
cloning and nucleotide sequence analysis of the colh gene from clostridium histolyticum encoding a collagenase and a gelatinase.the colh gene encoding a collagenase was cloned from clostridium histolyticum jcm 1403. nucleotide sequencing showed a major open reading frame encoding a 116-kda protein of 1,021 amino acid residues. the deduced amino acid sequence contains a putative signal sequence and a zinc metalloprotease consensus sequence, hexxh. a 116-kda collagenase and a 98-kda gelatinase were copurified from culture supernatants of c. histolyticum. while the former degraded both native and denatured collagen, the lat ...19947961400
purification and characterization of clostridium perfringens 120-kilodalton collagenase and nucleotide sequence of the corresponding gene.clostridium perfringens type c ncib 10662 produced various gelatinolytic enzymes with molecular masses ranging from approximately 120 to approximately 80 kda. a 120-kda gelatinolytic enzyme was present in the largest quantity in the culture supernatant, and this enzyme was purified to homogeneity on the basis of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. the purified enzyme was identified as the major collagenase of the organism, and it cleaved typical collagenase substrates such ...19948282691
a second lysine-specific serine protease from lysobacter sp. strain ib-9374.a second lysyl endopeptidase gene (lepb) was found immediately upstream of the previously isolated lepa gene encoding a highly active lysyl endopeptidase in lysobacter genomic dna. the lepb gene consists of 2,034 nucleotides coding for a protein of 678 amino acids. amino acid sequence alignment between the lepa and lepb gene products (lepa and lepb) revealed that the lepb precursor protein is composed of a prepeptide (20 amino acids [aa]), a propeptide (184 aa), a mature enzyme (274 aa), and a c ...200415262946
decreased infectivity despite unaltered c3 binding by a deltahbha mutant of mycobacterium tuberculosis.hbha of mycobacterium tuberculosis is a multifunctional binding protein, binding to both sulfated sugars such as heparin and to human complement component c3. hbha may therefore interact with host molecules and/or host cells during m. tuberculosis infection and play a role in the pathogenesis of this bacterium. the purpose of this study was to use allelic exchange to create an m. tuberculosis strain deficient in expression of hbha to determine whether this protein's c3-binding activity plays a r ...200212438350
mycobacterial protein hbha binds human complement component c3.mycobacterium tuberculosis and mycobacterium avium are facultative intracellular pathogens that are able to survive and replicate in mononuclear phagocytes. human complement component c3 has previously been shown to mediate attachment and phagocytosis of these bacteria by mononuclear phagocytes. in this study, a c3 ligand affinity blot protocol was used to identify a 30-kda c3-binding protein in m. tuberculosis and mycobacterium smegmatis and a 31-kda c3-binding protein in m. avium. the c3-bindi ...200111705926
molecular analysis of mutant and wild-type tau deposited in the brain affected by the ftdp-17 r406w mutation.frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (ftdp-17) is a familial neurological disorder, characterized genetically by autosomal dominant inheritance, clinically by behavioral abnormalities and parkinsonism, and neuropathologically by tauopathy. linkage analyses of affected families have led to identification of several exonic and intronic mutations in the tau gene. in this study, we analyzed molecular species of tau in the soluble and insoluble fractions of brain affected ...200111159174
metabolic engineering of saccharomyces cerevisiae.comprehensive knowledge regarding saccharomyces cerevisiae has accumulated over time, and today s. cerevisiae serves as a widley used biotechnological production organism as well as a eukaryotic model system. the high transformation efficiency, in addition to the availability of the complete yeast genome sequence, has facilitated genetic manipulation of this microorganism, and new approaches are constantly being taken to metabolicially engineer this organism in order to suit specific needs. in t ...200010704473
