
in vitro cultivation of anaplasma marginale: growth pattern and morphologic appearance.anaplasma marginale propagated in vitro showed an increasing rate of replication in a sequence of three experiments. the changes in the percentage of parasitized erythrocytes and identification of the organism in culture were monitored by the giemsa-staining and the direct fluorescent antibody techniques. the ultrastructure of the organism in culture also was determined. the percentage of parasitized erythrocytes increased more than three times in the first experiment during a period of 8 days, ...1979230766
anaplasma and babesia premunition of 2-year-old holstein heifers destiened for shipment to nicaragua. 1977242886
the mechanism of protective immunity in bovine anaplasmosis. 1977286365
detection of antibodies in trypanosome-infected cattle by means of a microplate enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.a micromodification of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was evaluated for its potential application in the immunodiagonsis of bovine trypanosomiasis. serum samples from infected and non-infected zebu cattle and samples from friesian cattle with experimental infections were exmained for the presence of trypanosomal antibodies. there were significant differences between the microelisa values obtained with samples from infected and non-infected cattle. during the course of infection mi ...1977333677
comparisons of the complement-fixation, indirect fluorescent antibody, and card agglutination tests for the diagnosis of bovine anaplasmosis.results of complement-fixation (cf), indirect fluorescent antibody (ifa), and card agglutination (ct) tests were statistically compared, using 380 serum samples obtained from 140 cattle which were disease-free or naturally or experimentally infected with anaplasma marginale of colombian origin. the ifa test was significantly the most sensitive for detection of amimals infected with anaplasmosis (97%); the ct test and the cf test were less so (84% and 79%, respectively). however, the most efficie ...1978358874
a comparison of 4 serological tests in the detection of humoral antibodies to anaplasmosis in cattle.a capillary agglutination (ca), a complement fixation (cf), a plate agglutination (pt) and an indirect fluorescent antibody (ifa) test to detect humoral antibodies to anaplasma marginale are described. serums from 3, 4 or 5 groups of cattle were used to examine the efficiency of the tests. agreement between all 4 tests was 86.6%. agreement between pairs of tests was greater. the cf test was the most sensitive while the pt test was the least sensitive. however the pt could be carried out very rap ...1978363118
epizootiology and control of anaplasmosis in south africa.the history of bovine anaplasmosis, or tick-born gallsickness, since the discovery of anaplasma marginale by sir arnold theiler is briefly reviewed. the development of the anaplasma centrale vaccine by theiler, up to the composition of the present vaccine issued by onderstepoort in which the original isolate is still passaged, is discussed in detail. recent transmission studies at onderstepoort have shown that 5 tick species are capable of transmitting anaplasmosis intrastadially, and intrastadi ...1979399978
studies on theileriidae (sporozoa) in tanzania. viii. experiments with african buffalo (syncerus caffer).it has been found that african buffalo may remain infective carriers of theileria parva lawrencei for at least 5 years. this infection is now known to exist in buffalo in 3 sites in northern tanzania. it was shown that buffalo can be infected with haematoxenus veliferus and theileria mutans of cattle and retransmission of these parasites from buffalo to cattle was successful. the species of haematoxemus reported in wild buffalo in central and east africa is likely to be h. veliferus, while the p ...1977410128
evaluation of a new long-acting oxytetracycline formulation against anaplasmosis in colombian cattle.a long-acting injectable (terramycin/la) forulated to contain 200 mg/ml of oxytetracycline was tested and compared to a commercially available oxytetracycline injectable (emicina) containing 50 mg/ml in the treatments of experimentally induced anaplasma marginale infection in colombian cattle. group 1, consisting of 10 infected calves, served as non-treated controls. ten infected calves (group 2) were treated with two doses of emicina, each at 10 mg/kg, intramuscularly (im), and another ten infe ...1979483386
electron microscope studies of anaplasma marginale in an aedes albopictus culture system.anaplasma marginale was seen by electron microscopy within the cytoplasm of aedes albopictus cells in culture. anaplasma marginale was seen in free bovine rbc as well as in rbc phagocytized by ae albopictus cells. some a marginale organisms, both intracellular and extracellular, remained intact for as long as 60 days in culture, and anaplasma inclusion appendages were seen in free-lysed rbc and in lysed rbc phagocytized by ae albopictus cells. although some a marginale organisms had deteriorated ...1979525907
evaluation of the anaplasmosis rapid card agglutination test for detecting experimentally infected elk.anaplasmosis was experimentally transmitted from cattle to elk to cattle. six non-splenectomized adult elk (cervus canadensis canadensis) that were inoculated with freshly collected heparinized blood from cattle chronically infected with anaplasma marginale became asymptomatic carriers. although the exposed elk did not develop clinical or hematologic evidence of infection they become seropositive by the serum and plasma rapid card agglutination (rca) tests. blood from the experimentally infected ...1979527345
[the experimental transmission of anaplasma marginale by the brown dog tick rhipicephalus sanguineus in australia]. 1979539952
[preparation and comparative testing of antigens for the immunodiagnosis of anaplasmosis in cattle].three antigen types were produced by ultra-sound treatment of the initial material (anaplasma marginale theiler infected blood) and its subsequent sedimentional centrifugation from 10 000 to 100 000 g. their specificity and susceptibility to the reaction complement binding (rcb) and to the capillary agglutination (ca) serological tests was comparatively checked up. antigens a and b were very active in rcb, while antigen b--in the ca reaction. by these qualities they meet the requirements and are ...1979545841
