
[mass breeding of culex pipiens molestus fors. mosquitos and their attack on humans in houses in several towns in the krasnoiarsk region and chita district]. 19882906735
insecticidal and repellent activities of insecticide-sucrose solutions to culex pipiens molestus (diptera: culicidae) under laboratory and field conditions.culex pipiens molestus forskal has been reported as a dominant species in underground structures of urban areas in the republic of korea (rok) during all seasons and becomes bothersome to humans in late autumn and winter. most cx. pipiens molestus in septic tanks are controlled in the rok using larvicides such as bt and igr. however, there are a number of problems associated with larvicides, such as high cost and requirement for frequent use. in the present work, a new control method for cx. pip ...201121308965
histological and pcr xenomonitoring of culicine mosquitoes for filarial infestation in sohag governorate, upper egypt.the nematodes wuchereria bancrofti and brugia malayi; the principal etiologic agents of lymphatic filariasis are mosquito dependant in the biological transmission. dirofilariasis is essentially a disease of canines which can also be transmitted to humans by culicine mosquitoes. the present work studied the histological and pcr xenomonitoring filarial infestation in culicine mosquitoes in sohag governorate. one hundred female mosquitoes of the 5 culicine spesies present in the selected localities ...201324640859
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