
description of a new quadrigyrid acanthocephalan from kashmir, with notes on metal analysis and histopathology, and a key to species of the subgenus acanthosentis from the indian subcontinent.acanthogyrus (acanthosentis) kashmirensis n. sp. is described from recently collected acanthocephalan specimens in the jhelum river in northern kashmir that are conspecific with neoechinorhynchus kashmirensis fotedar and dhar, 1977 originally described in a ph.d. thesis in 1972 from 4 species of cyprinid fishes: tor tor hamilton, bangana diplostoma (heckel) (syn. labeo diplostoma heckel), labeo rohita hamilton, and ptychobarbus sp. steindachner. the poor unpublished diagnosis was followed by 1 u ...201728589837
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