agalactiae and mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides (caprine biotype).a commercial dairy goat herd of 600 animals experienced sudden onset of arthritis/polyarthritis, clinical mastitis, and sudden death in does. the offending infectious agents were mycoplasma agalactiae and m. mycoides subsp. mycoides (caprine biotype). the disease syndrome began approximately 4 weeks following the 1) introduction into the herd of a lactating doe with no apparent clinical signs and 2) a breakdown of proper hygienic conditions in the milking parlor. over a period of 3 weeks, 90 doe ...19947858021
caprine contagious agalactia caused by mycoplasma agalactiae in the canary islands. 19947985334
bovine mastitis in ontario due to mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis.bovine mastitis caused by mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis was first diagnosed in 16 of 55 cows in an ontario herd in feburary 1972. a total of 182 of 598 (30.4%) cows from 33 of 64 (51.5%) farms in widely separated areas of the province were culturally positive. herd incidence varied from 15 to 40% with one closed herd having an incidence of 61%. four herds were investigated culturally and serologically by the growth inhibition test for 15 months. in the acute phase the organism was present i ...19761000385
the indirect hemagglutination test for the detection of antibodies in cattle naturally infected mycoplasmas.stable mycoplasma antigens for the indirect hemagglutination test (iha) were prepared employing glutaraldehyde treated sheep erythrocytes sensitized with mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis and mycoplasma bovigenitalium antigens. employing these antigens mycoplasma antibodies were detected in sera from cattle which had mastitic symptoms due to natural infection with either m. agalactiae subsp. bovis or m. bovigenitalium. a total of 200 cows from four herds were examined at varying intervals for t ...19761000374
the phylogeny of mycoplasma bovis as determined by sequence analysis of the 16s rrna gene.the nucleotide sequence of the 16s rrna gene of mycoplasma bovis has been determined. comparisons with other 16s rrna sequences of mycoplasmas showed that mycoplasma agalactiae is phylogenetically the closest relative. in total, only eight nucleotides differed between the m. bovis and m. agalactiae 16s rrna sequences. the phylogenetic position of m. bovis with respect to other mycoplasmas was determined by sequence comparisons and from features in the secondary structure of 16s rrna.19948138144
membrane-associated and cytosolic species-specific antigens of mycoplasma bovis recognized by monoclonal antibodies.mycoplasma bovis is a causative agent of bovine mastitis, arthritis, and pneumonia. six monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against m. bovis were prepared and used to characterize specific antigens of the mycoplasma. reactivity of the mabs to six m. bovis strains was tested by ifa, elisa, and immunoblotting. the specificity of these mabs was tested by the same methods against 8 other species of bovine mycoplasmas and 1 mycoplasma species of sheep and goats (mycoplasma agalactiae) that is highly cross-r ...19958575797
in vitro amplification of the 16s rrna genes from mycoplasma bovis and mycoplasma agalactiae by pcr.mycoplasma bovis and mycoplasma agalactiae are two very closely related species which cause mastitis in cows and goats, respectively. m. bovis can also cause arthritis and respiratory disease in cattle. it has recently been shown that the 16s rrna sequences differ only in 8 nucleotide positions between the two species [j.g. mattsson, b. guss and k.-e. johansson (1994) fems microbiol. lett., 115: 325-328]. these nucleotide differences are distributed over the molecule in such a way that it is dif ...19958604550
genomic, protein homogeneity and antigenic variability of mycoplasma agalactiae.eleven strains of mycoplasma agalactiae differing in pathogenicity, animal species origin and geographic localisation, showed similar chromosome restriction profiles with four endonucleases. however the international reference strain pg2 showed a unique profile. the protein and antigenic variabilities of 31 strains of m. agalactiae were investigated using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page) and immunoblotting performed with naturally infected animal sera and puri ...19968810007
