
blood parasites of blue grouse (dendragapus obscurus) in western north america.three hundred thirty-three blue grouse (dendragapus obscurus) were examined for blood parasites from 11 sites: southern yukon territory, southeast coastal alaska, northern and central interior british columbia, south coastal british columbia, northcentral washington, southcentral oregon, northwestern california, eastcentral nevada, northwestern colorado, and westcentral montana. three species of protozoan parasites (leucocytozoon lovati, haemoproteus mansoni, trypanosoma avium) and a splendidofi ...19911920670
blood parasites in sage-grouse from nevada and oregon.peripheral blood smears from 196 adult and yearling female greater sage-grouse (centrocercus urophasianus) were examined for blood parasites (167 from the breeding and 29 from the brood-rearing season) to determine prevalence of blood parasites, to attempt to correlate infection with chick survival, and to establish base-line values of prevalence in sage-grouse from nevada and oregon (usa). birds were captured and released on two study areas during 1999-2001; sheldon national wildlife refuge (sn ...200312685084
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