
biodegradation of aliphatic-aromatic copolyesters by thermomonospora fusca and other thermophilic compost isolates.random aliphatic-aromatic copolyesters synthesized from 1,4-butanediol, adipic acid, and terephthalic acid (bta) have excellent thermal and mechanical properties and are biodegradable by mixed cultures (e.g., in compost). over 20 bta-degrading strains were isolated by using compost as a microbial source. among these microorganisms, thermophilic actinomycetes obviously play an outstanding role and appear to dominate the initial degradation step. two actinomycete strains exhibited about 20-fold hi ...19989572944
sequencing, cloning, and high-level expression of the pfp gene, encoding a pp(i)-dependent phosphofructokinase from the extremely thermophilic eubacterium dictyoglomus thermophilum.the sequencing, cloning, and expression of the pfp gene from dictyoglomus thermophilum, which consists of 1,041 bp and encodes a pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase, are described. a phylogenetic analysis indicates that the enzyme is closely related to the pyrophosphate-dependent enzyme from thermoproteus tenax. the recombinant and native enzymes share a high degree of similarity for most properties examined.200010913106
thermotoga maritima phosphofructokinases: expression and characterization of two unique enzymes.a pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase (pp(i)-pfk) and an atp-dependent phosphofructokinase (atp-pfk) from thermotoga maritima have been cloned and characterized. the pp(i)-pfk is unique in that the k(m) and v(max) values indicate that polyphosphate is the preferred substrate over pyrophosphate; the enzyme in reality is a polyphosphate-dependent pfk. the atp-pfk was not significantly affected by common allosteric effectors (e.g., phosphoenolpyruvate) but was strongly inhibited by pp(i) an ...200111133978
novel bacterial lineages at the (sub)division level as detected by signature nucleotide-targeted recovery of 16s rrna genes from bulk soil and rice roots of flooded rice microcosms.using a newly developed 16s rrna gene (rdna)-targeted pcr assay with proposed group specificity for planctomycetes, we examined anoxic bulk soil of flooded rice microcosms for the presence of novel planctomycete-like diversity. for comparison, oxic rice roots were included as an additional sample in this investigation. the bacterial diversity detectable by this pcr assay was assessed by using a combined approach that included terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (t-rflp) analysis an ...200111157225
adp-dependent phosphofructokinases in mesophilic and thermophilic methanogenic archaea.phosphofructokinase (pfk) is a key enzyme of the glycolytic pathway in all domains of life. two related pfks, atp-dependent and pp(i)-dependent pfk, have been distinguished in bacteria and eucarya, as well as in some archaea. hyperthermophilic archaea of the order thermococcales, including pyrococcus and thermococcus spp., have recently been demonstrated to possess a unique adp-dependent pfk (adp-pfk) that appears to be phylogenetically distinct. here, we report the presence of adp-pfks in glyco ...200111717273
description of treponema azotonutricium sp. nov. and treponema primitia sp. nov., the first spirochetes isolated from termite guts.long after their original discovery, termite gut spirochetes were recently isolated in pure culture for the first time. they revealed metabolic capabilities hitherto unknown in the spirochaetes division of the bacteria, i.e., h(2) plus co(2) acetogenesis (j. r. leadbetter, t. m. schmidt, j. r. graber, and j. a. breznak, science 283:686-689, 1999) and dinitrogen fixation (t. g. lilburn, k. s. kim, n. e. ostrom, k. r. byzek, j. r. leadbetter, and j. a. breznak, science 292:2495-2498, 2001). howeve ...200415006748
the thermophilic, homohexameric aminopeptidase of borrelia burgdorferi is a member of the m29 family of metallopeptidases.proteases are implicated in several aspects of the physiology of microorganisms, as well as in host-pathogen interactions. aminopeptidases are also emerging as novel drug targets in infectious agents. in this study, we have characterized an aminopeptidase from the spirochete borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of lyme disease. the aminopeptidolytic activity was identified in cell extracts from b. burgdorferi by using the substrate leucine-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin. a protein displaying this ...200515784569
destruction of spirochete borrelia burgdorferi round-body propagules (rbs) by the antibiotic tigecycline.persistence of tissue spirochetes of borrelia burgdorferi as helices and round bodies (rbs) explains many erythema-lyme disease symptoms. spirochete rbs (reproductive propagules also called coccoid bodies, globular bodies, spherical bodies, granules, cysts, l-forms, sphaeroplasts, or vesicles) are induced by environmental conditions unfavorable for growth. viable, they grow, move and reversibly convert into motile helices. reversible pleiomorphy was recorded in at least six spirochete genera (>1 ...200919843691