cytotoxic necrotizing factor type 2 produced by pathogenic escherichia coli deamidates a gln residue in the conserved g-3 domain of the rho family and preferentially inhibits the gtpase activity of rhoa and rac1.cytotoxic necrotizing factor types 1 and 2 (cnf1 and -2) produced by pathogenic escherichia coli strains have 90% conserved residues over 1,014-amino-acid sequences. both cnfs are able to provoke a remarkable increase in f-actin structures in cultured cells and covalently modify the rhoa small gtpases. in this study, we demonstrated that cnf2 reduced rhoa gtpase activity in the presence and absence of p122(rhogap). subsequently, peptide mapping and amino acid sequencing of cnf2-modified flag-rho ...199910569774
fission yeast condensin complex: essential roles of non-smc subunits for condensation and cdc2 phosphorylation of cut3/smc4.the condensin complex in frog extracts, containing two smc (structural maintenance of chromosomes) and three non-smc subunits, promotes mitotic chromosome condensation, and its supercoiling activity increases during mitosis by cdc2 phosphorylation. here, we report that fission yeast has the same five-member condensin complex, each of which is essential for mitotic condensation. the condensin complex was purified and the subunits were identified by microsequencing. cnd1, cnd2, and cnd3, three non ...199910485849
direct mapping of an agonist-binding domain within the parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related protein receptor by photoaffinity crosslinking.parathyroid hormone (pth) and pth-related protein (pthrp) are calciotropic hormones interacting with a shared seven-transmembrane domain g protein-coupled receptor, which is located predominantly in bone and kidney. to map the interface of the bimolecular interaction between hormone and receptor, we designed and radioiodinated a bioactive, photoreactive pth agonist, (125)i-[nle(8,18),lys13(epsilon-p-(3-i-bz)bz),l-2-nal(23),arg(26,2 7),tyr34] bpth-(1-34)nh2 ((125)i-all-r-k13). this ligand contain ...19979108031
a substitution at his-120 in the lasa protease of pseudomonas aeruginosa blocks enzymatic activity without affecting propeptide processing or extracellular secretion.the lasa protease of pseudomonas aeruginosa can degrade elastin and is an important contributor to the pathogenesis of this organism. lasa (20 kda) is a member of the beta-lytic endopeptidase family of extracellular bacterial proteases, and it shows high-level staphylolytic activity. we sequenced the lasa gene from strain frd1 and overexpressed it in escherichia coli. the lasa gene encodes a precursor, known as pre-prolasa, of 45,582 da. amino-terminal sequence analysis allowed the identificatio ...19968932318
influence of temperature on the enzymic semisynthesis of human insulin by coupling and transpeptidation methods.the influence of temperature of enzymic semisynthesis of human insulin ester was determined by using coupling and transpeptidation methods with trypsin and achromobacter lyticus proteinase i as catalysts. the optimal reaction conditions were studied at the selected temperatures of 25, 12 and 4 degrees c. the results showed that the synthesis rates by both methods with trypsin increased as the temperature increased, but the final product yield correspondingly decreased. therefore the reaction wit ...19863103612
molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence of the beta-lytic protease gene from achromobacter lyticus.two bacteriolytic enzymes secreted by achromobacter lyticus m497-1 were purified and identified as being very similar (considering their amino acid composition and n-terminal sequence) to alpha- and beta-lytic proteases from lysobacter enzymogenes. a 1.8-kb ecori fragment containing the structural gene for beta-lytic protease was cloned from a. lyticus chromosomal dna. the protein sequence deduced from the nucleotide sequence was identical to the known sequence of beta-lytic protease, except for ...19902228973
structural and biological properties of the drosophila insulin-like peptide 5 show evolutionary conservation.we report the crystal structure of two variants of drosophila melanogaster insulin-like peptide 5 (dilp5) at a resolution of 1.85 å. dilp5 shares the basic fold of the insulin peptide family (t conformation) but with a disordered b-chain c terminus. dilp5 dimerizes in the crystal and in solution. the dimer interface is not similar to that observed in vertebrates, i.e. through an anti-parallel β-sheet involving the b-chain c termini but, in contrast, is formed through an anti-parallel β-sheet inv ...201020974844
