
fatal legionella maceachernii pneumonia in canada.a case of pneumonia and acute tubular necrosis was caused by an initially unknown species of legionella. the organism was later identified as legionella maceachernii by a combination of cultural, biochemical, and serological methods along with a gas-liquid chromatographic profile.19921624578
chemotaxonomic differentiation of legionellae by detection and characterization of aminodideoxyhexoses and other unique sugars using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.legionellae have been differentiated previously by analyzing their carbohydrate contents by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection. in the present study, total ion mode gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (gc-ms) was used to detect a number of unusual sugars, including one that is structurally related to o-methyldideoxyheptoses. increased sensitivity and selectivity for carbohydrate detection was achieved by selected ion-monitoring gc-ms. two of the uncommon sugars previously discov ...19902324276
fatal legionella maceachernii pneumonia.legionella maceachernii, previously isolated only from the environment, was shown to be a cause of fatal pneumonia in an immunocompromised patient.19854066917
low endotoxic potential of legionella pneumophila lipopolysaccharide due to failure of interaction with the monocyte lipopolysaccharide receptor cd14.legionella pneumophila, a gram-negative bacterium causing legionnaires' disease and pontiac fever, was shown to be highly reactive in in vitro gelation of limulus lysate but not able to induce fever and the local shwartzman reaction in rabbits and mice. we analyzed the capacity of purified l. pneumophila lipopolysaccharide (lps-lp) to induce activation of the human monocytic cell line mono mac 6, as revealed by secretion of proinflammatory cytokines and desensitization to subsequent lps stimulat ...19989712761
novel pcr-probe assay for detection of and discrimination between legionella pneumophila and other legionella species in clinical samples. 200211880461
the pneumoplex assays, a multiplex pcr-enzyme hybridization assay that allows simultaneous detection of five organisms, mycoplasma pneumoniae, chlamydia (chlamydophila) pneumoniae, legionella pneumophila, legionella micdadei, and bordetella pertussis, and its real-time counterpart.respiratory disease caused by atypical bacteria remains an important cause of morbidity and mortality for adults and children, despite the widespread use of effective antimicrobials agents. culture remains the "gold standard" for the detection of these agents. however, culture is labor-intensive, takes several days to weeks for growth, and can be very insensitive for the detection of some of these organisms. newer singleplex pcr diagnostic tests are sensitive and specific, but multiple assays wo ...200515695646
development and evaluation of chlamylege, a new commercial test allowing simultaneous detection and identification of legionella, chlamydophila pneumoniae, and mycoplasma pneumoniae in clinical respiratory specimens by multiplex pcr.this study describes the development and evaluation of a new commercial test, chlamylege (argene inc.), which allows the simultaneous detection in respiratory samples of chlamydophila pneumoniae, mycoplasma pneumoniae, and most legionella species, as well as pcr inhibitors, by using a multiplex pcr and microplate hybridization. the sensitivities of chlamylege were 1 x 10(-3) ifu, 5 x 10(-2) color-changing units, and 1 cfu per reaction tube for c. pneumoniae, m. pneumoniae, and legionella pneumop ...200516000443
legionella confirmation using real-time pcr and syto9 is an alternative to current methodology.the currently accepted culture techniques for the detection of legionella spp. in water samples (as/nzs 3896:1998 and iso 11731 standard methods) are slow and laborious, requiring from 7 to 14 days for a result. we describe a fully validated rapid confirmation technique that uses real-time pcr incorporating the intercalating dye syto9 for the direct identification of primary cultures, significantly decreasing turnaround time and allowing faster remedial action to be taken by the industry.200516332896
targeting species-specific low-affinity 16s rrna binding sites by using peptide nucleic acids for detection of legionellae in biofilms.using fluorescence in situ hybridization to detect bacterial groups has several inherent limitations. dna probes are generally used, targeting sites on the 16s rrna. however, much of the 16s rrna is highly conserved, with variable regions often located in inaccessible areas where secondary structures can restrict probe access. here, we describe the use of peptide nucleic acid (pna) probes as a superior alternative to dna probes, especially when used for environmental samples. a complex bacterial ...200616885298
susceptibility of legionella strains to the chlorinated biocide, monochloramine.members of the legionella genus find suitable conditions for their growth and survival in nuclear power plant cooling circuits. to limit the proliferation of legionella pathogenic bacteria in nuclear power plant cooling circuits, and ensure that levels remain below regulatory thresholds, monochloramine treatment can be used. although the treatment is highly effective, i.e. it reduces legionella numbers by over 99%, legionella bacteria can still be detected at low concentrations and rapid re-colo ...201324005820
a new oligonucleotide microarray for detection of pathogenic and non-pathogenic legionella spp.legionella pneumophila has been recognized as the major cause of legionellosis since the discovery of the deadly disease. legionella spp. other than l. pneumophila were later found to be responsible to many non-pneumophila infections. the non-l. pneumophila infections are likely under-detected because of a lack of effective diagnosis. in this report, we have sequenced the 16s-23s rrna gene internal transcribed spacer (its) of 10 legionella species and subspecies, including l. anisa, l. bozemanii ...201425469776
legionellosis outbreak associated with a hotel fountain.background.  in august 2012, the chicago department of public health (cdph) was notified of acute respiratory illness, including 1 fatality, among a group of meeting attendees who stayed at a chicago hotel during july 30-august 3, 2012. suspecting legionnaires' disease (ld), cdph advised the hotel to close their swimming pool, spa, and decorative lobby fountain and began an investigation. methods.  case finding included notification of individuals potentially exposed during july 16-august 15, 20 ...201526716104
atypical presentation of legionella pneumonia among patients with underlying cancer: a fifteen-year review.immunocompromised patients, especially those receiving treatment with corticosteroids and cytotoxic chemotherapy are at increased risk for developing legionella pneumonia.201526496794
atypical presentation of legionella pneumonia among patients with underlying cancer: a fifteen-year review.immunocompromised patients, especially those receiving treatment with corticosteroids and cytotoxic chemotherapy are at increased risk for developing legionella pneumonia.201526496794
legionella cardiaca sp. nov., isolated from a case of native valve endocarditis in a human heart.a gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium, designated h63(t), was isolated from aortic valve tissue of a patient with native valve endocarditis. 16s rrna gene sequencing revealed that h63(t) belongs to the genus legionella, with its closest neighbours being the type strains of legionella brunensis (98.8% similarity), l. londiniensis (97.0%), l. jordanis (96.8%), l. erythra (96.2%), l. dresdenensis (96.0%) and l. rubrilucens, l. feeleii, l. pneumophila and l. birminghamensis (95.7%). dna-dna hybridiz ...201222286905
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