
prevalence of trichomoniasis among california beef herds.sixty cow-half herds of more than 50 cows each were randomly selected for a prevalence survey of bovine trichomoniasis in california. herd size, as judged by the number of bulls, ranged from 1 to 210 bulls (median = 8; mean = 59 +/- 15.8). preputial smegma was collected from 729 bulls (median = 6 bulls/herd) and cultured for tritrichomonas foetus. of 57 herds from which samples were collected, 9 (15.8%) had at least one infected bull. of the 729 bulls from which samples were cultured, 30 (4.1%) ...19902347750
prevalence of selected bacterial and parasitic agents in feces from diarrheic and healthy control cats from northern california.background: bacterial and parasitic agents are commonly implicated as causes of diarrhea in cats, but there is a paucity of information evaluating epidemiological and prevalence factors associated with most of these organisms in cats. objectives: determine the prevalence of selected enteropathogens in diarrheic and nondiarrheic cats. animals: a total of 219 diarrheic and 54 nondiarrheic cats. methods: prospective study. fresh fecal specimens were submitted for centrifugation flotation, culture, ...201122182203
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