anopheles gambiae densovirus (agdnv) has negligible effects on adult survival and transcriptome of its mosquito host. | mosquito densoviruses (dnvs) are candidate agents for paratransgenic control of malaria and other vector-borne diseases. unlike other mosquito dnvs, the anopheles gambiae dnv (agdnv) is non-pathogenic to larval mosquitoes. however, the cost of infection upon adults and the molecular mechanisms underpinning infection in the mosquito host are unknown. using life table analysis, we show that agdnv infection has minimal effects on an. gambiae survival (no significant effect in 2 replicates and a sli ... | 2014 | 25279264 |
in vitro and in vivo host range of anopheles gambiae densovirus (agdnv). | agdnv is a powerful gene transduction tool and potential biological control agent for anopheles mosquitoes. using a gfp reporter virus system, we investigated agdnv host range specificity in four arthropod cell lines (derived from an. gambiae, aedes albopictus and drosophila melanogaster) and six mosquito species from 3 genera (an. gambiae, an. arabiensis, an. stephensi, ae. albopictus, ae. aegypti and culex tarsalis). in vitro, efficient viral invasion, replication and gfp expression was only o ... | 2015 | 26220140 |
factors influencing infection and transmission of anopheles gambiae densovirus (agdnv) in mosquitoes. | anopheles gambiae densovirus (agdnv) is a potential microbial agent for paratransgenesis and gene transduction in an. gambiae, the major vector of human malaria in sub-saharan africa. understanding the interaction between agdnv and an. gambiae is critical for using agdnv in a basic and applied manner for anopheles gene manipulation. here, we tested the effects of mosquito age, sex, blood feeding status, and potential for horizontal transmission using an enhanced green fluorescent protein (egfp) ... | 2016 | 27867767 |
a viral over-expression system for the major malaria mosquito anopheles gambiae. | understanding pathogen/mosquito interactions is essential for developing novel strategies to control mosquito-borne diseases. technical advances in reverse-genetics, such as rna interference (rnai), have facilitated elucidation of components of the mosquito immune system that are antagonistic to pathogen development, and host proteins essential for parasite development. forward genetic approaches, however, are limited to generation of transgenic insects, and while powerful, mosquito transgenesis ... | 2014 | 24875042 |
anopheles gambiae densovirus (agdnv) negatively affects mayaro virus infection in anopheles gambiae cells and mosquitoes. | recent studies demonstrate that insect-specific viruses can influence the ability of their mosquito hosts to become infected with and transmit arboviruses of medical and veterinary importance. the aim of this study was to evaluate the interactions between anopheles gambiae densovirus (agdnv) (parvoviridae) (a benign insect-specific virus that infects an. gambiae mosquitoes) and mayaro virus (mayv) (togaviridae) (an emerging human pathogen that can be transmitted by an. gambiae) in both insect ce ... | 2020 | 32321560 |