[epidemiology of toxoplasmosis in chile. v. prevalence of the infection in humans and domestic and wild animals, studied by indirect hemagglutination reaction, in the juan fernández archipelago. v region]. | a serological study utilizing an indirect hemagglutination test (ihat) for toxoplasmosis was carried out in 222 humans and in 58 domestic animals (31 dogs, canis familiaris; 27 cats, felis catus), and in 62 wild mammals distributed into 50 rabbits, oryctolagus cuniculus and 12 goats, capra hircus. this survey was performed in the juan fernández archipelago, formed by three islands: robinson crusoe, santa clara and alejandro selkirk (80 degrees 47'-78 degrees 47' west long., and 33 degrees 36'-33 ... | 1989 | 2629770 |