[incidence of microsporidian infection of stem borers of the genus ostrinia (lepidoptera: crambidae) in the krasnodar territory]. | infection of corn borers of the genus ostrinia with microsporidia is found for the first time in russia. incidence rates of the last instar larvae of the second generation, sampled under natural conditions in the krasnodar territory, is ranged between 3.0 and 17.2%. when infection incidence rates have been compared between larvae, collected (a) on the western and eastern borders of the region and (b) on dicotyledonous (cocklebur, mugwort) and monocotyledonous plants (maize), no distinct differen ... | 2011 | 21874854 |
redefinition of nosema pyrausta (perezia pyraustae paillot 1927) basing upon ultrastructural and molecular phylogenetic studies. | populations of european corn borer (ostrinia nubilalis hübner) from krasnodar territory (southwestern russia) become regularly infected with nosema-like microsporidia. to identify the parasite, it was subjected to electron microscopy and small subunit ribosomal rna (ssu rrna) gene sequencing. the spore ultrastructure of the parasite was highly similar to nosema bombycis from china and nosema pyrausta from the usa. the nucleotide sequence of ssu rrna gene was identical to a microsporidium isolate ... | 2015 | 25563606 |