
malaria transmission in a region of savanna-forest mosaic, haut-ogooué, gabon.during the 2 years 1993 to 1995, an entomological survey was carried out in the savanna-forest area of franceville, gabon, investigating malaria transmission in one suburban district of franceville (akou) and in one rural village (benguia). the biting rates of the anopheles vectors were 10 times higher in the rural zone compared to the suburban zone. anopheles funestus giles was the predominant species in both zones followed by anopheles gambiae s.l. giles. the densities of anopheles nili theoba ...199910342264
high malaria transmission intensity in a village close to yaounde, the capital city of cameroon.a 2-yr longitudinal malaria study was undertaken in a suburb of yaounde, the capital city of cameroon, in the village of simbock, approximately 2 km from the city limits. this study allowed assessment of malaria transmission intensity and dynamics in this region before implementation of pyrethroid impregnated bed nets through the national vector control program. anophelines were captured on human volunteers by pyrethrum spray collections and in resting sites outdoors. malaria vectors were anophe ...200211931035
description and bionomics of anopheles (cellia) ovengensis (diptera: culicidae), a new malaria vector species of the anopheles nili group from south cameroon.mosquito species of the anopheles nili group (diptera: culicidae) transmit malaria to humans along rivers in africa. to date, the an. nili group includes the species anopheles nili s.s. and its pale-winged variant known as the "congo form," anopheles somalicus and anopheles carnevalei. larval and adult mosquito collections in the forest region of campo, in southern cameroon, uncovered an additional morphological variant provisionally called "oveng form" that was subsequently found to be genetica ...200415311444
habitat suitability and ecological niche profile of major malaria vectors in cameroon.suitability of environmental conditions determines a species distribution in space and time. understanding and modelling the ecological niche of mosquito disease vectors can, therefore, be a powerful predictor of the risk of exposure to the pathogens they transmit. in africa, five anophelines are responsible for over 95% of total malaria transmission. however, detailed knowledge of the geographic distribution and ecological requirements of these species is to date still inadequate.200920028559
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