
antibody for detection and quantitation of membrane-associated folate-binding protein from lactobacillus casei.lactobacillus casei cells contain a 25 kda, membrane-associated, folate-binding protein (fbp), which is a component of the folate transport system. polyclonal antibody to fbp (anti-fbp) has been prepared, and conditions have been established for detection and quantitation of the protein. anti-fbp did not block [3h]folate transport or binding in l. casei cells. as judged by western blots, the antibody reacted only with fbp on sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoretograms of triton x-100 extracts of ...19873107428
[difference between dental plaque formation by lactobacillus sp. and strep. mutans].human teeth were suspended in a basal medium with sucrose 10%; they were incudated for formation of dental plaques "in vitro". the microorganisms used were: strep. mutans, lactobacillus salivarius var. salivarius and a mixture of them. the following aspects were stablishad by scanning electron microscopy: 1) the teeth inoculated with strep. mutans had coccoid forms, lying on an organic film with spheric spaces in some sectors, and irreguar forms in others (fig. 1). 2) the teeth inoculated with l ...19761005789
[endocarditis lenta caused by lactobacillus salivarius subsp. salicinicus (author's transl)].after two tooth extractions performed without antibiotic cover endocarditis lenta occurred in a ten-year-old girl. the causative organism isolated was lactobacillus salivarius subsp. salicinicus, the first such reported case. the child has a small, haemodynamically insignificant, ventricular septal defect. a cure was achieved after long-term administration of penicillin g in high doses, at first combined with ampicillin. there were no complications.1976954591
cariogenicity of human oral lactobacilli in hamsters.of 50 strains of lactobacilli isolated from dental plaque of school children, two strains, provisionally identified as lactobacillus salivarius, and one strain, provisionally identified as lactobacillus fermentum, induced significant caries activity in conventional hamsters. sucrose was a required dietary cariogenic substrate and could not be replaced with glucose or starch. in contrast to cariogenic strains of streptococcus mutans the active lactobacilli did not form adherent sucrose-mediated p ...19806767764
[bacteriocinogenesis by lactobacillus salivarius, l. jugurti, l. helveticus and l. lactis]. 19751221693
a note on the effect of host specific fermented milk on the coliform population of the neonatal rat adhering strain of lactobacillus salivarius isolated from the intestine of a rat was used to ferment cow's milk fortified with whey protein and threonine. when the fermented milk was used to dose baby rats orally for the first three days of life, the numbers of coliform organisms in the gut decreased significantly.19846746467
[bacteriocin properties of lactobacillus salivarius and lactobacillus jugurti]. 19817253981
common antigens of streptococcal and non-streptococcal oral bacteria: immunochemical studies of extracellular and cell-wall-associated antigens from streptococcus sanguis, streptococcus mutans, lactobacillus salivarius, and actinomyces viscosus.soluble extracellular antigens (esa) were prepared from the culture supernatant of exponential growing cells of streptococcus sanguis omz 9 by a combination of ammonium sulfate precipitation and chromatography on a bio-gel p6 column. soluble cell wall antigens (wea) were obtained from the bacterial pellet by extraction with 1 m phosphate buffer (ph 6). antisera against whole cells of s. sanguis and s. mutans of different serotypes, 10% trichloroacetic extracts of bacterial cell walls, dextran, e ...19816783541
common antigens of streptococcal and non-streptococcal oral bacteria: isolation and biochemical characterization of the extracellular protein extracellular soluble common protein (ecp) has been purified from extracellular soluble fractions of exponential phase cultures of streptococcus sanguis omz9, of a representative strain of each of bratthall's seven serological groups of streptococcus mutans, and of one strain each of lactobacillus salivarius and actinomyces viscosus. the ecp antigens from the different strains were prepared from sds-dissociated immunoprecipitates by affinity chromatography on an anti-rabbit immunoglobulin col ...19826816904
homofermentative lactobacillus species predominantly isolated from canine feces.lactobacillus salivarius group biovars via and vib, which are homofermentative lactobacillus, were predominantly isolated from canine feces. identification and biotyping of l. salivarius group biovars via and vib were originally done by mitsuoka et al. (1976). these strains were tentatively identified as l. salivarius by their phenotypic characteristics. they are, however, more similar to those of some new lactobacillus species, particularly l. animalis and l. murinus, than those of l. salivariu ...19968811635
the temperate phages of lactobacillus salivarius and lactobacillus casei. 19705311549
[transduction by temperate phage pls-1 in lactobacillus salivarius]. 19715169937
[properties and induction of a temperate phage pls-1 of lactobacillus salivarius]. 19715169936
studies on temperate phages of lactobacillus salivarius. ii. mode of action of defective phage 208 on nonlysogenic and homologous lysogenic lactobacillus salivarius strains. 19734541934
studies on temperate phages of lactobacillus salivarius. i. morphological, biological, and serological properties of newly isolated temperate phages of lactobacillus salivarius. 19724539620
[initial stages of enamel caries due to lactobacillus salivarius]. 19744535724
growth inhibition of streptococcus mutans by cellular extracts of human intestinal lactic acid bacteria.the in vitro growth of streptococcus mutans was completely inhibited by water-soluble extracts from cells of various intestinal lactic acid bacteria identified as streptococcus faecium, streptococcus equinus, lactobacillus fermentum, and lactobacillus salivarius. the growth inhibition was dependent on the concentrations of the extracts. in contrast, the extracts did not inhibit the growth of the major indigenous intestinal lactic acid bacteria isolated from humans. these lactic acid bacteria wer ...19854030098
nucleic acids of species of lactobacillus.nucleic acid composition of 17 cultures representing the type or neotype strains of 15 named lactobacillus species was studied. nucleic acid characterization of these isolates was accompanied by a comparative study of conventional phenotypic reactions. the overall guanine plus cytosine mean deoxyribonucleic acid base composition ranged from 33 to 50% and genome sizes varied between 700 and 1500 x 10(6) daltons. sporolactobacillus inulinus contained 2500 x 10(6) daltons of chromosomal deoxyribonu ...19853939582
