
isolation of flavobacterium thalpophilum from a wound. 19883145874
oleic acid transformations by selected strains of sphingobacterium thalpophilum and bacillus cereus from composted a survey of 186 randomly selected microbial strains isolated from composted manure, 63 transformed oleic acid into three types of products: hydroxy fatty acid, fatty amide, and less polar oleyl lipid. selection of oleic acid-transforming microorganisms was enhanced in nutrient agar supplemented with 0.1% (vol/vol) oleic acid at ph 7.2. most of the 63 diverse isolates elicited inconsistent and poorly reproduced transformations. however, strains 142b (nrrl b-14797) transformed oleic acid to 10- ...19957767231
conversion of unsaturated fatty acids by bacteria isolated from compost.a compost mixture amended with soybean oil was enriched in microorganisms that transformed unsaturated fatty acids (ufas). when oleic acid or 10-ketostearic acid was the selective fatty acid, sphingobacterium thalpophilum (nrrl b-23206, nrrl b-23208, nrrl b-23209, nrrl b-23210, nrrl b-23211, nrrl b-23212), acinetobacter spp. (nrrl b-23207, nrrl b-23213), and enterobacter cloacae (nrrl b-23264, nrrl b-23265, nrrl b-23266) represented isolates that produced either hydroxystearic acid, ketostearic ...199910069863
production of 10-ketostearic acid and 10-hydroxystearic acid by strains of sphingobacterium thalpophilum isolated from composted manure.six strains of sphingobacterium thalpophilum were isolated from a compost mixture enriched with oleic acid. these strains converted oleic acid to 10-ketostearic acid (10-ksa; 87-94% of the total conversion product) and to 10-hydroxystearic acid (10-hsa; 6-13%) exhibiting three levels of total product yields. the predominant production of 10-ksa by these new s. thalpophilum isolates is in contrast to strain 142b (nrrl b-14797) previously isolated from a commercial compost, which produces exclusiv ...200010594223
isolation and expression in escherichia coli of csla and cslb, genes coding for the chondroitin sulfate-degrading enzymes chondroitinase ac and chondroitinase b, respectively, from flavobacterium medium supplemented with chondroitin sulfate, flavobacterium heparinum synthesizes and exports two chondroitinases, chondroitinase ac (chondroitin ac lyase; ec and chondroitinase b (chondroitin b lyase; no ec number), into its periplasmic space. chondroitinase ac preferentially depolymerizes chondroitin sulfates a and c, whereas chondroitinase b degrades only dermatan sulfate (chondroitin sulfate b). the genes coding for both enzymes were isolated from f. heparinum and designated csl ...200010618199
structural analysis of sphingophospholipids derived from sphingobacterium spiritivorum, the type species of genus sphingobacterium.the unique feature of the genus sphingobacterium is the presence of sphingophospholipids and ceramides, besides diacylglycerophospholipids. as major cellular lipid components, five kinds of sphingophospholipids were purified from sphingobacterium spiritivorum atcc 33861(t), the type species of genus sphingobacterium. they were identified as ceramide phosphorylethanolamines (cerpe-1 and cerpe-2), ceramide phosphoryl-myo-inositols (cerpi-1 and cerpi-2), and ceramide phosphorylmannose (cerpm-1). th ...200314729071
recognition of individual genes in diverse microorganisms by cycling primed in situ amplification.cycling primed in situ amplification-fluorescent in situ hybridization (cprins-fish) was developed to recognize individual genes in a single bacterial cell. in cprins, the amplicon was long single-stranded dna and thus retained within the permeabilized microbial cells. fish with a multiply labeled fluorescent probe set enabled significant reduction in nonspecific background while maintaining high fluorescence signals of target bacteria. the ampicillin resistance gene in escherichia coli, chloram ...200516269764
succession of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria in the microbial community on corroding concrete in sewer systems.microbially induced concrete corrosion (micc) in sewer systems has been a serious problem for a long time. a better understanding of the succession of microbial community members responsible for the production of sulfuric acid is essential for the efficient control of micc. in this study, the succession of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (sob) in the bacterial community on corroding concrete in a sewer system in situ was investigated over 1 year by culture-independent 16s rrna gene-based molecular tec ...200717142362