genome sequence of the polysaccharide-degrading, thermophilic anaerobe spirochaeta thermophila dsm 6192.spirochaeta thermophila is a thermophilic, free-living anaerobe that is able to degrade various α- and β-linked sugar polymers, including cellulose. we report here the complete genome sequence of s. thermophila dsm 6192, which is the first genome sequence of a thermophilic, free-living member of the spirochaetes phylum. the genome data reveal a high density of genes encoding enzymes from more than 30 glycoside hydrolase families, a noncellulosomal enzyme system for (hemi)cellulose degradation, a ...201020935097
the origin of multicellularity in cyanobacteria.cyanobacteria are one of the oldest and morphologically most diverse prokaryotic phyla on our planet. the early development of an oxygen-containing atmosphere approximately 2.45-2.22 billion years ago is attributed to the photosynthetic activity of cyanobacteria. furthermore, they are one of the few prokaryotic phyla where multicellularity has evolved. understanding when and how multicellularity evolved in these ancient organisms would provide fundamental information on the early history of life ...201121320320
novel family of carbohydrate-binding modules revealed by the genome sequence of spirochaeta thermophila dsm 6192.spirochaeta thermophila is a thermophilic, free-living, and cellulolytic anaerobe. the genome sequence data for this organism have revealed a high density of genes encoding enzymes from more than 30 glycoside hydrolase (gh) families and a noncellulosomal enzyme system for (hemi)cellulose degradation. functional screening of a fosmid library whose inserts were mapped on the s. thermophila genome sequence allowed the functional annotation of numerous gh open reading frames (orfs). seven different ...201121685171
mannosylglucosylglycerate biosynthesis in the deep-branching phylum planctomycetes: characterization of the uncommon enzymes from rhodopirellula baltica.the biosynthetic pathway for the rare compatible solute mannosylglucosylglycerate (mgg) accumulated by rhodopirellula baltica, a marine member of the phylum planctomycetes, has been elucidated. like one of the pathways used in the thermophilic bacterium petrotoga mobilis, it has genes coding for glucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase (gpgs) and mannosylglucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate (mgpg) synthase (mgga). however, unlike ptg. mobilis, the mesophilic r. baltica uses a novel and very specific mgpg pho ...201323921581
phylogenomics of prokaryotic ribosomal proteins.archaeal and bacterial ribosomes contain more than 50 proteins, including 34 that are universally conserved in the three domains of cellular life (bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes). despite the high sequence conservation, annotation of ribosomal (r-) protein genes is often difficult because of their short lengths and biased sequence composition. we developed an automated computational pipeline for identification of r-protein genes and applied it to 995 completely sequenced bacterial and 87 arch ...201222615861
characterization of the bat proteins in the oxidative stress response of leptospira biflexa.leptospires lack many of the homologs for oxidative defense present in other bacteria, but do encode homologs of the bacteriodes aerotolerance (bat) proteins, which have been proposed to fulfill this function. bat homologs have been identified in all families of the phylum spirochaetes, yet a specific function for these proteins has not been experimentally demonstrated.201223234440
a phylogenomic and molecular signature based approach for characterization of the phylum spirochaetes and its major clades: proposal for a taxonomic revision of the phylum.the spirochaetes species cause many important diseases including syphilis and lyme disease. except for their containing a distinctive endoflagella, no other molecular or biochemical characteristics are presently known that are specific for either all spirochaetes or its different families. we report detailed comparative and phylogenomic analyses of protein sequences from spirochaetes genomes to understand their evolutionary relationships and to identify molecular signatures for this group. these ...201323908650
evolution of the f0f1 atp synthase complex in light of the patchy distribution of different bioenergetic pathways across prokaryotes.bacteria and archaea are characterized by an amazing metabolic diversity, which allows them to persist in diverse and often extreme habitats. apart from oxygenic photosynthesis and oxidative phosphorylation, well-studied processes from chloroplasts and mitochondria of plants and animals, prokaryotes utilize various chemo- or lithotrophic modes, such as anoxygenic photosynthesis, iron oxidation and reduction, sulfate reduction, and methanogenesis. most bioenergetic pathways have a similar general ...201425188293
