
within-host evolution of simian arteriviruses in crab-eating macaques.simian arteriviruses are a diverse clade of viruses infecting captive and wild nonhuman primates. we recently reported that kibale red colobus virus 1 (krcv-1) causes a mild and self-limiting disease in experimentally infected crab-eating macaques, while simian hemorrhagic fever virus (shfv) causes lethal viral hemorrhagic fever. here we characterize how these viruses evolved during replication in cell culture and in experimentally infected macaques. during passage in cell culture, 68 substituti ...201727974564
specific detection of two divergent simian arteriviruses using rnascope in situ hybridization.simian hemorrhagic fever (shf) is an often lethal disease of asian macaques. simian hemorrhagic fever virus (shfv) is one of at least three distinct simian arteriviruses that can cause shf, but pathogenesis studies using modern methods have been scarce. even seemingly straightforward studies, such as examining viral tissue and cell tropism in vivo, have been difficult to conduct due to the absence of standardized shfv-specific reagents. here we report the establishment of an in situ hybridizatio ...201626963736
divergent simian arteriviruses cause simian hemorrhagic fever of differing severities in macaques.simian hemorrhagic fever (shf) is a highly lethal disease in captive macaques. three distinct arteriviruses are known etiological agents of past shf epizootics, but only one, simian hemorrhagic fever virus (shfv), has been isolated in cell culture. the natural reservoir(s) of the three viruses have yet to be identified, but african nonhuman primates are suspected. eleven additional divergent simian arteriviruses have been detected recently in diverse and apparently healthy african cercopithecid ...201626908578
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