olivibacter sitiensis gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from alkaline olive-oil mill wastes in the region of sitia, crete.a novel, gram-negative, non-motile, non-sporulating, rod-shaped bacterium isolated from a viscous two-phase olive-oil mill waste ('alpeorujo') is described. the strain, designated aw-6t, is an obligate aerobe, forming irregular, pigmented creamy white colonies. the ph and temperature ranges for growth were ph 5-8 and 5-45 degrees c, with optimal ph and temperature for growth of ph 6-7 and 28-32 degrees c, respectively. strain aw-6t was chemo-organotrophic and utilized mostly d+ -glucose, protoca ...200717267986
sphingobacterium canadense sp. nov., an isolate from corn roots.a free-living gram-negative bacterial strain cr11(t) was isolated from corn roots. polyphasic taxonomy was performed, including api20 ne and api50 ch bacterial identification kits, biolog analysis, lipids and fatty acid analysis, dna-dna hybridization, 16s rrna and cpn60 gene sequence analyses. 16s rrna gene sequence analysis indicated that strain cr11(t) belonged to the genus sphingobacterium and was closely related to sphingobacterium multivorum ifo 14947(t) (98% similarity) and sphingobacteri ...200717629434
broad-range pcr, cloning and sequencing of the full 16s rrna gene for detection of bacterial dna in synovial fluid samples of tunisian patients with reactive and undifferentiated arthritis.broad-range rdna pcr provides an alternative, cultivation-independent approach for identifying bacterial dna in reactive and other form of arthritis. the aim of this study was to use broad-range rdna pcr targeting the 16s rrna gene in patients with reactive and other forms of arthritis and to screen for the presence of dna from any given bacterial species in synovial fluid (sf) samples.200919570210
chitinophaga terrae bacteremia in human. 200919624942
ovarian hydrobursitis in female camels (camelus dromedaries): biochemical, bacterial and protozoal evaluation.the aim of this study was to evaluate female camels affected with ovarian hydrobursitis (n = 31) for hematological and biochemical findings and for bacterial and protozoal infections. blood samples were obtained and surgical ablation of the affected bursa was performed. bursal fluid, follicular fluid, and serum were subjected to hormonal and biochemical analyses. bursal fluids were cultured and colonies were identified using biomérieux vitek two compact system. passive haemagglutination test was ...201021144565
genome-based taxonomic classification of bacteroidetes.the bacterial phylum bacteroidetes, characterized by a distinct gliding motility, occurs in a broad variety of ecosystems, habitats, life styles, and physiologies. accordingly, taxonomic classification of the phylum, based on a limited number of features, proved difficult and controversial in the past, for example, when decisions were based on unresolved phylogenetic trees of the 16s rrna gene sequence. here we use a large collection of type-strain genomes from bacteroidetes and closely related ...201628066339
high voltage electrochemiluminescence (ecl) as a new method for detection of pah during screening for pah-degrading microbial consortia.the search for new bacterial consortia capable of removing pah from the environment is associated with the need to employ novel, simple, and economically efficient detection methods. a fluorimetric method (fl) as well as high voltage electrochemiluminescence (ecl) on a modified surface of an aluminum electrode were used in order to determine the changes in the concentrations of pah in the studied aqueous solutions. the ecl signal (the spectrum and emission intensity for a given wavelength) was d ...201526213425
quantitative determination of free-dna uptake in river bacteria at the single-cell level by in situ rolling-circle amplification.detection of plasmid dna uptake in river bacteria at the single-cell level was carried out by rolling-circle amplification (rca). uptake of a plasmid containing the green fluorescent protein gene (gfp) by indigenous bacteria from two rivers in osaka, japan, was monitored for 506 h using this in situ gene amplification technique with optimized cell permeabilization conditions. plasmid uptake determined by in situ rca was compared to direct counts of cells expressing gfp under fluorescence microsc ...200616957252
whole-genome optical mapping and finished genome sequence of sphingobacterium deserti sp. nov., a new species isolated from the western desert of china.a novel gram-negative bacterium, designated zwt, was isolated from a soil sample of the western desert of china, and its phenotypic properties and phylogenetic position were investigated using a polyphasic approach. growth occurred on tgy medium at 5-42°c with an optimum of 30°c, and at ph 7.0-11.0 with an optimum of ph 9.0. the predominant cellular fatty acids were summed feature 3 (c16:1ω7c/c16:1ω6c or c16:1ω6c/c16:1ω7c) (39.22%), iso-c15:0 (27.91%), iso-c17:0 3oh (15.21%), c16:0 (4.98%), iso- ...201525830331
