
potentiation of lymphocyte activation by colchicine.proliferation of human lymphocytes induced by io4- is potentiated by 30 min exposure to colchicine (10(-6)m), whereas the response to con a is inhibited. treatment with colchicine before or after io4- modification has similar enhancing effects. lumicolchicine does not alter proliferative responses. in addition to the proliferation of io4--oxidized cells, irradiated io4- modified lymphocytes induce proliferation when mixed with untreated lymphocytes. enhancement occurs in both these conditions on ...1978211166
determination of meningococcal antibodies by microassay.a modified microassay procedure, using triphenyltetrazolium chloride as a germination indicator, was compared with a macroassay method proposed by the world health organization for determining the level of antibodies before and after immunization with group a meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine. there was excellent agreement between the results obtained by the two methods. the vaccine used appeared to be safe and immunogenic.1978104795
an unusual form of measles meningoencephalitis. a report of two cases.two patients are reported with a chronic progressive illness characterized by dementia, ataxia and spasticity. there were no myoclonic jerks and both had normal electroencephalograms (eeg). pathological findings in three brain biopsies were those of viral meningoencephalitis with perivenous demyelination. serological data in both patients indicated the presence of measles virus infection. intracytoplasmic structures resembling measles virus nucleocapsids were found in the brain biopsy of one pat ...197991670
evaluation of organic acids and other compounds as salmonella antagonists in meat and bone meal.twelve compounds were evaluated as salmonella antagonists in commercial meat and bone meal. the test organism was a nalidixic acid-resistant strain of salmonella infantis. adequate moisture to support salmonella growth was assured by the addition of 40% water to each 50 g test sample. compounds were tested at levels permitted for food additives except formalin which has not been approved. salmonella counts were determined every few days by spread plates and the ph was recorded from the initial 1 ...197938449
[clinical manifestations of salmonella infantis infection in children (author's transl)]. 1979427849
therapeutical trials with antimicrobial agents and cultured cecal microflora in salmonella infantis infections in chickens.the efficacy of short antimicrobial therapy was examined in chicks infected with s. infantis on the day of hatching. an attempt was made to prevent the reappearance of salmonellae by treating the chicks with a culture of cecal microflora to re-establish the normal intestinal flora. the following drugs were used: neomycin/polymyxin, oxytetracyline/neomycin, dihydrostreptomycin, furazolidone, and trimethoprim/sulphadiazine. the oxytetracycline/neomycin therapy was most effective, but reappearance ...1979523382
bacteriophage typing scheme for salmonella infantis.a bacteriophage typing system is described for salmonella infantis. nine phages were selected, of which three were isolated from sewage and six from human feces. all except 7 of the 546 strains collected between 1974 and 1978 could be classified into 23 different phage types. the five most common phage types comprised 26, 13, 9, 9, and 9% of all strains, respectively. strains from humans, animals, food, and water isolated during nine episodes, or from given patients at different intervals of tim ...1979544631
the middleton outbreak: 125 cases of foodborne salmonellosis resulting from cross-contaminated food items served at a picnic and a hundred and twenty-five of 173 people who ate at a picnic and/or a smorgasbord prepared by a bar-restaurant in a midwestern town in september 1973 developed diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and other symptoms 23 hours (median time) later. eleven were hospitalized. stool cultures from 18 ill individuals grew salmonella infantis, salmonella agona, and salmonella schwarzengrund. stool cultures from 5 of 8 restaurant employees grew s. infantis or s. agona. cultures of remaining foods and food-contact ...19751171616
an epidemic of salmonella infantis infection in finnish broiler chickens in 1975--76. 1978727084
experimental infection of sheep with salmonella infantis. 1977608086
isolation of salmonellae and other potential pathogens from the freshwater aquarium snail ampullaria.the freshwater aquarium snail (ampullaria spp.) was demonstrated to carry as many as 10(8) viable mesophilic bacteria per g of meat plus shell. some 16 genera of bacteria were identified, with gram negatives predominating. enrichment culture techniques enabled the isolation of salmonellae from 24 to 42 lots of 200 g each. the salmonellae comprised eight different serotypes, including salmonella newport, salmonella saint-paul, and salmonella infantis. this association of salmonellae with snails m ...1976818954
experimental infection of poultry with salmonella infantis.six-month-old cockerels and point-of-lay pullets were infected orally with s infantis (1 x 10(10). the cockerels were slaughtered at intervals up to 42 days, and the pullets slaughtered 20 weeks, after infection. infection produced no clinical disease and minimal changes were observed at autopsy. serological responses were transient, frequently absent three to six weeks after infection, no response at all being recorded in some birds. faecal excretion was observed most frequently during the earl ...1976935658
further studies on competitive exclusion for controlling salmonellae in chickens.a native intestinal microflora of chickens which is protective against salmonella readily transferred to penmates and apparently to birds in adjacent pens. the microflora not only minimized infection resulting from exposure following colonization of the gut with microflora, but significantly abbreviated the period of infection when introduced after a salmonella infection was established in chicks. a microflora with undiminished protective activity, sensitive to only a few commonly used antibacte ...1979546412