rapid and specific detection of mycoplasma agalactiae by polymerase chain reaction.a polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-based test was developed for the detection of mycoplasma agalactiae in sheep milk samples. two oligonucleotide primers were designed to amplify a 375 bp fragment of m. agalactiae chromosomal dna. amplified products were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis and southern blot hybridization using a fluorescein labeled 528 bp probe. the primers allowed the amplification of fragment of m. agalactiae dna and did not amplify any specific fragment of other mycoplasma ...19968828124
detection of mycoplasma agalactiae in sheep milk samples by polymerase chain reaction.we developed a simple and rapid method for dna extraction from sheep milk to use for polymerase chain reaction (pcr) diagnosis of mycoplasma agalactiae. we tested 357 samples from 21 newly infected flocks (group 1) and 87 samples from 8 flocks infected in the past (group 2). pcr results were compared with those of conventional culture. by pcr we detected 175 positives in group 1, while by culture we detected only 153. milk samples from group 2 were negative, both by pcr assay and by culture. our ...19979050167
biochemical and cytogenetical study of the mycoplasmal antigen and of the cyclophosphamide action in mammalians, in vivo. the action of some immunomodulatory was proved spectrophotometrically that mycoplasma agalactiae antigen inoculated in vivo in sheep modifies the corresponding erythrocyte lysates reactivity toward methylene blue and neutral red and induces several types of chromosomal rearrangements. the treatment in vivo of sheep with an original preparation obtained from the phaseolus vulgaris pods restores the erythrocyte lysates reactivity toward the two redox dyes and reduces the chromosomal abnormalities frequency induced by the mycoplas ...19969256024
characterization of membrane surface proteins of mycoplasma agalactiae during natural infection.we have analyzed antigenic variation of seven m. agalactiae wild strains using different sera from naturally infected sheep. only 30 day sera recognized all surface proteins and inhibited the growth of mycoplasmas. furthermore, we have observed that two strongly immunogenic proteins: 55 and 35 kda were digested using 500 micrograms/ml of trypsin. these two bands are immunoprecipitated together with four other proteins but only the 35 kda protein is recognized by eluted antibodies.19979311134
intraspecific variation in the 16s rrna gene sequences of mycoplasma agalactiae and mycoplasma bovis strains.intraspecific variation in the 16s rrna genes of 17 mycoplasma agalactiae and eight mycoplasma bovis isolates was investigated to determine the degree of sequence variation in these two species and to determine whether the polymorphisms in the 16s rrna genes could be used for the construction of an evolutionary tree and as epidemiological markers. a high degree of variation was found within isolates (between operons) and between isolates of both species. in contrast to m. capripneumoniae no dist ...200211852188
genetic variation among mycoplasma agalactiae isolates detected by the variant surface lipoprotein gene (vspa) of mycoplasma bovis.multiple restriction fragments, homologous to the previously described mycoplasma bovis vspa gene, were identified in the chromosome of mycoplasma agalactiae. the vspa, a representative variable surface lipoprotein gene of the vsp gene family, and four synthetic oligonucleotides, representing sequences complementary to selected regions of the vsp genes, were used as probes against digested chromosomal dnas of several m. agalactiae clinical isolates. the resulting southern blot analysis demonstra ...19979368370
[contagious agalactia of small ruminants: epidemiology, diagnosis and control].contagious agalactia of small ruminants is a syndrome which affects mainly the mammary glands, joints and eyes. the principal causal agents are mycoplasma agalactiae in sheep and m. agalactiae, m. mycoides subsp. mycoides large colony type and m. capricolum subsp. capricolum in goats. in addition, m. putrefaciens can produce a similar clinical picture, particularly in goats. contagious agalactia occurs on all five continents and is often enzootic. these infections are chronic in animals and in f ...19969527414
persistence of antibodies to mycoplasma agalactiae in vaccinated sheep.we report the results of a study on the persistence of antibodies to mycoplasma agalactiae in two groups of sheep inoculated with inactivated vaccines: a vaccine in aluminium hydroxide adjuvant and a vaccine in mineral oil adjuvant. antibody titers were evaluated monthly for a period of 11 months, using an elisa test prepared with mycoplasma agalactiae membrane antigen. the antibody titers of the group inoculated with the mineral oil vaccine were significantly higher than those of the group inoc ...19989579346
