
emergence of tem, shv, and ctx-m-extended spectrum β-lactamases and class 1 integron among enterobacter cloacae isolates collected from hospitals of tehran and qazvin, iran.extended-spectrum β-lactamase (esbl) production is an important resistance mechanism among clinical isolates of enterobacter cloacae. tem, shv, and ctx-m are the most common esbl genotypes among enterobacter spp. the main aims of this study were to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern and to detect esbl-encoding genes as well as inti1 genes. one hundred twenty isolates of e. cloacae were collected from hospitals of tehran and qazvin, iran. the isolates were identified by standard l ...201424684320
high prevalence of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance determinants in enterobacter cloacae isolated from hospitals of the qazvin, alborz, and tehran provinces, iran.plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (pmqr) is a growing clinical concern worldwide. the main aims of this study were to detect qnr-encoding genes and to evaluate the clonal relatedness of qnr-positive enterobacter cloacae isolates.201727384824
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