
phylogenetic analysis of buggy creek virus: evidence for multiple clades in the western great plains, united states of america.we present the first detailed phylogenetic analysis of buggy creek virus (bcrv), a poorly known alphavirus with transmission cycles involving a cimicid swallow bug (oeciacus vicarius) vector and cliff swallows (petrochelidon pyrrhonota) and house sparrows (passer domesticus) as the principal avian hosts. nucleotide sequences of a 2,075-bp viral envelope glycoprotein-coding region, covering the entire pe2 gene, were determined for 33 bcrv isolates taken from swallow bugs at cliff swallow colonies ...200616936062
a field study on the effects of fort morgan virus, an arbovirus transmitted by swallow bugs, on the reproductive success of cliff swallows and symbiotic house sparrows in morgan county, colorado, 1976.we studied the transmission of fort morgan (fm) virus within colonies of nesting cliff swallows and house sparrows under three bridges in morgan county, colorado during 1976. nests were examined, and blood or brain specimens were collected from nestlings once or twice a week. flying birds and small mammals were also studied. we analyzed nesting activity, virus isolations from nestlings of both species, fledging success, multiple infections within a brood of nestlings, infection frequency by age ...19846091471
stone lakes virus (family togaviridae, genus alphavirus), a variant of fort morgan virus isolated from swallow bugs (hemiptera: cimicidae) west of the continental divide.multiple isolates of an alphaviruses within the western equine encephalomyelitis-serocomplex that were related closely to ft. morgan and its variant buggy creek virus were made from swallow bugs, oeciacus vicarius horvath (hemiptera: cimicidae), collected from cliff swallow (petrochelidon pyrrhonota) nests at the stone lakes national wildlife refuge, sacramento county, ca, during the summers of 2005 and 2006. this virus (hereafter stone lakes virus, family togaviridae, genus alphavirus, stlv) wa ...200919769055
characterization of fort morgan virus, an alphavirus of the western equine encephalitis virus complex in an unusual alphavirus isolated from nestling cliff swallows (petrochelidon pyrrhonota) and house sparrows (passer domesticus) and from cimicid bugs (oeciacus vicarius) in eastern colorado, for which we propose the name fort morgan (fm) virus, is sensitive to the action of sodium deoxycholate, unstable at ph 2.0-4.0, and demonstrates no characteristics of temperature-sensitive mutants. unpassaged field strains are nonpathogenic, or of low pathogenicity, for suckling mice; however, plaque-purified fm viru ...19807446830
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