
detection of enteropathogens in fatal and potentially fatal diarrhea in cairo, egypt.a 1-year study of the etiology of acute diarrhea complicated by severe (10%) dehydration, active bleeding, shock and cardiovascular collapse, pneumonia, acute renal failure, or seizures in infants under 18 months of age was performed in cairo, egypt. of 145 infants, 19 (13%) died or left the hospital moribund; the remaining 126 patients were classified as having potentially fatal illness. a variety of enteropathogens were identified with approximately equal frequency in the fatal and nonfatal co ...19863023441
molecular seasonality of giardia lamblia in a cohort of egyptian children: a circannual pattern.giardia lamblia (g. lamblia) is the most worldwide prevailing intestinal parasite, notorious for its broad range of seasonal and age-related prevalence. the potentially lethal nature of giardiasis makes it essential that the seasonality, the groups at risk, and other potential risk factors are identified. the present molecular epidemiological study was designed to determine the genetic diversity of g. lamblia infection, taking into account seasonal peaks, age distribution, and associated symptom ...201627449642
intestinal parasite infections and accuracy of direct thin and thick smear, formol-ether sedimentation, centrifugal flotation, and mini-flotac techniques among patients with gastrointestinal tract disorders from the greater cairo region, egypt.the aim of the present study was to assess the frequency of intestinal parasitic infection among patients with gastrointestinal tract disorders from the greater cairo region, egypt. in addition, a comparison was made of the accuracy of direct thin and thick smear, formol-ether sedimentation (fec), centrifugal flotation (cf), and mini-flotac techniques in the diagnosis of infection. out of 100 patients, the overall prevalence of parasitic infection was 51%. only 6% had dual infection. giardia lam ...201728093543
simultaneous detection of entamoeba histolytica/dispar, giardia duodenalis and cryptosporidia by immunochromatographic assay in stool samples from patients living in the greater cairo region, egypt.gastrointestinal infection due to intestinal parasites is an enormous health problem in developing countries and its reliable diagnosis is demanding. therefore, this study aimed at evaluating a commercially available immunochromatographic assay (ica) for the detection of cryptosporidia, giardia duodenalis, and entamoeba histolytica/dispar for its usefulness in the greater cairo region, egypt. stool samples of 104 patients who presented between october 2012 and march 2013 with gastrointestinal sy ...201526018117
the relation between intestinal troubles and parasitic infection in cairo.stool and urine from 320 subjects in ain shams region, and 200 subjects in nasr city were collected and examined for parasites. all these subjects were suffering from abdominal troubles. the results revealed a marked relation between parasitic infection and abdominal troubles, especially in ain shams region (80%), and to a lesser extent in nasr city (51%). the commonest parasite in ain shams was giardia lamblia (20.3%), and in nasr city was e. histolytica (13%).19902230317
prevalence of giardia lamblia antibodies in serum and milk in lactating women from different social classes in egypt.prevalence and levels of systemic and milk antibodies to g. lamblia in the different social classes of the population were studied using the ifat and nor-partigen immunoglobulin plates. blood and milk samples were collected simultaneously from lactating women in urban (cairo) and rural (benha) areas. serum igg was present in 90% of rural low standard mothers, 58% of urban moderate standard mothers, and 25% or urban high standard mothers (p less than 0.01, p less than 0.001 and p less than 0.01). ...19911765672
age-related rate of seropositivity of antibody to giardia lamblia in different age groups in cairo.two hundred and twenty normal individuals were subjected to giardia lamblia antibody igg analysis. all subjects were of low socioeconomic standard using indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (ifat). according to age the study persons were divided into 4 groups : group i with age in between 6 to 35 months, group ii with age in between 3 years and less than 6 years, group iii with age group ranged between 6 years and 16 years old and group iv with age above 16 years. the seropositivity to giard ...19911765682
diarrhea due to parasites particularly cryptosporidium parvum in great cairo, egypt.a total of 110 stool samples from out and in-patients from different areas in great cairo suffering from diarrhea were examined for parasitic causes. stool samples were subjected to the direct wet smear method and sheather's sugar flotation and stained with giemsa and/or modified ziehl-neelsen. also, stool samples were cultured on agar plates for strongyloidiasis. the overall parasitic infection rate was 60.9% and non parasitic cause was 39.1%. the parasitic infection rate in a descending order ...201021246951
impact of giardia lamblia on growth, serum levels of zinc, copper, and iron in egyptian children.the aim of this study is to evaluate the serological levels of zinc, copper and iron in giardia lamblia-infected children and to study the effect of giardiasis on their weight compared to controls. we studied 30 children, 1-10 years old, who attended the outpatient clinics of cairo university pediatric hospital, with gastrointestinal complaints and diagnosed as having giardiasis by stools examination, they were enrolled as a study group. the control group consisted of 30 age- and sex-matched hea ...201120340051
parasitic infection among children living in two orphanages in cairo.children living in institutions as orphanages are more exposed to intestinal parasitism, since crowding and behavioral pattern contribute greatly to the spread of parasitic infection. the present study was conducted on 100 children living in ain-shams and el-mowassa orphanages, cairo. twenty children living under appropriate health conditions were studied as controls. ages of both groups ranged from 6-12 years. the results of this study revealed that 69/100 (69%) orphanage children were positive ...19948169435
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