research note: automated droplet application of a competitive exclusion automatic dosing cabinet similar to that used for infectious bronchitis vaccination was used to treat newly hatched chicks with a commercial competitive exclusion product, broilact. randomly selected boxes of treated and untreated (control) chicks were taken to the laboratory and challenged with either salmonella infantis or salmonella enteritidis (pt4) using the seeder bird technique. three experiments were carried out with each serotype. twelve days after challenge, the ceca of the chicks a ...19921470597
salmonella outbreak among railway and airline passengers.a widespread outbreak by salmonella infantis, infecting a total of 226 people, occurred in finland at the beginning of august 1986. of those infected, 107 were railway passengers, 91 were airline passengers and 28 were employed in a food processing establishment. the outbreak among the railway passengers was caused by egg sandwiches, the airline passengers were infected by a meal served on board and the catering employees by the breakfast served in the establishment. the outbreak was caused by f ...19921488941
efficacy of different microbial preparations for controlling salmonella colonisation in chicks and turkey poults by competitive exclusion.1. control by competitive exclusion of intestinal colonisation by salmonella infantis was studied in domestic chicks and turkey poults given a commercial product developed for use with chickens, compared with two similar preparations containing intestinal microorganisms from turkeys. 2. each type of material protected both avian species when given orally before challenge; the degree of protection depended at least as much on the type of preparation as its host origin.19921571805
choleriform syndrome and production of labile enterotoxin (ct/lt1)-like antigen by species of salmonella infantis and salmonella haardt isolated from the same patient.isolates of salmonella infantis from the stool and blood and an isolate of salmonella haardt from the stool of a patient with choleriform diarrhea produced labile enterotoxin (ct/lt1)-like antigen. genetic and molecular experiments indicated that the production of ct/lt1-like antigen was chromosomally encoded.19911866546
competitive exclusion in the young bird: challenge models, administration and reciprocal protection.the competitive exclusion (ce) concept has been tested against both non-invasive and invasive salmonella serotypes. studies with different challenge models indicate that ce treatment is likely to protect the young bird against all serotypes that are capable of intestinal colonization. spray or 'droplet' application of the ce-treatment material was compared with administration in the first drinking water. both methods gave a similar degree of protection against salmonella infantis. a study was ma ...19921419529
the competitive exclusion concept: development and future.the origin of the competitive exclusion (ce) concept in controlling a salmonella infantis outbreak in poultry in 1971 and the subsequent development of a commercial treatment product are described. the possible role of ce in salmonella control, current status of the concept and theories relating to the bacteria involved and mechanisms of protection are reviewed. some observations are made on the need for methodological development and possibilities for extending the scope of ce to other pathogen ...19921419528
a foodborne outbreak of gastroenteritis involving two different pathogens.on the evening of october 10, 1990, many of the 474 inmates of a state prison in florida began to experience symptoms of gastroenteritis. an investigation included interviews with inmates, evaluation of the kitchen and food-handling practices, cultures of leftover food, stool cultures, and cultures from the nares and skin lesions of food handlers. of the 331 inmates interviewed, 215 (65%) had diarrhea, vomiting, or both. the median incubation period was 5 hours (range, 1-41 hours). cases with on ...19921442724
[therapy of salmonellosis in macaca arctoides].four clinically normal m. arctoides shed salmonella infantis after the stress of transportation. one animal developed diarrhea and died. after therapy with 30 mg chloramphenicol/kg bw orally for two times eight days, thereafter 10 mg neomycin/kg bw orally for eight days and finally 2 mg gentamicin/kg bw i. m., they still shed s. infantis. oral application of daily 100 mg ofloxacin (tarivid) for 10 days and repetition of that same therapy for seven days after one week without therapy terminated s ...19902080512
widespread occurrence of specific restriction endonucleases in salmonella infantis, salmonella thompson, and salmonella blockley isolated from humans in japan.specific restriction endonucleases were detected in three serotypes of salmonella spp. isolated from humans in japan from 1970 to 1987: an isoschizomer of avaii endonuclease at a frequency of 0.91 in salmonella infantis, an isoschizomer of kpni at a frequency of 0.34 in salmonella thompson, and an isoschizomer of styi at a frequency of 0.30 in salmonella blockley. of interest is that restriction endonuclease-producing s. thompson was detected at high frequencies in the 1970s but at low frequenci ...19902167629
antibacterial effect of the glucose oxidase-glucose system on food-poisoning organisms.the antibacterial effect of the glucose oxidase-glucose system was studied on food-poisoning organisms including staphylococcus aureus, salmonella infantis, clostridium perfringens, bacillus cereus, campylobacter jejuni, listeria monocytogenes and yersinia enterocolitica using automated turbidometry. the bacteria were grown in sterile-filtered meat medium which was either raw or heat-denaturated. the results showed a clear growth inhibition with combinations of 0.5-1.0 mg/ml glucose and 0.5-1.0 ...19892561954