the influence of the host on expression of intestinal microbial enzyme activities involved in metabolism of foreign compounds.the activities of four enzymes (beta-glucuronidase, nitrate reductase and nitroreductase) in selected intestinal bacteria (escherichia coli, clostridium sp., streptococcus sp., bacteroides sp. and lactobacillus salivarius) were measured after growth in vitro and in vivo. the five strains differed in their activities with clostridium sp. being the most active for beta-glucosidase, beta-glucuronidase and nitroreductase, and e. coli the most active producer of nitrate reductase. enzyme activity in ...19853938453
folate transport in lactobacillus salivarius. characterization of the transport mechanism and purification and properties of the binding component.lactobacillus salivarius cells contain an inducible transport system for folate. influx via this system is time- and temperature-dependent, requires glucose and glutamine for optimum activity, and is half-maximal at folate concentrations in the nanomolar range. the folate internalized after 30 min at 30 degrees c is not released from the cells by excess extracellular folate and is recovered in cell extracts primarily in metabolized forms. a membrane-associated folate-binding protein is also pres ...19873584111
formation and regeneration of protoplasts and spheroplasts of gastrointestinal strains of lactobacilli.methods were developed for the formation of protoplasts and spheroplasts of gastrointestinal strains of lactobacillus reuteri, lactobacillus gasseri, and lactobacillus salivarius. attempts to regenerate vegetative cells from protoplasts were not successful, but spheroplasts could be regenerated consistently for five of six strains.19883415227
characterization of a bacteriocin-like substance produced by a vaginal lactobacillus salivarius strain.a novel bacteriocin-like substance produced by vaginal lactobacillus salivarius subsp. salivarius crl 1328 with activity against enterococcus faecalis, enterococcus faecium, and neisseria gonorrhoeae was characterized. the highest level of production of this heat-resistant peptide or protein occurred during the late exponential phase. its mode of action was shown to be bactericidal. l. salivarius subsp. salivarius crl 1328 could be used for the design of a probiotic to prevent urogenital infecti ...199910584033
bacteriophages of lactobacilli.lactobacilli are members of the bacterial flora of lactic starter cultures used to generate lactic acid fermentation in a number of animal or plant products used as human or animals foods. they can be affected by phage outbreaks, which can result in faulty and depreciated products. two groups of phages specific of lactobacillus casei have been thoroughly studied. 1. the first group is represented by phage pl-1. this phage behaves as lytic in its usual host l. casei atcc 27092, but can lysogenize ...19883139059
numerical taxonomy of psychrotrophic lactic acid bacteria from prepacked meat and meat products.ninety-four strains of lactic acid bacteria isolated from refrigerated, prepacked meat and meat products were together with 59 reference strains of brochothrix, lactobacillus, leuconostoc, pediococcus and streptococcus phenotypically classified, using 96 unit characters. data were examined using simple matching (ssm) or jaccard coefficient (sj), and unweighted pair group algorithm with arithmetic averages. twenty-three clusters with two or more members were defined at the 84% ssm-similarity leve ...19883178187
invasion of streptococcus mutans and lactobacillus salivarius in early caries lesions of gnotobiotic rats. 19892766325
[the capacity of anaerobically grown bacteria to exchange the 2h+ of the cell for the k+ of the medium and to maintain a high k+ distribution between cell and medium].the n,n'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide sensitive exchange of 2h+ of a cell for k+ of medium stable to ph, k+ activity and temperature changes has been discovered in anaerobically grown gram-negative escherichia coli, salmonella typhimurium. s. enteritidis, proteus mirabilis, p. vulgaris, anaerobic gram-positive bacteria streptococcus faecalis, lactobacillus salivarius, l. lactis in the presence of exogenic energy source. this exchange in gram-negative bacteria is operating only at increase of medium ...19862434147
[the effect of lactobacillus salivarius administration on coliform bacteria and enterococci in the crop and cecum of broiler chickens].a rifampicin-resistant lactobacillus salivarius 51r was isolated from chicken caeca and administered orally to newly hatched broiler chickens. the resistance to rifampicin enabled us to differentiate the administered organism from indigenous strains. first day after inoculation, l. salivarius 51r dominated among lactobacilli in the crop and caeca of inoculated chickens and its counts were slightly over 7 log c.f.u. per 1 g of digesta even after 10 days. l. salivarius significantly (p < 0.01) low ...19958659080
the aggregation of human platelets by lactobacillus species.the ability to aggregate human platelets was examined for five lactobacillus rhamnosus strains and five lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei strains isolated from patients with infective endocarditis (ie), 25 laboratory isolates from the same two species, and 14 strains from five other oral species, namely lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus fermentum, lactobacillus oris, lactobacillus plantarum and lactobacillus salivarius. amongst the l. rhamnosus strains, platelets were aggregated by ...19938126421
coaggregation of oral lactobacilli with streptococci from the oral cavity.the ability of oral lactobacilli to coaggregate with streptococci and actinomycetes was investigated. of the 7 species of lactobacilli studied, only two were capable of coaggregation and the coaggregation was restricted to streptococci. lactobacillus salivarius strains (2/4) coaggregated with streptococcus salivarius, streptococcus gordonii, streptococcus crista and tufted streptococcus sanguis ii strains. lactobacillus fermentum (2/3) coaggregated with s. gordonii and s. sanguis. the coaggregat ...19938265207
