
problems associated with identification of legionella species from the environment and isolation of six possible new species.following investigation of an outbreak of legionellosis in south australia, numerous legionella-like organisms were isolated from water samples. because of the limited number of commercially available direct fluorescent-antibody reagents and the cross-reactions found with some reagents, non-pneumophila legionellae proved to be difficult to identify and these isolates were stored at -70 degrees c for later study. latex agglutination reagents for legionella pneumophila and legionella anisa develop ...19902317047
cellular fatty acid compositions and isoprenoid quinone contents of 23 legionella species.the cellular fatty acid compositions and ubiquinone contents of 182 legionella strains representing 23 species were determined by capillary gas-liquid chromatography and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, respectively. except for the type strain of legionella erythra (atcc 35303t), all legionella species contained large (40 to 90%) amounts of branched-chain fatty acids and only trace to small (less than 0.5 to 5%) amounts of ester-linked hydroxy acids. the 23 species were plac ...19892715320
low endotoxic potential of legionella pneumophila lipopolysaccharide due to failure of interaction with the monocyte lipopolysaccharide receptor cd14.legionella pneumophila, a gram-negative bacterium causing legionnaires' disease and pontiac fever, was shown to be highly reactive in in vitro gelation of limulus lysate but not able to induce fever and the local shwartzman reaction in rabbits and mice. we analyzed the capacity of purified l. pneumophila lipopolysaccharide (lps-lp) to induce activation of the human monocytic cell line mono mac 6, as revealed by secretion of proinflammatory cytokines and desensitization to subsequent lps stimulat ...19989712761
molecular characterization of legionella populations present within slow sand filters used for fungal plant pathogen suppression in horticultural crops.the total bacterial community of an experimental slow sand filter (ssf) was analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge) of partial 16s rrna gene pcr products. one dominant band had sequence homology to legionella species, indicating that these bacteria were a large component of the ssf bacterial community. populations within experimental and commercial ssf units were studied by using legionella-specific pcr primers, and products were studied by dgge and quantitative pcr analyses. ...200312514038
characterization of the alternative sigma factor sigma54 and the transcriptional regulator fleq of legionella pneumophila, which are both involved in the regulation cascade of flagellar gene expression.we cloned and analyzed legionella pneumophila corby homologs of rpon (encoding sigma(54)) and fleq (encoding sigma(54) activator protein). two other genes (fler and pilr) whose products have a sigma(54) interaction domain were identified in the genome sequence of l. pneumophila. an rpon mutant strain was nonflagellated and expressed very small amounts of the flaa (flagellin) protein. like the rpon mutant, the fleq mutant strain of l. pneumophila was also nonflagellated and expressed only small a ...200415090493
development and evaluation of chlamylege, a new commercial test allowing simultaneous detection and identification of legionella, chlamydophila pneumoniae, and mycoplasma pneumoniae in clinical respiratory specimens by multiplex pcr.this study describes the development and evaluation of a new commercial test, chlamylege (argene inc.), which allows the simultaneous detection in respiratory samples of chlamydophila pneumoniae, mycoplasma pneumoniae, and most legionella species, as well as pcr inhibitors, by using a multiplex pcr and microplate hybridization. the sensitivities of chlamylege were 1 x 10(-3) ifu, 5 x 10(-2) color-changing units, and 1 cfu per reaction tube for c. pneumoniae, m. pneumoniae, and legionella pneumop ...200516000443
legionella confirmation using real-time pcr and syto9 is an alternative to current methodology.the currently accepted culture techniques for the detection of legionella spp. in water samples (as/nzs 3896:1998 and iso 11731 standard methods) are slow and laborious, requiring from 7 to 14 days for a result. we describe a fully validated rapid confirmation technique that uses real-time pcr incorporating the intercalating dye syto9 for the direct identification of primary cultures, significantly decreasing turnaround time and allowing faster remedial action to be taken by the industry.200516332896
susceptibility of legionella strains to the chlorinated biocide, monochloramine.members of the legionella genus find suitable conditions for their growth and survival in nuclear power plant cooling circuits. to limit the proliferation of legionella pathogenic bacteria in nuclear power plant cooling circuits, and ensure that levels remain below regulatory thresholds, monochloramine treatment can be used. although the treatment is highly effective, i.e. it reduces legionella numbers by over 99%, legionella bacteria can still be detected at low concentrations and rapid re-colo ...201324005820
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