pilot-scale testing of the competitive exclusion method in chickens.1. the efficacy of a commercial competitive exclusion (ce) product, broilact, was tested in pilot-scale trials involving groups of 100 broiler chicks. 2. each group was challenged with salmonella infantis through contact with infected seeder birds and numbers of salmonellae in the caecal contents were determined weekly. 3. the performance of the birds was also monitored over a 5-week period. 4. the results showed a gradual decline of the infection, even in the untreated groups, and a dose-depend ...19911933459
isolation and genetic structure of the avaii isoschizomeric restriction-modification system hgibi from herpetosiphon giganteus hpg5: m.hgibi reveals high homology to m.bani.the complete type ii restriction-modification system hgibi of herpetosiphon giganteus strain hpg5 recognizing the avaii specific dna sequence ggwcc has been cloned and expressed functionally active in escherichia coli. a considerable acceleration in cloning could be achieved by preparing a size restricted library after application of a related hybridization probe. both methyltransferase (437 codons) and restriction endonuclease gene (274 codons) were found to be encoded on a 3.6 kilobases clai/h ...19912062638
cloning and complete nucleotide sequences of the type ii restriction-modification genes of salmonella infantis.the complete type ii restriction-modification system of salmonella infantis was cloned in escherichia coli as an r . sau3ai fragment of 3,430 base pairs. the clone was shown to express the restriction endonuclease as well as the modification methylase. the nucleotide sequence of the above fragment showed two open reading frames of 461 and 230 codons in tail-to-tail orientation. these were shown to represent the modification methylase m . sini and the restriction endonuclease r . sini, respective ...19882836359
isolation and characterization of the modification methylase m . sini.a sequence-specific modification methylase (m . sini) was isolated and purified from escherichia coli harboring a derivative of recombinant plasmid psi4 (see accompanying manuscript: c. karreman and a. de waard, j. bacteriol. 170:2527-2532, 1988), which contains a salmonella infantis dna insert. the enzyme uniquely methylates the internal deoxycytidylate residue in the nucleotide sequence gg(a/t)mecc, thereby protecting dna completely against cleavage by restriction endonuclease r . sini or r . ...19882836360
demonstration of hepatitis a virus in cell culture by electron microscopy with immunoperoxidase staining.virus-like particles were demonstrated by electron microscopy in bs-c-1 cells infected with hepatitis a virus (hav). particles were usually enclosed within vesicles and accompanied by myelin-like membranous structures. less often they were seen free in the cytoplasm. they were never observed in the nucleus. by immunoperoxidase staining particles were found to contain hav antigens. these antigens were also found in the membrane of the vesicles surrounding the masses of particles and adjacent part ...19873034945
subdivision of common salmonella serotypes: phage typing of s. virchow, s. manhattan, s. thompson, s. oranienburg and s. bareilly.the phage typing system elaborated for salmonella infantis proved suitable to subclassify 633 s. virchow, 206 s. manhattan, 103 s. thompson, 30 s. oranienburg and 58 s. barielly strains. the s. virchow strains belonged to phage type 213 in 79.6%, each of six phage types occurred more frequently than 1%, and 15 phage types less frequently than 1%. the s. manhattan strains belonged to three phage types (687, 247, 547) in 91.2% and nine other types were found. the most common phage types among the ...19883227799
[pancytopenia and salmonella infantis infection]. 19863514521
the effect of pediococcus damnosus and pediococcus pentosaceus on the growth of pathogens in minced meat.the antibacterial effects of one strain of pediococcus damnosus and two strains of pediococcus pentosacaeus against clostridium perfringens, listeria monocytogenes, salmonella infantis and yersinia enterocolitica were investigated. growth inhibition studies were conducted in juice from minced meat incubated at +6 degrees c and +15 degrees c for various periods after the inoculation with pediococci. inhibitory effects were seen for all bacteria tested.19911907475
nicotinic excitation of rat ventral tegmental neurones in vitro studied by intracellular recording.1. intracellular recordings were made from presumed dopamine-containing neurones in the ventral tegmental area (vta) in rat brain slices. 2. nicotine (10-100 microm) and acetylcholine (ach) depolarized the neurones. the depolarization caused by ach was typically biphasic; both components were increased by neostigmine (0.1-10 microm), but only the slower component was blocked by scopolamine (1-10 microm). 3. the nicotinic action of ach, studied in the presence of neostigmine and scopolamine, pers ...19892804543
large-scale trials to study competitive exclusion of salmonella in chickens.competitive exclusion of salmonella by native gut microflora was studied in 24 groups of 100 chickens each started in thoroughly cleaned and sanitized isolation facilities. during 53-day test periods, infection by both salmonella infantis and s. typhimurium was greatly restricted in groups previously treated with native microflora compared with control groups. feed and water starvation for 48 hours starting at either 23 or 51 days did not affect the incidence of infection in protected groups. th ...19853914269
salmonella infantis in a hospital obstetrical department--ontario. 19883242871
[microbiological development studies in a clinically healthy, closed primate colony (macaca mulatta, macaca arctoides) after the establishment of a salmonella infection].a case of a salmonella infantis septicemia in a primate (macaca mulatta) probably induced by shipment stress gave rise to microbiological examination of fecal samples from all animals of a since 1976 closed colony of macaca mulatta and macaca arctoides. during 3 investigations carried out in 3 week intervals salmonella-positive animals were separated immediately from the stock. at the first examination 3 of 52, and at the second 2 of 49 samples were found to be salmonella-positive. at the third ...19892781877