antimicrobial activity of neutralized extracellular culture filtrates of lactic acid bacteria isolated from a cultured indian milk product ('dahi').neutralized extracellular culture filtrate obtained from isolates of lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus delbruecki ssp. bulgaricus, lactobacillus salivarius and lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis from 'dahi' showed weak to moderate inhibition of staphylococcus aureus, bacillus cereus, escherichia coli, bacillus brevis, bacillus circulans, bacillus coagulans, bacillus laterosporus, bacillus subtilis and pseudomonas aeruginosa when tested by the diffusion agar well assay method. the effective mi ...19938110603
antimicrobial activity of lactobacilli: preliminary characterization and optimization of production of acidocin b, a novel bacteriocin produced by lactobacillus acidophilus m46.approximately 1000 lactobacillus strains were isolated and screened for the production of antimicrobial activity, using a target panel of spoilage organisms and pathogens. only eight positive strains were found; two of these were studied in more detail. lactobacillus salivarius m7 produces the new broad spectrum bacteriocin salivaricin b which inhibits the growth of listeria monocytogenes, bacillus cereus, brochothrix thermosphacta, enterococcus faecalis and many lactobacilli. a new atypical bac ...19947961186
characterization of two strains of cariogenic lactobacilli.two strains of lactobacilli that initiate dental caries in conventional animals were exained for their physiological and serological characteristics. the strain designated v cl-25 was identified as lactobacillus fermentum and belonged to serological group f. the strain designated iv cl-37 was a lactobacillus salivarius, but it could not be further identified as either of the known subspecies, nor did it belong to serological group g.19807420055
effect of tween 80 on the morphology and physiology of lactobacillus salivarius strain iv cl-37 grown in a chemostat under glucose limitation.the effect of tween 80 on lactobacillus salivarius strain iv cl-37 growing in a chemostat under various conditions was investigated. the organisms could grow under glucose limitation in the absence of tween 80 at ph 6.0 or lower anaerobically but not aerobically. aerobic growth under glucose limitation and in the presence of tween 80 occurred in complete mrs medium but not in the dialysable fraction of mrs medium. the morphology of cells differed from coccal to filamentous and branched structure ...19807411118
abnormal fecal flora in a patient with short bowel syndrome. an in vitro study on effect of ph on d-lactic acid production.d-lactic acidosis associated with encephalopathy is a clinical condition that occurs in patients with short bowel syndrome. we studied the fecal flora and the composition of fecal water of a child who developed this unusual disorder. bacteriological studies showed that the patient's stool contained a marked predominance of gram-positive anaerobes. two strains were identified, lactobacillus plantarum and lactobacillus salivarius, as the main bacteria isolated. fecal water showed ph 4.8 and total ...19968769294
inhibition of salmonella typhimurium attachment to chicken cecal mucus by intestinal isolates of enterobacteriaceae and lactobacilli.the ability of selected strains of enterobacteriaceae or lactobacilli isolated from the intestines of adult chickens to inhibit in vitro attachment of salmonella typhimurium 3333/o to cecal mucus in the presence or absence of d-mannose was determined. attachment in the absence of mannose was reduced by prior exposure of mucus to cultures of two isolates of enterobacteriaceae, an escherichia coli and a hafnia alvei strain, but not to a third isolate, an enterobacter agglomerans strain. attachment ...19979356699
salivacin 140, a novel bacteriocin from lactobacillus salivarius subsp. salicinius t140 active against pathogenic bacteria.fifteen of 353 environmental isolates of lactic acid bacteria consistently showed activity against listeria monocytogenes, streptococcus mutans, actinomyces viscosus, and/or propionibacterium acnes. strain t140, isolated from the surface of japanese pampas grass leaves and identified as lactobacillus salivarius subsp. salicinius, also had activity against several lactobacillus species, staphylococcus aureus and yersinia enterocolitica. since the antagonistic factor(s) produced by t140 was sensit ...19968695066
effect of maduramicin and monensin on survival of lactobacillus salivarius 51r administered in the crop and caeca of young chickens.a rifampicin-resistant lactobacillus salivarius 51r was administered orally to newly hatched broiler chickens. the resistance to rifampicin enabled us to differentiate the organism administered from indigenous strains. one day after inoculation, lactobacillus salivarius 51r dominated among lactobacilli in the crop and caeca of all inoculated chickens, even in those ones receiving maduramicin and monensin at 5 and 100 mg per kg of feed mixture, respectively. coliform counts in both crop and caeca ...19979205734
prevention of helicobacter pylori infection by lactobacilli in a gnotobiotic murine model.helicobacter pylori is a bacterium which causes gastric inflammatory diseases. oral inoculation of h pylori usually results in only a temporary colonisation without a successful infection in the stomach of conventional mice in which lactobacilli are the predominant indigenous bacteria.19979274471
in vitro studies of porcine lactobacilli for possible probiotic use.fourteen strains of lactobacilli isolated from the gut of suckling pigs were identified and studied to determine their susceptibility to antimicrobial feed additives, acid tolerance, adherence to epithelial cells from the porcine intestine and antimicrobial activity. four strains were identified as lactobacillus casei subsp. casei, two strains as lactobacillus rhamnosus as well as lactobacillus reuteri and three strains as lactobacillus salivarius. the remaining strains could not be identified. ...19979451838
development of a probiotic cheddar cheese containing human-derived lactobacillus paracasei strains.cheddar cheese was manufactured with either lactobacillus salivarius nfbc 310, nfbc 321, or nfbc 348 or l. paracasei nfbc 338 or nfbc 364 as the dairy starter adjunct. these five strains had previously been isolated from the human small intestine and have been characterized extensively with respect to their probiotic potential. enumeration of these strains in mature cheddar cheese, however, was complicated by the presence of high numbers (>10(7) cfu/g of cheese) of nonstarter lactic acid bacteri ...19989603834