the use of a short and a long acting oxytetracycline for the treatment of anaplasma marginale in splenectomized calves.twenty splenectomized afrikander/simmentaler cross animals were used. eight of these were naturally infected with anaplasma marginale while 12 were infected artificially. when the packed cell volume was reduced to between 24% and 20% during the post splenectomy relapses or primary infections, six animals were treated with a single injection of 20 mg/kg of long acting oxytetracycline (la) and seven animals were treated on two successive days with 10 mg/kg of short acting oxytetracycline (sa). the ...1979551196
comparative efficacy of drugs in bovine anaplasmosis.calves experimentally infected with anaplasma marginale were subjected to chemotherapeutic treatment in groups, each group receiving one drug only. observations were made on clinical signs, haematological changes, parasitaemias and levels of antibodies as measured by the complement fixation test. the most effective treatment was with imidocarb; other drugs which were apparently effective were steclin, terramycin and aureomycin in that order, while chloroquin diphosphate and camoquin gave little ...1979552672
methods of immunoprophylaxis against bovine anaplasmosis with emphasis on use of the attenuated anaplasma marginale vaccine. 1977596296
fluorescein diacetate staining of anaplasma marginale as a possible measure of viability.fluorescein diacetate viability-staining technique was applied to anaplasma marginale. marginal bodies took up the stain and became fluorescent. when infected red blood cells were incubated at 55 c, the number of fluorescent anaplasma decreased at a rate similar to the known loss of viability.1978629472
serologic and hematologic response of rabbits to anaplasma marginale-infected bovine zeland white rabbits inoculated with anaplasma marginale-infected bovine erythrocytes produced specific humoral antibodies to this parasite. specific antibody production as measured by the card and complement-fixation (cf) tests was maximal in 7 to 21 days after inoculation; however, none of the rabbits became infected. geometric mean cf titers of rabbits inoculated with rbc from cattle with acute anaplasmosis were significantly higher (p less than 0.001) than those of rabbits given rbc from ...1978646203
methods to improve the health of cattle in the tropics: immunisation and chemoprophylaxis against haemoparasitic infections.a study of methods to improve the health of native cattle in tropical areas of colombia showed an advantage using immunisation techniques against haemoparasitic infections in comparison with other control methods. the control of anaplasmosis and babesiosis by immunisation of cattle with fully virulent anaplasma marginale, babesia argentina and b. bigemina is feasible in tropical cattle when the postimmunisation reaction is controlled by appropriate drug therapy. chemoprophylaxis was found less e ...1978664017
survey of the incidence of anaplasmosis among nigerian zebu trade cattle.sera samples from 573 nigerian zebu trade cattle were evaluated by the rapid card agglutination test for antibodies to anaplasma marginale between may and july 1977. the results showed 34 per cent reactors as against 66 per cent negatives. the above results showed a significant level of exposure to the infection among the fulani cattle managed under a husbandry system in which there is no provision for tick control. the significance of this level of exposure to anaplasma marginale in relation to ...1978664019
ultrastructure of anaplasmal inclusions (pawhuska isolate) and their appendages in intact and hemolyzed erythrocytes and in complement-fixation antigen.hemolysis of parasitized erythrocytes augmented visualization of the anaplasmal inclusion, including its initial bodies, inclusion membrane, and inclusion appendage ("tail" or "band"). a dense attachment complex joined the appendage to the inclusion membrane (wall of the inclusion vacuole). the inclusion appendage consisted of tightly packed, interconnected laminae and assumed loop, dumbbell, and comet configurations described by other workers. the erythrocytic plasmalemma and the inclusion memb ...1978677531
anaplasmosis: a regional serologic survey and oral antibiotic therapy in infected herds.a test and treatment program was conducted in northern idaho and southeastern washington to detect bovine reactors to anaplasma marginale and to achieve anaplasmosis-free status in the herds tested. of 3,920 cattle tested, 214 (5.5%) were reactors; 110 of the reactors (from 7 herds) were tested after being treated orally for 45 days with chlortetracycline or oxytetracycline at a calculated daily dosage of 11 mg/kg of body weight, and all were seronegative. two reactors refused to eat the medicat ...1978659312
attempted transmission of anaplasma marginale by haemaphysalis longicornis. 1978655986
experimental bovine anaplasmosis: clinico-pathological and nutritional studies.groups of brahman-cross steers maintained on two nutritional planes were infected intravenously with a stabilate of anaplasma marginale. in general, animals on the higher plane of nutrition were more severely affected. fever was the first clinical sign of anaplasmosis but, like anaemia, was absent in the mildest cases. when present anaemia appeared two to three weeks after infection. there was a corresponding increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rates when read after 24 h but not at 1 h. the ha ...1978705052
methods to improve the health of cattle in the tropics: conclusions and economic appraisal.the results of the immune responses of immunised and chemoprophylactically treated calves to tick-borne (boophilus microplus) challenge indicate that the system of immunisation was effective in protecting cattle against anaplasma marginale, babesia argentina (bovis), and b. bigemina. however, chemoprophylaxis was effective only against babesia spp. but not against a. marginale. both methods showed a substantial advantage over no control system when using native cattle breeds in a zone endemic fo ...1978705891
epidemiology of cattle anaplasmosis in colombia: i. prevalence and distribution of agglutinating antibodies.a survey to detect antibodies against anaplasma marginale, using the card test, was conducted on serum samples collected from cattle of cordoba department and north-eastern region of the department of antioquia in the republic of colombia. the samples were from native cattle of spanish descent (bos taurus), zebu (bos indicus) and various zebu-native crosses. the age range was between three and eight year olds. the results revealed that 90.3% of the samples were positive. all breeds showed a high ...1978705897