adjuvant regulation of cytokine profile and antibody isotype of immune responses to mycoplasma agalactiae in mice.traditionally, adjuvants have been administered with antigens to enhance immunity. we studied the effect of several adjuvants such as freund's complete adjuvant (fca), freund's incomplete adjuvant (fia), lipopolysaccharide (lps), homopolymers of polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly i:c) and polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid (poly a:u), lithium chloride (licl), saponin quil a and calcium phosphate gel (cahpo(4)) on the immune response of mice to formalin-inactivated mycoplasma agalactiae. the speci ...200212220808
species identification of mycoplasma bovis and mycoplasma agalactiae based on the uvrc genes by pcr.the dna repair genes uvrc from mycoplasma bovis and mycoplasma agalactiae type strains were cloned and their nucleotide sequences were established. these sequences were used to design polymerase chain reaction (pcr) primer pairs for m. bovis and m. agalactiae. each primer pair amplified a 1-6 kb fragment of the uvrc gene in the respective species. the specificity of the primer pairs for the two species was demonstrated through the lack of cross-amplifications in heterologous pcr reactions and in ...19989664578
detection of false-positive sera in contagious agalactia with a multiantigen elisa and their elimination with a protein g serology, lack of specificity can generally be attributed to cross-reactions between different pathogens with antigens bearing similar epitopes. during seroepidemiologic surveys of contagious agalactia of sheep caused by mycoplasma agalactiae infection, numerous sera were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). a few sera reacted with various antigens coated on plates, including the well with no antigen. this reactivity was not due to cross-reactions as initially suspected, and ...19989786519
surface diversity in mycoplasma agalactiae is driven by site-specific dna inversions within the vpma multigene locus.the ruminant pathogen mycoplasma agalactiae possesses a family of abundantly expressed variable surface lipoproteins called vpmas. phenotypic switches between vpma members have previously been correlated with dna rearrangements within a locus of vpma genes and are proposed to play an important role in disease pathogenesis. in this study, six vpma genes were characterized in the m. agalactiae type strain pg2. all vpma genes clustered within an 8-kb region and shared highly conserved 5' untranslat ...200212374833
prevalence and distribution of the insertion element ismag1 in mycoplasma characterising mycoplasma agalactiae strains from various european countries and from africa, a new insertion sequence (is), ismag1, which is related to is of the family of is30 insertion elements, has been identified by dna sequence analysis and southern blot hybridisation. ismag1 has a size of 1515bp, and contains inverted repeats of 3bp and a gene encoding the putative transposase on a single open reading frame. ismag1 is present only in the rarely isolated serotypes e, f, g and h of m. ag ...200312488069
a study of an experimental infection of sheep with mycoplasma agalactiae.the results of an experimental infection of sheep with a field strain of mycoplasma agalactiae are reported. six sheep, seronegative to m. agalactiae were used: three sheep were inoculated by the conjunctival route (group a) and three sheep intranasally (group b). the clinical signs were observed 20 days after infection but the shedding of mycoplasma agalactiae, particularly from the nasal route and with milk, started a few days post infection (d.p.i.) (1st d.p.i. and 9th d.p.i. respectively). a ...199910190114
comparison of restriction pattern polymorphism of mycoplasma agalactiae and mycoplasma bovis by pulsed field gel electrophoresis.mycoplasma agalactiae and mycoplasma bovis are closely related species in phylogenetic terms. pulsed field gel electrophoresis (pfge) of smai, eclxi, bsi wi, mlui, bsshii, sali, xhoi, nrui and apai digested dnas were used to analyse and to compare restriction fragment length polymorphism between m. agalactiae and m. bovis and to estimate their genome sizes. smai, eclxi and bsi wi enzymes cleaved dnas of both microrganisms. mlui, bsshii, sali, xhoi and nrui digested only m. agalactiae dna whereas ...199910337242