probiotics: from myth to reality. demonstration of functionality in animal models of disease and in human clinical trials.the enteric flora comprise approximately 95% of the total number of cells in the human body and are capable of eliciting immune responses while also protecting against microbial pathogens. however, the resident bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract (git) may also be implicated in the pathogenesis of several chronic conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (ibd). the university college cork-based probiotic research group has successfully isolated and identified lactic acid bacteria ( ...199910532384
the ability of probiotic bacteria to bind to human intestinal mucus.human mucus was isolated from faecal samples of newborns, two and six month old infants and adults. the adhesion to this mucus by the bacteria mentioned below was assessed in vitro. depending on the age group: 44-46% of the applied lactobacillus gg, 23-30% of bifidobacterium lactis bb-12, 9-14% of lactobacillus johnsonii lj-1, 3-10% of lactobacillus salivarius lm2-118, lactobacillus crispatus m247, lactobacillus paracasei f19 and 2% of l. crispatus mu5 adhered. all the strains adhered better to ...19989809419
lactic acid-mediated suppression of helicobacter pylori by the oral administration of lactobacillus salivarius as a probiotic in a gnotobiotic murine model.we examined whether or not the lactobacilli administered to treat helicobacter pylori (h. pylori) infection can suppress the colonization of h. pylori, and we also sought to elucidate the mechanism of such suppression.19989820379
phylogeny of the defined murine microbiota: altered schaedler flora.the "altered schaedler flora" (asf) was developed for colonizing germfree rodents with a standardized microbiota. the purpose of this study was to identify each of the eight asf strains by 16s rrna sequence analysis. three strains were previously identified as lactobacillus acidophilus (strain asf 360), lactobacillus salivarius (strain asf 361), and bacteroides distasonis (strain asf 519) based on phenotypic criteria. 16s rrna analysis indicated that each of the strains differed from its presump ...199910427008
lactobacillus salivarius ctc2197 prevents salmonella enteritidis colonization in chickens.a rifampin-resistant lactobacillus salivarius strain, ctc2197, was assessed as a probiotic in poultry, by studying its ability to prevent salmonella enteritidis c-114 colonization in chickens. when the probiotic strain was dosed by oral gavage together with s. enteritidis c-114 directly into the proventriculus in 1-day-old leghorn chickens, the pathogen was completely removed from the birds after 21 days. the same results were obtained when the probiotic strain was also administered through the ...199910543812
identification of lactobacillus species of human origin by a commercial kit, api50chl.the efficacy of a biochemical kit, api50chl kit, for identification of intestinal and vaginal lactobacilli from humans was evaluated by comparing with the results of dna-dna hybridization assay. the results showed that in total only 52 of the 172 strains (30.2%) tested were identified correctly by the kit at species level. especially all strains of some species, such as lactobacillus gasseri and lactobacillus crispatus, were misidentified as lactobacillus acidophilus by the kit. however, the kit ...199910681709
comparative survival rates of human-derived probiotic lactobacillus paracasei and l. salivarius strains during heat treatment and spray drying.spray drying of skim milk was evaluated as a means of preserving lactobacillus paracasei nfbc 338 and lactobacillus salivarius ucc 118, which are human-derived strains with probiotic potential. our initial experiments revealed that nfbc 338 is considerably more heat resistant in 20% (wt/vol) skim milk than ucc 118 is; the comparable decimal reduction times were 11.1 and 1.1 min, respectively, at 59 degrees c. an air outlet temperature of 80 to 85 degrees c was optimal for spray drying; these con ...200010831444
lactobacillus flora in the cloaca and vagina of hens and its inhibitory activity against salmonella enteritidis in vitro.lactobacilli in the cloaca and vagina of 40 normal laying hens were investigated quantitatively and qualitatively, and their ability to inhibit growth of salmonella enteritidis (se) was examined using a spot-the-lawn technique. all samples of cloacal contents and half the samples of vaginal mucus were positive for lactobacilli. the means +/- sd of total lactobacillus counts in the cloaca and those in the vagina were log10 5.5 +/- 1.1 and 2.5 +/- 2.6 cfu/g, respectively. in the cloaca, lactobacil ...200010685882
effects of the administration of lactobacilli on body growth and on the metabolic profile in growing maltese goat kids.the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of some lactobacilli on body growth and on the metabolic-nutritional status in growing goat kids. twenty growing maltese goat kids (10 control and 10 bios) were studied. the animals of the bios group received a concentrate including 1 g x kg(-1) of seb bovino (spray-dried), akron s.r.l., italy, with non bacterial components: gum arabic, soybean meal, silicate alum of magnesium, and with bacterial components: 10(11) cfu kg(-1) each of lactobacillus ...200415636163
rapid identification of 11 human intestinal lactobacillus species by multiplex pcr assays using group- and species-specific primers derived from the 16s-23s rrna intergenic spacer region and its flanking 23s rrna.rapid and reliable two-step multiplex polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assays were established to identify human intestinal lactobacilli; a multiplex pcr was used for grouping of lactobacilli with a mixture of group-specific primers followed by four multiplex pcr assays with four sorts of species-specific primer mixtures for identification at the species level. primers used were designed from nucleotide sequences of the 16s-23s rrna intergenic spacer region and its flanking 23s rrna gene of membe ...200010856652
probiotics in foods not containing milk or milk constituents, with special reference to lactobacillus plantarum 299v.lactic acid fermentation is the simplest and safest way of preserving food and has probably always been used by humans. species such as lactobacillus plantarum, lactobacillus rhamnosus, lactobacillus paracasei, lactobacillus acidophilus, and lactobacillus salivarius are common in the human mucosa, from the mouth to the rectum. in food, l. paracasei and l. rhamnosus are usually associated with dairy products whereas l. plantarum is found in fermented foods of plant origin. a probiotic food produc ...200111157345
probiotic impact on microbial flora, inflammation and tumour development in il-10 knockout mice.the enteric bacterial flora has been implicated in the pathogenesis of enterocolitis and colon cancer in c57bl/6 il-10 knockout mice. probiotic lactobacilli modify the enteric flora and are thought to have a beneficial effect on enterocolitis. we conducted a controlled feeding trial in il-10 knockout mice using the probiotic lactobacillus salivarius ssp. salivarius ucc118.200111472326
