
incidence of human adenoviruses and hepatitis a virus in the final effluent of selected wastewater treatment plants in eastern cape province, south africa.municipal effluent constitutes a large reservoir of human enteric viruses and bacteria. contemporary monitoring practices rely on indicator bacteria, and do not test for viruses. different viruses, including norwalk-like viruses, hepatitis a virus (hav), adenoviruses, and rotaviruses, are important agents of illnesses in humans. the burden of disease caused by adenoviruses manifests as pneumonia, bronchiolitis, otitis media, conjunctivitis, and tonsillitis, whereas hav infection can manifest as ...201526104284
assessment of the risks for human health of adenoviruses, hepatitis a virus, rotaviruses and enteroviruses in the buffalo river and three source water dams in the eastern cape.buffalo river is an important water resource in the eastern cape province of south africa. the potential risks of infection constituted by exposure to human enteric viruses in the buffalo river and three source water dams along its course were assessed using mean values and static quantitative microbial risk assessment (qmra). the daily risks of infection determined by the exponential model [for human adenovirus (hadv) and enterovirus (env)] and the beta-poisson model (for hepatitis a virus (hav ...201424676673
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