
genetic diversity of african swine fever virus isolates from soft ticks (ornithodoros moubata) inhabiting warthog burrows in zambia.the genomes of african swine fever virus isolates collected from soft ticks (ornithodoros moubata) inhabiting warthog burrows in four areas of zambia were compared by restriction enzyme site mapping. isolates from different areas showed considerable diversity. the regions of genomes that differed between isolates were distributed throughout the virus genome, although some more conserved regions were identified, such as the right-hand third of the genome. the genomes of seven isolates from neighb ...19883199101
the distribution of african swine fever virus isolated from ornithodoros moubata in zambia.african swine fever (asf) has been reported in the eastern province of zambia since 1912 and is now considered to be enzootic there. a survey of the distribution of asf virus in zambia was carried out by virus isolation from ornithodoros moubata ticks collected from animal burrows in national parks and game management areas in northern, eastern, central and southern zambia. asf virus was isolated from ticks in all areas examined. the prevalence of infection in o. moubata was between 0.4% in sout ...19883215286
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