
poxviral disease in red squirrels sciurus vulgaris in the uk: spatial and temporal trends of an emerging threat.the squirrel poxvirus (sqpv) is the probable mediator of apparent competition between the introduced invading gray squirrel (sciurus carolinensis) and the red squirrel (sciurus vulgaris) in the uk, and modeling studies have shown that this viral disease has had a significant impact on the decline of the red squirrel in the uk. however, given our limited understanding of the epidemiology of the disease, and more generally the effects of invasive species on parasite ecology, there is a need to inv ...200818923872
epidemiology of squirrelpox virus in grey squirrels in the uk.the dramatic decline of the native red squirrel in the uk has been attributed to both direct and disease-mediated competition with the grey squirrel where the competitor acts as a reservoir host of squirrelpox virus (sqpv). sqpv is threatening red squirrel conservation efforts, yet little is known about its epidemiology. we analysed seroprevalence of antibody against sqpv in grey squirrels from northern england and the scottish borders in relation to season, weather, sex, and body weight using g ...201020412610
detection of squirrel poxvirus by nested and real-time pcr from red (sciurus vulgaris) and grey (sciurus carolinensis) squirrels.squirrel poxvirus (sqpv) is highly pathogenic to red squirrels (sciurus vulgaris), and is a significant contributing factor to the local extinction of the species in most parts of england and wales, where infection is endemic in eastern grey squirrel (sciurus carolinensis) populations. although a nested pcr assay has been used successfully to study the epidemiology of sqpv, samples have a long processing time and the assay is not quantifiable.201020529323
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