
phosphoribulokinase from nitrobacter winogradskyi: activation by reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and inhibition by pyridoxal phosphate.co2 fixation by particle-free extracts from nitrobacter winogradskyi increased by addition of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (nadh). ribulose-1,5-diphosphate, however, increased co2 fixation, even in the absence of nadh. phosphoribulokinase (ec was the enzyme of nitrobacter extracts that was activated specifically by nadh. pyridoxal-5-phosphate inhibited both co2 fixation and nadh-activated phosphoribulokinase from nitrobacter. however, it did not affect phosphoribulokinase ...197715976
the influence of some herbicides on selected groups of microorganisms in loess and sandy soils. ii. the effect of nitrification.studies on the effect of herbicides on nitrification in field and laboratory conditions have shown that steady use of these substances in the same field does not exert a significant effect on this process in the soil. the herbicides caused only shortlasting disturbances. nitrification usually returned to a relative equilibrium in several days after the herbicide application.197767749
effect of high concentrations of nitrogen on mixed populations of nitrifying bacteria isolated from industrial nitrogenous wastewaters.the effect of high concentrations of different forms of nitrogen (nh4+, no2-, no3- and urea n) on nitrification by mixed populations of nitrosobacters isolated from nitrogen fertilizer plant wastewaters and nitrobacters isolated from effluents from a biological bed treating these wastewaters was determined. the inhibitory activity (within the concentration values for industrial wastewaters) of only the reaction products was observed, i.e. nitrites for nitrification phase i and nitrates for nitri ...197992174
paramagnetic centers of the nitrite oxidizing bacterium nitrobacter. 1976182548
icosahedral inclusions (carboxysomes) of nitrobacter agilis.the icosahedral bodies of nitrobacter agilis are about 120 nm in diameter and, as viewed by electron microscopy, consist of an outer shell enclosing 10-nm particles. the inner 10-nm particle is the enzyme d-ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. the bodies isolated from cells incubated 1 month without nitrite had a specific activity for the enzyme of 0.54 mu mol of co2 fixed per min per mg of protein.1977199579
deoxyribonucleic acid in nitrobacter carboxysomes.carboxysomes were isolated from nitrobacter winogradskyi and nitrobacter agilis. the icosahedral particles contained double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (dna). in the presence of ethidium bromide and cesium chloride, the particle-bound dna had a buoyant density of rho 25 = 1.701 g/cm3. electron microscopy revealed the dna to be a 14-micron circular molecule.1979227833
subunits of cytochrome a-type terminal oxidases derived from thiobacillus novellus and nitrobacter agilis.cytochrome a-type terminal oxidases derived from thiobacillus novellus and nitrobacter agilis have been purified to a homogeneous state as judged from their electrophoretic behavior and their subunit structures studied by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. the t. novellus enzyme is composed of two kinds of subunits of 32,000 and 23,000 daltons and its minimum molecular weight is 55,000 on the basis of heme content and amino acid composition. the n. agil ...1979229103
effects of a nitrate reductase inactivating enzyme and nad(p)h on the nitrate reductase from higher plants and neurospora.evidence is presented which suggests that the nad(p)h-cytochrome c reductase component of nitrate reductase is the main site of action of the inactivating enzyme. when tested on the nitrate reductase (nadh) from the maize root and scutella, the nadh-cytochrome c reductase was inactivated at a greater rate than was the fadh2-nitrate reductase component. with the neurospora nitrate reductase (nadph) only the nadph-cytochrome c reductase was inactivated. p-chloromercuribenzoate at 50 mum, which gav ...1975235300
[ability of obligate methylotrophs to perform nitrogen fixation].the ability for nitrification was studied among mesophilic and thermophilic cultures of obligate methylotrophs methylobacter ucrainicus, methylomonas methanica, and methylococcus thermophilus. the strains were almost incapable of nitrification under autotrophic conditions. in the presence of methane, however, they oxidized nh+4 to no-2: over 150 mg/litre no-2 nitrogen was found in the cultural broth. therefore, obligate methylotrophs are capable of heterotrophic nitrification. the level of nitri ...1977404513
