
revision of the genus xiphocephalus and description of xiphocephalus ellisi n. sp. (apicomplexa: eugregarinida: stylocephalidae) from eleodes opacus (coleoptera: tenebrionidae) in the western nebraska sandhills.xiphocephalus is revised, clarifying diagnosis of the epimerite complex, gametocyst, and oocyst. xiphocephalus ellisi n. sp. (apicomplexa: eugregarinida) is described from eleodes opacus (coleoptera: tenebrionidae) collected from keith county in the sandhills of western nebraska. measurements are means in micrometers. developing trophozoites solitary; epimerite a complex of terminal epimerite and intercalating diamerite: epimerite elongate, ensiform, with transverse basal tumidus, length 2-3 tim ...199910207369
two new species of xiphocephalus in eleodes tricostata and eleodes fusiformis (coleoptera: tenebrionidae: eleodini) from the sandhills of western nebraska.xiphocephalus triplogemmatus n. sp. and xiphocephalus quadratogemmatus n. sp. (apicomplexa: eugregarinida) are described from eleodes tricostata and eleodes fusiformis (coleoptera: tenebrionidae), respectively, collected from keith county in the sandhills of western nebraska. gamonts can be diagnosed with some confidence based on relative size and shape of the deutomerite, but these taxa are distinguished by differences in oocyst size, shape, and residuua number. together with xiphocephalus elli ...200616884001
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