
rabbit model for human ebv-associated hemophagocytic syndrome (hps): sequential autopsy analysis and characterization of il-2-dependent cell lines established from herpesvirus papio-induced fatal rabbit lymphoproliferative diseases with hps.epstein-barr virus-associated hemophagocytic syndrome (ebv-ahs) is often associated with fatal infectious mononucleosis or t-cell lymphoproliferative diseases (lpd). to elucidate the true nature of fatal lpd observed in herpesvirus papio (hvp)-induced rabbit hemophagocytosis, reactive or neoplastic, we analyzed sequential development of hvp-induced rabbit lpd and their cell lines. all of the seven japanese white rabbits inoculated intravenously with hvp died of fatal lpd 18 to 27 days after inoc ...200312707056
ebna-2 -deleted epstein-barr virus from p3hr-1 can infect rabbits with lower efficiency than prototype epstein-barr virus from clarify characteristics on rabbit in vivo infection with type 2 ebv nuclear antigen (ebna-2)-deleted epstein-barr virus (p3hr-1-ebv) and compare infectious efficacy of p3hr-1-ebv with previously reported prototype type 1 ebv from b95-8.201323295915
antibody-mediated immune subset depletion modulates the immune response in a rabbit (oryctolagus cuniculus) model of epstein-barr virus infection.epstein-barr virus (ebv) is a γ-herpesvirus which infects over 90% of the adult human population. most notably, this virus causes infectious mononucleosis but it is also associated with cancers such as hodgkin and burkitt lymphoma. ebv is a species-specific virus and has been studied in many animal models, including nonhuman primates, guinea pigs, humanized mice, and tree shrews. however, none of these animal models are considered the "gold standard" for ebv research. recently, rabbits have emer ...202032972486
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