adenine nucleotide pool variations in intact nitrobacter winogradskyi cells.1. the atp pool in nitrobacter winogradskyi cells was determined by means of the luciferin-luciferase enzyme system and the adp and amp pools were measured after enzymatic conversion into atp. 2. in the first 10 min after addition of nitrite to endogenously respiring cells, which had stood for 5--16 days after completion of the nitrite oxidation, the atp pool dropped about 60%. 3. during the log phase the atp pool was approx. 20--40 pmoles/5 mug cell-n. during growth it increased exponentially b ...1975808183
growth of nitrobacter in the presence of organic matter. i. mixotrophic growth.1. culture filtrates of heterotrophic bacteria were tested for their stimulatory effect on nitrification of three strains of nitrobacter. 2. yeast extract-peptone solution, in which pseudomonas fluorescens had grown, after removal of the cells was added to autotrophically growing cultures of nitrobacter agilis; it caused a stimulated nitrite oxidation and growth of nitrobacter agilis. 3. the degree of stimulation depended on: a) the proportion of the culture filtrate to the autotrophic medium; b ...1976821450
nitrification in histosols: a potential role for the heterotrophic nitrifier.insufficient populations of nitrosomonas and nitrobacter were found in a pahokee muck soil (lithic medidaprit) to account for the nitrate concentration observed. to determine if heterotrophic nitrifiers could account for some of this discrepancy, a method was developed to measure the levels of heterotrophic nitrifiers in soil. a population of 4.1 x 10(5) arthrobacter per g of dry fallow soil, capable of producing nitrite and/or nitrate from reduced nitrogenous compounds, was observed. amendment ...1977869537
enzymatic studies on autotrophically, mixotrophically and heterotrophically grown nitrobacter agilis with special reference to nitrite oxidase.nitrobacter agilis was grown autotrophically on nitrite, mixotrophically on nitrite together with either acetate or pyruvate and heterotrophically on acetate and casamino acids, pyruvate and casamino acids or pyruvate and nitrate. the enzymatic activities differed most in the key enzymes of lithotrophic metabolism. nitrite oxidase was repressed 90% in 10 days after transition to heterotrophic growth and was no longer detectable after several transfers. the induction of nitrite oxidase began afte ...1977931509
growth of nitrobacter in the presence of organic matter. ii. chemoorganotrophic growth of nitrobacter agilis.1. after a resting period of up to 6 months cells of nitrobacter agilis grow with acetate, formate, and pyruvate as carbon and energy source. yeast extract and peptone were added to supply the organism with nitrogen and to meet possible vitamin requirements. 2. the length of the growth period depends on the substrate; it increases according to the following sequence: pyruvate, formate, acetate. the highest growth yield is observed with pyruvate, the lowest with formate. 3. o2 consumption is incr ...1976942282
[phage-like particles in nitrobacter (proceedings)]. 1976983500
[chemical structure of phage-like particles nb1 (proceedings)]. 1976983501
an automated biological nitrification toxicity test. 1976994305
autoradiography and immunofluorescence combined for autecological study of single cell activity with nitrobacter as a model system.specific detection of a particular bacterium by immunofluorescence was combined with estimation of its metabolic activity by autoradiography. the nitrifying bacteria nitrobacter agilis and n. winogradskyi were used as a model system. nitrobacter were incubated with nah14co3 and 14co2 prior to study. the same preparations made for autoradiograms were stained with fluorescent antibodies specific for the nitrobacter species. examination by epifluorescence and transmitted dark-field microscopy revea ...19751103733
cytochromes c of nitrobacter winogradskyi and thiobacillus novellus: structure, function and evolution.the amino acid sequences of thiobacillus novellus and nitrobacter winogradskyi cytochromes c have been compared with those of cytochromes c from several other organisms. the two bacterial cytochromes resemble eukaryotic cytochromes c; 49 amino-acid residues are identical between t. novellus and horse cytochromes c, and 50 residues identical between n. winogradskyi and horse cytochromes c. however, their reactivity with cow cytochrome c oxidase is about 80% lower than the reactivity of eukaryotic ...19911646018
