
the u.s.-mexico border infectious disease surveillance project: establishing bi-national border 1997, the centers for disease control and prevention, the mexican secretariat of health, and border health officials began the development of the border infectious disease surveillance (bids) project, a surveillance system for infectious diseases along the u.s.-mexico border. during a 3-year period, a binational team implemented an active, sentinel surveillance system for hepatitis and febrile exanthems at 13 clinical sites. the network developed surveillance protocols, trained nine surveilla ...200312533288
dengue hemorrhagic fever in the northwest of mexico: a two-decade baja california sur, mexico, there are no records of dengue hemorrhagic fever in the state before 1995. until now, there have been no published reports on the incidence rate.201728613285
decades of experience in the diagnosis of dengue fever in the northwest of mexico.the state of baja california sur is in an arid region of mexico, the southern half of the baja california peninsula. given its aridity and physical isolation from mainland mexico, there were no records of dengue fever in the state before 1985. until now, no data on dengue incidence had been published.201726950742
evaluation of internet-based dengue query data: google dengue trends.dengue is a common and growing problem worldwide, with an estimated 70-140 million cases per year. traditional, healthcare-based, government-implemented dengue surveillance is resource intensive and slow. as global internet use has increased, novel, internet-based disease monitoring tools have emerged. google dengue trends (gdt) uses near real-time search query data to create an index of dengue incidence that is a linear proxy for traditional surveillance. studies have shown that gdt correlates ...201424587465
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