multiyear study of sludge application to farmland: prevalence of bacterial enteric pathogens and antibody status of farm families.we describe our experience with the isolation of salmonellae from sewage sludge from four treatment plants in different geographic areas of ohio. over 3 years, we isolated salmonellae 50 times from 311 sludge samples. most isolations were made after enrichment in selenite broth (bbl microbiology systems, cockeysville, md.). the largest proportion of isolations came from the plant serving the population of columbus, a large metropolitan area. a significantly greater number of isolations from this ...19873606093
[histochemical and ultrastructural data on the adrenergic and cholinergic innervation of the epididymis in the mouse].the adrenergic and cholinergic innervation of the epididymal duct in the mouse has been investigated using histochemical methods and electron microscopy. this study demonstrates that the epididymal innervation of the mouse does not really differ from that of other mammals. cholinergic nerves are mainly vascular, even in the cauda where cholinesterase activity is increased within the tubular musculature. catecholamine fibres ensure the motricity of the wall of the canalicular system, particularly ...19873825484
the influence of zinc bacitracin on the colonization of salmonella infantis in the intestine of broiler chickens. 19744421322
cultivation of a bacterial flora able to prevent the colonization of salmonella infantis in the intestines of broiler chickens, and its use. 19744597812
[enteritis in infants and small children during hospital epidemics of salmonella infantis (mortality report)]. 19714947680
a phage typing system for salmonella infantis.a phage typing method applying 9 type phages was elaborated to subdivide salmonella infantis. results are reported by the use of farmer's mnemonic. out of 4847 s. infantis strains, 4602 were of human and 245 of non-human origin. the strains were typable in 98.9%. two phage types occurred more frequently than 20%, four phage types between 5 and 10%, seven phage types less than 5%, and twenty-eight phage types less than 1%. the strains originated from outbreaks in 28.7% and from sporadic cases in ...19883394490
etretinate therapy and neutrophil function in a patient with reactive arthritis triggered by salmonella infantis. 19873440337
hazards involved in the use of furazolidone for the prevention of salmonellosis in broiler chickens.the purpose of this work was to study the effects of interrupted, continuous and post-salmonella inoculation treatment with furazolidone in the feed on the colonization of salmonella infantis in the intestines of chickens, as well as the influence of furazolidone in vitro on the effect of a mixed culture used for the prevention of salmonellosis in was shown that chickens given interrupted treatment with 0.01% furazolidone had significantly more salmonellas in the caeca than either ch ...19744602035
isolation of salmonella infantis and salmonella anatum from a grey starling (sturnus cineraceus temminck) in the city of sapporo. 19744418032
salmonella infantis in cattle feedlot runoff.ten isolates of salmonella infantis (serologically typed) were found in litter and runoff collected from two experimental feedlots near the kansas state university campus. pathogenic implications are discussed relative to recreation water sites. agricultural runoff maybe a source of viable salmonellae.19676035056
prevention of the growth of salmonella infantis in chicks by the flora of the alimentary tract of chickens. 19734759990
purification of the sequence-specific endonuclease sini from salmonella infantis. 19816269623
protection of chicks against salmonella infantis infection induced by strict anaerobically cultured intestinal two experiments newly hatched broilers were orally inoculated either with intestinal microfloras cultured under different conditions or with a suspension of intestinal homogenate and challenged with high doses (3 x 10(5) c.f.u. per chick) of salmonella infantis organisms. inocula were prepared from intestinal material of mature spf wl hens under aerobic or strictly anaerobic conditions (less than 5 ppm oxygen), and protected against atmospheric oxygen during storage. a very significant reduct ...19846730287
epidemiological aspects of salmonella infantis and salmonella typhi murium infections in finnish broiler this paper salmonella infections in finnish broilers have been described. especially infections detected in the farms of company a have been studied. attention has been paid to the year by year continuing numerous s. infantis infections. in agreement with earlier reports, there is some evidence suggesting that a hatchery might have spread the infections. the examination of grandparent and parent birds as well as hatcheries with respect to salmonella infections should be more thorough and clea ...19846393051
combined therapy of salmonella infection in chickens by antimicrobial agents followed by cultured cecal bacteria.week-old chickens infected with salmonella infantis when one day old were treated with antimicrobial drugs either given alone or followed by peroral inoculation of bacterial culture. the bacteria were derived from the cecal contents of adult chickens. the antimicrobial drugs used were: neomycin, neomycin plus oxytetracycline, neomycin plus polymyxin, and sulfadiazine plus trimethoprim. the combined therapy with oxytetracycline plus neomycin and bacterial culture seemed to be the most effective, ...19806250137
iodine-131 labeling of purified microbial antigens by microdiffusion. 19674965210
[2 fatal cases of enteritis by salmonella infantis]. 19695404910
[salmonella infantis infection in ducks]. 19666009500
[the influence of nutrition on the course of nosocomial infections with salmonella infantis and pathogenic strains of escherichia coli in premature infants and newborns]. 19806998580