16s rrna sequences of bartonella bacilliformis and cat scratch disease bacillus reveal phylogenetic relationships with the alpha-2 subgroup of the class proteobacteria.the primary structures of 16s rrnas of bartonella bacilliformis, an isolate of the cat scratch disease (csd) bacillus, and a strain phenotypically similar to the csd bacillus were determined by reverse transcriptase sequencing. these microorganisms were found to be members of the alpha-2 subgroup of the class proteobacteria. the sequence from b. bacilliformis was most closely related to the rrna of rochalimaea quintana (91.7% homology), the etiologic agent of trench fever. the sequence from the ...19911719021
purification and characterization of atpase from nitrobacter atpase was purified from nitrobacter winogradskyi, and some of its molecular and enzymatic properties were determined. the enzyme was composed of two subunits of 64 and 59 kda, respectively. the enzyme had its ph optimum at 9.5 and showed a specific activity of 7 units per mg protein. this activity was about 14% and 18% of that of f1-atpases obtained from escherichia coli and sulfolobus acidocaldarius, respectively. the enzyme was 29% and 6% inhibited by 100 microm dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (d ...19911834519
physical, chemical and immunological properties of the bacterioferritins of escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa and azotobacter vinelandii.the 70-amino-acid-residue n-terminal sequence of the bacterioferritin (bfr) of azotobacter vinelandii was determined and shown to be highly similar to the n-terminal sequences of the escherichia coli and nitrobacter winogradskyi bacterioferritins. electrophoretic and immunological analyses further indicate that the bacterioferritins of e. coli, a. vinelandii and pseudomonas aeruginosa are closely related. a novel, two-subunit assembly state that predominates over the 24-subunit form of bfr at lo ...19911904771
a phylogenetic survey of budding, and/or prosthecate, non-phototrophic eubacteria: membership of hyphomicrobium, hyphomonas, pedomicrobium, filomicrobium, caulobacter and "dichotomicrobium" to the alpha-subdivision of purple non-sulfur bacteria.the phylogenetic position of various budding and/or or prosthecate gram-negative eubacteria was determined by different methods. members of the genera hyphomicrobium, filomicrobium, pedomicrobium were investigated by 16s rrna cataloguing, a 1373 nucleotide long portion of the 16s rrna was sequenced from hyphomicrobium vulgare and the 5s rrnas were analyzed from two hyphomicrobium strains, hyphomonas polymorpha and caulobacter crescentus. comparison with published sequences indicated a membership ...19882455491
the nitrite oxidizing system of nitrobacter winogradskyi.cytochrome components which participate in the oxidation of nitrite in nitrobacter winogradskyi have been highly purified and their properties studied in detail. cytochrome a1c1 is an iron-sulphur molybdoenzyme which has haems a and c and acts as a nitrite-cytochrome c oxidoreductase. cytochrome c-550 is homologous to eukaryotic cytochrome c and acts as the electron mediator between cytochrome a1c1 and aa3-type cytochrome c oxidase. the oxidase is composed of two kinds of subunits, has two molec ...19882856189
cytochrome c oxidase of pseudomonas am 1: purification, and molecular and enzymatic properties.cytochrome c oxidase (cytochrome aa3-type) [ec] was purified from pseudomonas am 1 to an electrophoretically homogeneous state and some of its properties were studied. the oxidase showed absorption peaks at 428 and 598 nm in the oxidized form, and at 442 and 604 nm in the reduced form. the co compound of the reduced enzyme showed peaks at 432 and 602 nm. the enzyme molecule was composed of two kinds of subunits with molecular weights of 50,000 and 30,000 and it contained equimolar amount ...19852999096
[structural, functional and evolutional aspects of nitrobacter agilis cytochrome c]. 19852999879
n-terminal amino acid sequence of cytochrome c-552 from nitrosomonas europaea.nitrosomonas europaea is an ammonia-oxidizing bacterium which contains multiple c-type cytochromes. few of these components have been assigned physiological roles, but on the basis of molecular weight and redox potential cytochrome c-552 has been considered to be an analogue of the mitochondrial cytochrome-c family of proteins. we present the n-terminal amino acid sequence (47 residues) of cytochrome c-552 and show that this protein is most closely related to the group of small cytochrome-c comp ...19863004498