structural and biological properties of the drosophila insulin-like peptide 5 show evolutionary conservation.we report the crystal structure of two variants of drosophila melanogaster insulin-like peptide 5 (dilp5) at a resolution of 1.85 å. dilp5 shares the basic fold of the insulin peptide family (t conformation) but with a disordered b-chain c terminus. dilp5 dimerizes in the crystal and in solution. the dimer interface is not similar to that observed in vertebrates, i.e. through an anti-parallel β-sheet involving the b-chain c termini but, in contrast, is formed through an anti-parallel β-sheet inv ...201020974844
a phosphothreonine residue at the c-terminal end of the plasma membrane h+-atpase is protected by fusicoccin-induced 14-3-3 binding.we have isolated the plasma membrane h+-atpase in a phosphorylated form from spinach (spinacia oleracea l.) leaf tissue incubated with fusicoccin, a fungal toxin that induces irreversible binding of 14-3-3 protein to the c terminus of the h+-atpase, thus activating h+ pumping. we have identified threonine-948, the second residue from the c-terminal end of the h+-atpase, as the phosphorylated amino acid. turnover of the phosphate group of phosphothreonine-948 was inhibited by 14-3-3 binding, sugg ...19989765540
nadh-monodehydroascorbate oxidoreductase is one of the redox enzymes in spinach leaf plasma membranesamino acid analysis of internal sequences of purified nadh-hexacyanoferrate(iii) oxidoreductase (nforase), obtained from highly purified plasma membranes (pm) of spinach (spinacia oleracea l.) leaves, showed 90 to 100% homology to internal amino acid sequences of monodehydroascorbate (mda) reductases (ec from three different plant species. specificity, kinetics, inhibitor sensitivity, and cross-reactivity with anti-mda reductase antibodies were all consistent with this identification. t ...19989501135
calponin 3 regulates actin cytoskeleton rearrangement in trophoblastic cell fusion.cell-cell fusion is an intriguing differentiation process, essential for placental development and maturation. a proteomic approach identified a cytoplasmic protein, calponin 3 (cnn3), related to the fusion of bewo choriocarcinoma cells. cnn3 was expressed in cytotrophoblasts in human placenta. cnn3 gene knockdown promoted actin cytoskeletal rearrangement and syncytium formation in bewo cells, suggesting cnn3 to be a negative regulator of trophoblast fusion. indeed, cnn3 depletion promoted bewo ...201020861310
tor directly controls the atg1 kinase complex to regulate autophagy.autophagy is a bulk proteolytic process that is indispensable for cell survival during starvation. autophagy is induced by nutrient deprivation via inactivation of the rapamycin-sensitive tor complex1 (torc1), a protein kinase complex regulating cell growth in response to nutrient conditions. however, the mechanism by which torc1 controls autophagy and the direct target of torc1 activity remain unclear. atg13 is an essential regulatory component of autophagy upstream of the atg1 kinase complex, ...201019995911
tor directly controls the atg1 kinase complex to regulate autophagy.autophagy is a bulk proteolytic process that is indispensable for cell survival during starvation. autophagy is induced by nutrient deprivation via inactivation of the rapamycin-sensitive tor complex1 (torc1), a protein kinase complex regulating cell growth in response to nutrient conditions. however, the mechanism by which torc1 controls autophagy and the direct target of torc1 activity remain unclear. atg13 is an essential regulatory component of autophagy upstream of the atg1 kinase complex, ...201019995911
structural basis of the aberrant receptor binding properties of hagfish and lamprey insulins.the insulin from the atlantic hagfish (myxine glutinosa) has been one of the most studied insulins from both a structural and a biological viewpoint; however, some aspects of its biology remain controversial, and there has been no satisfying structural explanation for its low biological potency. we have re-examined the receptor binding kinetics, as well as the metabolic and mitogenic properties, of this phylogenetically ancient insulin, as well as that from another extant representative of the a ...200919863112
a genome-wide screen for genes affecting eisosomes reveals nce102 function in sphingolipid signaling.the protein and lipid composition of eukaryotic plasma membranes is highly dynamic and regulated according to need. the sphingolipid-responsive pkh kinases are candidates for mediating parts of this regulation, as they affect a diverse set of plasma membrane functions, such as cortical actin patch organization, efficient endocytosis, and eisosome assembly. eisosomes are large protein complexes underlying the plasma membrane and help to sort a group of membrane proteins into distinct domains. in ...200919564405