motility and ultrastructure of spirochaeta thermophila.we analyze here for the first time the swimming behavior of a thermophilic, strictly anaerobic spirochete, namely spirochaeta thermophila using high temperature light microscopy. our data show that s. thermophila very rapidly can change its morphology during swimming, resulting in cells appearing nearly linear, in cells possessing three different spiral forms, and in cells being linear at one end and spiral at the other end. in addition cells can rapidly bend by up to 180°, with their ends comin ...201627790206
complete genome sequence of the termite hindgut bacterium spirochaeta coccoides type strain (spn1(t)), reclassification in the genus sphaerochaeta as sphaerochaeta coccoides comb. nov. and emendations of the family spirochaetaceae and the genus sphaerochaeta.spirochaeta coccoides dröge et al. 2006 is a member of the genus spirochaeta ehrenberg 1835, one of the oldest named genera within the bacteria. s. coccoides is an obligately anaerobic, gram-negative, non-motile, spherical bacterium that was isolated from the hindgut contents of the termite neotermes castaneus. the species is of interest because it may play an important role in the digestion of breakdown products from cellulose and hemicellulose in the termite gut. here we provide a taxonomic re ...201222768363
directed evolution of dna polymerases for next-generation sequencing. 201020629059
complete 6-deoxy-d-altro-heptose biosynthesis pathway from campylobacter jejuni: more complex than anticipated.the campylobacter jejuni capsule is important for colonization and virulence in various infection models. in most strains, the capsule includes a modified heptose whose biological role and biosynthetic pathway are unknown. to decipher the biosynthesis pathway for the 6-deoxy-d-altro-heptose of strain 81-176, we previously showed that the 4,6-dehydratase wcbk and the reductase wcag generated gdp-6-deoxy-d-manno-heptose, but the c3 epimerase necessary to form gdp-6-deoxy-d-altro-heptose was not id ...201222787156
structural, bioinformatic, and in vivo analyses of two treponema pallidum lipoproteins reveal a unique trap transporter.treponema pallidum, the bacterial agent of syphilis, is predicted to encode one tripartite atp-independent periplasmic transporter (trap-t). trap-ts typically employ a periplasmic substrate-binding protein (sbp) to deliver the cognate ligand to the transmembrane symporter. herein, we demonstrate that the genes encoding the putative trap-t components from t. pallidum, tp0957 (the sbp), and tp0958 (the symporter), are in an operon with an uncharacterized third gene, tp0956. we determined the cryst ...201222306465
genome sequence of the phylogenetically isolated spirochete leptonema illini type strain (3055(t)).leptonema illini hovind-hougen 1979 is the type species of the genus leptonema, family leptospiraceae, phylum spirochaetes. organisms of this family have a gram-negative-like cell envelope consisting of a cytoplasmic membrane and an outer membrane. the peptidoglycan layer is associated with the cytoplasmic rather than the outer membrane. the two flagella of members of leptospiraceae extend from the cytoplasmic membrane at the ends of the bacteria into the periplasmic space and are necessary for ...201323991250
complete genome sequence of the halophilic bacterium spirochaeta africana type strain (z-7692(t)) from the alkaline lake magadi in the east african rift.spirochaeta africana zhilina et al. 1996 is an anaerobic, aerotolerant, spiral-shaped bacterium that is motile via periplasmic flagella. the type strain of the species, z-7692(t), was isolated in 1993 or earlier from a bacterial bloom in the brine under the trona layer in a shallow lagoon of the alkaline equatorial lake magadi in kenya. here we describe the features of this organism, together with the complete genome sequence, and annotation. considering the pending reclassification of s. caldar ...201323991249
family of prokaryote cyclic nucleotide-modulated ion channels.cyclic nucleotide-modulated ion channels are molecular pores that mediate the passage of ions across the cell membrane in response to camp or gmp. structural insight into this class of ion channels currently comes from a related homolog, mlok1, that contains six transmembrane domains and a cytoplasmic cyclic nucleotide binding domain. however, unlike eukaryote hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-modulated (hcn) and cyclic nucleotide-gated (cng) channels, mlok1 lacks a c-linker region, ...201424821777
