
[transfer of multi-drug resistance in vivo by salmonellae and shigella in white mice].the oral infection accomplished by 0.3 cm3 x 10(10) microbial bodies of salmonella heidelberg and shigella sonnei in albino mice the pathogens were found to localize in the intestines. the salmonellae were detected up to the 10th day, and the shigellae--up to the 14th day. both shigella and salmonella transferred multi-drug resistance to some enterobacteria--e. coli and proteus as well as to salmonella typhimurium when the latter was also present in the intestinal tract; of these some 10--40 per ...1977345607
multi-resistant strains of salmonella wien and salmonella heidelberg susceptible to cephradine. 1978690042
direct immunofluorescent technique in diagnosis of experimental salmonellosis of turkeys.young turkey poults were experimentally infected with salmonella heidelberg to evaluate the standard tube agglutination test (tat) and direct fluorescent antibody test (dfat), and to correlate results of these procedures with the spread pattern of the organisms in the feces using conventional culture procedures for the detection and isolation of s heidelberg from cloacal swabs. the dfat test detected fecal excretors considerably longer than bacterial isolation and gave better results. the cultur ...19751091255
[ultrasonically-guided percutaneous puncture and drainage of a splenic abscess caused by salmonella heidelberg in a child].in a boy aged 9 years and 11 months pain developed in the left upper abdomen following salmonella enteritis infection. purulent splenitis was diagnosed by sonography. ultrasonically guided percutaneous puncture and drainage, and appropriate chemotherapy led to a marked improvement in the clinical picture and finally to complication-free remission. in a review of the literature the problems associated with purulent splenitis and the possibility of treating it by percutaneous puncture are pointed ...19921740903
salmonella heidelberg as a causative agent of meningitis. 19761006554
nosocomial salmonella epidemic.a patient admitted to the hospital with diarrhea due to salmonella heidelberg subsequently developed fatal disseminated salmonellosis, despite vigorous antimicrobial treatment. beginning five weeks after the initial patient's death, nine patients developed hospital-acquired s heidelberg infections characterized by diarrhea (in seven) and bacteremia (in two). a careful search for salmonellosis among patients and hospital staff revealed two asymptomatic excretors. extensive culturing of samples fr ...1976786195
fatal myocarditis secondary to salmonella septicemia in a young adult.a 29-year-old white male with a recent history of gastroenteritis sustained a cardiac arrest at home. he was found to be in ventricular fibrillation and could not be resuscitated. pathologic findings included focal aggregates of histiocytes, lymphocytes and occasional neutrophils in the myocardium as well as inflammatory changes in the colon, liver, and spleen. blood cultures were positive for salmonella heidelberg. the patient was seen 3 times by emergency departments prior to his demise. death ...19902373838
[a change in the activity of the beta-phenylpropionic acid conversion enzyme in escherichia coli under the influence of transmissive plasmids of salmonella heidelberg].the activity of the enzyme of the conversion of beta-phenylpropionic acid was studied in the strains of escherichia coli serotypes 055:k59:h2 and o111:k58:h2 used as recipients via transmission of r- and col-plasmids by conjugation in vitro. the activity of this enzyme was determined by modified method of ben hamida [3]. the wild type strain of salmonella heidelberg carrying colib plasmid and preliminary obtained r1-19 plasmid from e. coli j 5-3 was used as a donor. the activity of the enzyme of ...1975773760
[epizootic of s. heidelberg in poultry breeding flocks raised commercially].it was noted that under the conditions of industrial raising of adult birds the epizootic of salmonella heidelberg could assumme an acute course with a clinical manifestation. after its short-term acute manifestation the infection acquired a protracted course. mortality correlated directly with the age of the birds. isolated and identified were a total of 117 salmonella heidelberg strains from carcasses, cloacal samples, eggs, and litter. regardless of the short-term salmonella harbouring the de ...1978685169
t-lymphocyte clones responsive to shigella flexneri.t lymphocytes from a patient with shigella flexneri dysentery and postdysenteric reactive arthritis were cloned by limiting dilution with recombinant interleukin-2 and a strain of s. flexneri different from that which had infected her. five of eight clones produced proliferated in response to the shigellae used to generate the clones. the response required irradiated syngeneic blood mononuclear cells as antigen-presenting cells. one such clone, mc12, proliferated in response to both the shigella ...19892654177
sulfur isotope fractionation by salmonella heidelberg: inverse isotope effects during growth on high concentrations of na2so3.during growth on minimal salts - glucose media supplemented with high concentrations of na2so3 (10-3 and 10-2 m), salmonella heidelberg exhibited cytological and growth responses which indicated increased cellular toxicity with increasing sulfite concentrations. the large quantities of sulfide evolved during growth at both so32- concentrations were accompanied by large normal and inverse isotope effects. consistent with earlier findings, this organism was found capable of rapidly metabolizing bo ...1979534960