survival of salmonella infantis and staphylococcus aureus on smoked broiler halves.effects of storage at 5 ad -18 c for up to 28 days and high and low inoculation levels on survival of salmonella infantis and staphylococcus aureus on smoked broiler halves were investigated. s. infantis and staph. aureus counts were significantly reduced during storage. the reduction in counts of s. infantis could not be attributed solely to either temperature or inoculation levels. storage at 5 c significantly (p less than .05) reduced staph. aureus counts on smoked broiler halves as compared ...19827088785
an in vitro model for studies on bacterial interactions in the avian in vitro intermittent-flow model was developed for studying bacterial interactions in the avian caecum. the model provides a closer simulation of caecal conditions than others described previously but does not require elaborate instrumentation. in preliminary trials, growth of caecal bacteria from an adult chicken was shown to be inhibitory to both salmonella infantis and entero-haemorrhagic escherichia coli.19937763934
inhibitory action of metabolites of pseudomonas aeruginosa against gram-negative bacteria.fifty clinical isolates of pseudomonas aeruginosa were tested for inhibition of growth of clinical isolates of escherichia coli, salmonella infantis, klebsiella pneumoniae and other gram-negative bacteria in the authors' laboratory. pseudomonas aeruginosa was strongly active against both e. coli and enterobacter cloacae, with 89.4% and 94.7% inhibition respectively, but weakly active against s. infantis, k. pneumoniae and proteus mirabilis with 56.3%, 48.8% and 23.8% inhibition, respectively. th ...19957594787
in vitro susceptibility to antimicrobial drugs of 62 salmonella strains isolated from horses in the netherlands.the in vitro activity of 17 antimicrobial drugs against strains of salmonella typhimurium (n = 52), salmonella thompson (n = 2), salmonella heidelberg (n = 3), salmonella hadar (n = 2), salmonella enteritidis (n = 1), salmonella infantis (n = 1) and salmonella derby (n = 1) was tested using the agar dilution method. the strains were isolated from horses admitted to the large animal clinics of utrecht university. the majority of strains were susceptible to gentamicin, amikacin, kanamycin, enroflo ...19957653025
evaluation of motility enrichment on modified semisolid rappaport-vassiliadis medium (msrv) and automated conductance in combination with rambach agar for salmonella detection in environmental samples of a milk powder factory.the efficacy of motility enrichment on modified semisolid rappaport-vassiliadis medium (msrv) and an automated conductance method for the detection of salmonella in environmental samples was evaluated. two hundred and ten environmental samples from unrestricted areas of a milk powder factory, 49 of which were artificially contaminated with salmonella infantis, were examined. from exactly 100 samples salmonella could be isolated. with the conventional (iso-dis 6579) method a 100% score was obtain ...19948074972
effect of chemical fertilizers on the transport of escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa and salmonella infantis through sand columns.five commercial fertilizers, amfos, ammonium sulfate, kamex, kieserit and npk affected the transport of escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa and salmonella infantis in sand columns. the percentage of cells transported through and without fertilizers during a 2-h period was species-dependent (0.56 for s. infantis, 3.1 for e. coli and 12.4 for p. aeruginosa). the cell transport was enhanced by kamex for all strains tested, whereas amfos was found to decrease the transport of e. coli and s. inf ...19947729764
production and characterization of antibacterial compounds produced by pediococcus damnosus and pediococcus pentosaceus.the broad-spectrum antibacterial activity exhibited by three pediococcus strains isolated from beer was preliminarily characterized. factors affecting the production rate of bacterial inhibitors were screened and the effects of simultaneous cultivation of lactococcus and pediococcus on the production of inhibitory substances were studied. the antibacterial activity against a range of gram-negative test organisms was not affected by catalase or proteolytic enzymes and was extremely thermotolerant ...19938444642
rapid, sensitive, microbial detection by gene amplification using restriction endonuclease target sequences.the use of primers synthesized to eight class ii restriction endonuclease target sequences, from haemophilus parainfluenzae, escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus, salmonella infantis, rhodobacter sphaeroides, klebsiella pneumoniae, bacillus amyloliquefaciens and proteus vulgaris for single and multiplex pcr identification of the organisms is discussed. results indicate that the method is sensitive and specific enough to detect single cells and attogram amounts of target dna. it has also been ...19979281417
[spondylitis caused by salmonella infantis--case report].a case of 61 years old male with diagnosis and bacteriological confirmation of lumbar spondylitis caused salmonella infantis is presented. the condition turned out to be fatal despite antibiogram based antibiotic therapy.19958565679
septic sacroiliitis.two cases of septic sacroiliac (si) joint arthritis are presented to illustrate the difficulty of diagnosing and treating this uncommon osteoarticular infection. the patients presented are a 68-year-old woman with septic sacroiliitis caused by streptococcus agalactiae and a 20-year-old man with salmonella infantis infection involving the si joint. the recent literature is reviewed and compared with previously published series. of the 177 cases we reviewed, 47 (27%) occurred in pediatric patients ...19968989804
