
forage systems for beef production from conception to slaughter: i. cow-calf production.six year-round, all-forage, three-paddock systems for beef cow-calf production were used to produce five calf crops during a 6-yr period. forages grazed by cows during spring, summer, and early fall consisted of one paddock of 1) tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.)-ladino clover (trifolium repens l.) or 2) kentucky blue-grass (poa pratensis l.)-white clover (trifolium repens l.). each of these forage mixtures was combined in a factorial arrangement with two paddocks of either 1) fescue-red ...19921548221
managing replacement stock within the environment of the south--plant, soil, and animal interactions: a review.the south extends from the atlantic coast and the gulf of mexico north through virginia and kentucky and west to the 100th meridian, which extends through texas and oklahoma. the soils, environment, and range of adapted forage species offer many and varied opportunities for designing forage-livestock systems for rearing replacement stock. anti-quality factors of concern when using forages for replacement stock include the presence of acremonium coenophialum (morgan-jones and gams) in tall fescue ...19938270541
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