
contact tracing following outbreak of ebola virus disease in urban settings in outbreak of ebola virus disease occurred in nigeria between july and september 2014. contact tracing commenced in lagos, and extended to port harcourt and enugu as the outbreak continued to spread. a total of 899 contacts were traced. contact tracing enhanced immediate identification of symptomatic contacts, some of whom eventually became cases. contact tracing could be challenging in urban cities. however, use of electronic technology, adequate logistics, and highly skilled personnel enhance ...201728721172
ebola virus disease outbreak in nigeria: transmission dynamics and rapid air travel has already spread ebola virus disease (evd) to major cities as part of the unprecedented epidemic that started in guinea in december 2013. an infected airline passenger arrived in nigeria on july 20, 2014 and caused an outbreak in lagos and then port harcourt. after a total of 20 reported cases, including 8 deaths, nigeria was declared evd free on october 20, 2014. we quantified the impact of early control measures in preventing further spread of evd in nigeria and calc ...201525979285
an account of the ebola virus disease outbreak in nigeria: implications and lessons learnt.the 2014 ebola virus disease (evd) outbreak remains unprecedented both in the number of cases, deaths and geographic scope. the first case of evd was confirmed in lagos nigeria on 23 july 2014 and spread to involve 19 laboratory-confirmed evd cases. the evd cases were not limited to lagos state as rivers state recorded 2 confirmed cases of evd with 1 out of the 2 dying. swift implementation of public health measures were sufficient to forestall a country -wide spread of this dreaded disease. thi ...201728693453
ethical challenges of containing ebola: the nigerian experience.responding effectively to an outbreak of disease often requires routine processes to be set aside in favour of unconventional approaches. consequently, an emergency response situation usually generates ethical dilemmas. the emergence of the ebola virus in the densely populated cities of lagos and port harcourt in nigeria brought bleak warnings of a rapidly expanding epidemic. however, these fears never materialised largely due to the swift reaction of emergency response and incident management o ...201526091816
an evaluation of psychological distress and social support of survivors and contacts of ebola virus disease infection and their relatives in lagos, nigeria: a cross sectional september 2014, an outbreak of ebola viral disease (evd) in west african countries of guinea, liberia, sierra leone, senegal and nigeria, had recorded over 4500 and 2200 probable or confirmed cases and deaths respectively. evd, an emerging infectious disease, can create fear and panic among patients, contacts and relatives, which could be a risk factor for psychological distress. psychological distress among this subgroup could have public health implication for control of evd, because of pot ...201526307047
gender dimensions to the ebola outbreak in outbreak of ebola disease was declared in lagos, south west nigeria, on 23rd july 2014. later, the outbreak spread to the south south and south eastern part of the country. the last cases occurred on august 31, 2014 and the country was certified to be ebola free on 20th october, 2014. this paper describes the experiences and implications of the ebola outbreak for nigerian women.201726857931
clinical profile and containment of the ebola virus disease outbreak in two large west african cities, nigeria, july-september 2014.the ebola virus disease (evd) outbreak in nigeria began when an infected diplomat from liberia arrived in lagos, the most populous city in africa, with subsequent transmission to another large city.201627575939
comparing the knowledge, attitude and practices of health care workers in public and private primary care facilities in lagos state on ebola virus disease.the west african sub-region is currently witnessing an outbreak of evd that began in december 2013. the first case in nigeria was diagnosed in lagos, at a private medical facility in july 2014. health care workers are known amplifiers of the disease. the study aimed to determine and compare evd knowledge, attitude and practices among hcws in public and private primary care facilities in lagos, nigeria.201526740847
ebola virus disease outbreak - nigeria, july-september 2014.on july 20, 2014, an acutely ill traveler from liberia arrived at the international airport in lagos, nigeria, and was confirmed to have ebola virus disease (ebola) after being admitted to a private hospital. this index patient potentially exposed 72 persons at the airport and the hospital. the federal ministry of health, with guidance from the nigeria centre for disease control (ncdc), declared an ebola emergency. lagos, (pop. 21 million) is a regional hub for economic, industrial, and travel a ...201425275332
preventive and social cost implications of ebola virus disease (evd) outbreak on selected organizations in lagos state, ebola virus disease (evd) continues to pose public health challenge in west africa, with attending fears and socio-economic implications in the current epidemic challenges. it is compelling to estimate the social and preventive costs of evd containment in a nigerian city. hence, this study was to determine the social and preventive cost implications of evd among selected public institutions in lagos, nigeria, from july to december, 2014.201526740848
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