identification of regulatory hck and pai-2 proteins in the monocyte response to peg-containing matrices.mass spectrometry is a powerful proteomic tool enabling researchers to survey the global proteome of a cell. this technique has only recently been employed to investigate cell-material interactions. we had previously identified material scarcity and limited adherent cells as challenges facing mass spectrometric analysis of cell-material interactions. u937 adherent to tissue culture poly(styrene) was used as a model system for identifying proteins expressed by adherent monocytes and analyzed by h ...200919443025
polysome profiling shows the identity of human adipose-derived stromal/stem cells in detail and clearly distinguishes them from dermal fibroblasts.although fibroblasts and multipotent stromal/stem cells, including adipose-derived stromal cells (adscs), have been extensively studied, they cannot be clearly distinguished from each other. we, therefore, investigated the cellular and molecular characteristics of adscs and fibroblasts. adscs and fibroblasts share several morphological similarities and surface markers, but were clearly found to be different types of cells. contrary to previous reports, fibroblasts were not able to differentiate ...201425068904
presence of the adenovirus iva2 protein at a single vertex of the mature virion.assembly of adenovirus particles is thought to be similar to that of bacteriophages, in which the double-stranded dna genome is inserted into a preformed empty capsid. previous studies from our and other laboratories have implicated the viral iva2 protein as a key component of the encapsidation process. iva2 binds to the packaging sequence on the viral chromosome in a sequence-specific manner, alone and in conjunction with the viral l4 22k protein. in addition, it interacts with the viral l1 52/ ...200818614642
identification of critical residues in the propeptide of lasa protease of pseudomonas aeruginosa involved in the formation of a stable mature protease.lasa protease is a 20-kda elastolytic and staphylolytic enzyme secreted by pseudomonas aeruginosa. lasa is synthesized as a preproenzyme that undergoes proteolysis to remove a 22-kda amino-terminal propeptide. like the propeptides of other bacterial proteases, the lasa propeptide may act as an intramolecular chaperone that correctly folds the mature domain into an active protease. to locate regions of functional importance within prolasa, linker-scanning insertional mutagenesis was employed usin ...200717351039
mutation analysis of the histidine residues in the glycylglycine endopeptidase ale-1.a novel staphylolytic enzyme, ale-1, is a glycylglycine endopeptidase produced by staphylococcus capitis epk1. ale-1 possesses seven histidines. chemical modification studies using diethylpyrocarbonate and iodoacetic acid suggested that a histidine or tyrosine residue(s) in the molecule is important for the organism's staphylolytic activity. all of the histidine residues, one tyrosine, and one aspartic acid residue in the n-terminally truncated ale-1 (deltan-term ale-1) were systematically alter ...200515629919
reaction of phosphorylated and o-glycosylated peptides by chemically targeted identification at ambient temperature.conditions for carrying out chemically targeted identification of peptides containing phosphorylated or glycosylated serine residues have been investigated. ba(oh)2 was used at ambient temperature to catalyze the beta-elimination reaction at 25 degrees c. nucleophilic addition of 2-aminoethanethiol was performed in both parallel and tandem experiments. the method was demonstrated by the reaction of beta-casein tryptic digest phosphopeptides and an o-glycosylated peptide. contrary to an earlier r ...200415585826
direct binding of rala to pkc? and its crucial role in morphological change during keratinocyte differentiation.during differentiation, keratinocytes undergo a dramatic shape change from small and round to large and flat, in addition to production of proteins necessary for the formation of epidermis. it has been shown that protein kinase c (pkc) ? is crucial for keratinocyte differentiation. however, its role in this process has yet to be fully elucidated. here, we show that catalytic activity is not necessary for enlarged and flattened morphology of human keratinocytes induced by overexpression of pkc?, ...201121346190