different lipid a types in lipopolysaccharides of phototrophic and related non-phototrophic bacteria.lipid a analyses confirm not only the present taxa of the purple nonsulfur bacteria (formerly rhodospirillaceae), but also phylogenetical relatedness of distinct phototrophic to distinct non-phototrophic bacteria, as was suggested by cataloguing 16s rrna. for example, lipid a with ester-bound 3-oh-10:0 and the rare amide-linked 3-oxo-14:0 is common to the phototrophic rhodobacter capsulatus and rhodobacter sphaeroides and also to paracoccus denitrificans and thiobacillus versutus. 'lipid adag' ( ...19883078741
[biology of chemoautotrophs]. 19883150584
[subordination of the taxa of gram-negative bacteria determined by numerical analysis methods].various numerical methods were used to estimate the coordination of taxa of gram-negative aerobic and facultative anaerobic organoheterotrophic and chemolithotrophic bacteria. stable phena were found to be formed by cultures belonging to the families rhizobiaceae, halobacteriaceae, enterobacteriaceae, nitrobacteriaceae (except the genus nitrobacter), and methylomonadaceae (except the genus methylococcus). the unstable position was found in the genera thermus, zoogloea, xanthomonas, sulfolobus, m ...19863523170
5s rrna sequences from nitrobacter winogradskyi, caulobacter crescentus, stella humosa and verrucomicrobium spinosum. 19873684605
lack of distinction between nitrobacter agilis and nitrobacter adequate criteria were established to distinguish between nitrobacter agilis and n. winogradskyi. however, very gentle preparative techniques permitted demonstration of flagella in n. agilis.19714109868
[structure and function relationship in reactivating cells of nitrobacter winogradskyi buch]. 19724145611
inactivation of nitrate reductase by nadh in nitrobacter agilis. 19744154046
[resistance testing of the pathogens in urinary tract infections on agar dip-slides]. 19734201354
[submicroscopic structure of the bacterial cell wall (review of the literature)]. 19734206610
mechanisms of inorganic oxidation and energy coupling. 19744215368
oxidative phosphorylation in nitrobacter winogradskyi. 19654222332
path of carbon and assimilatory power in chemosynthetic bacteria. i. nitrobacter agilis. 19654285527
spectrophotometric and kinetic study of nitrite and formate oxidation in nitrobacter winogradskyi.the reduction levels of cytochrome c and a(1) in intact nitrobacter cells and cell-free extracts, during and after nitrite or formate oxidation, were examined in combination with the amperometric measurement of oxygen uptake. quite different reduction patterns were observed when comparing nitrite oxidation by intact cells and cell-free extracts. an inverse relationship was observed between the rate of electron flow and the steady-state reduction level of cytochrome a(1). parallel observations on ...19674289808
mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation in the chemoautotroph nitrobacter agilis. 19684300593
generation of reducing power in chemosynthesis. v. the mechanism of pyridine nucleotide reduction by nitrite in the chemoautotroph nitrobacter agilis. 19694305696
effects of pesticides on nitrite oxidation by nitrobacter agilis.the influence of pesticides on the growth of nitrobacter agilis in aerated cultures and on the respiration of n. agilis cell suspensions and cell-free extracts was studied. two pesticides, aldrin and simazine, were not inhibitory to growth of nitrobacter, but five compounds [isopropyl n-(3-chlorophenyl) carbamate (cipc), chlordane, 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl) ethane (ddd), heptachlor, and lindane] prevented growth when added to the medium at a concentration of 10 mug/ml. whereas cipc a ...19704314375
purification and properties of atp-sulphurylase from nitrobacter agilis. 19714323859
the effect of two herbicies (cipc and eptam) on oxidative phosphorylation by nitrobacter agilis. 19714324546
[structural and functional changes in reactivating cells of nitrobacter winogradskyi buch]. 19714326910
membrane proteins: a perspective. 19724338418
the oxidation-reduction potentials and rates of oxidation of the cytochromes of nitrobacter agilis. 19724346634
the microbial ecology of the activated sludge process. 19714347114
properties of some reductase enzymes in the nitrifying bacteria and their relationship to the oxidase systems.the reductase enzymes in nitrosomonas and nitrobacter were studied under anaerobic conditions when the oxidase enzymes were inactive. the most effective electron-donor systems for nitrate reductase in nitrobacter were reduced benzyl viologen alone, phenazine methosulphate with either nadh or nadph, and fmn or fad with nadh. nitrite and hydroxylamine reductases were found in both nitrifying bacteria, and optimum activity for each enzyme was obtained with nadh or nadph with either fmn or fad. the ...19684386932