aztreonam in the treatment of bacterial meningitis.the monobactam aztreonam was used to treat 22 young patients with meningitis caused by gram-negative bacilli. haemophilus influenzae was isolated from the csf of 21 patients and salmonella heidelberg from the csf of 1. dosages ranged from 100 to 200 mg/kg/day in 4 doses at 6-hour intervals. minimal inhibitory concentrations were determined by the broth dilution method for all isolated strains, and values ranged from 0.05 to 2.0 micrograms/ml. blood and csf drug levels were determined by a microb ...19892731449
an outbreak of salmonella heidelberg infection in jamaica. 1979442622
minimal medium recovery of chilled salmonella heidelberg. 1979438104
a survey of the aerobic bacteria in the feces of captive raptors.feces of 47 captive raptors belonging to the order falconiformes or strigiformes were cultured for bacteria. gram-negative bacteria, which were cultured from the feces of 45 of the 47 raptors, were the most common isolates. a wide variety of species were identified, including a newly described genus (moellerella wisconsensis), two newly described species (escherichia fergusonii and proteus penneri), and a member of a newly described enteric group (cdc enteric group 41). additional organisms iden ...19883382380
ceftriaxone treatment of multidrug-resistant salmonella osteomyelitis.empiric treatment of serious salmonella infections has been complicated by the emergence of strains resistant to multiple antimicrobial agents, including ampicillin, chloramphenicol, and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. recent reports suggest that the third-generation cephalosporins may be effective therapy for salmonella infections. this report describes a case of antibiotic-resistant salmonella heidelberg prosthetic hip infection successfully treated with prosthesis removal and once-daily ceftri ...19873605165
[use of an immunoadsorbent in differentiating b and d salmonelloses in poultry].an immunoadsorbent was obtained from a lipopolysaccharide of salmonella gallinarum-pullorum, employing the method of eskenazy. it was used to adsorb the o agglutinating antibodies against s. gallinarum-pullcorum, s. enteritidis, s. heidelberg in blood sera of birds. adsorption of sera was carried out at room temperature for 40 min. it was demonstrated that the product was highly specific. it fully and specifically found the o agglutinating antibodies in the sera of birds infected with s. gallina ...1977343356
[experimental transmission of antibiotic resistance in chicks].multi-drug resistance of salmonella heidelberg was transmitted to normal intestinal flora (e. coli organisms were resistant to ampicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline, erythromycin, and oleandomycin. the donor strains of salmonella heidelberg used in the experiment was a carrier of the following nine markers of resistance: ampicillin, streptomycin, chloramphenicol, kanamycin, neomycin, novobiocin, tetracycline, erythromycin, and oleandomycin. the donor strains of salmonella heidelberg used in the ...1977337646
salmonella serotypes, salmonella typhi phage types, and anti-microbial resistance at the university hospital of the west indies, jamaica.bacteriologically proved cases of salmonellosis presenting at the university hospital have increased nearly threefold since 1957. the most striking change has been a considerable increase in the incidence of salmonella heidelberg and salmonella derby in the last 5 years, probably resulting from hospital acquired infection. about 80 cases of typhoid fever are reported each year in jamaica. there has been little change in the prevalence of different phage types of salmonella typhi since 1961. para ...1977267669
[calcium kinetics of myocardium in experimental hypercalcemia and isoproterenol lesions--ultrastructural and roentgen microanalytical findings]. 1978106573
letter: leg abscesses caused by salmonella heidelberg. 197654717
isolation and characterization of salmonella from broiler carcasses or parts.a study was conducted to determine and characterize salmonella contamination on ready-to-cook broilers or parts in the columbus, oh, metropolitan area. ten to twelve samples per store were examined, using a whole-carcass rinse method. the salmonella cultures isolated were tested for resistance to a series of nine drugs and, subsequently, were sent to the national veterinary services laboratory at ames, ia for serotype identification. cultures identified as salmonella were also examined for the p ...19902356175
salmonella outbreak in a nursing home.we performed a retrospective review of an outbreak of salmonella gastroenteritis that occurred in a community nursing home in 1987. forty-four of 199 residents had a diarrheal illness; salmonella heidelberg was isolated from the stool in 19 cases. although the distribution of cases suggested a common source for the outbreak, no common source of infection could be demonstrated, despite extensive investigation. the clinical presentation of symptomatic individuals ranged from mild diarrhea to a sev ...19902332575