in vitro selection criteria for probiotic bacteria of human origin: correlation with in vivo findings.the enteric flora comprises approximately 95% of the total number of cells in the human body and can elicit immune responses while protecting against microbial pathogens. however, the resident bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract may also be implicated in the pathogenesis of diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and crohn disease). the objectives of the probiotic research group based at university college cork were to isolate and identify lactic acid bacteria e ...200111157346
bacteriocin production by lactobacillus salivarius of animal origin. 200011184178
characterization of the genetic locus responsible for the production of abp-118, a novel bacteriocin produced by the probiotic bacterium lactobacillus salivarius subsp. salivarius ucc118.abp-118, a small heat-stable bacteriocin produced by lactobacillus salivarius subsp. salivarius ucc118, a strain isolated from the ileal-caecal region of the human gastrointestinal tract, was purified to homogeneity. using reverse genetics, a dna fragment specifying part of abp-118 was identified on a 10769 bp chromosomal region. analysis of this region revealed that abp-118 was a class iib two-peptide bacteriocin composed of abp118alpha, which exhibited the antimicrobial activity, and abp118bet ...200211932444
characterization of lactobacilli towards their use as probiotic adjuncts in poultry.a total of 112 strains of lactic acid bacteria of duck origin were studied for their use as a probiotic feed supplement.200211972703
identification by 16s rrna gene sequencing of lactobacillus salivarius bacteremic anaerobic, nonsporulating, gram-positive bacterium was isolated from blood and bile pus cultures of a 70-year-old man with bacteremic acute cholecystitis. the api 20a system showed that it was 70% actinomyces naeslundii and 30% bifidobacterium species, whereas the vitek ani system and the atb id32a expression system showed that it was "unidentified." the 16s rrna gene of the strain was amplified and sequenced. there were 3 base differences between the nucleotide sequence of the isolate and th ...200211773128
bacteriocin production by spray-dried lactic acid bacteria.cell survival and antagonistic activity against listeria innocua, listeria monocytogenes and staphylococcus aureus were investigated after spray-drying three bacteriocin-producing strains of lactic acid bacteria: carnobacterium divergens, lactobacillus salivarius and lactobacillus sakei.200211849498
antibacterial properties of dentin bonding systems, polyacid-modified composite resins and composite resins.this study examined the antibacterial activities of the bonding systems syntac, ebs and scotchbond 1, the polyacid-modified composite resins hytac and compoglass, and the composite resins tetric, z100 and scalp-it. they were evaluated using the cariogenic bacteria streptococcus mutans, lactobacillus salivarius, streptococcus sorbinus and actinomyces viscosus in vitro with a modified cylinder drop plate agar diffusion assay. all adhesives of the dentin bonding systems and the polyacid-modified co ...200111298264
influence of ph, temperature and culture media on the growth and bacteriocin production by vaginal lactobacillus salivarius crl study the influence of ph, temperature and culture medium on the growth and bacteriocin production by vaginal lactobacillus salivarius subsp. salivarius crl 1328.200212234356
probiotics and helicobacter pylori eradication.the need for new strategies for helicobacter pylori eradication, alternative or complementary to antibiotic therapy, has recently claimed the attention of many investigators. pre-clinical studies have shown the inhibition of helicobacter pylori growth by lactobacilli and the anti-helicobacter pylori action of lactobacillus salivarius, lactobacillus acidophilus and lactobacillus casei subspecies rhamnosus strains, possibly due to the production of lactic acid or to the secretion of an autolysin. ...200212408448
isolation, selection, and characterization of lactic acid bacteria for a competitive exclusion product to reduce shedding of escherichia coli o157:h7 in cattle.lactic acid bacteria (lab) were selected on the basis of characteristics indicating that they would be good candidates for a competitive exclusion product (cep) that would inhibit escherichia coli o157:h7 in the intestinal tract of live cattle. fecal samples from cattle that were culture negative for e. coli o157:h7 were collected. lab were isolated from cattle feces by repeated plating on deman rogosa sharpe agar and lactobacillus selection agar. six hundred eighty-six pure colonies were isolat ...200312636285
detection and identification of lactobacillus species in crops of broilers of different ages by using pcr-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and amplified ribosomal dna restriction analysis.the microflora of the crop was investigated throughout the broiler production period (0 to 42 days) using pcr combined with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (pcr-dgge) and selective bacteriological culture of lactobacilli followed by amplified ribosomal dna restriction analysis (ardra). the birds were raised under conditions similar to those used in commercial broiler production. lactobacilli predominated and attained populations of 10(8) to 10(9) cfu per gram of crop contents. many of th ...200314602636
double blind, placebo controlled trial of two probiotic strains in interleukin 10 knockout mice and mechanistic link with cytokine balance.prophylactic efficacy against colitis following lactobacillus consumption in interleukin 10 (il-10) knockout (ko) mice has been reported. whether this applies equally to other probiotic strains is unknown, and the mechanism is unclear.200312801954
relative ability of orally administered lactobacillus murinus to predominate and persist in the porcine gastrointestinal tract.five porcine-derived lactobacillus or pediococcus isolates administered to pigs (n = 4), either singly or as a combination at approximately 10(10) cfu per day varied with respect to intestinal survival and persistence. two lactobacillus murinus strains survived best and were excreted at approximately 10(7) to 10(8) cfu/g of feces. in contrast, pediococcus pentosaceus dpc6006 had the lowest fecal count at approximately 10(5) cfu/g and was excreted at a significantly lower level than both l. murin ...200415066778