efficacy of attenuated anaplasma marginale vaccine under laboratory and field conditions in colombia.four-month-old holstein-friesian calves were inoculated with 3 different doses (1, 2, and 3 ml) of attenuated anaplasma marginale vaccine. vaccinated calves showed mild anaplasma parasitemia, slight decrease in packed cell volume, low serologic conversion, and no clinical illness. an artificial challenge exposure of vaccinated and unvaccinated calves with virulent colombian a marginale showed that the vaccine provided protection against clinical signs of the disease, including parasitemia and an ...1978629456
synthesis of dna and protein by anaplasma marginale in bovine erythrocytes during short-term culture.bovine erythrocytes infected with anaplasma marginale were cultured for 1 to 5 days in a co2 incubation chamber, pulse-labeled with [3h]thymidine and [14c]methionine, lysed, and fractionated by differential centrifugation and continuous density gradient centrifugation in renografin. anaplasma and associated fragments of stroma formed two distinct bands in the dense region of the gradient. electron microscopic examination of pelleted material from the bands from cells cultured for 1 day revealed ...1978730374
liquid nitrogen storage of anaplasma marginale complement-fixation antigen by a multiple small aliquot technique.anaplasma marginale complement fixation test antigens were frozen as drops in liquid nitrogen using an easily constructed apparatus. economy in the use of antigen was achieved as the frozen drops were retrieved from storage in any required volume. the potency of the antigen was unaffected by the freezing and thawing technique. the technique is useful for storing other biological reagents.1978749095
amicarbalide: a therapeutic agent for anaplasmosis.when administered subcutaneously in 2 equal daily doses at a total dosage rate of 20 mg/kg, amicarbalide was found to be an effective agent for controlling acute infections of anaplasma marginale and a. centrale in intact and splenectomized cattle. attempts to sterilize patent and latent anaplasma infections, however, were unsuccessful. at total dosage rates of 40 mg/kg and higher, amicarbalide exhibited potent hepato- and nephrotoxic tendencies.1978750960
cyclic thrombocytopenia induced by a rickettsia-like agent in dogs.hematologic manifestations and the ultrastructure of a platelet-specific microorganism isolated from a dog in florida were studied. the agent was readily transmitted experimentally to adult dogs by intravenous inoculation with infected blood. parasitemias and concomitant thrombocytopenias were cyclic in that both recurred within relatively constant periods of one to two weeks following experimental infections. hemorrhage was not a manifestation of the disease even though thrombocytopenias were s ...1978627738
iatrogenic transmission of anaplasma marginale in beef cattle. 1977586056
the role of wild mammals in the epidemiology of bovine theilerioses in east africa.the theileriidae of east african wild mammals are reviewed. three species of wild bovidae were captured in east africa. they were africa cape buffalo (syncerus caffer), blue wildebeest (connochaetes taurinus) and eland (taurotragus oryx), and all were found to be naturally infected with theileria species. these animals were studied to determine the transmissibility and pathogenicity of their theilerial infections to cattle. adult rhipicephalus appendiculatus ticks, which had engorged as nymphs o ...1975803580
isolation of a bovine theileria.dual infections of anaplasma marginale and a theileria, resembling theileria mutans, occurred in splenectomized calves inoculated with pooled blood samples from eastern texas cattle. theileria was obtained in pure form by treating dually infected cattle with selectively eliminated anaplasma. these theileria infections were responsible for mild, transient reductions in packed red blood cell volume (pcv).1975804831
blood parasites of some wild bovidae in botswana.blood smears from a total of 282 wild bovidae from ngamiland, botswana were examined for the presence of blood parasites. the following species were sampled: 190 african buffalo, 23 impala, 10 blue wildebeest, 18 tsessebe, 1 eland, 13 lechwe, 16 kudu and 11 sable antelope. in addition, blood from 36 of the above antelope and from a further 48 buffalo was inoculated into rodents to test for the presence of trypanosomes. an anaplasm morphologically indistinguishable from anaplasma marginale theile ...1975813170
experimentally induced anaplasmosis in neonatal isohemolytic anemia-recovered calves.anaplasma marginale infections were induced in 3 calves previously affected with neonatal immunohemolytic anemia (nia). similar infections were induced in 6 splenectomized and 7 intact calves. the response to infection by 3 calves (nia recovered) closely resembled infections seen in splenectomized calves, being markedly more severe than similar infections in intact calves. spleens from 3 (nia recovered) calves after splenectomy were about one-tenth normal size. marked recrudescing anaplasmal inf ...1977563204
the effect of natural exposure to anaplasma and babesia infections on native calves in an endemic area of colombia.the age at which native calves first became infected with anaplasma marginale and babesia bigemina and the effect of the infections as characterised by anaemia was determined by the biweekly examination of newly born calves on four ranches located in an endemic area of anaplasmosis and babesiosis on the north coast of colombia. all of the calves examined became infected with a. marginale at 4-24 weeks of age and with b. bigemina at 2-34 weeks of age. the mean age at first infection with both hae ...1977562010
bovine anaplasmosis transmission studies conducted under controlled natural exposure in a dermacentor andersoni = (venustus) indigenous area of eastern anaplasma marginale transmission studies conducted on the high semi-arid range of eastern oregon during the 1974 and 1975 vector season, a marginale-susceptible calves (principals) were maintained on 2 raised tick-proof platforms. anaplasmosis-susceptible control calves of approximately the same age and latent-infected cows grazed the area surrounding the platforms. one latent-infected steer spent the entire 1975 vector season on a platform with the principals. the 28 principals did not devel ...1977557939