clac: a novel alzheimer amyloid plaque component derived from a transmembrane precursor, clac-p/collagen type xxv.we raised monoclonal antibodies against senile plaque (sp) amyloid and obtained a clone 9d2, which labeled amyloid fibrils in sps and reacted with approximately 50/100 kda polypeptides in alzheimer's disease (ad) brains. we purified the 9d2 antigens and cloned a cdna encoding its precursor, which was a novel type ii transmembrane protein specifically expressed in neurons. this precursor harbored three collagen-like gly-x-y repeat motifs and was partially homologous to collagen type xiii. thus, w ...200211927537
molecular analysis of the gene encoding a novel chitin-binding protease from alteromonas sp. strain o-7 and its role in the chitinolytic system.alteromonas sp. strain o-7 secretes several proteins in response to chitin induction. we have found that one of these proteins, designated apriv, is a novel chitin-binding protease involved in chitinolytic activity. the gene encoding apriv (apriv) was cloned in escherichia coli. dna sequencing analysis revealed that the open reading frame of apriv encoded a protein of 547 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 57,104 da. apriv is a modular enzyme consisting of five domains: the signal s ...200211889092
age-related differences in plasma proteins: how plasma proteins change from neonates to adults.the incidence of major diseases such as cardiovascular disease, thrombosis and cancer increases with age and is the major cause of mortality world-wide, with neonates and children somehow protected from such diseases of ageing. we hypothesized that there are major developmental differences in plasma proteins and that these contribute to age-related changes in the incidence of major diseases. we evaluated the human plasma proteome in healthy neonates, children and adults using the 2d-dige approac ...201121365000
engineering of insulin receptor isoform-selective insulin analogues.the insulin receptor (ir) exists in two isoforms, a and b, and the isoform expression pattern is tissue-specific. the c-terminus of the insulin b chain is important for receptor binding and has been shown to contact the ir just adjacent to the region where the a and b isoforms differ. the aim of this study was to investigate the importance of the c-terminus of the b chain in ir isoform binding in order to explore the possibility of engineering tissue-specific/liver-specific insulin analogues.201121625452
purification, molecular cloning, and sequence analysis of sucrose-6f-phosphate phosphohydrolase from plants.sucrose-6(f)-phosphate phosphohydrolase (spp; ec ) catalyzes the final step in the pathway of sucrose biosynthesis and is the only enzyme of photosynthetic carbon assimilation for which the gene has not been identified. the enzyme was purified to homogeneity from rice (oryza sativa l.) leaves and partially sequenced. the rice leaf enzyme is a dimer with a native molecular mass of 100 kda and a subunit molecular mass of 50 kda. the enzyme is highly specific for sucrose 6(f)-phosphate with a k(m) ...200011050182
Profiling the Trypanosoma cruzi phosphoproteome.Protein phosphorylation is a reversible post-translational modification essential for the regulation of several signal transduction pathways and biological processes in the living cell. Therefore, the identification of protein phosphorylation sites is crucial to understand cell signaling control at the molecular level. Based on mass spectrometry, recent studies have reported the large-scale mapping of phosphorylation sites in various eukaryotes and prokaryotes. However, little is known about the ...201121966514
identification of novel adhesins of m. tuberculosis h37rv using integrated approach of multiple computational algorithms and experimental analysis.pathogenic bacteria interacting with eukaryotic host express adhesins on their surface. these adhesins aid in bacterial attachment to the host cell receptors during colonization. a few adhesins such as heparin binding hemagglutinin adhesin (hbha), apa, malate synthase of m. tuberculosis have been identified using specific experimental interaction models based on the biological knowledge of the pathogen. in the present work, we carried out computational screening for adhesins of m. tuberculosis. ...201323922800