characterization of the particulate nitrite oxidase and its component activities from the chemoautotroph nitrobacter agilis. 19704394298
metabolism of 35 s-sulphate and properties of aps-kinase and paps-reductase in nitrobacter agilis. 19714398092
[reconstruction of capside structures in isometrical viruses with an equidensites rotation method (author's transl)]. 19744437762
[the effect of temperature on the rat of oxidation of ammonia to nitrate by mixed cultures of nitrifying organisms (author's transl)]. 19744468751
growth of obligate autotrophic bacteria on glucose in a continuous flow-through apparatus.nitrosomonas europaea, nitrobacter agilis, thiobacillus denitrificans, t. neapolitanus, and t. thioparus (all obligate autotrophic bacteria) have been grown in dialysis culture, on glucose salts media, in the absence of their specific inorganic energy source. metabolic products for n. agilis grown on nitrite salts medium were identified as keto acids. pyruvic acid inhibited this organism at 5 x 10(-5)m. keto acids were not inhibitory for the thiobacilli grown on thiosulfate medium. however, when ...19724551747
the meaning of "reversed electron flow" and "high energy electron" in biochemistry. 19724561837
autecological study of the chemoautotroph nitrobacter by immunofluorescence.fluorescent antibodies (fa) prepared for nitrobacter agilis and n. winogradskyi were highly reactive in homologous staining. low-level cross-reactions between the two species were removed by adsorption. all 15 pure-culture isolates of nitrobacter tested reacted strongly with either n. agilis fa or n. winogradskyi fa. all pure-culture isolates from soils were determined to be n. winogradskyi; those from mammoth cave sediments and a cattle waste oxidation ditch were n. agilis. no cross-reaction wa ...19744589121
[characterization of a phage-like particle from cells of nitrobacter. iii. on the dna-content]. 19744614734
growth of mixed cultures of autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms. 19724622985
[determination of the activity of nitrifying bacteria in surface waters by a modified bod-test]. 19724660907
[characterization of a phage-like particle from cells of nitrobacter. i. host-particle correlation and particle isolation (author's transl)]. 19744836295
[characterization of a phage-like particle from cells of nitrobacter. ii. structure and size (author's transl)]. 19744836296
calorimetric measurement of free energy utilization by nitrosomonas and nitrobacter. 19684885091
the biochemistry of nitrifying microorganisms. 19694893925
the fine structure of frozen etched nitrobacter cells. 19694907019
[effect of light on the metabolism of non-photosynthesizing microorganisms]. 19714935598
comparison of the morphology and deoxyribonucleic acid composition of 27 strains of nitrifying bacteria.the gross morphology, fine structure, and per cent guanine plus cytosine (gc) composition of deoxyribonucleic acid of 27 strains of nitrifying bacteria were compared. based on morphological differences, the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria were separated into four genera. nitrosomonas species and nitrosocystis species formed one homogenous group, and nitrosolobus species and nitrosospira species formed a second homogenous group in respect to their deoxyribonucleic acid gc compositions. similarly, the ...19714939767
[utilization by microorganisms of single-carbon compounds]. 19714949198
energy-coupling mechanisms in chemolithotrophic bacteria. 19684972376
characterization of cytochrome c from nitrobacter agilis. 19694984114
glycine-cytochrome c reductase from nitrobacter agilis. 19725016640
[synthesis and breakdown of the polyphosphate fraction in cells of nitrobacter winogradskyi buch]. 19725025030
co 2 partial pressure and enthalpy and thermodynamic efficiency of the oxidation of nitrite by nitrobacter. 19725045927
similarities between hyphomicrobium and nitrobacter with respect to fatty acids.vaccenic acid (11-18:1) accounted for 92% of the fatty acids in the extractable lipids of log-phase nitrobacter and hyphomicrobium. during the stationary phase, both genera formed a 19-carbon cyclopropane fatty acid which increased in proportion to a decrease in the amount of vaccenic acid.19725057773
[microbial ecology of moroccari soils. i. seasonal fluctuations]. 19725077031
metabolism of inorganic nitrogen compounds in plants and micro-organisms. 19725085571
[the isotope method for the determination of the nitrogen-fixing ability of oligonitrophilous bacteria]. 19715153498
