
diversity of ectomycorrhizal thelephoraceae in tuber melanosporum-cultivated orchards of northern spain.truffles are edible hypogeous ascomycetes highly appreciated worldwide, especially the black truffle (tuber melanosporum vittad.). in recent decades, the cultivation of the black truffle has expanded across the mediterranean climate regions in and outside its native range. members of the thelephoraceae (thelephorales, agaricomycetes, basidiomycota) are commonly found in truffle plantations, but their co-occurrence with tuber species and other members of the fungal community has been scarcely rep ...201626458929
quantification of extraradical mycelium of tuber melanosporum in soils from truffle orchards in northern spain.quantification of extraradical mycelium of black truffle (tuber melanosporum) has been carried out in a natural truffle ground and in seven truffle orchards (around 20 years old) established in tierra estella and valdorba sites, within the natural distribution area of the black truffles in navarre (northern spain). specific primers and a taqman® probe were designed to perform real-time pcr with dna extracted from soil samples. amplification of t. melanosporum dna was obtained from 131 out of the ...201322772310
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