frequency of salmonella typhimurium the year after a massive 1985, illinois experienced a large milkborne outbreak of salmonella typhimurium with over 16,000 cases. during this year, 49.4% of united states and 86.4% of illinois salmonellae were s. typhimurium. in 1986, 1133 microbiologically confirmed and serotyped cases of salmonellosis were reported in the city of chicago, comprising 37% of the 3034 cases reported for the state of illinois. the most frequent serotypes were s. typhimurium (21.3%), salmonella heidelberg (18.2%), salmonella enteritidis ...19902184983
[a case of meningitis in a child caused by salmonella heidelberg]. 19695380471
recombination of salmonella phase 1 flagellin genes generates new determine the evolutionary mechanisms generating serotypic diversity in salmonella strains, we sequenced the central, antigen-determining part of the phase 1 flagellin gene (flic) in strains of several serovars for which estimates of chromosomal genomic relatedness had been obtained by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. the nucleotide sequence of this region was identical in several chromosomally divergent strains of salmonella heidelberg (phase 1 antigen r) but differed by 19% from the corre ...19902129534
an outbreak of salmonella heidelberg infection associated with a long incubation period. 19902083114
immunoepidemiology of post-salmonella reactive arthritis in a cohort of women.following a foodborne outbreak of salmonella dysentery in a group of 79 women and 4 men, 6 individuals were found to have reactive arthritis (rea). none of the affected individuals had the classical genetic marker hla b27 although 2 of the 6 had creg antigens. iga antibodies to the lipopolysaccharide of the causative organism, salmonella heidelberg, were found to be elevated in those patients with active rea compared to those with inactive rea or those who had dysentery but did not develop rea. ...19921643756
sulphur and carbon isotope fractionation by salmonella heidelberg during anaerobic so3= reduction in trypticase soy broth medium. 19685646842
an outbreak of salmonella heidelberg infection in a general medical unit. treatment with ampicillin and neomycin. 19645881418
failure of two serotype ii infectious bursal disease viruses to affect the humoral immune response of turkeys.the effect of serotype ii infectious bursal disease virus (ibdv) isolates from turkeys on the homoral immune response of turkey poults was determined. following exposure to the oh ibdv isolate, poults in two experiments were inoculated with sheep red blood cells, which is a t-dependent antigen, and poults in two other experiments were inoculated with salmonella heidelberg o antigen, which is a t-independent antigen. prior exposure to serotype ii ibdv did not affect serum antibody titers to these ...19846202292
septic abortion caused by salmonella heidelberg in a white-handed gibbon. 19836643263
[epidemiologic studies of the occurrence of salmonella heidelberg in the leipzig area].this paper reports on observations regarding the appearance of salmonella heidelberg (s. heidelberg) in the leipzig district. included are all isolations of s. heidelberg from 1985 to 1989 in human and veterinary materials as well as surface water and sewage. our results show that this serovar--originating in a poultry farm--is spreading quickly among the animal stock of the northern part of the former leipzig district. parallel to that, s. heidelberg infections in the population increase strong ...19921504485
the insertion sequence is200 fingerprints chromosomal genotypes and epidemiological relationships in salmonella salmonella heidelberg the copy number of the salmonella-specific insertion element is200 was found to vary from four to six. all strains tested contained at least one common insertion site which was serovar specific, and most strains contained three common sites. concurrent analysis of plasmids indicated that all insertion sequence copies were chromosomally located, and also supported the equivalence of an is200 fingerprint and clonality. seven intra-serovar clonal lines were thereby identifi ...19921336032
effect of various media and incubation conditions on recovery of inoculated salmonella from poultry feed.samples of commercially pelleted poultry feed (30 g) were inoculated with nalidixic acid-resistant marker strains of salmonella heidelberg or s. montevideo at levels of 1 (low), 20 (medium), or 40 (high) cells/g of feed, then 100 ml of either a nonselective preenrichment medium (lactose broth) or a selective enrichment medium [selenite cystine (sc) or tetrathionate brilliant green (tt) broth] was added and incubated at either 37 or 43 c for 24 or 48 hr in different experiments. four selective pl ...19827134111
accessory replicons of species of salmonella and shigella.shigella and salmonella strains isolated from clinical samples were examined. out of 42 shigella strains tested, 17 (40%) were found to be colicinogenic and another 3 were lysogenic. all three lysogens yielded a phage antigenically homologous to coliphage p2. out of 30 strains tested, only 1 was found to be resistant to both neomycin and sulfamethoxazole. out of 48 strains of salmonella tested for drug resistance, only 2 showed multiple drug resistance. in contrast to shigella isolates, the salm ...19827149715