molecular analysis of hyperthermophilic endoglucanase cel12b from thermotoga maritima and the properties of its functional residues.although many hyperthermophilic endoglucanases have been reported from archaea and bacteria, a complete survey and classification of all sequences in these species from disparate evolutionary groups, and the relationship between their molecular structures and functions are lacking. the completion of several high-quality gene or genome sequencing projects provided us with the unique opportunity to make a complete assessment and thorough comparative analysis of the hyperthermophilic endoglucanases ...201424529187
recognition of the bacterial alarmone zmp through long-distance association of two rna subdomains.the bacterial alarmone 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide riboside 5'-triphosphate (aicar triphosphate or ztp), derived from the monophosphorylated purine precursor zmp, accumulates during folate starvation. ztp regulates genes involved in purine and folate metabolism through a cognate riboswitch. the linker connecting this riboswitch's two subdomains varies in length by over 100 nucleotides. we report the cocrystal structure of the fusobacterium ulcerans riboswitch bound to zmp, which spans the two ...201526280533
insight into dominant cellulolytic bacteria from two biogas digesters and their glycoside hydrolase genes.diverse cellulolytic bacteria are essential for maintaining high lignocellulose degradation ability in biogas digesters. however, little was known about functional genes and gene clusters of dominant cellulolytic bacteria in biogas digesters. this is the foundation to understand lignocellulose degradation mechanisms of biogas digesters and apply these gene resource for optimizing biofuel production. a combination of metagenomic and 16s rrna gene clone library methods was used to investigate the ...201526070087
identification and function analysis of enolase gene nleno1 from nilaparvata lugens (stål) (hemiptera:delphacidae).the enolase [ec] is an essential enzyme in the glycolytic pathway catalyzing the conversion of 2-phosphoglycerate (2-pge) to phosphoenolpyruvate (pep). in this study, a full-length cdna encoding α-enolase was cloned from rice brown planthopper (nilaparvata lugens) and is provisionally designated as nleno1. the cdna sequence of nleno1 was 1,851 bp with an open reading frame (orf) of 1,305 bp and encoding 434 amino acids. the deduced protein shares high identity of 80-87% with eno1-like p ...201526056319
structure of the sthk carboxy-terminal region reveals a gating mechanism for cyclic nucleotide-modulated ion channels.cyclic nucleotide-sensitive ion channels are molecular pores that open in response to camp or cgmp, which are universal second messengers. binding of a cyclic nucleotide to the carboxyterminal cyclic nucleotide binding domain (cnbd) of these channels is thought to cause a conformational change that promotes channel opening. the c-linker domain, which connects the channel pore to this cnbd, plays an important role in coupling ligand binding to channel opening. current structural insight into this ...201525625648
the novel regulatory ncrna, nfis, optimizes nitrogen fixation via base pairing with the nitrogenase gene nifk mrna in pseudomonas stutzeri a1501.unlike most pseudomonas, the root-associated bacterium pseudomonas stutzeri a1501 fixes nitrogen after the horizontal acquisition of a nitrogen-fixing (nif) island. a genome-wide search for small noncoding rnas (ncrnas) in p. stutzeri a1501 identified the novel p. stutzeri-specific ncrna nfis in the core genome, whose synthesis was significantly induced under nitrogen fixation or sorbitol stress conditions. the expression of nfis was rna chaperone hfq-dependent and activated by the sigma factor ...201627407147
the genome and transcriptome of trichormus sp. nmc-1: insights into adaptation to extreme environments on the qinghai-tibet plateau.the qinghai-tibet plateau (qtp) has the highest biodiversity for an extreme environment worldwide, and provides an ideal natural laboratory to study adaptive evolution. in this study, we generated a draft genome sequence of cyanobacteria trichormus sp. nmc-1 in the qtp and performed whole transcriptome sequencing under low temperature to investigate the genetic mechanism by which t. sp. nmc-1 adapted to the specific environment. its genome sequence was 5.9 mb with a g+c content of 39.2% and enco ...201627381465
alcohol selectivity in a synthetic thermophilic n-butanol pathway is driven by biocatalytic and thermostability characteristics of constituent enzymes.n-butanol is generated as a natural product of metabolism by several microorganisms, but almost all grow at mesophilic temperatures. a synthetic pathway for n-butanol production from acetyl coenzyme a (acetyl-coa) that functioned at 70°c was assembled in vitro from enzymes recruited from thermophilic bacteria to inform efforts for engineering butanol production into thermophilic hosts. recombinant versions of eight thermophilic enzymes (β-ketothiolase [thl], 3-hydroxybutyryl-coa dehydrogenase [h ...201526253677
