
prevalence of human herpesvirus 6 antibody among isolated amazonian amerindian communities in brazil.human herpesvirus 6 (hhv6) antibody was detected by the anticomplement immunofluorescence test in 65 of 592 serum samples (10.9%) obtained from amerindians belonging to 4 remote communities inhabiting the amazon region of brazil. seropositivity rates ranged from 5.4% in the oyampí to 14.9% in the tucano. among the mekranoiti and tiriyo, the seroprevalence rates were 12.5% and 11.8%, respectively. in children aged 0-10 years, the prevalences of hhv6 antibody ranged from 5.2% to 24.2%, among the o ...19948036661
multicentric lymphoma in buffaloes in the amazon region, brazil.the presence of lymphoma in buffaloes was first reported in india in the 1960s. the disease is similar to enzootic bovine leucosis (ebl) caused by bovine leukemia virus (blv) in cattle; however, according to our results and those of other studies, the etiology of these lymphomas in buffalo do not appear to be associated with blv. the objectives of this study are to describe four cases of the disease in buffaloes belonging to the same herd in the amazon region of brazil and to perform a clinical- ...201627765074
bovine herpesvirus 6 in buffaloes (bubalus bulalis) from the amazon region, brazil.this study presents the first description of bovine herpesvirus 6 (bohv-6) that was isolated from buffaloes of amazon region in brazil. phylogenetic analysis showed that the bohv-6 brazilian strains clustered with the sequence of bohv-6 from elsewhere available at the genbank. it was observed in some buffaloes with lymphoproliferative disease in one herd, thus the animals were also tested for bovine leukemia virus (blv), which has been associated to lymphoma in bovines. all animals were negative ...201525427628
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