
deformed wing virus implicated in overwintering honeybee colony losses.the worldwide decline in honeybee colonies during the past 50 years has often been linked to the spread of the parasitic mite varroa destructor and its interaction with certain honeybee viruses. recently in the united states, dramatic honeybee losses (colony collapse disorder) have been reported; however, there remains no clear explanation for these colony losses, with parasitic mites, viruses, bacteria, and fungal diseases all being proposed as possible candidates. common characteristics that m ...200919783750
pathogens as predictors of honey bee colony strength in england and wales.inspectors with the uk national bee unit were asked for 2007-2008 to target problem apiaries in england and wales for pathogen screening and colony strength measures. healthy colonies were included in the sampling to provide a continuum of health conditions. a total of 406 adult bee samples was screened and yielded 7 viral, 1 bacterial, and 2 microsporidial pathogens and 1 ectoparasite (acarapis woodi). in addition, 108 samples of brood were screened and yielded 4 honey bee viruses. virus preval ...201526186735
occurrence and genetic analysis of picorna-like viruses infecting worker bees of apis mellifera l. populations in devon, south west england.viruses of the european honeybee, apis mellifera l. are known to reside at low levels in colonies, typically showing no apparent signs of infection. using reverse transcription-pcr (rt-pcr), 23 apiaries in devon were screened for the presence of 6 honeybee viruses, with positive colonies being analysed for viral genetic diversity. ninety-seven percent of the colonies were positive for deformed wing virus (dwv), 29% were positive for acute bee paralysis virus (abpv) and 1.4% were positive for bot ...200818359042
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