growth kinetics of salmonella isolates in a laboratory medium as affected by isolate and holding temperature.salmonella isolates were surveyed for their growth kinetics in a laboratory medium for the purpose of identifying isolates suitable for modeling experiments. in addition, the effect of holding stationary phase salmonella cultures at different temperatures on their subsequent growth kinetics was evaluated for the purpose of developing a protocol to prevent the need for midnight sampling in modeling experiments. in experiment 1, 16 isolates of salmonella, 2 from the american type culture collectio ...19989713755
[food hygiene aspects in the production of food fish in fishing].the development of the aerob-mesophilic bacteria on epidermis and peritoneum of 68 barbels was determined at 0, 4 and 8 hours after slaughtering. therefore, one group of 34 animals was stored at 15.3 degrees c, an other equal one at 21.6 degrees c. a change in germ counts per cm2 could be seen in none of the groups during the first 4 hours. however, unrefrigerated carcasses showed an increase of bacteria up to 5-fold between the 4th and 8th hour, whereas in the refrigerated group no change occur ...19979157842
measurement of antibacterial activities of t-2 toxin, deoxynivalenol, ochratoxin a, aflatoxin b1 and fumonisin b1 using microtitration tray-based turbidimetric techniques.various mycotoxins were tested for their antibacterial activity by evaluating growth delays using a fully automated microturbidmetric method. ten different strains of the genera escherichia, streptococcus, staphylococcus, yersinia, salmonella, erysipelothrix and lactobacillus were used as test micro-organisms. t-2 toxin, deoxynivalenol (don), ochratoxin a (ota), aflatoxin b1 (afb1) and fumonisin b1 (fb1) were used as representative mycotoxins. the inhibitory effect in vitro was defined as the di ...19989838857
effects of tamoxifen, melatonin, coenzyme q10, and l-carnitine supplementation on bacterial growth in the presence of mycotoxins.the involvement of toxic oxygen intermediates in the bacteriostatic effects of mycotoxins (t-2 toxin, deoxynivalenol, ochratoxin a, aflatoxin b1, and fumonisin b1) was investigated by producing bacterial growth curves using turbidimetry assays in the presence and absence of oxygen radical-scavenging substances. the strains used in this study included escherichia coli (ft 101), streptococcus agalactiae (ft 311, ft 313, ft 315), staphylococcus aureus (ft 192), yersinia enterocolitica (ft 430), sal ...19989774492
salmonellosis: an unusual complication of hepatocellular carcinoma.salmonella abscess of a tumor is extremely rare, only three occurrences having been described to date. an unusual case is presented in which salmonella infantis septicemia was the presenting symptom of multicentric hepatocellular carcinoma in a previously healthy 67-year-old man.19979399402
discrimination between endemic and feedborne salmonella infantis infection in cattle by molecular typing.salmonella enterica serovar infantis is endemic in finnish cattle. feed contaminated with s. infantis was distributed to cattle farms in may 1995. following increased sampling, s. infantis was detected on 242 farms in 1995. molecular typing was used to differentiate the farms that were infected by the feed-related infantis from those infected by other endemic strains. twenty-three isolates from feed in 1995 and 413 from cattle (72 from 19924, 324 from 1995, 17 from 1996-7) were analysed. the fee ...199910459655
effect of ingested lactobacilli on salmonella infantis and escherichia coli and on intestinal flora, pasted vents, and chick growth.experiments were conducted to evaluate the use of lactobacilli (lb) in poultry medicine. these were the findings: (1) the numbers of lb and escherichia coli present in the ceca of newly hatched chicks from the same hatchery had marked variation among hatches; (2) lb inoculated into the crop a few hours after hatching did not induce a reduction of salmonella infantis in the cecal contents; (3) a single dose of lb given at one day after hatching did not appear to alter the lb-coliform balance in t ...19807023457
the anaerobically cultured cecal flora of adult fowls that protects chickens from salmonella this work we have analyzed the bacterial composition of anaerobically cultured cecal contents (mixed broth culture) of adult fowls previously shown able to protect 1 day old chickens from oral salmonella infections. all four cultures studied in this paper gave complete protection against salmonella infantis when used undiluted or in the 10(-2) dilution and at least some protection in the 10(-4) dilution. the total aerobic as well as anaerobic counts on the nonselective medium used (vlmh) were ...19817257774
[investigation of foodborne outbreak due to salmonella infantis using epidemiological and microbiological methods].in foodborne outbreaks, direct microbiological diagnosis is often not possible due to lack of remaining food samples. therefore, in this investigation of an outbreak of salmonella infantis at a fair, we chose an epidemiological approach in addition to microbiological testing. in a case control study, fair participants with symptoms of acute gastroenteritis as well as participants showing no signs of disease were interviewed by telephone. questions concerning what food had been eaten at the fair ...199910414018
the role of ferrioxamine e in pre-enrichment medium for determining salmonella in environmental samples according to iso method.the effect of a siderophoric compound, ferrioxamine e, in the pre-enrichment broth on determining of salmonella infantis in environmental samples was tested with combination of various pre-enrichment times and enrichment temperatures of 37 and 43 degrees c. ferrioxamine e slightly improved the determination efficiency of this bacterium but the pre-enrichment time could not be reduced below 17 hours. the enrichment temperature of 43 degrees c was better than of 37 degrees c. the mixing ratios of ...200010830903