cloning, purification and characterization of the collagenase cola expressed by bacillus cereus atcc 14579.bacterial collagenases differ considerably in their structure and functions. the collagenases colh and colg from clostridium histolyticum and cola expressed by clostridium perfringens are well-characterized collagenases that cleave triple-helical collagen, which were therefore termed as ´true´ collagenases. cola from bacillus cereus (b. cereus) has been added to the collection of true collagenases. however, the molecular characteristics of b. cereus cola are less understood. in this study, we id ...201627588686
molecular and biotechnological aspects of microbial proteases.proteases represent the class of enzymes which occupy a pivotal position with respect to their physiological roles as well as their commercial applications. they perform both degradative and synthetic functions. since they are physiologically necessary for living organisms, proteases occur ubiquitously in a wide diversity of sources such as plants, animals, and microorganisms. microbes are an attractive source of proteases owing to the limited space required for their cultivation and their ready ...19989729602
identification of the catalytic triad of family s46 exopeptidases, closely related to clan pa endopeptidases.the exopeptidases of family s46 are exceptional, as the closest homologs of these enzymes are the endopeptidases of clan pa. the three-dimensional structure of s46 enzymes is unknown and only one of the catalytic residues, the serine, has been identified. the catalytic histidine and aspartate residues are not experimentally identified. here we present phylogenetic and experimental data that identify all residues of the catalytic triad of s46 peptidase, dipeptidyl aminopeptidase bii (dap bii) fro ...201424598890
modeling and structural analysis of pa clan serine proteases.serine proteases account for over a third of all known proteolytic enzymes; they are involved in a variety of physiological processes and are classified into clans sharing structural homology. the pa clan of endopeptidases is the most abundant and over two thirds of this clan is comprised of the s1 family of serine proteases, which bear the archetypal trypsin fold and have a catalytic triad in the order histidine, aspartate, serine. these proteases have been studied in depth and many three dimen ...201222624962
contribution of conformational stability of hen lysozyme to induction of type 2 t-helper immune is important to identify characteristics that confer on proteins the potential to induce allergenic sensitization and allergenic disease. protein allergens carry t-cell epitopes that are capable of inducing a type 2 t helper (th2) cell response. there is limited information regarding factors that govern the allergenicity of proteins. we previously reported that a decrease in the conformational stability of hen-egg lysozyme (hel) enhanced its capacity to activate hel-specific t cells owing to ...200111722640
ph dependency of the carboxyl oxygen exchange reaction catalyzed by lysyl endopeptidase and trypsin.the ph dependency of the carboxyl oxygen exchange reaction catalyzed by lysyl endopeptidase (lys-c) and trypsin has been studied. the reaction was quantitatively monitored by measuring the incorporation of 18o atom into the alpha-carboxyl group of n(alpha)-acetyl-l-lysine from h2(18)o solvent. the optimum phs of the carboxyl oxygen exchange reaction catalyzed by lys-c and trypsin were found to be ph 5.0 and 6.0, respectively, which were significantly shifted toward acidic phs compared to the mos ...200616823974
specific combinations of sr proteins associate with single pre-messenger rnas in vivo and contribute different functions.serine/arginine-rich (sr) proteins are required for messenger rna (mrna) processing, export, surveillance, and translation. we show that in chironomus tentans, nascent transcripts associate with multiple types of sr proteins in specific combinations. alternative splicing factor (asf)/sf2, sc35, 9g8, and hrp45/srp55 are all present in balbiani ring (br) pre-messenger ribonucleoproteins (mrnps) preferentially when introns appear in the pre-mrna and when cotranscriptional splicing takes place. howe ...200919221196
cloning and expression analysis of genes encoding lytic endopeptidases l1 and l5 from lysobacter sp. strain xl1.lytic enzymes are the group of hydrolases that break down structural polymers of the cell walls of various microorganisms. in this work, we determined the nucleotide sequences of the lysobacter sp. strain xl1 alpa and alpb genes, which code for, respectively, secreted lytic endopeptidases l1 (alpa) and l5 (alpb). in silico analysis of their amino acid sequences showed these endopeptidases to be homologous proteins synthesized as precursors similar in structural organization: the mature enzyme se ...201222865082
