
testicular myxosporidiasis in the flat-backed toad, bufo maculatus (amphibia: bufonidae), from cameroon, africa.macroscopic cysts measuring less than or equal to 860 x 500 microns were found in the testes of a flat-backed toad, bufo maculatus, collected in cameroon, west africa. on histologic examination, the cysts contained numerous spores of a myxobolus sp. (myxozoa: myxobolidae). spores in fixed tissues measured 9.2 microns long, 8.9 microns wide, and 4.0 microns thick; the range of values for length, width, and thickness were 8.8 to 9.6 microns, 8.6 to 9.4 microns, 3.6 to 4.4 microns, respectively (n ...19921602591
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