
is1473, a putative insertion sequence identified in the plasmid pao1 from arthrobacter nicotinovorans: isolation, characterization, and distribution among arthrobacter species.a putative insertion sequence (is1473) has been cloned and sequenced. the 1087-bp element was found between the moaa and the ndha genes in the upstream region of the nicotine dehydrogenase (ndh) operon in the 160-kb pao1 plasmid of arthrobacter nicotinovorans. it is flanked by an imperfect repeat of 33 bp and carries two overlapping open reading frames which, by programmed -1 translational frameshifting, may produce a transposase of 36.735 da with a pi = 10. 18. the deduced protein is similar to ...19979073580
effect of field inoculation with sinorhizobium meliloti l33 on the composition of bacterial communities in rhizospheres of a target plant (medicago sativa) and a non-target plant (chenopodium album)-linking of 16s rrna gene-based single-strand conformation polymorphism community profiles to the diversity of cultivated bacteria.fourteen weeks after field release of luciferase gene-tagged sinorhizobium meliloti l33 in field plots seeded with medicago sativa, we found that the inoculant also occurred in bulk soil from noninoculated control plots. in rhizospheres of m. sativa plants, s. meliloti l33 could be detected in noninoculated plots 12 weeks after inoculation, indicating that growth in the rhizosphere preceded spread into bulk soil. to determine whether inoculation affected bacterial diversity, 1,119 bacteria were ...200010919821
optimization of protease activity of alkaliphilic bacteria isolated from an alkaline lake in india.alkaliphilic bacteria belonging to the genera bacillus, staphylococcus, micrococcus, pseudomonas and arthrobacter isolated from sediment samples of the alkaline lonar lake situated in the buldhana district of maharashtra state, india, were studied for the production of protease activity. among the 54 isolates obtained, arthrobacter ramosus and bacillus alcalophilus exhibited high protease activity using soyacake as a sole source of carbon and nitrogen. protease activity was optimum at 1% initial ...200212146649
heavy metal resistance in arthrobacter ramosus strain g2 isolated from mercuric salt-contaminated soil.present study describes isolation of a multiple metal-resistant arthrobacter ramosus strain from mercuric salt-contaminated soil. the isolate was found to resist and bioaccumulate several metals, such as cadmium, cobalt, zinc, chromium and mercury. maximum tolerated concentrations for above metals were found to be 37, 525, 348, 1530 and 369 microm, respectively. the isolate could also reduce and detoxify redox-active metals like chromium and mercury, indicating that it has great potential in bio ...201020060643
trehalose-producing operon treyz from arthrobacter ramosus s34.arthrobacter ramosus s34, which produces trehalose from maltooligosaccharide, was isolated. a trehalose-producing operon, treyz, was cloned from the genome. expression experiments with trey and trez confirmed that they coded malto-oligosyltrehalose synthase and malto-oligosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase, respectively. the amino acid sequence of trey from a. ramosus s34 and that from arthrobacter sp. q36 did not show high identity, nor did those of trez.200111471747
citricoccus muralis gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel actinobacterium isolated from a medieval wall painting.a gram-positive, aerobic, spherical actinobacterium, designated strain 4-0(t), was isolated from a medieval wall painting and characterized to determine its taxonomic position. the peptidoglycan of strain 4-0(t) was of type a4alpha, with lysine as the diagnostic cell wall diamino acid and an interpeptide bridge of lys-gly-glu. its quinone system contained predominantly mk-9(h2) (64%) and its polar lipid profile consisted of diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylinositol, four ...200212508874
nickel-resistant bacteria from anthropogenically nickel-polluted and naturally nickel-percolated ecosystems.dna fragments harboring the nickel resistance determinants from bacteria isolated from anthropogenically polluted ecosystems in europe and zaire were compared with those harboring the nickel resistance determinants from bacteria isolated from naturally nickel-percolated soils from new caledonia by dna-dna hybridization. the biotinylated dna probes were derived from the previously described alcaligenes eutrophus ch34, alcaligenes xylosoxidans 31a, alcaligenes denitrificans 4a-2, and klebsiella ox ...199516535048
arthrobacter gyeryongensis sp. nov., isolated from soil of a gynostemma pentaphyllum field.a gram-stain-positive, flagellate, rod-shaped, catalase- and oxidase-positive bacterium, designated dcy72(t), was isolated from the soil of a gynostemma pentaphyllum field. growth occurred at 4-34 °c (optimum 30 °c), at ph 4-10 (optimum ph 7), and with 0-5% nacl (w/v). the major menaquinones of strain dcy72(t) were mk-9(h2) (81.0 %) and mk-10(h2) (12.2%). the major amino acid present in the cell-wall peptidoglycan was l-lysine. the major fatty acids were anteiso-c(15 : 0) and anteiso-c(17 : 0). ...201424132914
arthrobacter bambusae sp. nov., isolated from soil of a bamboo grove.a gram-stain-positive, aerobic, motile by gliding, rod-shaped bacterial strain, thg-gm18(t), was isolated from soil of a bamboo grove. strain thg-gm18(t) was able to grow in the presence of up to 6.0 % (w/v) nacl, at 4-37 °c and at ph 7.0-10.0 in r2a medium. based on 16s rrna gene sequence similarity, strain thg-gm18(t) was closely related to species of the genus arthrobacter. the most closely related strains to strain thg-gm18(t) are arthrobacter ramosus ccm 1646(t) (98.5 % similarity), arthrob ...201424925596
the effect of biocontrol bacteria on rhizosphere bacterial communities analyzed by plating and pcr-dgge.bacillus subtilis b579, which was isolated from rhizosphere of cucumber, exhibited an excellent biocontrol activity on soil-born pathogens under greenhouse conditions. it could colonize in rhizosphere of cucumber with large number of populations after inoculated in plant growth season. to reveal the effect of high level colonization of b. subtilis b579 on rhizobacteria community structure, cultivation-based analysis coupled with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge) analysis were used t ...201323483308
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