
genetic typing of recent classical swine fever virus isolates from croatia.during a period of 5 years (1997-2001) several outbreaks of classical swine fever (csf) were recorded in croatia. for genetic typing, fragments of 150 nucleotides within the 5'-non-translated region (5'-ntr) and 190 nucleotides within the e2 glycoprotein coding gene of nine field isolates that were derived from domestic pigs and wild boars were used. for better epizootiological understanding, isolates from other european countries were included in the study. the results show that the isolates be ...200314516705
identification and genetic characterization of classical swine fever virus isolates in brazil: a new subgenotype.the classical swine fever (csf) is a highly contagious viral disease of pigs and wild boar. the csf causes great economic losses for pork production and the occurrence of the disease is notifiable to the oie. the objective of this work was to identify and characterize csf virus isolates from brazil. seven viral isolates were obtained and the full-length e2 sequences were analyzed. phylogenetic analysis revealed a different segregation pattern between brazilian isolates and members of subgenotype ...201727815697
efficacy of marker vaccine candidate cp7_e2alf against challenge with classical swine fever virus isolates of different genotypes.classical swine fever (csf) is among the most important viral disease of domestic and feral pigs and has a serious impact on animal health and pig industry. in most countries with industrialized pig production, prophylactic vaccination against csf is banned, and all efforts are directed towards eradication of the disease, e.g. by culling of infected herds and animal movement restrictions. nevertheless, emergency vaccination remains an option to minimize the socio-economic impact of outbreaks. fo ...201424411658
molecular epidemiology of current classical swine fever virus isolates of wild boar in germany.classical swine fever (csf) has caused significant economic losses in industrialized pig production, and is still present in some european countries. recent csf outbreaks in europe were mainly associated with strains of genogroup 2 (subgroup 2.3). although there are extensive datasets regarding 2.3 strains, there is very little information available on longer fragments or whole classical swine fever virus (csfv) genomes. furthermore, there are no detailed analyses of the molecular epidemiology o ...201020660149
genetic typing of classical swine fever virus isolates from the territory of the czech republic.epizootiological studies based on genetic typing were performed using 14 isolates from outbreaks of classical swine fever (csf) in domestic pigs and wild boar in the czech republic which occurred between 1991 and 1998. they were compared with austrian, slovakian, hungarian, polish and german isolates. the aim of this study was to characterise the csf virus isolates and find out the possible relationships between the outbreaks in domestic pigs and wild boar, and to map the spread of the virus in ...200011042400
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