experimental vaccination against mycoplasma agalactiae using different inactivated vaccines.five sets of vaccines were prepared using mycoplasma agalactiae washed cultures inactivated with phenol (1), formalin (2), heat-treatment (3), sodium hypochlorite (4) and saponin (5). all sets, except for saponin-vaccine, were adjuvated with aluminium hydroxide. five groups of six sarda ewes were inoculated twice before pregnancy, once during pregnancy and challenged during the lactation period. monthly blood samples were taken from the vaccinated sheep and from 12 controls: sera were assayed by ...199910438045
p48 major surface antigen of mycoplasma agalactiae is homologous to a malp product of mycoplasma fermentans and belongs to a selected family of bacterial lipoproteins.a major surface antigenic lipoprotein of mycoplasma agalactiae, promptly recognized by the host's immune system, was characterized. the mature product, p48, showed significant similarity and shared conserved amino acid motifs with lipoproteins or predicted lipoproteins from mycoplasma fermentans, mycoplasma hyorhinis, relapsing fever borrelia spp., bacillus subtilis, and treponema pallidum.199910531294
expression and antigenic characterization of recombinant mycoplasma agalactiae p48 major surface protein.the gene encoding the p48 major surface lipoprotein of m. agalactiae has been recently characterised. since its product plays an important role in the immune response of infected animals, in this study we analysed a recombinant p48 expressed in e. coli. multiple point mutations were introduced by site directed mutagenesis in order to convert four tryptophan tga codons, which are a typical feature of the mycoplasma genetic code, into the standard tgg. the mutated p48 gene was subcloned into pgex- ...200010703704
inoculation of lactating ewes by the intramammary route with mycoplasma agalactiae: comparative pathogenicity of six field strains.contagious agalactia affects goats and sheep. in most infected sheep, the causal agent, mycoplasma agalactiae, induces mastitis and/or agalactia, keratoconjunctivitis and arthritis. however, a few strains of m. agalactiae were isolated from tank milk from flocks without any clinical signs. the present study was undertaken to compare these apparently "asymptomatic" strains to classical virulent strains in order to assess the pathogenicity of four "asymptomatic" strains. six groups of lactating ew ...200010863949
characterization of a multigene family undergoing high-frequency dna rearrangements and coding for abundant variable surface proteins in mycoplasma agalactiae.a family of abundant surface proteins (vpmas [variable proteins of mycoplasma agalactiae]) undergoing phase variation in m. agalactiae has been characterized using monoclonal antibodies and specific polyclonal sera. two expressed members of 39 kda (vpma39) and 34 kda (vpma34), which varied in expression between clones of a lineage, shared a common amino-terminal sequence but were immunologically distinct. an amino-terminal oligonucleotide probe identified multiple vpma genes which were clustered ...200010899853
a chromosomal region of mycoplasma agalactiae containing vsp-related genes undergoes in vivo rearrangement in naturally infected animals.a mycoplasma agalactiae genomic fragment carrying four vsp-related genes (designated avg: agalactiae variable genes) was cloned, sequenced and compared to the vspa gene of mycoplasma bovis. the following features were revealed: (i) the presence of a highly conserved vsp 5' upstream region; (ii) a highly homologous vsp n-terminal end encoding a putative lipoprotein signal sequence; (iii) sequence divergence of the rest of the mature proteins. by using avg specific probes in southern blot analysis ...200011024265
immunohistochemical characterization of lung lesions induced experimentally by mycoplasma agalactiae and mycoplasma bovis in goats.goats aged 3 months were inoculated with a recent isolate of mycoplasma agalactiae (five animals) or mycoplasma bovis (five animals) by a combined (intratracheal+intranasal) route. two control goats were inoculated by the same route with sterile mycoplasma broth. animals were killed 14 or 21 days after infection. at necropsy, tracheal and lung tissue was taken for pathological and immunohistochemical examination to determine changes in the lymphocyte subpopulations in the bronchus-associated lym ...200011041998
