demonstration of ornithobacterium rhinotracheale in pheasants (phasianus colchicus) with pneumonia and airsacculitis. | outbreaks of respiratory disease were investigated in reared pheasants (phasianus colchicus) aged approximately 18 to 32 weeks, released into the semi-wild on four shooting estates in southern england. the clinical signs in the affected birds included swelling of the face and eyes, loss of condition, gasping respirations and coughing. the gross pathology findings included sinusitis, airsacculitis, pleural oedema and lung lesions. the histopathological findings in the affected lungs were characte ... | 2013 | 23581445 |
body condition is negatively associated with infection with syngamus trachea in the ring-necked pheasant (phasianus colchicus). | the role that parasites play in regulating animal populations is debated, however recent research hints at their pervasiveness among free-living animal populations. parasites exert both direct and indirect effects on host populations, and can act to regulate populations. the ring-necked pheasant is an important game-bird species in the uk, and large numbers of birds are released annually. the impact of the ubiquitous tracheal nematode, syngamus trachea on pheasant populations through effects on ... | 2016 | 27692308 |
spatial distribution of infectious stages of the nematode syngamus trachea within pheasant (phasianus colchicus) release pens on estates in the south west of england: potential density dependence? | the spatial distribution of the infectious stages of parasites with a direct life cycle is one of the most important factors influencing infectious disease dynamics, and acquisition rates will generally increase as the contact time between parasite and host increases. for animal species that are constrained by feeding opportunities, one might expect disease patterns to be highly skewed within confined systems. the aim of the present study was to identify to what extent, if any, eggs of avian par ... | 2015 | 26220022 |
spatio-temporal factors influencing the occurrence of syngamus trachea within release pens in the south west of england. | syngamus trachea is a pathogenic tracheal nematode that causes syngamiasis in wild and game birds, especially when birds are managed at high densities. despite its pathogenic nature, very little is known about its epidemiology and relationship with ambient temperature and humidity. the spatial and temporal modelling of disease was undertaken on two pheasant estates within the south west of england from april 2014 to august 2014. significant differences between the mean numbers of eggs per gram o ... | 2015 | 25497159 |