finite purification of anaplasma marginale: serologic inactivity of the anaplasma body.anaplasma bodies finitely purified by affinity chromatography to eliminate all traces of erythrocytic stromata were not agglutinated by serum from calves having acute anaplasmosis. the stromata which were associated with the anaplasma bodies were also finitely purified and agglutinated with such serum. the evidence indicates that the antibody in anaplasmosis that is detected by agglutination tests is directed against the erythrocytic stromata and not against the finitely purified anaplasma bodie ...1977879562
cell-mediated immunity related to challenge exposure of cattle inoculated with virulent and attenuated strains of anaplasma marginale.cattle which were given virulent anaplasma marginale as a premunization procedure or were vaccinated with live attenuated or killed anaplasma preparations were challenge inoculated with virulent a marginale. exposure of cattle to virulent or attenuated a marginale, which induced a strong and lasting cell-mediated response as measured by the leukocyte migration-inhibition test, protected against the development of high parasitemia, anemia, and clinical signs of disease after challenge inoculation ...1977911085
resistance to anaplasmosis after elimination of latent anaplasma marginale infections.ten 30-month-old cattle (group 2) were inoculated with anaplasma marginale 6 months after the latent a marginale infection was eliminated by oral chlortetracycline therapy. in addition, 4 cattle (group 1) with no record of infection and 4 cattle (group 3) of equivalent age previously vaccinated with a killed antigen were similarly inoculated. moderate to severe clinical signs of acute anaplasmosis occurred in the group 1 (previously uninfected) cattle, whereas only 1 of the chlortetracycline-tre ...1977557302
survival of aegyptianella pullorum, anaplasma marginale and various parasitic protozoa following prolonged storage in liquid nitrogen.various protozoa species were examined using in vivo and in vitro methods to determine their ability to survive prolonged periods of storage in liquid nitrogen. the following protozoan species were successfully recovered after they had been cryopreserved for a period over 10 years: trypanosoma lewisi, t. cruzi, t. congolense, t. brucei, t. rhodesiense, t. gambiense, t. evansi, t. equinum, t. equiperdum, leishmania donovani, plasmodium berghei, p. praecox (relictum), babesia rodhaini and b. canis ...1977919686
epidemiology and control of anaplasmosis in australia.anaplasmosis occurs in those areas of northern and eastern australia infested by the cattle tick boophilus microplus but it has been studied intensively only in queensland. anaplasmosis is predominantly a disease of autumn and winter and of cattle greater than 1 year of age. the complement fixation test has been used in serological surveys of the tick-infested areas of the state. both clinical and subclinical infections occur only in tick-infested areas and they are both more frequent in bos tau ...1979553977
infectivity of anaplasma marginale after ingestion by potential insect vectors.anaplasma marginale-infected erythrocytes retained viability and infectivity for at least 3 days after ingestion by hippelates pusio loew and up to 2 days after ingestion by species of tabanidae. the organism does not appear to have a developmental sequence in the insect vector.1977931144
the immune response of cattle to live and inactivated anaplasma vaccines and response to challenge. 1979553973
in vitro cultivation of anaplasma marginale: invasion of and development in noninfected erythrocytes.ovine erythrocytes infected with attenuated anaplasma marginale organisms were cultured in a suspension of normal ovine erythrocytes and normal bovine erythrocytes for 42 days. in each system, the organism showed an initial period of rapid growth followed by a gradual decrease in the percentage of parasitized erythrocytes accompanied by cyclic peaks. the percentage of infection of ovine erythrocytes were not different when normal ovine or bovine erythrocytes were added to the cultures. in vitro ...1979525898
evaluation of the anaplasmosis rapid card agglutination test for detecting experimentally-infected elk.anaplasma marginale was experimentally transmitted from cattle to elk to cattle. six intact adult elk (cervus canadensis canadensis) inoculated with freshly collected heparinized blood from cattle chronically infected with a. marginale became asymptomatic carriers. although the elk did not develop clinical or hematologic evidence of infection, they became seropositive by the serum(srca) and plasma rapid card agglutination (prca) tests. blood from the experimentally-infected elk produced disease ...1979501840
characterization of the inclusion limiting membrane of anaplasma marginale by immunoferritin labeling.purified anti-erythrocytic membrane antibody (pama) was prepared from rabbit anti-bovine erythrocyte serum by an adsorption and elution technique, utilizing bovine erythrocytes. lysed and washed anaplasma-infected erythrocytes were incubated with pama or control reagents. specimens were then subjected to immunoferritin labeling with ferritin antiglobulin conjugate. upon examination by electron microscopy, specimens incubated with pama showed heavy ferritin labeling of erythrocytic membranes and ...1979475129
blood parasites of sheep in the netherlands. i. anaplasma mesaeterum sp.n. (rickettsiales, anaplasmataceae).on two occasions an anaplasm was isolated from sheep on the dutch island of ameland. the organism proved to be highly pathogenic for splenectomised sheep; a non-splenectomised animal recovered spontaneously after the packed cell volume had decreased by 40%. treatment with oxytetracycline was effective. its pathogenicity for goats appeared to be low, and the organism was apparently not infective to splenectomised cattle. this anaplasm differs from anaplasma ovis in that less than 30% of the organ ...1979419513
