
a new syphacia species (nematoda: oxyuridae) collected from bunomys spp. (rodentia: muridae) in central sulawesi, indonesia.syphacia (syphacia) rifaii sp. n. (nematoda: oxyuridae) is described from endemic bunomys chrysocomus and bunomys prolatus (rodentia: muridae) on sulawesi island, indonesia. the new species is closest morphologically to syphacia (syphacia) sulawesiensis , parasitic in rattus xanthurus from sulawesi island, by having large vesicular lateral alae in males, but is readily distinguished by having a smaller body, a round cephalic plate in both sexes, the absence of lateral alae in females, a longer r ...201019685937
six new nematodes of the heligmonellidae (trichostrongylina) collected from endemic murines of sulawesi, indonesia.nematodes in odilia and paraheligmonelloides (trichostrongylina: heligmonellidae) are first recorded from sulawesi, indonesia, with 6 new species from the small intestine of endemic murines: odilia sulawesiensis n. sp. and odilia moatensis n. sp. from rattus xanthurus; odilia mamasaensis n. sp. and odilia maxomyos n. sp. from maxomys musschenbroekii; paraheligmonelloides eropeplios n. sp. from eropeplus canus; paraheligmonelloides paruromyos n. sp. from paruromys dominator. the 6 species are rea ...199910386446
ultrastructure of sarcocystis spp. (protozoa: apicomplexa) in rodents from north sulawesi and west java, indonesia.tissue cysts of the protozoan genus sarcocystis were detected in the skeletal muscles of 16 (40%) of 40 wild rodents captured in north sulawesi and west java, indonesia. two types of cysts were found to differ in their morphological characteristics. macroscopic and microscopic cysts bounded by thick radially-striated cyst walls were detected at both locations in a total of 13 rodents belonging to seven different species (bunomys chrysocomus, b. fratrorum, maxomys bartelsii, m. musschenbroekii, p ...19873108522
three new fleas from sulawesi, indonesia (siphonaptera: pygiopsyllidae & ceratophyllidae).gryphopsylla maxomydis n. sp. (pygiopsyllidae), medwayella rubrisciurae n. sp. (pygiopsyllidae) and macrostylophora theresae n. sp. (ceratophyllidae) are described from endemic rodents in sulawesi. gryphopsylla maxomydis was collected from the murids maxomys musschenbroekii and paruromys dominator in central sulawesi (sulawesi tengah). however, m. musschenbroekii appears to be the true host of this flea because it has spiny pelage and g. maxomydis shows morphological adaptations for parasitizing ...200617007213
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