a multiplex-pcr for the diagnosis of contagious agalactia of sheep and goats.a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (m-pcr) assay was optimized for the simultaneous detection of several species of small ruminant mycoplasmas. two sets of oligonucleotide primers specific for mycoplasma agalactiae (ma) and mycoplasma "mycoides" cluster (m.m. cluster) were used in the test. the m-pcr was able to amplify a 375-bp fragment of ma chromosomal dna and a 257-260-bp fragment of m.m. cluster chromosomal dna. four reference strains (m. agalactiae, m. mycoides subsp. mycoides lc, m. ca ...200111162077
caprine mycoplasmal mastitis in a study to investigate the current status of intramammary mycoplasmosis in caprine udders in nigeria, a total of 57 and 24 milk samples were collected from udders of goats affected by mastitis and from apparently normal goats' udders, respectively. acute and chronic mastitis were more commonly observed in goats between 1 and 3 years old. mycoplasma agalactiae and mycoplasma capricolum occurred at a significantly higher rate (p<0.05) in udders affected by mastitis than in normal healthy udders ...200111163719
a physical map of the mycoplasma agalactiae strain pg2 genome.we have constructed a physical map of the mycoplasma agalactiae strain pg2 chromosome analyzing it by pulsed field gel electrophoresis in a contour-clamped homogeneous electric-field system. we mapped 33 cleavage sites generated with smai, xhoi, sali, eclxi and bsiwi restriction endonucleases using double digestions, one- and two-dimensional pulsed electrophoresis, cross-hybridization and linking clones. we have also mapped the loci of some genes by southern hybridization.200111295332
evidence for the transmission of scrapie to sheep and goats from a vaccine against mycoplasma accidental infection from a vaccine was suggested as the explanation for the sudden increase in outbreaks of scrapie in italy in 1997 and 1998. this paper describes a recent outbreak of scrapie in sheep and goats which were exposed to the same vaccine. no ewes or goats had been imported into the herd since 1992, but a vaccine against mycoplasma agalactiae had been administered twice, in 1995 and 1997. high rates of crude mortality and scrapie incidence were experienced by both species, all bi ...200111354646
variable expression and geographic distribution of mycoplasma agalactiae surface epitopes demonstrated with monoclonal antibodies.species-specific monoclonal antibodies (mabs) were developed against mycoplasma agalactiae reference strain pg2 and french isolate p89 to study the in vitro expression of surface epitopes and to probe the antigenic profiles of 245 field isolates originating from 10 different countries. colony immunostaining with mabs on clonal lineage showed that 4 out of 9 species-specific epitopes exhibited a high rate of variation, demonstrating that m. agalactiae possesses a capacity for phenotypic diversifi ...19968837468
comparison of mycoplasma agalactiae isolates by pulsed field gel electrophoresis, sds-page and immunoblotting.we have analyzed 81 isolates of mycoplasma agalactiae from four different regions of italy between 1990 and 1995 in order to identify antigenic differences through sds-page and western blotting and chromosomal dna restriction endonuclease cleavage pattern differences. antigenic variability in m. agalactiae isolates was investigated analyzing hydrophobic membrane protein fractions by immunoblotting using pooled sheep antiserum from naturally infected sheep. large restriction fragments obtained cl ...19968837480
mapping antigenic sites of an immunodominant surface lipoprotein of mycoplasma agalactiae, avgc, with the use of synthetic a first step toward the design of an epitope vaccine to prevent contagious agalactia, the strongly immunogenic 55-kda protein of mycoplasma agalactiae was studied and found to correspond to the avgc protein encoded by the avgc gene. the avg genes of m. agalactiae, which encode four variable surface lipoproteins, display a significant homology to the vsp (variable membrane surface lipoproteins) genes of the bovine pathogen mycoplasma bovis at their promoter region as well as their n-terminus-e ...200211748179
inactivated vaccine induces protection against mycoplasma agalactiae infection in sheep.the efficacy of an inactivated oil-emulsion vaccine against mycoplasma agalactiae was evaluated by an experimental infection of sheep. the vaccinated sheep developed high levels of antibodies and, following challenge, they did not develop any clinical signs of disease and the mycoplasmas were not detected, either by isolation trials or pcr assays carried out both on nasal swabs and milk specimens. the unvaccinated-challenged sheep showed typical signs of m. agalactiae infection and bacterial she ...200211837386