salmonella heidelberg enteritis and bacteremia. an epidemic on two pediatric wards.symptomatic infection with salmonella heidelberg developed in 55 children after their admission to the pediatric wards of two adjacent hospiatls in san juan, puerto rico. many of these children had been hospitalized for the treatment of diarrhea of unidentified etiology. in 25 of these patients, salmonella bacteremia was documented. five had clinically unsuspected and untreated bacteremia with no evidence of complications during the follow-up period of four and a half months. the remaining 30 ha ...19761274984
[possibilities of differentiation of the specific positive reactions for pullorum disease].studied were sera obtained from three groups of birds experimentally infected with salmonella gallinarum-pullorum. salmonella enteritidis, and salmonella heidelberg, resp., using the whole serum agglutination reaction, the slow test-tube reaction (at 37 degrees and 50 degrees c), and the agar gel precipitation reaction as modified by aoki as well as the spot-test of williams. it was found that with the use of a typhus antigen it is not possible to differentiate the positive coagglutination react ...19751210001
salmonella heidelberg infection in caroli's syndrome.a patient is described in whom diarrhea and fever due to salmonella heidelberg was followed by a series of episodes of cholangitis due to the same organism. cholecystectomy and prolonged courses of antibiotics failed to eradicate the infection, and the presence of multiple intrahepatic biliary cysts (caroli's syndrome) was eventually discovered by endoscopic retrograde cholangiography.19751116657
antimicrobial resistance and r-factor transfer among isolates of salmonella in the northeastern united states: a comparison of human and animal isolates.the antimicrobial susceptibility of 718 isolates of salmonella from humans and of 688 isolates from animals was examined. of the 46 different serotypes among the isolates from humans, salmonella typhimurium accounted for 34%. thirty percent of isolates were resistant to one or more antibiotic(s). resistance to streptomycin was most common; resistance to tetracycline was next most common. over 50% of isolates of s. typhimurium and salmonella newport were resistant to four antibiotics. resistance ...19751104721
sex pili as immunogens.groups of chickens were vaccinated intravenously with live cultures of escherichia coli k12 possessing transfer factors f, i, a2 or no transfer factor (tra-minus) and their immunity challenged by injecting them intravenously with an f-plus strain of salmonella heidelberg or an f-plus or i-plus strain of salmonella typhimurium. compared with the tra-minus strain, vaccination with the f-plus, but not the i-plus or a2-plus, k12 strain significantly reduced the mortality rate caused by the f-plus sa ...19751097591
crystallization and comparative characterization of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-ferredoxin reductase from sheep adrenocortical mitochondria.1. sheep nadph-ferredoxin reductase (e.c. was purified from the adrenocortical mitochondria. the reductase was typical flavoenzyme and crystallized in ammonium sulfate solution. 2. the properties of the reductase were investigated physicochemically and immunochemically. the minimum molecular weight of the reductase was 52,000 and the reductase has one fad per mole as a coenzyme. 3. the sheep nadph-ferredoxin reductase showed a precipitate line against antibody to bovine nadph-ferredoxi ...19902364676
identification and sequence analysis of lpfabcde, a putative fimbrial operon of salmonella typhimurium.a chromosomal region present in salmonella typhimurium but absent from related species was identified by hybridization. a dna probe originating from 78 min on the s. typhimurium chromosome hybridized with dna from salmonella enteritidis, salmonella heidelberg, and salmonella dublin but not with dna from salmonella typhi, salmonella arizonae, escherichia coli, and shigella serotypes. cloning and sequence analysis revealed that the corresponding region of the s. typhimurium chromosome encodes a fi ...19957721701
an outbreak of salmonella heidelberg infection associated with a long incubation period. 19902390305
sacroiliac joint infection by salmonella heidelberg. 19892593894
pseudoappendicitis caused by salmonella heidelberg. 19892722541
the tangible cost implications of a hospital outbreak of multiply-resistant salmonella.a hospital outbreak of multiply-resistant salmonella heidelberg infection, which affected 17 patients and 2 staff, is described. the tangible cost of the outbreak was estimated at 21 pounds 151, 17 pounds 989 (85.1%) of which was borne by the hospital. the cost to the microbiology department was 3596 pounds (17.0% of the total). a detailed analysis of the costs and implications for staffing disruption is given and a comparison is made with the costs of preventive activities. ways of containing e ...19892806415
splenic abscess due to salmonella heidelberg. 19958645823
salmonella heidelberg outbreak at a convention--new mexico. 19863080662
extraintestinal salmonellosis in a children's increase in the number of patients presenting with extraintestinal salmonellosis has occurred at our institution. the purpose of this study was to review the extraintestinal salmonellosis cases in our institution and to investigate the possible reasons for this increase.19979154541
