
discovery of a novel retrovirus sequence in an australian native rodent (melomys burtoni): a putative link between gibbon ape leukemia virus and koala retrovirus.gibbon ape leukaemia virus (galv) and koala retrovirus (korv) share a remarkably close sequence identity despite the fact that they occur in distantly related mammals on different continents. it has previously been suggested that infection of their respective hosts may have occurred as a result of a species jump from another, as yet unidentified vertebrate host. to investigate possible sources of these retroviruses in the australian context, dna samples were obtained from 42 vertebrate species a ...201425251014
a new look at the origins of gibbon ape leukemia the origin of gibbon ape leukemia virus (galv) human after all? when galv was discovered and found to cause neoplastic disease in gibbons, it stimulated a great deal of research including investigations into the origins of this virus. a number of publications have suggested that the galv progenitor was a retrovirus present in one of several species of south east asian rodents that had close contact with captive gibbons. however, there are no published retroviral sequences from any south east ...201728220345
transspecies transmission of gammaretroviruses and the origin of the gibbon ape leukaemia virus (galv) and the koala retrovirus (korv).transspecies transmission of retroviruses is a frequent event, and the human immunodeficiency virus-1 (hiv-1) is a well-known example. the gibbon ape leukaemia virus (galv) and koala retrovirus (korv), two gammaretroviruses, are also the result of a transspecies transmission, however from a still unknown host. related retroviruses have been found in southeast asian mice although the sequence similarity was limited. viruses with a higher sequence homology were isolated from melomys burtoni, the a ...201627999419
endogenous gibbon ape leukemia virus identified in a rodent (melomys burtoni subsp.) from wallacea (indonesia).gibbon ape leukemia virus (galv) and koala retrovirus (korv) most likely originated from a cross-species transmission of an ancestral retrovirus into koalas and gibbons via one or more intermediate as-yet-unknown hosts. a virus highly similar to galv has been identified in an australian native rodent (melomys burtoni) after extensive screening of australian wildlife. galv-like viruses have also been discovered in several southeast asian species, although screening has not been extensive and viru ...201627384662
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