current anaplasmosis control techniques in the united states.a card test for detecting anaplasmosis, along with the complement-fixation test, has proved useful in identifying carrier animals. this identification, associated with treatment with tetracyclines, has been a basis for control in the southeast where anaplasmosis is endemic. the tetracyclines are used parenterally (terramycin 11 mg/kg, 10-14 days) or orally (2,2 to 11 mg/kg, 45-60 days). notwithstanding these methods, anaplasmosis remains a problem and many animals require treatment to moderate t ...1979399976
preliminary observations on the use of the capillary flocculation test for the diagnosis of heartwater (cowdria ruminantium infection).a capillary flocculation test was developed to diagnose heartwater disease of ruminants. antigen was prepared from the brains of cattle and goats highly infected with cowdria ruminantium. sera were obtained from experimentally infected ruminants which either recovered naturally or with the aid of oxytetracycline treatment. antibodies were first detected one to two weeks after clinical recovery or after treatment, and persisted for periods varying between one and four weeks. control sera collecte ...19761030824
failure of anaplasma marginale theiler to survive natural winter conditions on a dermacentor andersoni = (venustus) infested range. 19761078097
propagation of anaplasma marginale in bovine lymph node cell culture.anaplasma marginale was propagated in cell cultures derived from bovine lymph node (ln). treatment of host cells with diethylaminoethyl dextran (deae-d) before inoculation and centrifugation of inoculum onto the monolayers resulted in significant numerical increases of a marginale. the direct fluorescent antibody technique (fat) was used for detection of the organism in culture. the rat was combined with the standard microscopic count procedure to obtain numerical estimates of the organism in ce ...19751094867
neonatal isoerythrolysis in domestic animals: a comparative review. 19751108617
babesia bigemina, babesia argentina, and anaplasma marginale: coinfectious immunity in bovines. 19751123013
study of an attenuated anaplasma marginale vaccine in mexico natural challenge of immunity in an enzootic evaluation was made of the protection induced by an attenuated anaplasma marginale vaccine in young purebred cattle against the challenge exposure of naturally transmitted anaplasmosis in enzootic areas of mexico. the cattle, which were raised in isolation units free of arthropods, consisted of 10 brown swiss calves (1 to 13 months of age) and 8 holstein calves (5 to 7 months of age). they were paired by breed, age, and body weight, and allotted to 2 equal groups. calves in 1 group were vacci ...19751137209
ultrastructural localization of anaplasmal antigens (pawhuska isolate) with ferritin-conjugated antibody.antibodies from a cow with an experimentally induced infection of the pawhuska isolate of bovine anaplasmosis were conjugated with ferritin and used to label antigenic sites in preparations of parasitized erythrocytes. intact erythrocytes did not label on the extracellular surface. ferritin-conjugated antibody did not pass through the intact erythrocyte to label the parasite, probably due to the large molecular size of the antibody. damage to erythrocytic plasmalemma and inclusion body in the he ...1978354435
exit of anaplasma marginale from bovine red blood cells.incubation of anaplasma marginale-infected bovine red blood cells in a flow culture system resulted in a decrease of observable marginal bodies. the decrease was twice the degree of hemolysis, indicating that marginal bodies may leave red blood cells without concomitant lysis of the host cell.1975237446
eperythrozoon ovis. i. serological diagnosis of infection by the indirect immunoflurescent antibody test.the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (ifat) was evaluated for the detection of eperythrozoon ovis infection in sheep. the test first became positive, on the average, 10 days following exposure to e. ovis and remained positive for 24 months, the longest period checked. reciprocal titres in the first three days after becoming positive in the ifat were between 4 and 80, but rose to 640 within 9 weeks; in general titres were between 4 and 640, exceptionally titres of 1280 were obtained. nega ...197883044
changes in serum concentration of phagocytosis-stimulating factor in experimentally induced bovine anaplasmosis: preliminary determine whether correlation exists between serum concentration of phagocytosis-stimulating factor (psf) and in vivo phagocytic activity, 2 splenectomized steers were inoculated with anaplasma marginale, and their serum psf concentrations were monitored. at the time of the anemic crisis, serum psf concentrations were elevated five to tenfold.197658572
a study of the epidemiology of anaplasma marginale infections of cattle in southern queensland: clinical disease and the prevalence of complement fixing antibodies. 1978687261
survey of blood parasites of horses in ibadan, western nigeria. 19761266263
elimination of the carrier state of bovine anaplasmosis with a long-acting oxytetracycline.a long-acting formulation of oxytetracycline (l-200) was injected at a dose level of 20 mg/kg intramuscularly into 12 yearling cattle that had been experimentally inoculated with anaplasma marginale 64 days previously. four cattle were treated twice, 4 were treated 3 times, and 4 were treated 4 times. all injections were given once ever 7 days. previous work (unpublished) with this formulation has revealed prolonged blood values following a single injection. the blood (80 ml) of each calf was in ...1978677530
immunization against anaplasmosis and babesiosis. part ii. evaluation of cryo-preserved vaccines using different doses and routes of inoculation.anaplasma marginale, babesia argentina and babesia bigemina infected blood used as vaccines for immunization trials in valle del cauca, were preserved with 4 molar dimethyl-sulfoxide (4m dmso) and stored in liquid nitrogen (-196 degrees c). the effectivity of the vaccines was determined in 87 healthy calves utilizing serial 10-fold dilutions. the effects of dose, inoculation routes, time and temperature were determined. the minimum infective dose for a. marginale was 10(-3) (2 x 10(6)) when 2 ml ...1978675843
single-step technique for staining anaplasma marginale in bovine blood smears.three available differential stains, camco-quik, diff-quik, and wright-giesma were compared for detection of intraerythrocytic anaplasma marginale in bovine blood smears. in samples where < 1% to more than 51% of the rbc were infected, statistical analysis of the data indicated no significant difference in the detection of a marginale with camco-quik or diff-quik stains. however, a significantly lower percentage of infected rbc were detected when blood smears were stained with the wright-giemsa ...19921280925