changes in antimicrobial resistance of salmonella isolated from humans in the united states.changes were examined that occurred in the antimicrobial susceptibility between 1979-1980 and 1984-1985 of salmonella organisms isolated from humans who resided in a random sample of counties in the united states. resistance to one or more antimicrobials rose significantly from 16% (82 of 511 isolates) in 1979-1980 to 24% (117 of 485 isolates) in 1984-1985. in addition, statistically significant increases occurred in the proportion of organisms resistant to only one antimicrobial (from 4% to 9%) ...19873625949
fatal salmonella septicemia after platelet transfusion.a thrombocytopenic, leukopenic patient with multiple myeloma who was given 7 units of platelets died 6 days later from complications of salmonella heidelberg septicemia. a platelet donor who was asymptomatic at the time of donation had group b salmonella on stool culture. his clinical history and the results of serologic studies and stool culture were consistent with a mild salmonella gastroenteritis 5 days before donation. antibiotic sensitivity patterns and plasmid profiles indicated that the ...19873810819
[salmonella heidelberg as the causative agent of extraintestinal diseases]. 19715134154
isolation of salmonella spp. from the housefly, musca domestica l., and the dump fly, hydrotaea aenescens (wiedemann) (diptera: muscidae), at caged-layer houses.flies, especially houseflies, are widely recognized as potential reservoirs and vectors of foodborne salmonella pathogens. in this study, flies were collected at caged-layer facilities that had produced eggs that were implicated as the food vehicle in two recent outbreaks of salmonella enteritidis infections. the flies were separated by species into pools for microbiological testing. a total of 15 species pools of houseflies, musca domestica l., and 7 species pools of bronze dump flies, hydrotae ...200010914668
selenite reduction by salmonella heidelberg. 19665338882
antibody response to salmonella heidelberg in turkeys. 19705460192
[christmas foods contaminated with salmonella heidelberg]. 19705486909
sulfur isotope fractionation and kinetic studies of sulfite reduction in growing cells of salmonella heidelberg.a pulsed feeding technique was used during studies of sulfite reduction by salmonella heidelberg in order to realize large percentages of so(3) (=) conversion while simultaneously maintaining a reasonably stable cell population. as a consequence, much data for conventional kinetic and sulfur isotope fractionation computations were obtained in any one experiment. under the conditions of supplying 150 mug glucose per ml of medium every 6 hr, anaerobiosis, and varying the so(3) (=) concentration, t ...19685641397
incidence of salmonella contamination in broiler chickens in saskatchewan.the incidence of salmonella contamination in ten saskatchewan broiler flocks varying in size from 6 200 to 14 000 was investigated from february, 1977 to april, 1979. prior to the initial chick placement, brooding equipment, feed, water and fresh litter samples were found to be free of salmonellae. samples obtained from the clean and disinfected processing plant equipment before the commencement of daily operation were negative except the isolation for salmonella anatum from the fingers of the d ...19836831304
susceptibility patterns and serotypes of non-typhoidal salmonella in study the serotype distribution of non-typhoidal salmonella isolated from clinical specimens and to evaluate their susceptibility patterns to the most commonly prescribed antimicrobial agents used in this region.200111744940
sulfur isotope fractionation by proteus vulgaris and salmonella heidelberg during the reduction of thiosulfate.proteus vulgaris metabolized thiosulfate to h2s. the amount evolved and its sulfur isotope composition identified it solely with sulfane sulfur. in contrast, salmonella heidelberg sequentially reduced the sulfane sulfur of s2o3(-2) with slight enrichment of the evolved sulfide in 32s and then reduced the sulfonate sulfur of s2o3(-2) with large isotopic selectivities and an inverse isotopic fractionation pattern. the inverse isotope fractionation pattern for the h2s derived from the sulfonate sul ...19807006763
an epidemic of resistant salmonella in a nursery. animal-to-human spread.a salmonella heidelberg epidemic in a hospital nursery was traced to infected calves on a dairy farm where the mother of the index patient lived. the salmonella isolates from all cases were resistant to chloramphenicol, sulfamethoxazole, and tetracycline. verification of the spread of infection from the farm animals to a hospital population is unusual and raises questions about the hazards of antibiotic animal-feed preparations that may induce infection with resistant organisms in humans.19807351786
epidemic salmonellosis from cheddar cheese: surveillance and prevention.on august 3, 1976, ongoing salmonella surveillance in colorado first detected an epidemic of salmonella heidelberg infections that eventually totaled 339 isolates. the majority of the cases occurred between july 23 and august 12 in two widely separated cities: denver and pueblo. epidemiologic investigation successively incriminated 1) recent dining at mexican-style restaurants (p less than 0.001), 2) eating foods containing cheese in these restaurants (p = 0.029), and 3) consumption of cheddar c ...19807355885
