
crimean congo hemorrhagic fever virus and alkhurma (alkhumra) virus in ticks in djibouti.crimean congo hemorrhagic fever virus and alkhumra virus, not previously reported in djibouti, were detected among 141 (infection rate = 15.7 per 100, 95% ci: 13.4-18.1) tick pools from 81 (37%) cattle and 2 (infection rate = 0.2 per 100, 95% ci: 0.0-0.7) tick pools from 2 (1%) cattle, respectively, collected at an abattoir in 2010 and 2011.201627508862
alkhurma hemorrhagic fever virus rna in hyalomma rufipes ticks infesting migratory birds, europe and asia minor.alkhurma hemorrhagic fever virus rna was detected in immature hyalomma rufipes ticks infesting northward migratory birds caught in the north mediterranean basin. this finding suggests a role for birds in the ecology of the alkhurma hemorrhagic fever virus and a potential mechanism for dissemination to novel regions. increased surveillance is warranted.201829664386
human alkhumra hemorrhagic fever: emergence, history and epidemiological and clinical profiles.alkhumra hemorrhagic fever (ahf) is a severe, often fatal hemorrhagic disease in humans. it is caused by alkhumra hemorrhagic fever virus (ahfv), a newly described flavivirus first isolated in 1995 in alkhumra district, south of jeddah city, saudi arabia. it is transmitted from infected livestock animals to humans by direct contact with infected animals or by tick bites. in the recent past, the incidence of ahf has increased, with a total of 604 confirmed cases have been reported in saudi arabia ...202135280532
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