changes in performance, blood parameters, humoral and cellular immune responses in weanling piglets exposed to low doses of aflatoxin.a feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of aflatoxin (af)-contaminated diets on growth and hematological and immunological parameters. low doses of aflatoxins (140 and 280 ppb) were included in a corn-soybean diet provided for ad libitum consumption to 36 weanling piglets for a period of 4 wk. a "dose-related" decrease in weight gain was observed in treated animals. this effect was significant (p < 0.05) in the 280 ppb-treated group compared to the control group. ingestion of af-con ...200212019612
identification and characterization of a site-specific tyrosine recombinase within the variable loci of mycoplasma bovis, mycoplasma pulmonis and mycoplasma agalactiae.three highly mutable loci of the wall-less pathogens mycoplasma bovis, mycoplasma pulmonis and mycoplasma agalactiae undergo high-frequency genomic rearrangements and generate extensive antigenic variation of major surface lipoproteins. adjacent to each locus, an open reading frame exists as a single chromosomal copy and is predicted to encode a site-specific dna recombinase exhibiting high homology to the recombinases xerd of escherichia coli and codv of bacillus subtilis. each of the mycoplasm ...200212119115
immunohistochemical detection of mycoplasma agalactiae in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues from naturally and experimentally infected goats.samples from the mammary tissue of 14 lactating goats (12 naturally infected and two experimentally infected) were examined for the presence of mycoplasma agalactiae. a monoclonal antibody (5g12) was applied to formalin-fixed, paraffin-wax-embedded sections and labelled by the avidin-biotin peroxidase complex (abc) method. histological examination of tissue sections revealed strong immunoreactivity in all animals included in the study. mycoplasma agalactiae antigen was mainly detected in the cel ...200212121042
characterization of p40, a cytadhesin of mycoplasma immunodominant protein, p40, of mycoplasma agalactiae was analyzed genetically and functionally. the gene encoding p40 was cloned from type strain pg2, sequenced, submitted to point mutagenesis in order to convert mycoplasma-specific tga(trp) codon to the universal tgg(trp) codon, and subsequently expressed in escherichia coli. nucleotide sequence-derived amino acid sequence comparisons revealed a similarity of p40 to the adhesin p50 of mycoplasma hominis and to protein p89 of spiroplasma cit ...200212228289
analysis of heat shock protein 60 encoding genes of mycoplasmas and investigations concerning their role in immunity and infection.only little is known about the heat shock proteins (hsp) and hsp-encoding genes of mycoplasmas. the aim of this study was to identify and sequence the hsp60 gene of mycoplasma agalactiae, mycoplasma arthritidis, mycoplasma bovis, and mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, and to investigate the immune response to hsp60. fragments of the hsp60 genes of m. agalactiae, m. arthritidis, m. bovis and m. hyopneumoniae representing almost the entire coding region were amplified by pcr. two fragments of a hsp60 gene ...200212243891
molecular analysis of iatrogenic scrapie in accidental intra- and interspecies transmission of scrapie occurred in italy in 1997 and 1998 following exposure to a vaccine against mycoplasma agalactiae. prp(sc) in affected sheep and goats, collected from a single flock exposed to vaccination 2 years earlier, was molecularly typed. in five animals with iatrogenic scrapie, a prp(sc) type with a 20 kda core fragment was found in all areas of the brain investigated. in three sheep and one goat, this isoform co-occurred with a fully glycosyla ...200312655108
comparison of three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for serologic diagnosis of contagious agalactia in sheep.serologic diagnosis of ovine contagious agalactia (mycoplasma agalactiae) with the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) developed by agence française de sécurité sanitaire des aliments (afssa) may produce a few false-positive (fp) and false-negative (fn) results. when the prevalence of disease is low, these erroneous results may generate problems for eradication schemes. to prevent this, 2 commercial elisas were compared with the afssa elisa. flocks of known status were selected and classif ...200312735352