bovine abortion associated with anaplasma marginale.during the period from june 1974 to june 1975, five bovine fetuses between seven to nine months old were received for necropsy from four different counties of the s. paulo state, brazil. all of them were from brucellosis-free herds. necropsy revealed slight liver enlargement generally accompanied by capsular petechial hemorrhages. enlargement and congestion of the spleen, epicardial and endocardial petechiae were present in three fetuses and one of them had lungs with some hemorrhagic lobules. c ...1978667708
immune responses of cows to a chemically modified anaplasma antigen.cows were vaccinated at 0 and 28 days with either a standard or a chemically modified anaplasma antigen. the humoral antibody response was measured by the anaplasma complement-fixation and card agglutination tests. the antibody response to bovine erythrocyte antigens was also evaluated. peripheral blood leukocytes were collected for an in vitro lymphocyte-transformation test. both groups of vaccinated cows developed a significant cell-mediated response as measured by lymphocyte-transformation te ...1978666088
duration of carrier state following vaccination with live anaplasma centrale. 19921305342
prevalence of babesia bovis and anaplasma marginale at selected localities in sri lanka.sera were collected from a minimum of 20 cattle aged nine to 36 months at each of 14 localities in five climatic zones of sri lanka. sera were tested for antibodies to babesia bovis and anaplasma by an indirect fluorescent antibody test and a card agglutination test, respectively. antibodies to b. bovis and anaplasma were detected in all samples tested from each of 14 and 12 localities respectively. in general, prevalences were consistently high among localities below 1,200 m and lower and more ...19921306921
vaccine r & d at csiro's division of tropical animal production.the extensive research on animal vaccines being undertaken by the csiro division of tropical animal production in brisbane is summarised in this paper. much of the research is being developed in conjunction with commercial partners. vaccines are being developed for the cattle tick, babesia, anaplasma, sheep blowfly, buffalo fly and bovine ephemeral fever.19911367735
some effects of reduced energy intake on the development of anaplasmosis in bos indicus cross steers.some effects of the plane of nutrition on the development of anaplasmosis in brahman cross steers were investigated. batches of 39 and 30 brahman cross steers, aged approximately 27 months were each divided by stratified randomisation into 4 groups of similar mean pcv and body weight. two similar experiments, designated a and b were conducted. groups 1 and 2 were fed a ration of lucerne chaff at the rate of 1 m cal me/80 kg live weight/day for 8 weeks aimed to reduce body weight by approximately ...1978687262
serum levels of conglutinin, complement, and immunoconglutinin in cattle infected with anaplasma marginale.sera from 10 splenectomized yearling cattle given massive doses of anaplasma marginale (peracute cases) were assayed for conglutinin and complement. sera from 5 nonsplenectomized yearling cattle given smaller doses (acute cases) were assayed for conglutinin, immunoconglutinin, and complement. in the peracute cases, conglutinating activity disappeared within 6 days after the cattle inoculated. in the acute cases, conglutining began to disappear at 3 weeks after inoculation and had disappeared at ...1978727576
cross reactivity between anaplasma marginale and two plasmodium species as demonstrated by passive hemagglutination.two types of antigens were prepared from each of 3 partially purified preparations of anaplasma marginale, plasmodium lophurae, and p berghei. hemagglutination tests were conducted with homologous serums to detect antigenic relationships between these organisms. serums were also absorbed with both homologous and heterologous antigen preparations. cross reactivity between these organisms was observed.1976779540
evaluation of the indirect fluorescent antibody test for detecting trypanosoma vivax in south american cattle.the indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat) as used in africa for detecting bovine trypanosomiasis was adapted for use in south america and evaluated. antigen consisted of trypanosoma vivax laden bovine blood fixed in a 60 : 40 : : acetone : methanol solution. the test detected initial titres of 1 : 50 and 1 : 100 at an average of 13.1 and 15.9 days post parasitaemia (pp). maximum titres as high as 1 : 400 developed in eight calves at an average of 23.4 days pp. in another calf, 109 days pp we ...1976781765
epidemiology of bovine anaplasmosis and babesiosis in latin america and the caribbean.the various parameters which interact in the epizootiology of babesiosis and anaplasmosis and which it is necessary to obtain in a survey are analysed and the two diseases compared. where no data are available from latin america and the caribbean, the references from australia and the united states of america are discussed. the two principal objectives of a study on the epidemiology of babesiosis and anaplasmosis are: to determine the risk of occurrence to understand the relevant factors leading ...19921472722
evaluation of free-roaming mule deer as carriers of anaplasmosis in an area of idaho where bovine anaplasmosis is enzootic.samples of blood from 87 rocky mountain mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus) were inoculated into 3 susceptible splenectomized calves to determine the anaplasmosis carrier status of the deer. the deer were trapped along the idaho-utah state boundary, near stone, id. acute anaplasmosis was induced in 2 of the 3 inoculated calves, and blood from the 3 calves caused anaplasmosis when inoculated into adult non-splenectomized cattle. serum rapid card agglutination testing revealed 13 (14.9%) posi ...1977833034
effect of 2-mercaptoethanol on the in vitro response of sensitized bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes to anaplasma antigen.sensitized lymphocytes from 3 cows vaccinated with anaplasma antigen were isolated and caused to react in vitro with antigen in a microculture lymphocyte transformation test. the addition of 2-mercaptoethanol at a concentration of 25 mul of 4 x 10(-3) m solution/well significantly (p less than or equal to 0.01) increased [3h]thymidine incorporation compared to microculture without 2-mercaptoethanol.1977835863