identification and screening for antimicrobial activity against clostridium difficile of bifidobacterium and lactobacillus species isolated from healthy infant faeces.the antimicrobial activity against clostridium difficile of 109 lactic acid bacteria (lab) isolated from 32 healthy korean infants was measured. the ability to show similar activity against escherichia coli o157:h7 and staphylococcus aureus was also looked for. twelve of the 109 lab showed activity against c. difficile and 19 strains were active against e. coli o157:h7, but none against s. aureus. four strains had antimicrobial activity against both c. difficile and e. coli o157:h7. of the 12 st ...200312672580
species differentiation of oral lactobacilli from man including description of lactobacillus salivarius nov spec and lactobacillus cellobiosus nov spec. 195313069442
is the mucosal route of administration essential for probiotic function? subcutaneous administration is associated with attenuation of murine colitis and arthritis.we and others have reported the prophylactic efficacy of oral consumption of probiotic lactobacilli in the interleukin 10 knockout (il-10 ko) model of colitis. it has not been demonstrated that the oral route is essential for probiotic efficacy.200415082588
susceptibility of oral bacteria to an antimicrobial decapeptide.naturally occurring antimicrobial peptides have emerged as alternative classes of antimicrobials. in general, these antimicrobial peptides exhibit selectivity for prokaryotes and minimize the problems of engendering microbial resistance. as an alternative method to search for more effective broad-spectrum peptide antimicrobials, investigators have developed peptide libraries by using synthetic combinatorial technology. a novel decapeptide, kkvvfkvkfk (ksl), has been identified that shows a broad ...200314614067
comparative composition of bacteria in the human intestinal microflora during remission and active ulcerative colitis.ulcerative colitis is a severe, relapsing and remitting disease of the human large intestine characterised by inflammation of the mucosa and submucosa. the main site of disease is the sigmoid/rectal region of the large bowel but the aetiology remains unknown. there is considerable evidence to indicate that the components of the resident colonic microflora can play an important role in initiation of the disease. the present study was aimed at characterising the faecal microflora of ulcerative col ...200415460067
selection of lactobacilli for chicken probiotic adjuncts.during inhibitory activity screening of 296 strains of lactic acid bacteria from the gastro-intestinal tract of chicks, 77 strains showed inhibition against enteric indicator strains (salmonella enteritidis and escherichia coli). eight different strains identified as lactobacillus salivarius were selected for the following attributes: their ability to inhibit all the indicator strains; a high adhesion efficiency to the epithelial cells of chickens and also their resistance to a number of antibio ...199815244067
effects of two probiotic lactobacillus strains on jejunal and cecal microbiota of broiler chicken under acute heat stress condition as revealed by molecular analysis of 16s rrna genes.we examined the effects of probiotic lactobacillus strains of lactobacillus agilis jcm 1048 and lactobacillus salivarius subsp. salicinius jcm 1230 on jejunal and cecal microbiota of broiler chicken under heat stress condition using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (t-rflp) analysis. the jejunal bacterial community was limited to a few bacterial groups, mostly lactobacillus spp. a relatively abundant and higher prevalence of lactobacillus spp. were observed in the jejunal and ce ...200415611608
effect of zinc bacitracin and salinomycin on intestinal microflora and performance of broilers.a feeding experiment was carried out over 42 d with four groups of broiler chickens fed experimental diets formulated to provide no supplementation, 20 mg zinc bacitracin, 60 mg salinomycin, or both feed additives in combination. during the fifth week of the experiment, four chickens from each pen were killed, and the contents of gizzard, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, ceca, and rectum were separately collected and pooled. in all intestinal segments, the ph and the concentration of lactic acid were m ...200011020077
colonization of the stratified squamous epithelium of the nonsecreting area of horse stomach by lactobacilli.selective adhesion to only certain epithelia is particularly common among the bacterial members of the indigenous microflora of mammals. we have found that the stratified squamous epithelium of the nonsecreting area of horse stomach is colonized by gram-positive rods. the microscopic features of a dense layer of these bacteria on the epithelium were found to be similar to those reported in mice, rats, and swine. adhering microorganisms were isolated and identified as lactobacillus salivarius, l. ...200011055960
lactobacillus and bifidobacterium in irritable bowel syndrome: symptom responses and relationship to cytokine profiles.the aim of this study was to compare the response of symptoms and cytokine ratios in irritable bowel syndrome (ibs) with ingestion of probiotic preparations containing a lactobacillus or bifidobacterium strain.200515765388
efficient lactic acid production from high salt containing dairy by-products by lactobacillus salivarius ssp. salicinius with pre-treatment by proteolytic microorganisms.lactic acid bacteria have an inefficient proteolytic system. therefore, cultivation media which may have high protein content are usually supplemented with yeast extract or protein lysates (peptones). these additives might be conveniently replaced by in situ treatment of the cultivation medium with proteolytic enzymes or proteolytic microbes. lactobacillus salivarius ssp. salicinius, a lactic acid bacterium species that can grow at high salt concentration, was used to ferment lactic acid in chee ...200515876466
the genetic diversity of lactic acid producing bacteria in the equine gastrointestinal tract.seventy-two lactic acid producing bacterial isolates (excluding streptococci) were cultured from the gastrointestinal tract of six horses. two of the horses were orally dosed with raftilose to induce lactic acidosis and laminitis while the remaining four were maintained on a roughage diet. near complete 16s rdna was amplified by pcr from the genomic dna of each isolate. following rflp analysis with the restriction enzymes mboi, hhai and hinfi, the pcr products from the 18 isolates that produced ...200515953698
