
strongyloidiasis in a healthy 8-year-old girl in north-eastern usa.a previously healthy, white 8-year-old girl presented with a 1-week history of abdominal pain and vomiting after a trip to a lake in pennsylvania, north-eastern usa. there was marked dehydration. a raised blood eosinophilic count prompted microscopy for ova and parasites which demonstrated a heavy load of larvae of strongyloides stercoralis. charcot-leyden crystals were also detected. the child received oral ivermectin and made a complete recovery.201525022873
transmission of strongyloides stercoralis through transplantation of solid organs--pennsylvania, 2012.strongyloides stercoralis is an intestinal nematode endemic in the tropics and subtropics. immunocompetent hosts typically are asymptomatic, despite chronic strongyloides infection. in contrast, immunocompromised patients are at risk for hyperinfection syndrome and disseminated disease, with a fatality rate >50%. the infection source for immunocompromised patients, such as solid organ transplant recipients, is not always apparent and might result from reactivation of chronic infection after init ...201323575239
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