cell-mediated immune response to virulent and attenuated anaplasma marginale administered to cattle in live and inactivated forms.the leukocyte migration-inhibition test (lmit) and lymphocyte transformation of blood leukocytes from cattle exposed to virulent, attenuated, and inactivated preparations of anaplasma marginale served as indices of cell-mediated immunity in bovine anaplasmosis. the lmit response increased markedly in cattle vaccinated with attenuated a marginale or injected with virulent a marginale. cattle inoculated with inactivated anaplasma developed a transient, low-level lmit response. the response to anti ...1977842914
studies on pronghorn antelope (antilocapra americana) as reservoirs of anaplasmosis in montana.twenty-six pronghorn antelope (antilocapra americana) were collected in an area of eastern montana where bovine anaplasmosis is enzootic. their sera were examined for evidence of anaplasmosis by the complement-fixation test. strong false positive reactions (3+ and 4+ reactors) occurred for 19 of the sera tested; 6 sera were anticomplementary. inoculation of antelope blood into anaplasmosis, and anaplasma bodies were not found in stained blood smears of antelope or recipient calves.1977916148
serologic survey for selected arboviruses and other potential pathogens in wildlife from mexico.during 1988 and 1989, a serologic survey of wildlife was conducted in northeastern mexico to determine the presence, prevalence, and distribution of arboviruses and other selected disease agents. eighty mammal specimens were tested. antibodies to vesicular stomatitis-indiana, venezuelan equine encephalitis-mena ii, rio grande virus, and vesicular stomatitis-new jersey were detected predominantly in small mammals. deer and mouflon (ovis musimon) had antibodies to bluetongue and epizootic hemorrha ...19921512876
anaplasmosis in uganda. iii. parasitological and serological evidence of anaplasma infection in ugandan goats.randomly selected goat sera from north-western, central, and south-western regions of uganda were analyzed parasitologically and serologically for evidence of anaplasmosis. prevalence rates of 3.2% by parasitemia, 4.8% by card-agglutination test, and 12.9% by dot-elisa combined with western blotting were established. parasitologically positive samples were consistently serologically positive. positive samples were all from either the north-western or south-western regions of the country. goats i ...19921513596
influence of dexamethasone on the recrudescence of anaplasma marginale in splenectomized calves.dexamethasone was administered at the dose rate of 0.2 mg/kg of body weight to 11 splenectomized anaplasma-carrier calves (groups 1 and 3) on monday, wednesday, and friday for 3 weeks. observations were made on these calves and on 7 nontreated, comparable calves (group 2) to determine the influence of treatment on carrier infections. dexamethasone treatment was associated in every instance with an exacerbation of the anaplasma parasitemia and a decrease in packed red cell volume. the episode of ...1977921027
effects of temperature and time on the infectivity of cryogenically preserved samples of anaplasma marginale- infected erythrocytes.the effects of temperature (25 c) and time (2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 hours and 5, 13, and 19 days) were determined on thawed samples of anaplasma marginale-infected erythrocytes cryogenically preserved with dimethyl sulfoxide and frozen in liquid nitrogen. inoculation into splenectomized calves indicated that infectivity was not destroyed by either time or temperature from 2 to 72 hours, but was destroyed at 96 hours. the incubation periods of the disease in inoculated splenectomized calve ...1976937810
development of anaplasma ovis (rickettsiales: anaplasmataceae) in male dermacentor andersoni (acari: ixodidae) transferred from infected to susceptible sheep.the development of anaplasma ovis was studied in dermacentor andersoni males transferred from infected to susceptible sheep. laboratory-reared male d. andersoni were allowed to feed for 6 d on a sheep with ascending a. ovis parasitemia. the ticks were removed and held at room temperature in a humidity chamber for 6 d, after which they were allowed to feed on five susceptible sheep for 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 d. gut and salivary glands were collected from ticks during the 21-d experiment and examined wi ...19921552534
survival of anaplasma marginale in aedes albopictus cells.bovine red blood cells infected with anaplasma marginale were introduced into cell line cultures from the mosquito aedes albopictus. the cultured mosquito cells phagocytized both infected and uninfected red blood cells. the parasite remained viable, as determined by calf inoculations, for 21 days.1976949127
serological comparison of australian and south american strains of babesia argentina and anaplasma marginale. 1976955774
cutaneous hypersensitivity and isoantibody production in cattle injected with live or inactivated anaplasma marginale in bovine and ovine erythrocytes.delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity and the production of isoagglutinins against normal bovine erythrocytes were measured in cattle inoculated with erythrocytic preparations containing live or inactivated anaplasma marginale. the effect of blood group substances versus parasitic components on induction of delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity and isoimmunity was examined by using test antigens derived from normal and parasitized erythrocytes, virulent a marginale in bovine erythrocytes, and attenuat ...1976962206
the effect of oxytetracycline treatment on immunity induced by anaplasma centrale.calves vaccinated with anaplasma centrale were treated with 20 mg/kg of long-acting oxytetracycline (otc/la) before or simultaneously with vaccination or up to seven months later. of 40 animals given one or two of otc/la from 3 to 13 days before vaccination, 23 become patent after vaccination, with an average prepatent period almost twice as long as that in non-treated vaccinated controls. upon challenge with 2 x 10(8) a. centrale per dose all 17 previously non-patent calves showed average maxim ...19921615637