the scope of the eater pollution problem. 19715161226
the antibacterial effect of dry tomato plants, onion peels, and guava leaves on soil microorganisms. 19715172508
water as the source of oxidant and reductant in bacterial chemosynthesis. 19655217465
phosphate requirements of the nitrifying bacteria. 19675299910
fine structure and the localization of the nitrite oxidizing system in nitrobacter winogradskyi. 19685304022
nitrification. 19665326519
[morphological and physiological studies of nitrobacter winogradsi buch]. 19695383861
effect of sodium, manganese and zinc on the activity of nitrobacter agilis. 19695395141
effect of some vitamins on nitrite oxidation by nitrobacter agilis. 19695395935
intermediary metabolism of carbon compounds by nitrifying bacteria. 19705426270
[interrelationship between light and chemosynthesis in nitrobacter winogradskyi]. 19705437117
particulate formate oxidase from nitrobacter agilis. 19705471292
effects of some phenylamide herbicides and their degradation products on soil nitrification. 19705471337
calorimetric determination of free energy efficiency in nitrobacter winogradskyi. 19705516608
changes in cytochrome content and turnover number during growth of nitrobacter. 19715541690
autotrophic growth and synthesis of reserve polymers in nitrobacter winogradskyi. 19715552133
[ph-metric determination of oxidative phosphorylation in whole cells of nitrobacter winogradskyi buch]. 19675600789
molar growth yield of nitrobacter winogradskyi during exponential growth. 19744847497
catalysis of intermolecular oxygen atom transfer by nitrite dehydrogenase of nitrobacter agilis.nitrobacter agilis, which contains a very active nitrite dehydrogenase, was studied in vivo under anaerobic conditions by the 15n nmr technique. when incubated with equimolar 15no3- and unlabeled nitrite (or 15no2- and unlabeled nitrate) the bacterium catalyzed an isotope exchange reaction at rates about 10% those observed in the nitrite oxidase assay. when incubated with 18o-labeled 15no2- and 18o-labeled 15no3-, the 18o was observed to exchange at similar rates from both species into water. fi ...19863733718
oxygen exchange between nitrate molecules during nitrite oxidation by nitrobacter.during oxidation of nitrite, cells of nitrobacter winogradskyi are shown to catalyze the active exchange of oxygen atoms between exogenous nitrate molecules (production of 15n16/18o3- during incubation of 14n16/18o3-, 15n16o3-, and 15n16o2- in h216o). little, if any, exchange of oxygens between nitrate and water also occurs (production of 15n16/18o3- during incubation of 15n16o3- and 14n16o2- in h218o). 15n species of nitrate were assayed by 18o-isotope shift in 15n nmr. taking into account the ...19863733717
a comparative survey of several bacterial aa3-type cytochrome c oxidases.the aa3-type cytochrome c oxidases purified from nitrobacter agilis, thiobacillus novellus, nitrosomonas europaea, and pseudomonas am 1 were compared. they have haem a and copper atom as the prosthertic groups and show alpha and gamma absorption peaks at around 600 and 440 nm, respectively. each oxidase molecule is composed of two kinds of subunits. the n. agilis oxidase has 2 moles of haem a and 2 atoms of copper in the minimal structural unit composed of one molecule each of the two kinds of s ...19852991467
measurement of proton pump activity of the thermophilic bacterium ps3 and nitrobacter agilis at the cytochrome oxidase level using total membrane and heptyl is possible to prepare liposomal vesicles by solubilization of total bacterial membranes with n-heptyl beta-d-thioglucoside followed by reconstitution into proteoliposomes by a freeze-thaw-sonication procedure with soybean phospholipids. the resulting proteoliposomes from total membrane fraction of sufficiently aerated cells of the thermophilic bacterium ps3 containing cytochrome aa3 showed a reasonable h+ pumping activity upon addition of reduced cytochrome c. on the other hand, the proteoli ...19862883179
nitrobacter winogradskyi cytochrome a1c1 is an iron-sulfur molybdoenzyme having hemes a and c.cytochrome a1c1 (nitrite-cytochrome c oxidoreductase) purified from nitrobacter winogradskyi (formerly n. agilis) contained molybdenum, non-heme iron, and acid-labile sulfur in addition to hemes a and c; it contained 1 mol of heme a, 4-5 g atoms of non-heme iron, 2-5 g atoms of acid-labile sulfur, and 1-2 g atoms of molybdenum per mol of heme c, but did not contain copper. the fluorescence spectra of the molybdenum cofactor derivative prepared from cytochrome a1c1 were very similar to those of t ...19872828343
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