isolation of salmonella spp. from the housefly, musca domestica l., and the dump fly, hydrotaea aenescens (wiedemann) (diptera: muscidae), at caged-layer houses.flies, especially houseflies, are widely recognized as potential reservoirs and vectors of foodborne salmonella pathogens. in this study, flies were collected at caged-layer facilities that had produced eggs that were implicated as the food vehicle in two recent outbreaks of salmonella enteritidis infections. the flies were separated by species into pools for microbiological testing. a total of 15 species pools of houseflies, musca domestica l., and 7 species pools of bronze dump flies, hydrotae ...200010914668
salmonella infections of the mitral valve and abdominal aorta.endocarditis and mycotic aneurysm of the great blood vessels are two serious complications of non-typhoidal salmonella gastroenteritis. two patients are presented, the first with endocarditis due to s. dublin cured by combined treatment with ampicillin and gentamicin, the second with a fatal aneurysm of the aorta caused by salmonella infantis. salmonella endocarditis, particularly with left-sided cardiac involvement, has an especially poor prognosis. survival is rare without surgery. chemotherap ...19846548764
a case of canine salmonellosis due to salmonella infantis.a 7-year-old male dog kept outdoors manifested severe watery diarrhea with generalized weakness. salmonella infantis was isolated from a fecal sample and the dog recovered soon after medication with ampicillin, to which the isolate was highly sensitive. the present case was diagnosed as s. infantis infection. due to the importance of salmonella in public health, soil samples were collected from the garden where the dog was kept and were examined for salmonella, some of them were positive for s. ...199910027169
salmonella infantis osteomyelitis in sickle cell disease. 200010942649
representative salmonella serovars isolated from poultry and poultry environments in saudi arabia.the authors describe the source and prevalence of pathogenic salmonella serovars among poultry farms in saudi arabia. a total of 1,052 (4%) salmonella isolates were recovered from 25,759 samples of poultry (broilers, layers, broiler breeders and layer breeders) and poultry environments (box liner, litter, drag swab, droppings, mice and feed) were examined bacteriologically between 1988 and 1997 at the poultry disease laboratory at the national agriculture and water research center in riyadh. ele ...199910588014
differences in abilities to colonize reproductive organs and to contaminate eggs in intravaginally inoculated hens and in vitro adherences to vaginal explants between salmonella enteritidis and other salmonella experiment 1, mature laying hens were inoculated intravaginally with 10(6) colony-forming units of salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis (s. enteritidis), salmonella typhimurium, salmonella infantis, salmonella hadar, salmonella heidelberg, or salmonella montevideo to compare their abilities to colonize the reproductive organs of chickens and to contaminate eggs. salmonella enteritidis was more frequently recovered (from 11 of 40 eggs, 27.5%) than the other serovars, and especially the inne ...200111785900
salmonella meningitis in adults infected with hiv: case report and review of the literature.we report a case of salmonella infantis meningitis in a patient infected with hiv who was successfully treated with 4 weeks of therapy and has had no relapses after 12 months of follow-up. only 10 episodes of salmonella species meningitis in patients infected with hiv are reported in the literature.200212018670
salmonella infection-associated acute rhabdomyolysis. some pathogenic considerations.rhabdomyolysis is a syndrome characterized by extended myolysis, elevation of serum aminotransferases and creatine kinase, and myoglobinuria. it is a rare but well-established complication of a spectrum of infectious diseases. salmonella infections have been connected with this syndrome as well. we present here the case of a 58-year-old female affected by charcot-marie-tooth (cmt) disease, a type of hereditary neuropathy, who presented with acute renal failure and rhabdomyolysis syndrome in the ...200212031641
surface plasmon resonance (biacore) detection of serum antibodies against salmonella enteritidis and salmonella typhimurium.we have used a surface plasmon resonance biosensor (biacore 3000) to detect serum antibodies in chickens having current or recent infections. three well-defined salmonella flagellar recombinant dna antigens reflecting salmonella enteritidis (h:g,m flagellin) and salmonella typhimurium (h:i and h:1,2 flagellins) expressed in escherichia coli were each immobilized in a single flow cell of a biosensor chip. glutathione-s-transferase was immobilized on the surface of another flow cell to monitor non ...200212133620
multi-drug resistant non-typhoidal salmonella spp. associated with acute diarrhoeal disease.the prevalence of different serotypes of non-typhoidal salmonella spp. among patients suffering from acute diarrhoea admitted to the infectious diseases hospital, calcutta was investigated. the predominant serogroup was c and salmonella infantis was the major serotype isolated followed by s. worthington, s. enteritidis, s. typhimurium, s. weltevereden and s. newport. all the salmonella strains were isolated from adults. multidrug resistance to various antimicrobial agents was observed in 37.5 pe ...199910701296
initially unrecognized distribution of a commercially cooked meat product contaminated over several months with salmonella serotype outbreak of salmonellosis occurred among 63 wedding participants. the outbreak was investigated through cohort, laboratory, and environmental studies. consumption of rice-dressing made from a commercially cooked, meat-based, rice-dressing mix was strongly associated with illness. nineteen patient isolates, six company/grocery store isolates cultured from the rice-dressing mix, and one environmental isolate from a pump in the production line were of an identical outbreak strain of salmonella i ...200011218199