immunization against anaplasmosis and babesiosis: part i. evaluation of immunization using minimum infective doses under laboratory conditions.a method of immunization against anaplasmosis and babesiosis using minimum infective doses was developed under laboratory conditions. stabilates of anaplasma marginale stored at -60 degrees c were found infective when diluted 10-fold to 10(-3). stabilates of babesia argentina and babesia bigemina stored under the same conditions were infective when diluted 10-fold to 10(-1). intact calves inoculated with the above dilutions of stabilates developed moderate parasitemias and recovered from infecti ...19761006801
survey of anaplasmosis in elk of the clearwater national forest (idaho).samples of blood from 27 free-roaming elk (cervus canadensis canadensis) from the clearwater national forest in north central idaho were tested by the rapid card agglutination test and complement-fixation test for the presence of antibodies against anaplasma marginale. the serum card test and complement-fixation test gave incomplete and false-positive reactions; the plasma card test did not give any reactions. anaplasma bodies or other blood parasites were not observed in stained smears of elk b ...19761275349
immunization of cattle with an inactivated polyvalent vaccine against anaplasmosis and babesiosis. 19921626861
recent advances in the biology of anaplasma spp. in dermacentor andersoni ticks. 19921626880
the anaplasma marginale msp5 gene encodes a 19-kilodalton protein conserved in all recognized anaplasma species.immunization with anaplasma marginale outer membranes induced immunity against clinical disease which correlated with antibody titer to outer membrane proteins, including a 19-kda protein (n. tebele, t. c. mcguire, and g. h. palmer, infect. immun. 59:3199-3204, 1991). this 19-kda protein, designated major surface protein 5 (msp-5), was encoded by a single-copy 633-bp gene. the molecular mass of msp-5, defined in immunoblots by binding to monoclonal antibody anaf16c1, was conserved among all reco ...19921280624
serologic survey for selected microbial pathogens in bison from kansas.a serologic survey was conducted on an american bison (bison bison) herd in kansas for antibodies against brucella spp., leptospira interrogans serovar canicola, pomona, grippotyphosa, icterohaemorrhagiae, and hardjo, anaplasma spp., bluetongue virus, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus and bovine viral diarrhea virus. there was an increase in prevalence of bluetongue antibodies from 38% in 1987 to 100% in 1989 in animals greater than or equal to 24-mo-old. prevalences of antibodies against ...19911656107
[current status of bovine haemoparasitic diseases in martinique (french west indies)].a serological survey using indirect immunofluorescence (ifat) for bovine babesiosis (babesia bovis and b. bigemina) and card test for anaplasmosis, indicates that these haemoparasites are widespread in martinique. the high prevalences (62% for b. bovis, 52% for b. bigemina and 43% for anaplasma marginale) lead to the hypothesis of an unstable epizootic situation for these three haemoparasitic diseases. however, the number of smears examined was too low to evaluate their clinical incidence. both ...19921298026
indigenous and crossbred cattle--a comparison of resistance to ticks and implications for their strategic control in zimbabwe.a comparison of the tick resistance of indigenous mashona and crossbred afrikander x sussex oxen following natural tick infestation indicated that significantly more african blue ticks boophilus decoloratus were found on the crossbred than the indigenous cattle (p < 0.05). the two groups of cattle were exposed to babesia bigemina and theileria taurotragi as indicated by high antibody titres on the indirect fluorescent antibody test, but no antibodies could be demonstrated to anaplasma marginale ...19921305338
serological and immunological studies with a hexane extract of babesia bovis-infected erythrocytes.antigenic and immunogenic activities of a hexane extract from babesia bovis-infected erythrocytes were investigated. positive elisa and ifat reactions were obtained with bovine antisera to b. bovis and b. bigemina produced by natural infection and rabbit antisera to the hexane extract, respectively. in contrast, negative elisa reactions were obtained with anaplasma marginale antisera indicating that the antigen(s) is specific for the genus babesia. the ifat clearly demonstrated that the antigen ...19921383165
detection of babesia bigemina-infected carriers by polymerase chain reaction amplification.a spei-avai fragment (0.3 kbp) from pbbi16 (a pbr322 derivative containing a 6.3-kbp babesia bigemina dna insert) was subcloned into the pbluescript phagemid vector and was sequenced by the dideoxy-mediated chain termination method. two sets of primers were designed for the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay. primer set ia-ib was used to amplify a 278-bp dna fragment, and primer set ian-ibn was used to prepare a probe directed to a site within the pcr-amplified target dna. digoxigenin-dutp wa ...19921400956
induction of protective immunity by using anaplasma marginale initial body membranes.anaplasma marginale initial bodies of the norton zimbabwe strain were disrupted and separated into two membrane fractions banding at 1.15 and 1.22 g/cm3 by sucrose density centrifugation. the membrane fractions differed in their morphology and polypeptide composition. membranes banding at 1.22 g/cm3 shared epitopes with surface-exposed polypeptides of the florida strain of a. marginale, confirming the outer membrane location of these polypeptides. immunization of cattle with either membrane frac ...19911715323
crossprotective immunity between the florida and a zimbabwe stock of anaplasma marginale.cattle immunised by infection with the florida stock of anaplasma marginale were protected against subsequent homologous challenge, as demonstrated by complete prevention of microscopically detectable parasitaemia. identically immunised cattle were partially protected against challenge with the norton, zimbabwe stock of a. marginale as determined by the significant prolongation of the prepatent period, a significantly lower peak parasitaemia, and a significantly lower percentage drop in haemoglo ...19911724581
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