
heterodisaccharide 4-o-(n-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminyl)-d-glucosamine is an effective chemotactic attractant for vibrio bacteria that produce chitin oligosaccharide deacetylase.aims:  to investigate the attractant effect of 4-o-(n-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminyl)-d-glucosamine (glcnac-glcn) in the chemotaxis of vibrio bacteria that produce carbohydrate esterase (ce) family 4 chitin oligosaccharide deacetylase (cod), an enzyme that catalyzes the production of glcnac-glcn from n,n'-diacetylchitobiose (glcnac)(2) . methods and results:  the chemotactic effect of disaccharides from chitin on several strains of vibrio bacteria was investigated using an agar gel lane-migration metho ...201121575022
detection of hsp60 (gro-el)-like proteins in vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio species by western immunoblotting analysis.detection of heat shock proteins in vibrio parahaemolyticus was investigated by sds-page and western immunoblotting procedure using an anti-hsp 60 antibody. results indicate that v. parahaemolyticus elicited at least one hsp 60 (groel)-like protein with apparent molecular weight of about 58,000 (58 kda) when submitted to a heat shift from 30 to 42 degrees c. kanagawa phenomenon-positive and -negative strains of v. parahaemolyticus responded the same way. six other vibrio species also showed an i ...19968987708
steroids in asthma. 200091910
a simple centrifuge column for desalting protein solutions. 2005543535
vibrio coralliilyticus sp. nov., a temperature-dependent pathogen of the coral pocillopora damicornis.vibrio sp. yb1t (=atcc baa-450t =lmg 20984t), the aetiological agent of tissue lysis of the coral pocillopora damicornis, was characterized as a novel vibrio species on the basis of 16s rdna sequence, dna-dna hybridization data (g + c content is 45.6 mol%), aflp and gtg5-pcr genomic fingerprinting patterns and phenotypic properties, including the cellular fatty acid profile. the predominant fatty acids were 16:0 and 18:1 omega7c. the name vibrio coralliilyticus sp. nov. is proposed for the novel ...200312656189
the nucleotide sequence of the 5s rrna from vibrio nereis atcc 25917. 19873588296
retinol-binding protein in malnutrition. 199990984
use of reca as an alternative phylogenetic marker in the family vibrionaceae.this study analysed the usefulness of reca gene sequences as an alternative phylogenetic and/or identification marker for vibrios. the reca sequences suggest that the genus vibrio is polyphyletic. the high heterogeneity observed within vibrios was congruent with former polyphasic taxonomic studies on this group. photobacterium species clustered together and apparently nested within vibrios, while grimontia hollisae was apart from other vibrios. within the vibrios, vibrio cholerae and vibrio mimi ...200415143042
fetal heart rate during a maternal grand mal epileptic seizure.although maternal ingestion of antiepileptic drugs is strongly suspected of causing congenital defects, particularly oral clefts, the effect of epilepsy itself or a combined effect of drug intake and epilepsy have not been excluded as etiological factors. very little is known about fetal oxygenation during a maternal grand mal epileptic seizure. we describe two cases in which fetal heart rate was recorded during a maternal epileptic seizure during labor. the first fetus became clearly asphyctic ...1998106102
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