
barrier screens: a method to sample blood-fed and host-seeking exophilic mosquitoes.determining the proportion of blood meals on humans by outdoor-feeding and resting mosquitoes is challenging. this is largely due to the difficulty of finding an adequate and unbiased sample of resting, engorged mosquitoes to enable the identification of host blood meal sources. this is particularly difficult in the south-west pacific countries of indonesia, the solomon islands and papua new guinea where thick vegetation constitutes the primary resting sites for the exophilic mosquitoes that are ...201323379959
plasticity of host selection by malaria vectors of papua new selection is an important determinant of vectorial capacity because malaria transmission increases when mosquitoes feed more on humans than non-humans. host selection also affects the outcome of long-lasting insecticidal nets (llin). despite the recent nationwide implementation of llin-based malaria control program in papua new guinea (png), little is known about the host selection of the local anopheles vectors. this study investigated the host selection of anopheles vectors in png.201728222769
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