salmonella spp. on chicken carcasses in processing plants in poland.chickens at selected points in the slaughter process and after slaughter on the dressing line in poultry plants were sampled and analyzed for salmonella. these chickens came from the northeast part of poland. the examinations were carried out in quarters i, ii, iii, and iv of 1999. all the birds were determined to be healthy by a veterinary inspection. swab samples were taken from the cloaca after stunning and from the skin surface and body cavity of the whole bird after evisceration, after rins ...200212233861
application of molecular methods for identification of strains classified as salmonella enterica serovar 6, 7:-:- by conventional increased prevalence of salmonella enterica serovar tennessee (6, 7: z(29):-) was observed in broiler flocks in denmark in 1994 and a parallel increase in the prevalence of salmonella enterica serovar 6, 7:-:- was demonstrated, albeit at a lower level. plasmid profiling and ribotyping revealed similar genotypes and it was speculated that serovar 6, 7:-:- could represent a non-motile variant of salmonella tennessee. re-testing of the salmonella 6, 7:-:- isolates demonstrated the presence of fl ...200212396350
antibacterial activity of extracts from some edible plants commonly consumed in asia.extracts of edible plants (26 species) from china, japan, thailand and yemen were screened for their antibacterial activity against bacillus cereus, staphylococcus aureus, listeria monocytogenes, escherichia coli and salmonella infantis. buffered methanol (80% methanol and 20% pbs) and acetone extracted inhibitory substances against tested bacteria from 16 plants, as revealed by the disc assay. the minimum inhibitory concentrations (mics) of extracts determined by the agar dilution method ranged ...200312423924
quantitative comparison of intestinal invasion of zoonotic serotypes of salmonella enterica in poultry.the aim of the present study was to compare the invasion of selected zoonotic salmonella serotypes of poultry in an in vivo chicken intestinal loop model and also in vitro in epithelial cell cultures. invasion was measured relative to a reference strain, salmonella typhimurium 4/74 invh201::tnphoa. two serotypes demonstrated intracellular log(10) counts that differed significantly from all other serotypes tested: salmonella enteritidis pt4 being 1.5 log(10) colony forming units (cfu) (31-fold) h ...200212425791
inactivation by ionizing radiation of salmonella enteritidis, salmonella infantis, and vibrio parahaemolyticus in oysters (crassostrea brasiliana).irradiation is considered one of the most efficient technological processes for the reduction of microorganisms in food. it can be used to improve the safety of food products, and to extend their shelf lives. oysters are considered one of the most important vehicles for pathogenic bacteria because of their feeding characteristics. the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of a gamma radiation process on high levels of salmonella enteritidis, salmonella infantis, and vibrio parahaemolyt ...200312801004
analysis of the clonal relationship among clinical isolates of salmonella enterica serovar infantis by different typing methods.salmonella infantis has been the second most common serovar in argentina in the last two years, being isolated mostly from paediatric hospitalised patients. in order to determine the clonal relationship among salmonella infantis strains, we examined 15 isolates from paediatric patient faeces in argentina (12 geographically related and 3 geographically non-related) by using antimicrobial susceptibility, plasmid profiling, repetitive extragenic palindromic (rep) pcr, enterobacterial repetitive int ...200312870059
detection of salmonella infantis in synovial fluid cells of a patient with reactive arthritis.we investigated a patient with salmonella infantis triggered reactive arthritis (rea) for a possible occurrence of s. infantis-specific antigens and dna in the synovial fluid (sf) cells. s. infantis-specific antigens were abundantly observed by immunofluorescence in sf cells of the patient during acute joint inflammation. salmonella-specific dna was detected by southern blotting of the amplified polymerase chain reaction product once, but the result could not be repeated. it seems that if bacter ...199910555915
outbreak of salmonella infantis infection in a large animal veterinary teaching hospital.during the past 11 years, there have been numerous reports of outbreaks of salmonellosis involving horses in veterinary teaching hospitals. some of these outbreaks have been associated with salmonella serotypes not commonly associated with infection of horses. salmonella infantis is among the more common salmonella serotypes isolated from human beings, and is an important pathogen in the broiler chicken industry. however, it was not commonly isolated from horses or cattle on a national basis bet ...19979412683
[clinical and bacteriological observations on salmonella infantis infections]. 195413158188
differences among six salmonella serovars in abilities to colonize reproductive organs and to contaminate eggs in laying hens.the abilities of salmonella serovars to colonize the reproductive organs of chickens and to contaminate eggs were compared. mature laying hens were inoculated intravenously with 10(5) colony-forming units of salmonella enteritidis, salmonella typhimurium, salmonella infantis, salmonella hadar, salmonella heidelberg, or salmonella montevideo to cause the systemic infection. salmonella enteritidis was recovered from three yolks of the laid eggs (7.0%), suggesting egg contamination from the transov ...200111332500
[studies of salmonellosis: salmonella infantis infection in cuba]. 195413178204
[acute salmonella infantis gastroenteritis in a child; first case in italy]. 195513250075
[epidemiological observations on diseases caused by salmonella infantis]. 195413196448
[epidemic of salmonella infantis infection]. 195513251448
isolation of salmonella infantis from an aborted bovine foetus. 195813566060
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 239