a potential source for cellulolytic enzyme discovery and environmental aspects revealed through metagenomics of brazilian mangroves.the mangroves are among the most productive and biologically important environments. the possible presence of cellulolytic enzymes and microorganisms useful for biomass degradation as well as taxonomic and functional aspects of two brazilian mangroves were evaluated using cultivation and metagenomic approaches. from a total of 296 microorganisms with visual differences in colony morphology and growth (including bacteria, yeast and filamentous fungus), 179 (60.5%) and 117 (39.5%) were isolated fr ...201324160319
the structure of treponema pallidum tp0624 reveals a modular assembly of divergently functionalized and previously uncharacterized domains.treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum is the causative agent of syphilis, a chronic, multistage, systemic infection that remains a major global health concern. the molecular mechanisms underlying t. pallidum pathogenesis are incompletely understood, partially due to the phylogenetic divergence of t. pallidum. one aspect of t. pallidum that differentiates it from conventional gram-negative bacteria, and is believed to play an important role in pathogenesis, is its unusual cell envelope ultrastru ...201627832149
multisubstrate isotope labeling and metagenomic analysis of active soil bacterial communities.soil microbial diversity represents the largest global reservoir of novel microorganisms and enzymes. in this study, we coupled functional metagenomics and dna stable-isotope probing (dna-sip) using multiple plant-derived carbon substrates and diverse soils to characterize active soil bacterial communities and their glycoside hydrolase genes, which have value for industrial applications. we incubated samples from three disparate canadian soils (tundra, temperate rainforest, and agricultural) wit ...201425028422
inter-phylum hgt has shaped the metabolism of many mesophilic and anaerobic bacteria.genome sequencing has revealed that horizontal gene transfer (hgt) is a major evolutionary process in bacteria. although it is generally assumed that closely related organisms engage in genetic exchange more frequently than distantly related ones, the frequency of hgt among distantly related organisms and the effect of ecological relatedness on the frequency has not been rigorously assessed. here, we devised a novel bioinformatic pipeline, which minimized the effect of over-representation of spe ...201425314320
inter-phylum hgt has shaped the metabolism of many mesophilic and anaerobic bacteria.genome sequencing has revealed that horizontal gene transfer (hgt) is a major evolutionary process in bacteria. although it is generally assumed that closely related organisms engage in genetic exchange more frequently than distantly related ones, the frequency of hgt among distantly related organisms and the effect of ecological relatedness on the frequency has not been rigorously assessed. here, we devised a novel bioinformatic pipeline, which minimized the effect of over-representation of spe ...201425314320
evolution of multicellularity coincided with increased diversification of cyanobacteria and the great oxidation event.cyanobacteria are among the most diverse prokaryotic phyla, with morphotypes ranging from unicellular to multicellular filamentous forms, including those able to terminally (i.e., irreversibly) differentiate in form and function. it has been suggested that cyanobacteria raised oxygen levels in the atmosphere around 2.45-2.32 billion y ago during the great oxidation event (goe), hence dramatically changing life on the planet. however, little is known about the temporal evolution of cyanobacterial ...201323319632
genome sequence of the thermophilic fresh-water bacterium spirochaeta caldaria type strain (h1(t)), reclassification of spirochaeta caldaria, spirochaeta stenostrepta, and spirochaeta zuelzerae in the genus treponema as treponema caldaria comb. nov., treponema stenostrepta comb. nov., and treponema zuelzerae comb. nov., and emendation of the genus treponema.spirochaeta caldaria pohlschroeder et al. 1995 is an obligately anaerobic, spiral-shaped bacterium that is motile via periplasmic flagella. the type strain, h1(t), was isolated in 1990 from cyanobacterial mat samples collected at a freshwater hot spring in oregon, usa, and is of interest because it enhances the degradation of cellulose when grown in co-culture with clostridium thermocellum. here we provide a taxonomic re-evaluation for s. caldaria based on phylogenetic analyses of 16s rrna seque ...201323961314