studies on salmonella from floor litter of 60 broiler chicken houses in nova scotia.fifteen floor litter samples were collected from each of 60 broiler chicken houses in nova scotia. salmonella was recovered from 270 litter samples (30%) in 33 of 60 (55%) houses. all isolates were serotyped. salmonella heidelberg and s. infantis were the most common of the 13 serotypes found. isolates of selected serotypes were phage typed. most isolates were susceptible to all common antimicrobial agents.19807363272
salmonella pneumonia in a patient with carcinoma of the lung.a 76-year-old man was hospitalized for pneumonia. bronchoscopy was performed because of a suspected underlying bronchial malignancy. a squamous cell carcinoma was found on bronchial biopsy, but in addition, culture of the bronchial washings grew salmonella heidelberg. the infection was successfully treated with tetracycline. although focal and disseminated infections with s. heidelberg have been reported to occur, pneumonia caused by this organism has not been previously documented.19807424831
isolation and characterisation of salmonella in a turkey production facility.1. a comprehensive ecological survey was conducted from april 1997 to june 1999 on 4 turkey flocks (f1 to f4) to identify key pre-harvest sources/vectors of salmonella colonisation. 2. turkey caecal and crop content, litter, drinker, air, feed, feeder and environmental swab samples were collected. conventional microbiological and serological procedures were used to isolate, identify, and confirm the presence or absence of salmonella. 3. salmonella was isolated from 13% of litter, 11% of turkey c ...200312828204
[isolation of salmonella heidelberg from sewage of a hospital for contagious diseases]. 195212989461
in vitro susceptibility to antimicrobial drugs of 62 salmonella strains isolated from horses in the netherlands.the in vitro activity of 17 antimicrobial drugs against strains of salmonella typhimurium (n = 52), salmonella thompson (n = 2), salmonella heidelberg (n = 3), salmonella hadar (n = 2), salmonella enteritidis (n = 1), salmonella infantis (n = 1) and salmonella derby (n = 1) was tested using the agar dilution method. the strains were isolated from horses admitted to the large animal clinics of utrecht university. the majority of strains were susceptible to gentamicin, amikacin, kanamycin, enroflo ...19957653025
[a hospital epidemic caused by salmonella heidelberg]. 195613347998
growth and penetration of salmonella enteritidis, salmonella heidelberg and salmonella typhimurium in eggs.eggs and egg dishes are important vehicles for salmonella infections. salmonella enteritidis, salmonella typhimurium and salmonella heidelberg, which can be isolated from chicken ovaries and feces, have been implicated in approximately 50% of the foodborne salmonellosis outbreaks in the united states. in this study, the growth of these three organisms, inoculated into yolks and albumen, was compared at 4, 10 and 25 degrees c. regardless of whether 10(2) cfu/g or 10(4) cfu/g was inoculated into t ...19957710915
[a case of salmonella heidelberg meningitis]. 195813588871
lysogenic phage in salmonella enterica serovar heidelberg (salmonella heidelberg): implications for organism tracing.a phage typing system using a group of 11 closely related phage (as judged by southern analysis and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis) was able to distinguish at least six phage types in salmonella heidelberg of human and animal origin. restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis using cosmid probes from s. heidelberg confirmed that most s. heidelberg isolates belong to a single 'clonal' group. southern analysis using dna isolated from each of the testing phage group showed ...19938099890
[epidemiology of salmonella heidelberg infection]. 195913669367
virulence of salmonella enteritidis phagetypes 4, 8 and 13 and other salmonella spp. for day-old chicks, hens and mice.virulence of three canadian poultry strains of salmonella enteritidis, namely phagetypes (pt) 4, 8 and 13, and one salmonella heidelberg strain was assessed in orally and intraperitoneally inoculated one-day old chickens and compared to the virulence of a human s. enteritidis pt 4 strain from the united kingdom (uk). the two pt 4 strains were also compared in orally inoculated adult laying hens. in addition, orally inoculated balb/c mice were used to evaluate virulence of the above strains and t ...19938269367
a milk-borne outbreak of food poisoning due to salmonella heidelberg. 196314033870
milk-borne outbreak of salmonella heidelberg. 196414084676
a lipid-conjugated immunostimulating complex subunit vaccine against salmonella infection in turkeys.immunostaining complexes (iscoms) are multimeric particles and have been used successfully for presentation of membrane proteins. in this study, outer-membrane proteins (omps) from salmonella heidelberg were incorporated into lipid-conjugated iscom particles and evaluated for their use in a vaccine for turkeys against homologous and heterologous salmonella challenge. two types of lipid-conjugated iscoms were examined: iscom-phospholipid and iscom-sphingolipid preparations. the turkeys were chall ...19938363512
susceptibility of salmonella heidelberg isolated during the utah epidemic in 1964. 196414287969
