efficacy and environmental persistence of nootkatone for the control of the blacklegged tick (acari: ixodidae) in residential landscapes. | the ability of the plant-derived compound nootkatone to control nymphs of the blacklegged tick, ixodes scapularis say, was evaluated at lawn perimeter plots at homes in lyme disease endemic areas of connecticut. three formulations of nootkatone ranging from 0.05 to 0.84% (0.06 - 1.03 g ai/m2) were applied by a hydraulic sprayer from 2008 to 2010. in 2008, the 0.84% emulsifiable nootkatone formulation provided 100% control of i. scapularis through week 1, but declined to 49 and 0% by 2 and 3 wk p ... | 2012 | 23025184 |