
infectious causation of chronic disease: examining the relationship between giardia lamblia infection and irritable bowel evaluate whether a higher prevalence of giardia lamblia infection is associated with an increase in irritable bowel syndrome (ibs) prescriptions at the county level in michigan.200717729408
severe giardiasis in the united states.giardia lamblia is a common gastrointestinal pathogen but is not generally appreciated as a cause of severe illness. to describe the epidemiology of severe giardiasis, we reviewed data on hospital discharges from the united states and the state of michigan and compared results for giardiasis with those for shigellosis. from 1979 to 1988, an estimated 4,600 persons were hospitalized for giardiasis annually in the united states; the incidence of giardiasis was 2.0 hospitalizations per 100,000 pers ...19948075266
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