[infections with salmonella heidelberg and salmonella bovis morbificans]. 195414357469
research note: differential chemotaxis of physarum polycephalum to salmonella gallinarum and salmonella pullorum.the chemotactic and chemotropic responses of the plasmodial stage of the slime mold physarum polycephalum were used to distinguish salmonella gallinarum and salmonella pullorum from 10 salmonella serovars that are commonly isolated from domestic poultry. utilizing an in vitro plasmodium agar plate assay method, p. polycephalum was attracted to s. gallinarum and s. pullorum, but the organism was repelled by salmonella derby, salmonella dublin, salmonella enteritidis, salmonella heidelberg, salmon ...19938479960
detection of salmonella from chicken rinses and chicken hot dogs with the automated bax pcr system.the bax system with automated pcr detection was compared with standard cultural procedures for the detection of naturally occurring and spiked salmonella in 183 chicken carcass rinses and 90 chicken hot dogs. the automated assay procedure consists of overnight growth (16 to 18 h) of the sample in buffered peptone broth at 35 degrees c, transfer of the sample to lysis tubes, incubation and lysis of the cells, transfer of the sample to pcr tubes, and placement of tubes into the cycler-detector, wh ...200314627295
[salmonella heidelberg (habs) at saigon]. 195114933891
a mixed foodborne outbreak with salmonella heidelberg and campylobacter jejuni in a nursing investigate a mixed salmonella heidelberg and campylobacter jejuni foodborne outbreak in a nursing home.19979120239
a survey for salmonella by drag swabbing manure piles in california egg ranches.a cross-sectional study was conducted between august 1995 and november 1996. sixty california egg-producing ranches were chosen at random; 39 ranches agreed to participate in the study. the surface of the manure pile in one house on each ranch was sampled by drag swabbing. the drag swabs were tested for salmonella using a most probable number procedure that had a detection level of one to five salmonella per drag swab. in 12 ranches (32.4%), the drag swabs were negative for salmonella; the remai ...19989533082
thermal resistance of listeria monocytogenes, salmonella heidelberg, and escherichia coli o157:h7 at elevated temperatures.a continuous-flow apparatus was developed to measure thermal resistance (d- and z-values) of microorganisms at temperatures above 65 degrees c. this apparatus was designed to test whether vegetative microorganisms exhibited unusually high thermal resistance that prevented them from being completely eliminated at temperatures applicable to vacuum-steam-vacuum processes (116 to 157 degrees c). the apparatus was composed of a high-pressure liquid chromatography pump, a heating unit, and a cooling u ...200415330531
comparative in vitro activity of aztreonam and other antimicrobial agents against salmonella species.the in vitro activity of aztreonam, the first monobactam antibiotic, was compared with that of 17 other antimicrobial agents against 79 strains of salmonella species. the microorganisms were isolated from hospitalized patients, surface waters and seafoods during the decade 1975-1984. they included the following species: salmonella typhi 63, salmonella typhimurium 5, salmonella wien 5, salmonella heidelberg 2, salmonella arizonae 2, salmonella paratyphi b 1 and salmonella enteritidis 1. the minim ...19853836124
survival of pathogenic bacteria in pesticide solutions and on treated tomato plants.the ability of salmonella, escherichia coli o157:h7, listeria monocytogenes, and shigella to survive or grow in pesticide solutions (ambush 240ec, benlate t-n-g, bravo 500, botran 75wp, captan 80wdg, parasol, and vendex 50w) used by the horticultural industry was examined. in the laboratory, individual cultures were inoculated at 4 log cfu/ml in pesticides diluted with sterile saline to the lowest recommended spray concentrations. during 21 degrees c incubation for < or =96 h, bacterial survivor ...200515726972
salmonella heidelberg enteritis--an outbreak in the neonatal unit harare central hospital. 19853986889
studies on the pathogenesis of salmonella heidelberg infection in weanling pigs.experiments were conducted to define the pathogenic potential of salmonella heidelberg in weanling pigs. oral inoculation with s heidelberg resulted in severe catarrhal enterocolitis with accumulation of large amounts of fluid in the small intestine and colon. salmonella heidelberg was demonstrated, with fluorescence microscopy and bacteriologic cultural techniques, to colonize the ileum, to invade ileal mucosal enterocytes, and to reach mesenteric lymph nodes and extraintestinal tissues by 8 ho ...19854073640
[outbreak of salmonella heidelberg infection in a newborn department (author's transl)]. 19734745568
survival and growth of salmonella and listeria in the chicken breast patties subjected to time and temperature abuse under varying conditions.chicken breast patties were inoculated with a mixture of salmonella senftenberg, salmonella typhimurium, salmonella heidelberg, salmonella mission, salmonella montevideo, salmonella california, and listeria innocua. the initial inoculation of bacteria was approximately 10(7) log10 cfu/g. the inoculated patties were processed in a pilot-scale air convection oven at an air temperature of 177 degrees c, an air velocity of 9.9 m3/min, and a low (a wet bulb temperature of 48 degrees c) or high (a wet ...200111198436