effect of some pharmaceutical excipients on the survival of probiotic vaginal lactobacilli.lactobacilli are the predominant microorganisms of the vaginal bacterial microbiota, and they play a major role in the maintenance of a healthy urogenital tract. in consequence, the interest in their potential use as probiotics has significantly increased during the last decade. in the present study we assessed the influence of different excipients on the survival of 4 probiotic vaginal lactobacilli incorporated into glycerinated gelatin ovules and stored at 5 degrees c for 60 d. results showed ...200516121226
preventative effects of a probiotic, lactobacillus salivarius ssp. salivarius, in the tnbs model of rat investigate the intestinal anti-inflammatory effect and mechanism of a probiotic lactobacillus salivarius ssp. salivarius cect5713 in the tnbs model of rat colitis.200516127750
characterisation of the microflora of attiéké, a fermented cassava product, during traditional small-scale preparation.attiéké is a fermented cassava product consumed mainly in cote d'ivoire. the aim of this study was to characterise the attiéké fermentation by examining products from 15 small-scale production sites at various stages of its preparation. for the preparation of attiéké, fresh cassava is grated to a pulp and inoculated with 10% of a spontaneous traditional inoculum. the inocula contained aerobic mesophiles at mean numbers of 8.2 x 10(7) cfu/g and lactic and acetic acids at mean concentrations of 0. ...200616213052
lactic acid fermentation of food waste for swine feed.this study was conducted to determine the effects of lactic acid bacteria (lab, lactobacillus salivarius) inoculation on the microbial, physical and chemical properties of food waste mixture (fwm) stored at ambient temperature (25 degrees c) for 10 and 30 days. a complete pig diet including restaurant food waste, bakery by-product, barley and wheat bran, and broiler poultry litter was amended with lab at the levels of 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5% and 1.0% and fermented anaerobically. these treatments were c ...200616257200
oral lactobacilli in chronic periodontitis and periodontal health: species composition and antimicrobial activity.lactobacilli are known to play an important role in the maintenance of health by stimulating natural immunity and contributing to the balance of microflora. however, their role in chronic periodontitis is unclear. we aimed to identify oral lactobacilli in chronic periodontitis and periodontally healthy subjects, and to determine their antimicrobial activity against putative oral pathogens.200516238595
correlation of probiotic lactobacillus salivarius growth phase with its cell wall-associated proteome.lactobacillus salivarius subsp. salivarius ucc118 is a probiotic bacterium that was originally isolated from human intestinal tissues and was subsequently shown in a pilot study to alleviate symptoms associated with mild-moderate crohn's disease. strain ucc118 can adhere to animal and human intestinal tissue, and to both healthy and inflamed ulcerative colitis mucosa, irrespective of location in the gut. in this study, an enzymatic technique has been combined with proteomic analysis to correlate ...200516214296
cariogenicity of the probiotic bacterium lactobacillus salivarius in rats.probiotic bacteria such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are considered to be non-pathogenic and non-toxigenic on the basis of long years of safe usage. however, some species of lactobacilli are thought to be associated with the development of dental caries. the purpose of the present study was to examine the cariogenicity of the probiotic bacterium lactobacillus salivarius in rats. rats were divided into six groups, and infected with l. salivarius ls1952r and/or streptococcus mutans mt8148r. ...200516251792
use of polymerase chain reaction techniques and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for differentiation of oral lactobacillus species.the genus lactobacillus has been associated with dental caries in humans, although it is seldom speciated due to lack of simple and nonlaborious identification methods. a considerable heterogeneity among lactobacillus species has been demonstrated. the purpose of this study was to develop simple methods combining restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-amplified 16s rrna (16s rrna gene pcr-rflp) and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electropho ...200616476016
application of measurements of transepithelial electrical resistance of intestinal epithelial cell monolayers to evaluate probiotic activity.among five potentially probiotic lactobacilli investigated, lactobacillus plantarum mf1298 and lactobacillus salivarius dc5 showed the highest increase in the transepithelial electrical resistance (ter) of polarized monolayers of caco-2 cells, and this increase was shown to be dose dependent. furthermore, preincubation with mf1298 attenuated a decrease in ter induced by listeria monocytogenes.200516269795
differential cytokine response from dendritic cells to commensal and pathogenic bacteria in different lymphoid compartments in humans.resident host microflora condition and prime the immune system. however, systemic and mucosal immune responses to bacteria may be divergent. our aim was to compare, in vitro, cytokine production by human mononuclear and dendritic cells (dcs) from mesenteric lymph nodes (mlns) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmcs) to defined microbial stimuli. mononuclear cells and dcs isolated from the mln (n = 10) and peripheral blood (n = 12) of patients with active colitis were incubated in vitro wit ...200616293657
conjugal transfer of broad-host-range plasmid pambeta1 into enteric species of lactic acid bacteria.the broad-host-range plasmid pambeta1, which codes for erythromycin and lincomycin resistance, was transferred by conjugation into lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus reuteri, and lactobacillus salivarius. a novel 17-megadalton plasmid molecule was detected in the transconjugants, confirming the introduction of pambeta1 into each species.198316346389
mechanism of growth inhibition by free bile acids in lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.the effects of the free bile acids (fbas) cholic acid (ca), deoxycholic acid (dca), and chenodeoxycholic acid on the bioenergetics and growth of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria were investigated. it was found that these fbas reduced the internal ph levels of these bacteria with rapid and stepwise kinetics and, at certain concentrations, dissipated deltaph. the bile acid concentrations that dissipated deltaph corresponded with the mics for the selected bacteria. unlike acetate, propionate, and bu ...200616484210
