
morphological characteristics of mesocestoides canislagopodis (krabbe 1865) tetrathyridia found in rock ptarmigan (lagopus muta) in iceland.necropsies of 1010 rock ptarmigans (lagopus muta) sampled in autumn 2006-2015 in northeast iceland revealed mesocestoides canislagopodis tetrathyridia infections in six birds (0.6 %), two juvenile birds (3 month old), and four adult birds (15 months or older). four birds had tetrathyridia in the body cavity, one bird in the liver, and one bird both in the body cavity and the liver. there were more tetrathyridia in the body cavity of the two juveniles (c. 50 in each) than in three adults (10-40), ...201627117162
host-parasite interactions and population dynamics of rock ptarmigan.populations of rock ptarmigan (lagopus muta) in iceland fluctuate in multiannual cycles with peak numbers c. every 10 years. we studied the ptarmigan-parasite community and how parasites relate to ptarmigan age, body condition, and population density. we collected 632 ptarmigan in northeast iceland in early october from 2006 to 2012; 630 (99.7%) were infected with at least one parasite species, 616 (98%) with ectoparasites, and 536 (85%) with endoparasites. we analysed indices for the combined p ...201627870855
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