salmonella enterica serotypes isolated from imported frozen chicken meat in the canary determine the prevalence of salmonella enterica serotypes in imported frozen chicken meat, 406 samples (whole chicken, legs, and breast meat) were analyzed for salmonella according to iso6579 rules, serotypes were assigned, and phage typing was conducted for salmonella serotypes enteritidis, typhimurium, and heidelberg. the overall frequency of salmonella isolation was 16.5%. by country of origin, the highest percentage of cases was found among the samples from france followed by samples from ...200516355846
evaluation of avian-specific probiotic and salmonella enteritidis-, salmonella typhimurium-, and salmonella heidelberg-specific antibodies on cecal colonization and organ invasion of salmonella enteritidis in broilers.salmonella enteritidis colonizes the intestinal tract of poultry and causes foodborne illness in humans. reduction of salmonella enteritidis colonization in the intestinal tract of poultry reduces potential carcass contamination during slaughter. the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of an avian-specific probiotic combined with salmonella enteritidis-, salmonella typhimurium-, and salmonella heidelberg-specific antibodies on the cecal colonization and organ invasion of salmonella ...200111252468
molecular epidemiology of salmonella heidelberg in an equine hospital.from 1992 to 1997, multi-drug resistant (mdr) salmonella heidelberg isolates were cultured from a number of horses hospitalised in a veterinary hospital in victoria, australia. to examine the relationships between the cases, 28 isolates from the hospital were compared by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (pfge), is200 element profiles, antimicrobial resistance patterns, plasmid profiles and phage typing. the pfge patterns following digestion with xbai and blni restriction endonucleases showed tha ...200111278126
arthritis in a bitch caused by salmonella heidelberg. 196017421189
differences among six salmonella serovars in abilities to colonize reproductive organs and to contaminate eggs in laying hens.the abilities of salmonella serovars to colonize the reproductive organs of chickens and to contaminate eggs were compared. mature laying hens were inoculated intravenously with 10(5) colony-forming units of salmonella enteritidis, salmonella typhimurium, salmonella infantis, salmonella hadar, salmonella heidelberg, or salmonella montevideo to cause the systemic infection. salmonella enteritidis was recovered from three yolks of the laid eggs (7.0%), suggesting egg contamination from the transov ...200111332500
survival of salmonellae in pasteurized, refrigerated calcium-fortified orange juice.studies were done to determine the survival of salmonellae in orange juice as affected by fortification with calcium. four brands of commercially pasteurized orange juice fortified with calcium (350 mg/240-ml serving) and nonfortified juice were inoculated separately with three types of inocula: strains of salmonella muenchen (inoculum 1), serotypes of human and animal origin (inoculum 2), and isolates from raw produce- and juice-associated outbreaks (inoculum 3). juice inoculated with populatio ...200111563503
myocarditis in a patient with salmonella and campylobacter enteritis.myocarditis associated with bacterial enteritis has only rarely been described and the pathogenesis is unclear. herein we report a case where a young adult developed myocarditis during the acute stage of an infection with salmonella heidelberg and campylobacter jejunii/coli. the patient's troponin i value was elevated. we suggest that use of cardiac-sensitive troponins may be a useful tool for diagnosis of acute myocarditis in the context of bacterial enteritis. we also suggest the need for furt ...200111760172
pathogenicity of different serogroups of avian salmonellae in specific-pathogen-free chickens.the pathogenicity of one isolate of salmonella typhimurium, four isolates of salmonella heidelberg, three isolates of salmonella kentucky, two isolates of salmonella montevideo, one isolate of salmonella hadar, and two isolates of salmonella enteritidis (se), one belonging to phage type (pt)13a and the other to pt34, was investigated in specific-pathogen-free chicks. three hundred eighty-four chicks were separated into 16 equal groups of 24 chicks. thirteen groups were inoculated individually wi ...200111785896
differences in abilities to colonize reproductive organs and to contaminate eggs in intravaginally inoculated hens and in vitro adherences to vaginal explants between salmonella enteritidis and other salmonella experiment 1, mature laying hens were inoculated intravaginally with 10(6) colony-forming units of salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis (s. enteritidis), salmonella typhimurium, salmonella infantis, salmonella hadar, salmonella heidelberg, or salmonella montevideo to compare their abilities to colonize the reproductive organs of chickens and to contaminate eggs. salmonella enteritidis was more frequently recovered (from 11 of 40 eggs, 27.5%) than the other serovars, and especially the inne ...200111785900
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