heterologous expression of betl, a betaine uptake system, enhances the stress tolerance of lactobacillus salivarius ucc118.given the increasing commercial and clinical relevance of probiotic cultures, improving the technological robustness of what are often process-sensitive cultures is an important biological goal. the nisin-controlled expression system was used to direct the heterologous expression of the listerial betaine uptake system betl in the probiotic strain lactobacillus salivarius ucc118. following nisin induction, strains expressing betl exhibited a significant increase in resistance to several stresses, ...200616517668
the effect of prebiotics on production of antimicrobial compounds, resistance to growth at low ph and in the presence of bile, and adhesion of probiotic cells to intestinal mucus.screening of five bile salt-resistant and low ph-tolerant lactic acid bacteria for inhibitory activity against lactic acid bacteria and bacterial strains isolated from the faeces of children with hiv/aids. determining the effect of prebiotics and soy milk-base on cell viability and adhesion of cells to intestinal mucus.200616553737
cloacal lactobacillus isolates from broilers show high prevalence of resistance towards macrolide and lincosamide antibiotics.eighty-seven lactobacillus strains isolated from cloacal swabs of broiler chickens derived from 20 different farms in belgium were identified to species level and tested for susceptibility to macrolide and lincosamide antibiotics. five different lactobacillus species were identified as being predominantly present in the cloacae of broilers: lactobacillus crispatus, lactobacillus salivarius subsp. salivarius, lactobacillus amylovorus, lactobacillus gallinarum and lactobacillu sreuteri. acquired r ...200616595310
adhesion of lactobacillus plantarum 423 and lactobacillus salivarius 241 to the intestinal tract of piglets, as recorded with fluorescent in situ hybridization (fish), and production of plantaricin 423 by cells colonized to the determine which intestinal section of pre and postweaned piglets are colonized by lactobacillus plantarum 423 and lactobacillus salivarius 241, and follow production of plantaricin 423 in a gastro-intestinal model.200616553740
the effect of probiotic bacteria on transepithelial calcium transport and calcium uptake in human intestinal-like caco-2 cells.while prebiotic substances have attracted considerable attention in terms of their stimulatory effect on intestinal calcium absorption, the potential influence of probiotic bacteria on calcium absorption has received little research emphasis. therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the effect of well-characterized probiotics (lactobacillus salivarius (ucc 118) and bifidobacterium infantis (ucc 35624)) on calcium uptake and transepithelial calcium transport in human intestinal-l ...200616570693
multireplicon genome architecture of lactobacillus salivarius.lactobacillus salivarius subsp. salivarius strain ucc118 is a bacteriocin-producing strain with probiotic characteristics. the 2.13-mb genome was shown by sequencing to comprise a 1.83 mb chromosome, a 242-kb megaplasmid (pmp118), and two smaller plasmids. megaplasmids previously have not been characterized in lactic acid bacteria or intestinal lactobacilli. annotation of the genome sequence indicated an intermediate level of auxotrophy compared with other sequenced lactobacilli. no single-copy ...200616617113
functional modulation of human intestinal epithelial cell responses by bifidobacterium infantis and lactobacillus salivarius.intestinal epithelial cells (iecs) and dendritic cells (dcs) play a pivotal role in antigen sampling and the maintenance of gut homeostasis. however, the interaction of commensal bacteria with the intestinal surface remains incompletely understood. here we investigated immune cell responses to commensal and pathogenic bacteria. ht-29 human iecs were incubated with bifidobacterium infantis 35624, lactobacillus salivarius ucc118 or salmonella typhimurium uk1 for varying times, or were pretreated w ...200616771855
lactobacillus cypricasei lawson et al. 2001 is a later heterotypic synonym of lactobacillus acidipiscis tanasupawat et al. 2000.the applicability of a multilocus sequence analysis (mlsa)-based identification system for lactobacilli was evaluated. two housekeeping genes that code for the phenylalanyl-trna synthase alpha-subunit (phes) and rna polymerase alpha-subunit (rpoa) were sequenced and analysed for members of the lactobacillus salivarius species group. the type strains of lactobacillus acidipiscis and lactobacillus cypricasei were investigated further using a third gene that encodes the alpha-subunit of atp synthas ...200616825650
antimicrobial potential of four lactobacillus strains isolated from breast milk.the antimicrobial potential of four lactobacilli (lactobacillus salivarius cect5713, lactobacillus gasseri cect5714, l. gasseri cect5715 and lactobacillus fermentum cect5716), isolated from fresh human breast milk, was evaluated in this study and compared with lactobacillus coryniformis cect5711, a reuterin-producing strain isolated from an artisan goat's cheese.200616834593
lactobacillus salivarius cect 5713, a potential probiotic strain isolated from infant feces and breast milk of a mother-child this study, lactobacillus salivarius cect 5713 was originally isolated from feces of a one-month-old breast-fed infant. since it has been suggested that the gut microbiota of breast-fed infants reflects that of the maternal breast milk, we investigated if this specific strain was present in breast milk of the respective mother. rapd and pfge analysis revealed the presence of the strain l. salivarius cect 5713 in this biological fluid. to our knowledge, this is the first report of a l. salivar ...200616843562
isolation of a lactobacillus salivarius strain and purification of its bacteriocin, which is inhibitory to campylobacter jejuni in the chicken gastrointestinal system.we evaluated anti-campylobacter jejuni activity among >1,200 isolates of different lactic acid bacteria. lactobacillus salivarius strain nrrl b-30514 was selected for further study. the cell-free, ammonium sulfate precipitate from the broth culture was termed the crude antimicrobial preparation. ten microliters of the crude preparation created a zone of c. jejuni growth inhibition, and growth within the zone resumed when the crude preparation was preincubated with proteolytic enzymes. bacterioci ...200616940109
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 453