atypical glycolysis in clostridium thermocellum.cofactor specificities of glycolytic enzymes in clostridium thermocellum were studied with cellobiose-grown cells from batch cultures. intracellular glucose was phosphorylated by glucokinase using gtp rather than atp. although phosphofructokinase typically uses atp as a phosphoryl donor, we found only pyrophosphate (ppi)-linked activity. phosphoglycerate kinase used both gdp and adp as phosphoryl acceptors. in agreement with the absence of a pyruvate kinase sequence in the c. thermocellum genome ...201323435896
related giant viruses in distant locations and different habitats: acanthamoeba polyphaga moumouvirus represents a third lineage of the mimiviridae that is close to the megavirus lineage.the 1,021,348 base pair genome sequence of the acanthamoeba polyphaga moumouvirus, a new member of the mimiviridae family infecting acanthamoeba polyphaga, is reported. the moumouvirus represents a third lineage beside mimivirus and megavirus. thereby, it is a new member of the recently proposed megavirales order. this giant virus was isolated from a cooling tower water in southeastern france but is most closely related to megavirus chiliensis, which was isolated from ocean water off the coast o ...201223221609
characterization of the bacteroides fragilis bfr gene product identifies a bacterial dps-like protein and suggests evolutionary links in the ferritin superfamily.a factor contributing to the pathogenicity of bacteroides fragilis, the most common anaerobic species isolated from clinical infections, is the bacterium's extreme aerotolerance, which allows survival in oxygenated tissues prior to anaerobic abscess formation. we investigated the role of the bacterioferritin-related (bfr) gene in the b. fragilis oxidative stress response. the bfr mrna levels are increased in stationary phase or in response to o(2) or iron. in addition, bfr null mutants exhibit r ...201222020642
molecular signaling mechanisms of the periopathogen, treponema the healthy subgingiva, oral treponemes account for a small percentage of the total bacteria. however, in diseased periodontal pockets, treponemes thrive and become a dominant component of the bacterial population. oral treponemes are uniquely adept at capitalizing on the environmental conditions that develop with periodontal disease. the molecular basis of adaptive responses of oral treponemes is just beginning to be investigated and defined. the completion of several treponeme genome sequen ...201121447698
anaerobic oxidation of o-xylene, m-xylene, and homologous alkylbenzenes by new types of sulfate-reducing bacteria.various alkylbenzenes were depleted during growth of an anaerobic, sulfate-reducing enrichment culture with crude oil as the only source of organic substrates. from this culture, two new types of mesophilic, rod-shaped sulfate-reducing bacteria, strains oxys1 and mxys1, were isolated with o-xylene and m-xylene, respectively, as organic substrates. sequence analyses of 16s rrna genes revealed that the isolates affiliated with known completely oxidizing sulfate-reducing bacteria of the delta subcl ...199910049854
glucose catabolism by spirochaeta thermophila ri 19.b1.spirochaeta thermophila ri 19.b1 (dsm 6192) fermented glucose to lactate, acetate, co2, and h2 with concomitant formation of cell material. the cell dry mass yield was 20.0 g/mol of glucose. from the fermentation balance data and knowledge of the fermentation pathway, a yatp of 9.22 g of dry mass per mol of atp was calculated for ph-uncontrolled batch-culture growth on glucose in a mineral medium. measurement of enzyme activities in glucose-grown cells revealed that glucose was taken up by a per ...19921556064
dna polymerases engineered by directed evolution to incorporate non-standard nucleotides.dna polymerases have evolved for billions of years to accept natural nucleoside triphosphate substrates with high fidelity and to exclude closely related structures, such as the analogous ribonucleoside triphosphates. however, polymerases that can accept unnatural nucleoside triphosphates are desired for many applications in biotechnology. the focus of this review is on non-standard nucleotides that expand the genetic "alphabet." this review focuses on experiments that, by directed evolution, ha ...201425400626
pathway of glucose catabolism by strain veglc2, an anaerobe belonging to the verrucomicrobiales lineage of bacterial descentstrain veglc2, an anaerobic ultramicrobacterium belonging to the verrucomicrobiales lineage of bacterial descent, fermented glucose to acetate, propionate, succinate, and co2. the distribution of radiolabel in the fermentation end products produced from position-labelled glucose and in vitro measurements of enzyme activities in crude cell extracts prepared from glucose-grown cells showed that glucose was metabolized via the embden-meyerhof-parnas pathway. the 6-phosphofructokinase (ec ...19989835570
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