in vitro susceptibilities of field isolates of mycoplasma agalactiae to oxytetracycline, tylosin, enrofloxacin, spiramycin and lincomycin-spectinomycin.the minimum inhibitory concentrations (mics) of tetracycline, enrofloxacin, tylosin, spiramycin and a lincomycin:spectinomycin 1:2 combination, against 24 sicilian isolates of mycoplasma agalactiae, the causative organism of contagious agalactia were determined in vitro by a broth dilution method. enrofloxacin was the most effective antimicrobial in vitro with a range of mic values from 0.125 to 0.500 microg/ml and an mic(50) of 0.203 and mic(90) of 0.365 microg/ml. using the mic(50) and mic(90) ...200312801456
variable lipoprotein genes of mycoplasma agalactiae are activated in vivo by promoter addition via site-specific dna inversions.mycoplasma agalactiae, the etiological agent of contagious agalactia of small ruminants, has a family of related genes (avg genes) which encode surface lipoprotein antigens that undergo phase variation. a series of 13 m. agalactiae clonal isolates, obtained from one chronically infected animal over a period of 7 months, were found to undergo major rearrangement events within the avg genomic locus. we show that these rearrangements regulate the phase-variable expression of individual avg genes. n ...200312819065
[new method of staining of the agent responsible for infectious agalactia, borrelomyces agalactiae]. 195213211072
occurrence of catalase in pleuropneumonia-like organisms and bacterial l forms.weibull, c. (central bacteriological laboratory of stockholm city, stockholm, sweden) and kerstin hammarberg. occurrence of catalase in pleuropneumonia-like organisms and bacterial l forms. j. bacteriol. 84:520-525. 1962.-the catalase activity of six pleuropneumonia-like organisms (pplo), four stable proteus l forms, and four normal strains of proteus mirabilis was determined quantitatively. the pplo (strains of the species mycoplasma agalactiae, hominis, laidlawii, mycoides, and strains isolate ...196213999516
size and shape of pleuropneumonia-like organisms grown in liquid media.weibull, c. (central bacteriological laboratory of stockholm city, stockholm, sweden), and britt-marie lundin. size and shape of pleuropneumonia-like organisms grown in liquid media. j. bacteriol. 84:513-519. 1962.-samples of liquid cultures containing mainly nonaggregated cells of mycoplasma agalactiae or m. laidlawii were transferred to agar blocks containing the same medium as the liquid cultures. by use of a phase-contrast microscope, photomicrographs were made of the slide cultures immediat ...196213999518
[modifications of mycoplasma agalactiae by the action of capsaicin]. 196514303436
genital lesions in an outbreak of caprine contagious agalactia caused by mycoplasma agalactiae and mycoplasma putrefaciens.this paper reports on the genital lesions observed in adult male and female goats from a commercial flock in the extremadura region of southwestern spain, following an outbreak of contagious agalactia syndrome caused by mycoplasma agalactiae and m. putrefaciens. although both species were isolated from several organs, m. putrefaciens was the only agent isolated from the genital lesions reported here, characterized by desquamative salpingitis and cystic catarrhal metritis in females and by testic ...200314720185
inactivation of mycoplasma species involved in contagious agalactia.the suitability of 5 agents for the inactivation of different field strains of the four mycoplasma species associated with contagious agalactia syndrome in goats, i.e. mycoplasma agalactiae, mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides lc, mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum and mycoplasma putrefaciens, was investigated. immunoprophylaxis of this syndrome is still based on inactivated vaccines, which traditionally use formalin as the inactivating agent. moreover, the limited information existing abou ...200414964115
validation of the suppressive subtractive hybridization method in mycoplasma agalactiae species by the comparison of a field strain with the type strain pg2.the subtractive suppressive hybridization (ssh), a method that allows the identification of sequences that are present in one genome (tester) but not in the other (driver), is a promising technique for the comparison of mycoplasma agalactiae pathogenic strains. the optimal conditions for ssh were established by subtracting the m. agalactiae type strain pg2 dna from the m. agalactiae strain 5632 dna. because these two strains possess different vpma gene repertoires, 5632-specific vpma sequences ( ...200415099496
