monogenoidea (polyonchoinea: dactylogyridae) parasitizing the gills of marine catfish (siluriformes: ariidae) inhabiting the atlantic amazon coast of brazil. | a parasitological survey of monogenoids infesting the gills of marine catfish (ariidae) captured from the atlantic coastal region of the amazon basin was carried out during the 2011-2013 period. the gills of 448 specimens involving twelve ariid species (29 amphiarius rugispinis (valenciennes), 52 aspistor quadriscutis (valenciennes), 74 bagre bagre (linnaeus), 16 cathorops arenatus (valenciennes), 13 cathorops agassizii (eigenmann & eigenmann), 17 cathorops spixii (agassiz), 3 cathorops sp., 13 ... | 2016 | 27395625 |