bacterial population dynamics in dairy waste during aerobic and anaerobic treatment and subsequent storage.the objective of this study was to model a typical dairy waste stream, monitor the chemical and bacterial population dynamics that occur during aerobic or anaerobic treatment and subsequent storage in a simulated lagoon, and compare them to those of waste held without treatment in a simulated lagoon. both aerobic and anaerobic treatment methods followed by storage effectively reduced the levels of total solids (59 to 68%), biological oxygen demand (85 to 90%), and sulfate (56 to 65%), as well as ...200617085701
bacterial population dynamics in dairy waste during aerobic and anaerobic treatment and subsequent storage.the objective of this study was to model a typical dairy waste stream, monitor the chemical and bacterial population dynamics that occur during aerobic or anaerobic treatment and subsequent storage in a simulated lagoon, and compare them to those of waste held without treatment in a simulated lagoon. both aerobic and anaerobic treatment methods followed by storage effectively reduced the levels of total solids (59 to 68%), biological oxygen demand (85 to 90%), and sulfate (56 to 65%), as well as ...200617085701
new drugs/drug news.fda approvals, drug indications, and updates.201323946625
progenitors mobilized by gamma-tocotrienol as an effective radiation countermeasure.the purpose of this study was to elucidate the role of gamma-tocotrienol (gt3)-mobilized progenitors in mitigating damage to mice exposed to a supralethal dose of cobalt-60 gamma-radiation. cd2f1 mice were transfused 24 h post-irradiation with whole blood or isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) from donors that had received gt3 72 h prior to blood collection and recipient mice were monitored for 30 days. to understand the role of gt3-induced granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (g ...201425423021
impact of soil salinity on the structure of the bacterial endophytic community identified from the roots of caliph medic (medicago truncatula).in addition to being a forage crop, caliph medic (medicago truncatula) is also a model legume plant and is used for research focusing on the molecular characterization of the interaction between rhizobia and plants. however, the endophytic microbiome in this plant is poorly defined. endophytic bacteria play a role in supplying plants with the basic requirements necessary for growth and development. moreover, these bacteria also play a role in the mechanism of salinity stress adaptation in plants ...201627391592
purification and characterization of an extracellular uricase from a new isolate of sphingobacterium thalpophilum (vitpcb5).an extracellular uricase producing bacterium (vitpcb5) was isolated from soil of the duck farm near chidambaram, tamilnadu, india and it was identified based on its 16s rrna as sphingobacterium thalpophilum. uric acid was used as an effective inducer. the enzyme kinetics was studied using uric acid as a substrate. the km and vmax for the enzyme was found to be 0.28mm and 0.92μm/minml, respectively. maximum uricase production was observed when lactose was used as a carbon source. among the nitrog ...201526145833
sphingobacterium pakistanensis sp. nov., a novel plant growth promoting rhizobacteria isolated from rhizosphere of vigna mungo.the taxonomic status of a bacterium, strain nccp-246(t), isolated from rhizosphere of vigna mungo, was determined using a polyphasic taxonomic approach. the strain nccp-246(t) can grow at 16-37 °c (optimum 32 °c), at ph ranges of 6-8 (optimum growth occurs at ph 7) and in 0-4 % (w/v) nacl. phylogenetic analysis based upon on 16s rrna gene sequence comparison revealed that strain nccp-246(t) belonged to genus sphingobacterium. strain nccp-246(t) showed highest similarity to the type strain of sph ...201424281734
sphingobacterium detergens sp. nov., a surfactant-producing bacterium isolated from soil.a novel gram-negative-staining strain, designated 6.2s(t), was isolated from a soil sample and identified as a biosurfactant producer. its taxonomic position was investigated using a polyphasic approach. the cells were non-motile, non-spore-forming rods. the organism grew optimally at 30-37 °c, with 0-3% (w/v) nacl, and at ph 7.0. based on 16s rrna gene sequence analysis, strain 6.2s(t) was found to be a member of the genus sphingobacterium and was most closely related to four type species of th ...201222307508
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