characterization of sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis-separated m. agalactiae membrane antigens by mass spectrometry.mycoplasma membrane proteins are generally designated according to their apparent molecular weight measured by sds-page. several results about mycoplasma membrane antigens are conflicting because some doubts are emerging about the accuracy of the method utilised to identify the antigens. aim of this work, was to characterise proteins separated after sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page)-mass spectrometry to allow an uncontroversial designation of the antigens. fifte ...200415187300
serological study of contagious agalactia in herds of goats in the canary indirect elisa, using local strains of mycoplasma agalactiae and mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides large colony (mmmlc), was applied to evaluate the seroprevalence of m agalactiae and mmmlc in flocks of goats on each of the canary islands. in total 3890 samples of serum were collected from 204 flocks. the results indicated that the seroprevalence of both organisms is high on all the islands; average values of 55 per cent and 67 per cent were recorded, respectively, for m agalactiae and ...200415200073
effect of clinical contagious agalactia on the bulk tank milk somatic cell count in murciano-granadina goat herds.from 19 herds of murciano-granadina goats, weekly bulk tank somatic cell count (btscc) were performed from october to april, and suspicious milk (n = 182), synovial fluid, and ocular swabs (n = 15) from diseased goats were processed for mycoplasma isolation and identification. also btscc from 65 herds were determined (n = 2693). a mixed model procedure was used to establish the effect of the herd and the lactation month on the btscc. monthly rolling values were calculated for each herd using dat ...200415377594
characterization and analysis of a stable serotype-associated membrane protein (p30) of mycoplasma agalactiae.the gene for a 30-kda immunodominant antigen, p30, of mycoplasma agalactiae was cloned from type strain pg2 and expressed in escherichia coli. p30 is encoded on a monocistronic operon determined by two -10 boxes and a possible -35 region constituting the potential promoter, and a transcription termination site. the gene for the 266-amino-acid protein is preceded by a polypurine-rich region designed as the consensus sequence for a ribosome-binding site. analysis of the amino acid sequence of p30 ...200111473997
sequence, cloning, expression and characterisation of the 81-kda surface membrane protein (p80) of mycoplasma agalactiae.mycoplasma agalactiae, the causative agent of contagious agalactia in small ruminants, produces a protein, named p80, that is detectable in all wild-type isolates examined to date and that appears expressed during the early phase of infection. we describe here the identification, cloning and expression of the gene encoding p80 (ma-mp81). the deduced amino acid sequence is consistent with a hydrophobic and basic protein that possesses a lipoprotein signal peptide. sequence analysis of gene ma-mp8 ...200111506906
mycotoxin fumonisin b1 alters the cytokine profile and decreases the vaccinal antibody titer in pigs.fumonisin b1 (fb1), a mycotoxin produced by fusarium verticillioides, may contaminate feed and food. in the present study, we investigated the effect of fb1 on the modulation of the cytokine profile and on the establishment of a vaccinal antibody response. in vitro investigations on pig peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) indicate that fb1 decreased interleukin-4 (il-4) and increased interferon-gamma (ifn-gamma) synthesis at both the protein and mrna levels. a short in vivo exposure (7 day ...200515659571
suppression subtractive hybridization as a basis to assess mycoplasma agalactiae and mycoplasma bovis genomic diversity and species-specific sequences.the phylogenically related mycoplasma agalactiae and mycoplasma bovis species are two ruminant pathogens difficult to differentiate and for which a limited amount of sequence data are available. to assess the degree of genomic diversity existing between and within these mycoplasma species, sets of dna fragments specific for m. bovis type-strain pg45 or for m. agalactiae type-strain pg2 were isolated by suppression subtractive hybridization and used as probes on a panel of m. agalactiae and m. bo ...200515699197
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