the ubiquitin-proteasome system and the autophagic-lysosomal system in alzheimer neurons age, their survival depends on eliminating a growing burden of damaged, potentially toxic proteins and organelles-a capability that declines owing to aging and disease factors. here, we review the two proteolytic systems principally responsible for protein quality control in neurons and their important contributions to alzheimer disease pathogenesis. in the first section, the discovery of paired helical filament ubiquitination is described as a backdrop for discussing the importance o ...201222908190
systematic evaluation of the metabolic to mitogenic potency ratio for b10-substituted insulin analogues.insulin analogues comprising acidic amino acid substitutions at position b10 have previously been shown to display increased mitogenic potencies compared to human insulin and the underlying molecular mechanisms have been subject to much scrutiny and debate. however, b10 is still an attractive position for amino acid substitutions given its important role in hexamer formation. the aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between the receptor binding properties as well as the metabol ...201222383948
the mrnas associated to a zinc finger protein from trypanosoma cruzi shift during stress conditions.trypanosome gene expression is regulated almost exclusively at the posttranscriptional level, through mrna stability, storage and degradation. here, we characterize the ribonucleoprotein complex (mrnps) corresponding to the zinc finger protein tczc3h39 from t. cruzi comparing cells growing in normal conditions and under nutritional stress. the nutritional stress is a key step during t. cruzi differentiation from epimastigote form to human infective metacyclic trypomastigote form. the mechanisms ...201425180711
biofilm-degrading enzymes from lysobacter gummosus.biofilm-degrading enzymes could be used for the gentle cleaning of industrial and medical devices and the manufacture of biofilm-resistant materials. we therefore investigated 20 species and strains of the bacterial genus lysobacter for their ability to degrade experimental biofilms formed by staphylococcus epidermidis, a common nosocomial pathogen typically associated with device-related infections. the highest biofilm-degradation activity was achieved by l. gummosus. the corresponding enzymes ...201424518560
additional disulfide bonds in insulin: prediction, recombinant expression, receptor binding affinity, and stability.the structure of insulin, a glucose homeostasis-controlling hormone, is highly conserved in all vertebrates and stabilized by three disulfide bonds. recently, we designed a novel insulin analogue containing a fourth disulfide bond located between positions a10-b4. the n-terminus of insulin's b-chain is flexible and can adapt multiple conformations. we examined how well disulfide bond predictions algorithms could identify disulfide bonds in this region of insulin. in order to identify stable insu ...201525627966
antibacterial enzymes from the functional screening of metagenomic libraries hosted in ralstonia metallidurans.phenotype-based screening of bacterial metagenomic libraries provides an avenue for the discovery of novel genes, enzymes, and metabolites that have a variety of potential clinical and industrial uses. here, we report the identification of a functionally diverse collection of antibacterially active enzymes from the phenotypic screening of 700 000 cosmid clones prepared from arizona soil dna and hosted in ralstonia metallidurans. environmental dna clones surrounded by zones of growth inhibition i ...201424661178
mustang-mr structural sieving server: applications in protein structural analysis and crystallography.a central tenet of structural biology is that related proteins of common function share structural similarity. this has key practical consequences for the derivation and analysis of protein structures, and is exploited by the process of "molecular sieving" whereby a common core is progressively distilled from a comparison of two or more protein structures. this paper reports a novel web server for "sieving" of protein structures, based on the multiple structural alignment program mustang.201020386610
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