
pcr detection of burkholderia cepacia complex as one of key factors to handle a long-term outbreak.once the outbreak with burkholderia cenocepacia st32 was identified in the prague cystic fibrosis (cf) centre, molecular tools were implemented into diagnostic routine in order to complement infection control measures with as accurate as possible microbiological service. in addition, genotyping techniques were applied as part of an infection surveillance program to assign species and strain status in samples positive for burkholderia cepacia complex (bcc). we sought to evaluate a usefulness of b ...201222622026
burkholderia cepacia complex in cystic fibrosis in the post-epidemic period: multilocus sequence typing-based approach.cystic fibrosis (cf) patients in the czech republic suffered in the late 1990s from an epidemic with st32 strain of burkholderia cepacia complex (bcc). cohort segregation of bcc and of st32 positive patients was introduced in 1999 and 2002, respectively. we performed a study to evaluate the molecular epidemiology of bcc infection after implementation of these infection control measures. patients attending the prague cf adult centre from 2000 to 2015 were included in the present study. demographi ...201728364392
[transplantations of lungs in the czech republic - from the perspective of the pathologist].lung transplantation has become a standard therapeutic procedure for patients with end-stage pulmonary diseases in the czech republic. there were 246 lung transplantations performed from december 1997 to the end of november 2014 at the 3rd department of surgery, 1st faculty of medicine, charles university in prague and motol university hospital. the most common indications for transplantation were chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 39.4 % of patients, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in 28.9 ...201526585108
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